883 resultados para unity


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of study was to verify what tactical behaviors differ winner from loser teams in small sized games in youth soccer players. The tactical performance of winners and losers teams was compared through of System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT). Three thousand eight hundred and eight tactical actions were carried out by seventy-two youth soccer players from the under-11 (n=12), under-13 (n=12), under-15 (n=30) and under-17 (n=18) categories of Portuguese teams. Twenty four teams were composed to analyze, each team carried out one match (12 match analyzed). Each team was composed by three line players with goalkeeper which was not analyzed in test. The statistical analysis was performed thought the SPSS 17.0 software for Windows. A descriptive analyze and the KolmogorovSmirnov, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U and T-Test tests to the independent samples was carried out, and the Cohen’s Kappa test to determining of the sample reability. Considering 76 variables analyzed, 12 presented significant differences among players of winners and loses teams. The players of the winner teams presented superiority in Macro-Category Action, in the Defensive tactical principles, Equilibrium and Defensive Unity. In the category Local of action in the Field, the winner teams presented superiority in the number of defensive actions performed in the defensive midfielder. In the category Result of the action, the variables Keep without the ball, Retrieving the ball possession and Shots on goal the winner teams presented higher results, while in variables Losing the ball possession and Suffering shot on goal the loser teams presented higher results. In the Performance Macro-Category, the superiority of the winners was showed by better Tactical Performance Index (TPI) in the Penetration principles, Offensive Unity, and in the Offensive phase of the game. The results demonstrated that the winner players presented superiority in both stages of the game.


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This is a theoretical paper that seeks to work, through interrelations, concepts relating to contemporary aesthetics in parallel to phenomenon of perception. It begins with the aesthetic interaction between content and form in order to trace the development of perceptionexpression interaction, inserted into the mutual action of its physical and psychical aspects "through behind" a thinking mind. In order to generalize such interaction to reality itself as a natural and evolutionary cycle, we start from the analysis of perception of more complex organic beings, endowed with consciousness, to extend the question to the simplest organic beings, as even to inorganics. It is based upon principles of equilibrium and unity in diversity to highlight a historical fact that it seems undeniable: that man evolves and this evolution, their perception clears, while that is particularized your experience and aesthetic judgment. Having in the art, the activity can boost an evolution more profound while pleasurable.


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This article highlights the theoretical and methodological unity existing between the culturalhistorical psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy, taking the category of mediation as a central element of analysis. This fact is justified since that category is emerging as an essential premise of the historical-materialist dialectical method; and this method, in turn, is the foundation of both the historicalcultural psychology and the pedagogy historical-critical. For achieving the stated aim, the text is organized around two themes. The first goes back to the historical-cultural conception of psychism, highlighting of internalization of signs as a condition for the development of that psychism; the second brings into focus the relationship between internalization of signs and concept formation, in order to demonstrate that the quality of the concepts in the training school is the intervening variable in the psychological development. By the way of concluding remarks, it is said the internalization of signs as a central element of mediation between historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy.


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Considering that Cultural-Historical theory has been gaining importance within Brazilian Psychology in the last decades, this essay aims at contributing to understanding its ontological and epistemological foundations, introducing the concepts of singularity, particularity and universality of the dialectics that exists between them. The analysis looks to explore the implications to Psychology, both as a science and as a professional practice, of the lukacsian indication about the need to apprehend the connections between singularity, particularity and universality as a condition for understanding the essence of phenomena. In that sense, this analysis brings light to the individual/society dynamics unity affirmed by historical-dialectical materialism, which contributes to overcoming of the dichotomies usually established between the poles of this relationship.


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From the concept of Environmental Education proposed by I.U.C.N. in the 1970’s and considering some of the main teaching methodologies adopted in activities regarding Environmental Education, this paper aims to analyze the methodology named Pedagogy of the Project and presenting some alterations of this method, especially in relation to considered study unity: the watershed. Some teaching techniques are also presented, as well as didactic resources and considerations regarding the questions that can be developed for the students within the teaching or evaluation process. This purpose is complementary to others already existents and can be applied in many environmental or socioeconomics situations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present study aimed to analyze indicators of energy efficiency and economic production of piglets from family farmers in Paraná. We sought to determine possible differences in energy efficiencies and economic producers who manufactured rations on their property and those who bought rations Cooperative. The sample was obtained by accessibility (six producers who manufactured and six who bought rations) and not probabilistic, and the raw data were transformed into energy and economic units, and processed in electronic spreadsheets. The two production systems of piglets in the nursery phase, family farming, showed negative energy balance, with energy inputs higher than outputs. The two systems of rearing piglets showed no differences in energy efficiency, ie, they were not self-sufficient and needed to import energy sources from other systems. The indicators of economic efficiency of producers who buy rations as those who produce them in their properties were less than unity. Thus, most producers did not generate enough revenue to pay the costs in the short term and lost money.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivou-se identificar o padrão de funcionamento familiar nas relações de cuidado cotidiano de adultos na quarta idade. Trata-se de estudo de natureza diagnóstico-avaliativa de idosos de 80 e mais anos, dependentes de cuidados, e de seus familiares cuidadores, selecionados entre os cadastrados nas unidades de Saúde da Família de um distrito de periferia de Belém-PA, avaliando-os quanto à dinâmica de família, qualidade de vida e estilo de vida relacionado à saúde. Observou-se que a maioria dos idosos avaliou sua família como tendo boa funcionalidade. Porém, os demais dados relativos à qualidade de vida de idosos e cuidadores, como também, estilo de vida dos cuidadores recaíram no nível mediano, levando a inferir certa dificuldade no padrão de funcionamento familiar. Conclui-se que os múltiplos resultados obtidos sinalizam implicações práticas de atenção à unidade familiar e confirmam a necessidade de avaliação multidimensional em intervenção de família.


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This inquiry reveals the crucial guidance of teachers toward surveying the capacity and needs of students, the formation of ideas, acting upon ideas, fostering connections, seeing potential, making judgments, and arranging conditions. Each aesthetic trace causes me to wonder how teachers learn to create experiences that foster student participation in the world aesthetically. The following considerations surface: • Given the emphasis in schools on outcomes and results, how do we encourage teachers to focus on acts of mind instead of end products in their work with students? • Given the orientations toward technical rationality, to fixed sequence, how do we help teachers experience fluid, purposeful learning adventures with students in which the imagi¬nation is given room to play? • Given the tendency to conceive of planning in teaching as the deciding of everything in advance, how do we help teachers and students become attuned to making good judgments derived from within learning experiences? • How do we help teachers build dialogical multivoiced conversations instead of monolithic curriculum? • What do we do to recover the pleasure dwelling in subject matter? How do we get teachers and students to engage thoughtfully in meaningful learning as opposed to covering curriculum7 • A capacity to attend sensitively, to perceive the complexity of relationships coming together in any teaching/learning experience seems critical. How do we help teachers and students attend to the unity of a learning experience and the play of meanings that arises from such undergoing and doing? The traces, patterns, and texture evidenced locate tremendous hope and wondrous possibilities alive within aesthetic teaching/learning encounters. It is such aliveness I encountered in the grade 4 art classroom that opened this account and continues to compel my attention. Possibilities for teaching, learning, and teacher education emerge. I am convinced they are most worthy of continued pursuit.