804 resultados para students that use drugs


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The study is focused on education of tribes particularly the problem of high dropout rate existing among the tribal students at school level. Scheduled Tribe is one of the marginalized communities experiencing high level of educational deprivation. The analysis of the study shows that the extent of deprivation existing among STs of Kerala is much higher compared to that of other communities. The present study covered tribes of three tribal predominant districts of Kerala such as Idukki, Palakkad and Wayanad. Out of the 35 tribal communities in the State, 17 of them are concentrated in these districts. Tribes concentrated in Idukki include Muthuvans, Malai Arayan, Uraly, Mannan and Hill Pulaya. The present study analyzed dropouts situation in tribal areas of Kerala by conducting Field Survey among dropout and non-dropout students at school level. High dropouts among STs persist due to many problems which are of structural in nature. Important problems faced by the tribal students that have been analyzed, this can be classified as economic, social, cultural and institutional. It is found that there exists high correlation between Income and expenditure of the family with the well-being of individuals. Significant economic factors are poverty and financial indebtedness of the family. Some of the common cultural factors of tribes are Nature of Habitation, Difference in Dialect and Medium of Instruction etc. Social factors analyzed in the study are illiteracy of parents, migration of family, family environment, motivation by parents, activities engaged in for helping the family and students’ lack of interest in studies. The analysis showed that all these factors except migration of the family, are affecting the education of tribal students. Apart from social, economic and cultural factors, there are a few institutional factors which will also influence the education of tribal students. Institutional factors analyzed in the study include students’ absenteeism, irregularity of teachers, attitude of non-tribal teachers and non-tribal students, infrastructure facilities and accessibility to school. The study found irregularity of students and accessibility to school as significant factors which determine the dropout of the students.


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We present distribution independent bounds on the generalization misclassification performance of a family of kernel classifiers with margin. Support Vector Machine classifiers (SVM) stem out of this class of machines. The bounds are derived through computations of the $V_gamma$ dimension of a family of loss functions where the SVM one belongs to. Bounds that use functions of margin distributions (i.e. functions of the slack variables of SVM) are derived.


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This paper introduces a probability model, the mixture of trees that can account for sparse, dynamically changing dependence relationships. We present a family of efficient algorithms that use EMand the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm to find the ML and MAP mixtureof trees for a variety of priors, including the Dirichlet and the MDL priors.


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This paper introduces a probability model, the mixture of trees that can account for sparse, dynamically changing dependence relationships. We present a family of efficient algorithms that use EM and the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm to find the ML and MAP mixture of trees for a variety of priors, including the Dirichlet and the MDL priors. We also show that the single tree classifier acts like an implicit feature selector, thus making the classification performance insensitive to irrelevant attributes. Experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of the new model both in density estimation and in classification.


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This paper presents a computation of the $V_gamma$ dimension for regression in bounded subspaces of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS) for the Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression $epsilon$-insensitive loss function, and general $L_p$ loss functions. Finiteness of the RV_gamma$ dimension is shown, which also proves uniform convergence in probability for regression machines in RKHS subspaces that use the $L_epsilon$ or general $L_p$ loss functions. This paper presenta a novel proof of this result also for the case that a bias is added to the functions in the RKHS.


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A key capability of data-race detectors is to determine whether one thread executes logically in parallel with another or whether the threads must operate in series. This paper provides two algorithms, one serial and one parallel, to maintain series-parallel (SP) relationships "on the fly" for fork-join multithreaded programs. The serial SP-order algorithm runs in O(1) amortized time per operation. In contrast, the previously best algorithm requires a time per operation that is proportional to Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function. SP-order employs an order-maintenance data structure that allows us to implement a more efficient "English-Hebrew" labeling scheme than was used in earlier race detectors, which immediately yields an improved determinacy-race detector. In particular, any fork-join program running in T₁ time on a single processor can be checked on the fly for determinacy races in O(T₁) time. Corresponding improved bounds can also be obtained for more sophisticated data-race detectors, for example, those that use locks. By combining SP-order with Feng and Leiserson’s serial SP-bags algorithm, we obtain a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm, called SP-hybrid. Suppose that a fork-join program has n threads, T₁ work, and a critical-path length of T[subscript ∞]. When executed on P processors, we prove that SP-hybrid runs in O((T₁/P + PT[subscript ∞]) lg n) expected time. To understand this bound, consider that the original program obtains linear speed-up over a 1-processor execution when P = O(T₁/T[subscript ∞]). In contrast, SP-hybrid obtains linear speed-up when P = O(√T₁/T[subscript ∞]), but the work is increased by a factor of O(lg n).


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En este estudio se revisaron recomendaciones nacionales e internacionales donde se evidencio que no hay un modelo estándar que permita establecer un seguimiento de las condiciones de trabajo y las condiciones de salud que afectan los trabajadores expuestos a hidrocarburos aromáticos BTX. Para este propósito este estudio señalara las directrices a seguir para implementar el programa de vigilancia médica incorporando los aspectos clínicos y de diagnóstico de laboratorio para generar estrategias oportunas que conllevan al mantenimiento de adecuadas condiciones de salud de los trabajadores y que permitirá detectar las alteraciones producidas por los mismos en un estadio reversible; esta vigilancia médica debe ajustarse a las distintas necesidades y los recursos de las industrias en cuyos procesos se utilizan los hidrocarburos aromáticos. (Benceno, tolueno y xileno).


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Slides used in lecture, explaining coursework and providing an introduction to the Data Protection Act. Students should use these resources as guidance for the forthcoming coursework (annotated bibliography). Like all materials you can expect slides to address issues which come up future assessment activities


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a pdf and word format document which level 1 students can use as an examplar or template for their CV. Also includes links to example CVs and sites which help of creating CVs


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Notes, slides and activities which students can use/refer to when developing their CV. This is pitched at entry level students, but may be useful to students at all levels for general reference.


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This is a video resource to support the teaching of catalysis at A-level. It features explanations of the underlying theory, coupled with an outline of cutting research in this area of Chemistry at the University of Southampton, which relates to the A-level topic. The video files are in the .zip folder, and instructions for how to access them can be found in the attached document. You will also find a Word document called 'Skeleton notes', which is designed to be printed out by students and completed as they watch the video. We will be seeking feedback from students who use the resource, to find out their views about its effectiveness in educational terms. If you have any comments, or if you spot any errors, please contact Dr David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk).


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Este trabajo se acerca a una discusión sobre dinámicas individuales y colectivas del matoneo escolar y sus consecuencias explorando tres temas: características de los actores del Bullying (agresor, víctima y testigo), consecuencias sobre la vida emocional, y mecanismos de atribución para explicarlo. Primero, se estableció que el agresor, generalmente movido por el deseo ganar estatus social generalmente, justifica la agresión al pensar que la víctima obtiene su merecido. Su papel dentro de la dinámica afecta sus relaciones y la probabilidad de que vuelva a matonear a otros en el futuro. Las víctimas son estudiantes que están constantemente expuestos a maltrato o acciones violentas por parte de los otros pares. Pueden desarrollar trastornos de depresión, ansiedad y baja autoestima entre otras cosas. A veces justifican la agresión que reciben en su “mal comportamiento”, y otras aguantan la agresión con la esperanza de que el agresor reciba su castigo. Los testigos son aquellos que presencian el acto. Pueden sufrir de altos niveles de estrés o ansiedad. En algunos casos no hacen nada para defender a la víctima por miedo a ser agredidos, porque les parece una agresión justa o porque les es indiferente. En conclusión, se puede establecer que cada autor del bullying contribuye de maneras diferentes a que esta dinámica se desarrolle. Este se conforma o reacciona frente al matoneo dependiendo (entre otras cosas) de los mecanismos de atribución y de las teorías que construya para explicarlo. Sin embargo, hace falta más investigación sobre el tema.


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A recorded version of Adam Procter's show induction for students that due to legitimate reasons where unable to attend this compulsary setting - once viewed an email should be sent to adam.procter@soton.ac.uk to confirm you have watched, understand and will comply with the information presented.


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Antecedentes: la encuesta autoadministrada es la forma más usada y confiable para investigar comportamientos relacionados con la salud en adolescentes. Por lo general, un grupo significativo de participantes responde de forma inconsistente a algunos puntos de tópicos relacionados,particularmente con temas sensibles; en consecuencia, dichos puntos deben ser eliminados del análisis. Hasta la fecha, no se han comparado extensamente las características demográficas de los estudiantes que responden y los que no responden consistentemente una encuesta. Objetivo: comparar algunas variables demográficas relacionadas con respuestas inconsistentes sobre comportamiento sexual en estudiantes de secundaria de Santa Marta, Colombia. Método: una muestra probabilística por conglomerados de estudiantes diligenció una encuesta anónima sobre relaciones sexuales. Se usó regresión logística para ajustar las variables de la encuesta en las cuales se respondió de forma inconsistente. Resultados: un total de 3813 estudiantes completó la encuesta. Un grupo de 3 575 estudiantes (93,8%) respondió de forma consistente a los puntos sobre comportamiento sexual y uno de 238 (6,2%) respondió de forma inconsistente. Después de ajustar por estrato socioeconómico se evidenció que los estudiantes que con mayor frecuencia respondieron inconsistentemente eran varones (OR=2,1; IC95% 1,6-2,8) y pertenecían a colegios privados (OR=3,5; IC95% 2,6-4,8). Conclusiones: aproximadamente uno de cada veinte estudiantes responde de forma inconsistente las preguntas sobre comportamiento sexual. Las respuestas inconsistentes están relacionadas con estudiantes de colegios privados y sexo masculino. Se necesitan más investigaciones.


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En un mundo hiperconectado, dinámico y cargado de incertidumbre como el actual, los métodos y modelos analíticos convencionales están mostrando sus limitaciones. Las organizaciones requieren, por tanto, herramientas útiles que empleen tecnología de información y modelos de simulación computacional como mecanismos para la toma de decisiones y la resolución de problemas. Una de las más recientes, potentes y prometedoras es el modelamiento y la simulación basados en agentes (MSBA). Muchas organizaciones, incluidas empresas consultoras, emplean esta técnica para comprender fenómenos, hacer evaluación de estrategias y resolver problemas de diversa índole. Pese a ello, no existe (hasta donde conocemos) un estado situacional acerca del MSBA y su aplicación a la investigación organizacional. Cabe anotar, además, que por su novedad no es un tema suficientemente difundido y trabajado en Latinoamérica. En consecuencia, este proyecto pretende elaborar un estado situacional sobre el MSBA y su impacto sobre la investigación organizacional.