860 resultados para teaching of philosophy
[ES]En este artículo se presenta una experiencia de innovación que se ha articulado, en el seno de un diseño curricular a través de módulos, al objeto de mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se están desarrollando en la Facultad de Fª y Ciencias de la Educación de la UPV/EHU. El marco de innovación aprovecha la oportunidad surgida con la configuración de los nuevos planes de estudio para su convergencia en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. El contexto más amplio en el que se enmarca esta experiencia, es el de los cambios organizativos, curriculares y culturales, que está suponiendo la realización de un diseño modular de las nuevas titulaciones de grado (Pedagogía y Educación Social), trabajando en equipos docentes coordinados y contando con el apoyo institucional de la UPV/EHU. La innovación concreta que se presenta, describe minuciosamente uno de los siete módulos que componen la nueva titulación del Grado en Educación Social, y subraya la labor desplegada por el equipo docente que imparte las cinco materias que conforman el módulo en las dos lenguas oficiales: euskara y castellano, al planificar, desarrollar y evaluar la actividad interdisciplinar que les compete de manera coordinada. En este trabajo se reflexiona respecto a las posibilidades que la estructura modular ofrece para acometer un cambio real en la cultura de la práctica docente, y a cómo gestionar factores clave que garanticen el tránsito a un modelo docente activo, participativo y colaborativo. // This paper presents an innovative approach to improving teacher quality that is being developed at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the UPV / EHU, taking the opportunity arose with the configuration of the new curricula for their convergence in the European Higher Education Area. It is framed in the broader context of organizational change, curriculum and cultural, that is assuming the implementation of a modular design of the new degree (Education and Social Education), working in teams coordinated and with the institutional support of the UPV. The concrete innovation is presented, describes one of the seven modules of the new degree of Social Education, and underlines the work done by the faculty team who teach the five subjects that make up the module in the two official languages: Basque and Spanish, because they must plan, develop and evaluate the interdisciplinary activity in a coordinated manner. We reflect in this paper on the potential that the modular structure offers to undertake real change in the culture of teaching practice, and how to manage key factors to ensure the transition to a teaching model active, participatory and collaborative.
HUMOR: OUR VIEW FOR MATHEMATICS TEACHING Our assumptions and context. Process humor and be able to produce is clearly a sign of intelligence, revealing, when done well, complex reasoning. Humor has an important social role, assuming as a cognitive experience that as well as creating a sense of well-being, predisposes people to work and can improve the productivity of that work. Mathematics is a discipline in which the reasoning occupies a very prominent place, both as a science as a school area. At the same time, students' interest for mathematics is not always the same and some have initially not very favorable feelings (Toh, 2009; Wanzer, Frymier & Irwin, 2010). Recent curriculum changes to the teaching of mathematics have been, in most countries of the world, showing the need for students to develop skills of critical nature, such as communication, thinking and problem solving along with the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. Also in Portugal, it is claimed the importance of promoting learning that combine the construction of mathematical knowledge with its use, when performing mathematical tasks and communicating mathematical ideas and mathematical reasoning. In the early years of schooling, corresponding to primary education in many countries, the use of texts such as short stories or comics, from which we can develop challenging mathematical tasks, is reported in the literature as having potential to promote learning specified in curricular documents (Wanzer, Frymier., & Irwin, 2010). In particular, some texts focus on mathematical topics in a humorous way and to be understood, students must develop their mathematical competence. The development of mathematical tasks from stories and other humorous presents big challenges to teachers (Flores & Moreno, 2011). Our questions. In this context, we put some questions: Primary teachers use in their classes tasks or situations that present, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas? What resources do they use? Also: How to select, adapt or build texts and tasks which have, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas with didactic potential for education in the early years of schooling? If the resources for this purpose have been produced and if teachers have been sensitized for their use, are they able to integrate them in their classes? Our intentions. This research project seeks to address these questions, focused on: (i ) assessment of teachers’ practices and underlying knowledge, resources available for the use of texts with mathematical ideas presented in a humorous way; (ii) selection, adaptation and construction of mathematical tasks from texts that present, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas with didactic potential in education for the early years of schooling; and ( iii ) integration and use, by primary school teachers, of texts that present , in a humorous way, contexts for the teaching of mathematics. So, the project is organized into three tasks and as a methodological design that combines qualitative elements with quantitative elements, the first one prevailing.
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a technology that deals with location to support better representations and decision making. It has a long tradition in several planning areas, such as urbanism, environment, riskiness, transportation, archeology or tourism. In academics context higher education has followed that evolution. Despite of their potentialities in education, GIS technologies at the elementary and secondary have been underused. Empowering graduates to learn with GIS and to manipulate spatial data can effectively facilitate the teaching of critical thinking. Likewise it has been recognized that GIS tools can be incorporated as an interdisciplinary pedagogical tool. Nevertheless more practical examples on how GIS tools can enhance teaching and learning process, namely to promote interdisciplinary approaches. The proposed paper presents some results obtained from the project “Each thing in its place: the science in time and space”. This project results from the effort of three professors of Geography, History and Natural Sciences in the context of Didactics of World Knowledge curricular unit to enhance interdisciplinarity through Geographic Information Technologies (GIT). Implemented during the last three years this action-research project developed the research practice using GIS to create an interdisciplinary attitude in the future primary education teachers. More than teaching GIS the authors were focused on teaching with GIS to create an integrated vision where spatial data representation linked the space, the time and natural sciences. Accumulated experience reveals that those technologies can motivate students to learn and facilitating teacher’s interdisciplinary work.
Since early 80s the Council of Europe has taken a great approach to teaching and learning of languages by encouraging plurilingual practices instead of multilingual practices, being these understood as the coexistence of several languages within a given society. In this context, we believe that once one learns many languages, one values one's native language, allowing one to understand it more clearly and to communicate with others on an equal footing and, more importantly, one also learns about other cultures. This is an issue of great importance in order to value and respect one's own and other cultures in the context of European integration. Considering this, in this article, we present two linked projects: a) the “PrimaLang” project, related teaching practices multilingual promoting critical cultural awarenessl in the 1st cycle of Portuguese Primary School System; b) the “Plurilingual” project, which refers to the design of a coursebook which stimulates the development of a plurilingual competence in the 1st cycle of Portuguese Primary School System. At the same time, we analyze some materials made by students and teachers in the projects to better understand their contribution under the InterNetwork Comenius Project
Terms like Internet, cyberspace, virtual reality, in short, globalization, have been frequently words for all of us, in recent years. This refers to the phenomenon that has shaken the people of this world. Are rapidly changing due to technological advances and complex levels reaching relations between countries, corporations, partnerships and people.The attempt to understand the phenomenon of globalization is compounded when we try to understand the term, coined by Marshall McLuhan.McLuhan was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and studied at the Universities of Manitoba and Cambridge, the latter of which he received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy specializing in English Literature. He taught at the universities of Wisconsin and St. Louis and University of the Assumption and Saint Michael's College, University of Toronto, where he was director of the Center for Culture and Technology.Marshall McLuhan and B. R. Powers, wrote the play, The Village Global1. The universe has become a village is the future predicted for them in the 60's. Today reality has overtaken the theory. However, this phenomenon is presented in this work, so whimsical style reminiscent of Jules Verne, but does not clarify the content of the term. While we believe that in the past there were attempts; globalize these attempts were very different from what we understand by globalization.
Defende-se hoje que o Ensino Básico deve, acima de tudo, dotar os alunos de competências que lhes permitam interagir com a sociedade em que se inserem, o que legitima as expectativas no sentido da formação de cidadãos capacitados para exercer a sua responsabilidade social. O processo de Reorganização Curricular do Ensino Básico actualmente em curso, em Portugal, segue esta orientação e propõe um ensino das ciências no sentido da formação dos alunos para a literacia científica. Ora, neste contexto o movimento CTS (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade) assume-se como uma filosofia de ensino que muito se coaduna com os fins pretendidos. Para tal, é importante ter recursos didácticos consonantes com esta perspectiva, que suportem as práticas dos professores. O presente estudo teve por objectivo conceber e validar recursos didácticos CTS utilizáveis por professores e alunos, no âmbito do ensino e da aprendizagem do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra, no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico. O percurso metodológico seguido incluiu várias etapas de entre as quais se destacam pela sua importância: a selecção de um contexto viável para a abordagem do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra; a planificação da abordagem CTS do referido tema; a formulação de questões-problema centradas nos domínios científico, social e tecnológico; a definição dos objectivos CTS na abordagem do problema em causa; a organização de estratégias de exploração das questões problema; a validação dos Recursos Didácticos por professores de Química qualificados e experientes. Optou-se, de uma forma fundamentada, pelo contexto geral “Barragem de Alqueva”. O produto final do presente estudo apresenta-se na forma de um Caderno de Recursos Didácticos CTS constituído por catorze actividades, organizado em Notas para o Professor, Tarefas para o Aluno e Resposta Adequada, concebidas para o contexto geral Barragem de Alqueva, e estruturadas em torno de quatro sub-temas orientadores: Água, Energia, Materiais e Resíduos. Com vista à validação dos Recursos Didácticos construídos planificou-se e realizou-se o Workshop “Sustentabilidade na Terra – perspectivas didácticas para a sua abordagem” que foi dinamizado pela autora e dirigido a um painel de treze Professores Avaliadores e no qual participaram também, como Avaliadoras Externas, duas professoras especialistas em formação de professores. VII O processo de validação evidenciou que na opinião dos avaliadores: o contexto Barragem de Alqueva é de grande relevância social e adequado à abordagem da temática Sustentabilidade na Terra; os recursos didácticos são adequados quanto ao interesse e extensão dos textos inseridos nas problemáticas desenvolvidas, quanto à adequabilidade da linguagem à faixa etária a que se destinam, quanto ao grau de profundidade dos objectos de ensino, favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma atitude crítica, favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma atitude investigativa, de recolha de dados e busca de informação complementar, contribuem para o desenvolvimento de atitudes de preservação do ambiente e contribuem para a compreensão do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra; as questões que constituem as Tarefas para o Aluno são, em geral, exequíveis pelos alunos a que se destinam. O processo de validação foi considerado quer pelos Professores Avaliadores, quer pelas Avaliadoras Externas, adequado aos objectivos do Workshop e, de um modo geral, muito importante na formulação de uma opinião sobre os Recursos Didácticos. As Avaliadoras Externas consideraram-no válido e fiável o que legitima as conclusões dele decorrentes. Deste modo, pode dizer-se que o contributo do presente estudo para a inovação no ensino da Química se reflecte no Caderno de Recursos Didácticos construído bem como na explicitação de uma metodologia útil para investigadores e professores interessados na concepção e construção de recursos CTS.
The shift from decentralized to centralized A-level examinations (Abitur) was implemented in the German school system as a measure of Educational Governance in the last decade. This reform was mainly introduced with the intention of providing higher comparability of school examinations and student achievement as well as increasing fairness in school examinations. It is not known yet if these ambitious aims and functions of the new centralized examination format have been achieved and if fairer assessment can be guaranteed in terms of providing all students with the same opportunities to pass the examinations by allocating fair tests to different student subpopulations e.g., students of different background or gender. The research presented in this article deals with these questions and focuses on gender differences. It investigates gender-specific fairness of the test items in centralized Abitur examinations as high school exit examinations in Germany. The data are drawn from Abitur examinations in English (as a foreign language). Differential item functioning (DIF) analysis reveals that at least some parts of the examinations indicate gender inequality. (DIPF/Orig.)
L’idée selon laquelle les enfants sont des sujets à part entière de considérations de justice n’est pas très contestée. Les enfants ont des intérêts qui leur sont propres et ont un statut moral indépendant de leurs parents : ils ne sont ni la propriété de ces derniers ni une simple extension de leur personne. Pourtant, les travaux des plus grands théoriciens de la justice en philosophie politique contemporaine ne contiennent pas de discussion systématique du statut moral et politique des enfants et du contenu de nos obligations à leur égard. Cette thèse contribue à remédier à cette omission à travers l’examen de quatre grandes questions principales. (1) Quelles sont les obligations de justice de l’état libéral envers les enfants ? (2) Quels types de politiques publiques en matière d’éducation des enfants sont moralement légitimes ? (3) Jusqu’à quel point est-il moralement acceptable pour les parents de délibérément forger la vision du monde de leurs enfants ? (4) Quels critères moraux devraient guider l’élaboration de politiques en matière d’éducation morale dans les écoles ? Cette thèse est constituée de quatre articles. Le premier, « Political Liberalism and Children’s Education », aborde les questions du fondement normatif et des implications du principe de ‘neutralité éducative’ ou ‘anti-perfectionnisme éducatif’. Selon ce principe, il n’est pas légitime pour l’État libéral de délibérément promouvoir, à travers ses politiques publiques en éducation, une conception particulière de la vie bonne. L’article défend les idées suivantes. D’abord, ledit principe est exclusivement fondé sur des raisons de justice envers les parents. Ensuite, l’anti-perfectionnisme libéral n’est pas, pour autant, ‘mauvais pour les enfants’, puisqu’une vaste gamme d’interventions politiques dans la vie familiale et l’éducation des enfants sont, de manière surprenante, justifiables dans ce cadre théorique. Le deuxième article, « On the Permissibility of Shaping Children’s Values », examine la question de savoir si les parents ont un droit moral de forger délibérément l’identité, la conception du monde et les valeurs de leurs enfants. L’article développe une critique de la conception anti-perfectionniste des devoirs parentaux et propose un nouvel argument libéral à l’appui d’un droit parental conditionnel de forger l’identité de leurs enfants. L’article introduit également une distinction importante entre les notions d’éducation compréhensive et d’« enrôlement » compréhensif. Le troisième article, « Common Education and the Practice of Liberal Neutrality: The Loyola High School Case », défend trois thèses principales à travers une analyse normative de l’affaire juridique de l’école Loyola. Premièrement, il est légitime pour l’État libéral d’adopter un modèle d’éducation commune fort. Deuxièmement, la thèse selon laquelle la neutralité comme approche éducative serait impossible est injustifiée. Troisièmement, il existe néanmoins de bonnes raisons pour l’État libéral d’accommoder plusieurs écoles religieuses qui rejettent le modèle de la neutralité. Le quatrième article, « Which Moral Issues Should be Taught as Controversial? », critique à la fois le critère ‘épistémique’ dominant pour déterminer quels enjeux moraux devraient être enseignés aux jeunes comme ‘controversés’, et à la fois la manière dont le débat sur l’enseignement des enjeux controversés fut construit au cours des dernières années, d’un point de vue substantiel et méthodologique. L’article propose une manière alternative d’aborder le débat, laquelle prend adéquatement en compte la pluralité des objectifs de l’éducation et un ensemble d’autres considérations morales pertinentes.
Title of dissertation: MAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC INVESTIGATIONS OF TURBULENT SPHERICAL COUETTE FLOW Matthew M. Adams, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Dissertation directed by: Professor Daniel Lathrop Department of Physics This dissertation describes experiments in spherical Couette devices, using both gas and liquid sodium. The experimental geometry is motivated by the Earth's outer core, the seat of the geodynamo, and consists of an outer spherical shell and an inner sphere, both of which can be rotated independently to drive a shear flow in the fluid lying between them. In the case of experiments with liquid sodium, we apply DC axial magnetic fields, with a dominant dipole or quadrupole component, to the system. We measure the magnetic field induced by the flow of liquid sodium using an external array of Hall effect magnetic field probes, as well as two probes inserted into the fluid volume. This gives information about possible velocity patterns present, and we extend previous work categorizing flow states, noting further information that can be extracted from the induced field measurements. The limitations due to a lack of direct velocity measurements prompted us to work on developing the technique of using acoustic modes to measure zonal flows. Using gas as the working fluid in our 60~cm diameter spherical Couette experiment, we identified acoustic modes of the container, and obtained excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. For the case of uniform rotation of the system, we compared the acoustic mode frequency splittings with theoretical predictions for solid body flow, and obtained excellent agreement. This gave us confidence in extending this work to the case of differential rotation, with a turbulent flow state. Using the measured splittings for this case, our colleagues performed an inversion to infer the pattern of zonal velocities within the flow, the first such inversion in a rotating laboratory experiment. This technique holds promise for use in liquid sodium experiments, for which zonal flow measurements have historically been challenging.
Abstract Title of Document: Diversity in Catalytic Reactions of Propargylic Diazoesters Huang Qiu, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Directed By: Professor Michael P. Doyle, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Propargylic aryldiazoesters, which possess multiple reactive functional groups in a single molecule, were expected to undergo divergent reaction pathways as a function of catalysts. A variety of transition metal complexes including rhodium(II), palladium(II), silver(I), mercury(II), copper(I and II), and cationic gold (I) complexes have been examined to be effective in the catalytic domino reactions of propargylic aryldiazoesters. An unexpected Lewis acid catalyzed pathway was also discovered by using FeCl3 as the catalyst. Under the catalysis of selected gold catalysts, propargylic aryldiazoesters exist in equilibrium with 1-aryl-1,2-dien-1-yl diazoacetate allenes that are rapidly formed at room temperature through 1,3-acyloxy migration. The newly formed allenes further undergo a metal-free rearrangement in which the terminal nitrogen of the diazo functional group adds to the central carbon of the allene initiating a sequence of bond forming reactions resulting in the production of 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazol-4-ones in good yields. These 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazol-4-ones undergo intramolecular 1,3-acyl migration to form an equilibrium mixture or quantitatively transfer the acyl group to an external nucleophile with formation of 4-hydroxypyrazoles. In the presence of a pyridine-N-oxide, both E- and Z-1,3-dienyl aryldiazoacetates are formed in high combined yields by Au(I)-catalyzed rearrangement of propargyl arylyldiazoacetates at short reaction times. Under thermal reactions the E-isomers form the products from intramolecular [4+2]-cycloaddition with H‡298 = 15.6 kcal/mol and S‡298= -27.3 cal/ (mol•degree). The Z-isomer is inert to [4+2]-cycloaddition under these conditions. The Hammett relationships from aryl-substituted diazo esters ( = +0.89) and aryl-substituted dienes ( = -1.65) are consistent with the dipolar nature of this transformation. An unexpected reaction for the synthesis of seven-membered conjugated 1,4-diketones from propargylic diazoesters with unsaturated imines was disclosed. To undergo this process vinyl gold carbene intermediates generated by 1,2-acyloxy migration of propargylic aryldiazoesters undergo a formal [4+3]-cycloaddition, and the resulting aryldiazoesters tethered dihydroazepines undergo an intricate metal-free process to form observed seven-membered conjugated 1,4-diketones with moderate to high yields.
Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Business Administration
Es un detenido análisis de la investigación The Value of Curricular lntrospection, en que se incorpora la realimentación dada por diversos participantes nacionales y extranjeros en el CILAP 2007, a quienes se les expuso los resultados iniciales de esta investigación. El estudio surgió de la disparidad de criterios entre diversos actores del BEIC, de la ELCL, respecto a la pertinencia que para la enseñanza del inglés a niños en Costa Rica tienen los principios comunicativos denominados interacción, inmersión parcial y aprendizaje por experiencia. Así, mientras diseñadores de currículo y profesores del BEIC consideraban estos principios altamente eficaces, buena parte del estudiantado que realizaba la práctica docente pensaba lo contrario.A detailed analysis is provided here of the research project titled The Value of Curricular Introspection. It also includes the feedback given by the national and foreign participants in CILAP 2007, to whom this study was presented. The investigation emerged from the diverse opinions existing among BEIC-ELCL actors regarding the pertinence of interaction, partial immersion and experiential learning communicative principies for the teaching of English to children in Costa Rica. Thus, whereas BEIC curriculum designers and professors considered these principies to be highly effective, many student-teachers in that program believe just the opposite.
Se describe el uso de tecnología en forma de presentaciones de multimedia para facilitar la enseñanza de las Normas para el Aprendizaje de una Lengua Extranjera del Concilio Americano para la Enseñanza de Lenguas extranjeras. Las normas abarcan las comunicaciones, las culturas, las conexiones, las comparaciones y las comunidades. El estudiantado universitario aprende a crear, con multimedia, presentaciones sobre un tema cultural en la lengua meta. El componente de aprendizaje por servicio comunitario se fundamenta en las presentaciones creadas para estudiantes de colegio, quienes tienen acceso a las presentaciones en un sitio web de la universidad.A description is provided of how the use of technology in the form of multimedia presentations enhances the teaching of the Five C Standards for Foreign Language Learning of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: communications, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. University students learn to create multimedia presentations on a cultural topic in the target language. The service-learning component provides the multimedia presentations for middle-school students who access them from the university website.
Se analizan los factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Inglés (BEI) de la Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). El contexto universitario, el papel de los profesores, la motivación en los estudiantes y los hábitos de estudio son condiciones para fomentar el éxito académico. Según los resultados, los aprendientes necesitan ciertas características personales, motivación y metas para tener éxito en su trabajo académico. Este estudio de caso contribuye a una mejor percepción de los factores que influyen en el mejoramiento de las aptitudes de estudio y aprendizaje, así como los que intervienen en el logro de las metas académicas.This analysis refers to factors contributing to the academic performance of the students majoring in the teaching of English at the Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). The university context, the professors' role, students' motivation and their study habits are conditions for fostering academic success. The findings indicate that learners need certain personality traits, motivation and goals to succeed in their academic work. This case study provides insight on the factors that influence the enhancement of study skills and leaming, as well as other factors that contribute to the accomplishment of academic goals.
[EN] The emergence of the sensitisation in business ethics creates a need to answer some questions. We have placed special attention in three areas: level of development, importance in each European country and the teaching of emergent issues in business ethics. In order to do this, we have selected the Delphi method, with the purpose of the consensus of the most important and relevant business ethics experts.