1000 resultados para waste usage


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Corrosion reduces the lifetime of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) superheater tubes more than any other cause. It can be minimized by the careful selection of those materials that are most resistant to corrosion under operating conditions. Since thousands of different materials are already known and many more are developed every year, here the selection methodology developed by Prof. Ashby of the University of Cambridge was used to evaluate the performance of different materials to be used as MSWI superheater tubes. The proposed materials can operate at steam pressures and temperatures over 40 bars and 400ºC, respectively. Two case studies are presented: one makes a balanced selection between mechanical properties and cost per thermal unit; and the other focuses on increasing tube lifetime. The balanced selection showed that AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel (wrought, hard tempered) is the best candidate with a good combination of corrosion resistance, a relatively low price (0.83-0.92 e/kg) and a good thermal conductivity (23-27 W/m K). Meanwhile, Nitronic 50/XM-19 stainless steel is the most promising candidate for longterm selection, as it presents high corrosion resistance with a relatively low price (4.86-5.14 e/kg) compared to Ni-alloys.


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Law 15/2012 established in Spain four new environmental taxes and extended the scope objective excise duties on mineral oils to tax the use of natural gas and coal as sources of electricity. One of the newly created taxes falls on all electric power producers, and has as tax base the turnover. The second one tax hydropower production, and the other two fall on the nuclear industry. So, there are two new taxes in Spain on the production of electricity from nuclear sources. The first one is a tax on nuclear waste production; the second one is a tax on the storage of nuclear waste. However, these are not the only levies in the Spanish tax system affecting nuclear waste. At the State level there are already several charges on nuclear waste. At the regional level, on the other hand, two Autonomous Communities were taxing nuclear waste. The creation of these new State taxes will finish with the regional taxes, but the State will be oblige to compensate these regions for losing revenues. The purpose of this work is to carry out a critical analysis of the Spanish system of taxation on nuclear waste.


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CERN-MEDICIS (Medical Isotopes Collected from ISOLDE) est une plateforme de recherche destinée à la production de radioisotopes biomédicaux. Inauguré en 2014, il produira progressivement un nombre croissant de radioisotopes grâce au faisceau de protons ISOLDE déjà existant. Ce projet réunit des spécialistes du cancer, des chirurgiens, des experts en médecine nucléaire, en radiochimie et radiopharmacie et les scientifiques du CERN. Les radioisotopes ainsi produits seront destinés à la recherche fondamentale contre le cancer, à des études précliniques ainsi qu'au développement de protocoles d'imagerie et de thérapie destinés aux patients.Le CERN, les HUG, le CHUV, l'ISREC et l'EPFL qui soutiennent ce projet seront les premiers bénéficiaires de ces radioisotopes novateurs dont la distribution sera ensuite étendue à d'autres centres européens. CERN-MEDICIS is a facility dedicated to research and development in life science and medical applications. The research platform was inaugurated in October 2014 and will produce an increasing range of innovative isotopes using the proton beam of ISOLDE for fundamental studies in cancer research, for new imaging and therapy protocols in cell and animal models and for preclinical trials, possibly extended to specific early phase clinical studies (phase 0) up to phase I trials. CERN, the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer (ISREC) at Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (EPFL) that currently support the project will benefit of the initial production that will then be extended to other centers.


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Oxalate is a highly insoluble metabolic waste excreted by the kidneys. Disturbances of oxalate metabolism are encountered in enteric hyperoxaluria (secondary to malabsorption, gastric bypass or in case of insufficient Oxalobacter colonization), in hereditary hyperoxaluria and in intoxication (ethylene glycol, vitamin C). Hyperoxaluria causes a large spectrum of diseases, from isolated hyperoxaluria to kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis formation, eventually leading to kidney failure and systemic oxalosis with life-threatening deposits in vital organs. New causes of hyperoxaluria are arising recently, in particular after gastric bypass surgery, which requires regular and preemptive monitoring. The treatment of hyperoxaluria involves reduction in oxalate intake and increase in calcium intake. Optimal urine dilution and supplementation with inhibitors of kidney stone formation (citrate) are required. Some conditions may need vitamin B6 supplementation, and the addition of probiotics might be useful in the future. Primary care physicians should identify cases of recurrent calcium oxalate stones and severe hyperoxaluria. Further management of hyperoxaluria requires specialized care.


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Objectifs: Le dosage des biomarqueurs du liquide céphalorachidien (LCR) ne fait pas partie des recommandations de la démarche diagnostique de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) en France. Nous voulions analyser l'apport de leur dosage en pratique clinique quotidienne. Matériel et méthode: Étude rétrospective observationnelle, portant sur l'ensemble des dosages de biomarqueurs du LCR de la MA effectués entre le 1er novembre 2010 et le 30 septembre 2012 dans l'hôpital de jour (HDJ) et le service de médecine interne gériatrique (SMIG) du centre mémoire de ressources et de recherche (CMRR) des hôpitaux universitaires de Strasbourg (Alsace, France). Résultats: Quatre-vingt-dix-sept patients (femmes : 60,8 % ; âge moyen : 80 ± 6,5 ans) ont été considérés. En HDJ (n = 50), les biomarqueurs étaient utilisés pour le diagnostic positif de MA (64,0 %) ou le diagnostic différentiel entre les démences (36,0 %). Au SMIG (n = 47), leur dosage était effectué afin de confirmer une MA (19,1 %), de rechercher une pathologie cognitive sous-jacente à un syndrome confusionnel (17,0 %) ou pour diagnostiquer une démence chez des patients atteints de pathologies psychiatriques (29,8 %). Si 49,5 % des patients ont eu un diagnostic de MA confirmée, les biomarqueurs ont contribué à infirmer cette étiologie dans 9,2 % des cas. Le doute entre une MA et une autre étiologie persistait cependant encore chez 10 patients. Les analyses comparatives des taux des différents biomarqueurs ont montré que la protéine tau est observée avec un taux significativement plus élevé dans la MA que dans la démence vasculaire (p = 0,003) et à la limite de la significativité pour la maladie de Parkinson (p = 0,06). Le profil observé avec la Ptau est similaire mais avec une significativité atteinte vis-à-vis de la démence de la maladie de Parkinson (p = 0,01). En ce qui concerne l'Aβ1-42, si les taux moyens étaient les plus élevés dans les démences vasculaire et à corps de Lewy, (p < 0,0001 et p < 0,01), ils étaient plus faibles en cas de démence de la maladie de Parkinson mais sans atteindre le seuil de signification (p = 0,12). Conclusion: Cette étude a analysé l'utilisation des biomarqueurs de la MA en pratique courante. Si leur intérêt se positionne actuellement dans le diagnostic de la MA à un stade léger, ces biomarqueurs montrent leur utilité dans les situations où le diagnostic clinique est rendu difficile par un trouble psychiatrique et/ou une confusion, une clinique atypique où lorsque les tests cognitifs sont irréalisables.


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Combining headspace (HS) sampling with a needle-trap device (NTD) to determine priority volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples results in improved sensitivity and efficiency when compared to conventional static HS sampling. A 22 gauge stainless steel, 51-mm needle packed with Tenax TA and Carboxen 1000 particles is used as the NTD. Three different HS-NTD sampling methodologies are evaluated and all give limits of detection for the target VOCs in the ng L−1 range. Active (purge-and-trap) HS-NTD sampling is found to give the best sensitivity but requires exhaustive control of the sampling conditions. The use of the NTD to collect the headspace gas sample results in a combined adsorption/desorption mechanism. The testing of different temperatures for the HS thermostating reveals a greater desorption effect when the sample is allowed to diffuse, whether passively or actively, through the sorbent particles. The limits of detection obtained in the simplest sampling methodology, static HS-NTD (5 mL aqueous sample in 20 mL HS vials, thermostating at 50 °C for 30 min with agitation), are sufficiently low as to permit its application to the analysis of 18 priority VOCs in natural and waste waters. In all cases compounds were detected below regulated levels


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Anàlisi de l'ús de OpenCourseWare per mitjà de marcadors socials


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Cette contribution commence par établir que les expositions universelles sont traversées par un ensemble de dynamiques contradictoires qui reflètent celles intervenant dans le processus de la mondialisation qu'elles ont précisément pour vocation de mettre en scène. Parmi ces différents dynamiques, il en est une qui mérite que l'on s'y arrête de nouveau : celle ayant d'abord opposé sciences et loisirs avant de les associer comme organisateurs de la vie sociale. Comment les expositions universelles ont-elles représenté ces deux types d'activités qui leur ont été centrales ? L'article avance que l'évolution de la fonction de normalisation sociale attachée aux sciences et aux divertissements peut être éclairée par une analyse de l'usage qui a été fait des émotions par les organisateurs et commentateurs de ces manifestations. Le phénomène est examiné à la lumière des concepts d'émotionologie, d'émotif et de communauté émotionnelle développés par les historiens des émotions. This article starts from the premise that international exhibitions are driven by the same contradictory dynamics underlying the process of globalization which they seek to stage. Among these various dynamics, there is need to further study the one that has involved science and leisure as organizers of social life in a dyadic relationship evolving historically from opposition to accommodation. Drawing on the concepts of «emotionolgy », « emotives » and « emotional communities », the study attempts to show how changes in the normalizing functions of science and leisure can be highlighted through the shifting use of emotions by the organizers and commentators of world's fairs.


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This paper analyses the factors that determine solid waste service costs. The empirical analysis is based on information derived from a survey conducted in a sample of Galician municipalities. The results reveal economies of scale in municipalities of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, such that cooperation between these municipalities could lead to cost savings. It also appears that private delivery is not cheaper than public delivery. Finally, designating a larger proportion of the total waste volume to recycling does not imply greater costs.