896 resultados para photovoltaic
The FK concentrator has demonstrated during the last years that compares very well with other Fresnel-based concentrator optics for CPV. There are several features that provide the FK high performance: (1) high optical efficiency; (2) large tolerance to tracking misalignment and manufacturing errors, thanks to a high CAP (Concentration-Acceptance Product); (3) good irradiance uniformity and low chromatic dispersion on the cell surface. Non-uniformities in terms of absolute irradiance and spectral content produced by conventional CPV systems can originate electrical losses in multi-junction (MJ) solar cells. The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of these non-uniformities in the FK concentrator performance and how FK concentrator provides high electrical efficiencies thanks to its insensitivity to chromatic aberrations, especially when components move away from the module nominal position due to manufacturing misalignments. This analysis has been done here by means of both, experimental on-sun measurements and simulations based on 3D fully distributed circuit model for MJ cells.
In this work we present the results and analysis of a 10 MeV proton irradiation experiment performed on III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells. A set of representative devices including lattice-matched InGaP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells and single junction GaAs and InGaP component solar cells and a Ge diode were irradiated for different doses. The devices were studied in-situ before and after each exposure at dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination conditions, using a solar simulator connected to the irradiation chamber through a borosilicate glass window. Ex-situ characterization techniques included dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination I-V measurements. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the devices using D-AMPS-1D code together with calculations based on the TRIM software were performed in order to gain physical insight on the experimental results. The experiment also included the proton irradiation of an unprocessed Ge solar cell structure as well as the irradiation of a bare Ge(100) substrate. Ex-situ material characterization, after radioactive deactivation of the samples, includes Raman spectroscopy and spectral reflectivity.
The degradation observed on a 7-kWp Si-x photovoltaic array after 17 years of exposure on the roof of the Solar Energy Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid is presented. The mean peak power degradation has been 9% over this time, or an equivalent to 0.53% per year, whereas peak power standard deviation has remained constant. The main visual defects are backsheet delamination at the polyester/polyvinyl fluoride outer interface and cracks in the terminal boxes and at the joint between the frame and the laminate. Insulation resistance complies well with the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission 61215 tests.
In high quality solar cells, the internal luminescence can be harnessed to enhance the overall performance. Internal confinement of the photons can lead to an increased open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current. Alternatively, in multijunction solar cells the photons can be coupled from a higher bandgap junction to a lower bandgap junction for enhanced performance. We model the solar cell as an optical cavity and compare calculated performance characteristics with measurements. We also describe how very high luminescent coupling alleviates the need for top-cell thinning to achieve current-matching.
Thin film photovoltaic (TF) modules have gained importance in the photovoltaic (PV) market. New PV plants increasingly use TF technologies. In order to have a reliable sample of a PV module population, a huge number of modules must be measured. There is a big variety of materials used in TF technology. Some of these modules are made of amorphous or microcrystalline silicon. Other are made of CIS or CdTe. Not all these materials respond the same under standard test conditions (STC) of power measurement. Power rates of the modules may vary depending on both the extent and the history of sunlight exposure. Thus, it is necessary a testing method adapted to each TF technology. This test must guarantee repeatability of measurements of generated power. This paper shows responses of different commercial TF PV modules to sunlight exposure. Several test procedures were performed in order to find the best methodology to obtain measurements of TF PV modules at STC in the easiest way. A methodology for indoor measurements adapted to these technologies is described.
This paper presents the design and preliminary experimental results of a concentrator-type photovoltaic module based on a free-form off-axis 800×XR-Köhler concentrator. The off-axis XR-Köhler concentrator is one of the advanced concentrators that perform high concentration with a large acceptance angle and excellent irradiance uniformity on a solar cell. As a result of on-sun characterization of the unglazed single-cell unit test rig, the temperature-corrected DC module efficiency was 32.2% at 25 °C without an anti-reflective (AR) coating on the secondary optics, and the acceptance angle was more than ±1.0°. In addition, the non-corrected DC efficiency of an individual cell in a glazed 8-cell unit module mounted on a carousel tracking system was measured. The individual efficiency deviated in the range of 24.3-27.4%, owing to the mirror shape and alignment errors. The resultant series-connected efficiency was approximately 25% at direct normal irradiation (DNI) of 770 W/m2.
The concept of "intermediate band solar cell" (IBSC) is, apparently, simple to grasp. However, since the idea was proposed, our understanding has improved and we feel now that we can explain better some concepts than we initially introduced. Clarifying these concepts is important, even if they are well-known for the advanced researcher, so that efforts can be driven in the right direction from start. The six pieces of this work are: Does a miniband need to be formed when the IBSC is implemented with quantum dots?; What are the problems of each of the main practical approaches that exist today? What are the simplest experimental techniques to demonstrate whether an IBSC is working as such or not? What is the issue with the absorption coefficient overlap? and Mott's transition? What the best system would be, if any?
El ciclo térmico natural de la célula y receptores en módulos CPV (Concentrated PhotoVoltaic) es considerado un punto débil en la operación de campo real de estos dispositivos, así como la fluctuación entre valores altos y bajos de niveles de irradiancia incidente en la célula, comúnmente causadas por nubes, produce un estrés termo-mecánico que puede ser motivo de fallo. La normativa IEC 6218 ha tenido en cuenta esta serie de problemas a la hora de diseñar una norma de calificación y homologación para módulos CPV. En concreto, este proyecto se va a basar en el test denominado "Thermal cycling test" que realiza un ciclo térmico en la base de la célula mientras se le inyectan pulsos de corriente. Sin embargo, este método produce un nivel de estrés un 50% menor que el estrés real en condiciones nominales. En este proyecto se diseña e implementa la máquina LYSS (Light cYcling Stress Source) que trata de realizar dos tipos de ciclos basados en el definido en la IEC 62108 con la variación de utilizar pulsos de luz directa a muy alta irradiancia focalizada en la parte activa de la célula en lugar de los pulsos de corriente mencionados. Con este método se pretende acelerar el proceso de degradación en la célula de manera que en tan solo 2 meses se pueda producir la misma que en 30 años de vida útil de la célula. En el primer tipo de ciclo la temperatura permanece constante durante la ejecución de los pulsos de luz y, en el segundo se realiza un ciclo térmico que varía entre una temperatura mínima y otra máxima durante estos pulsos. Además, se establece un criterio de fallo basado en la estimación de la resistencia serie de la célula a partir de los valores de su curva característica IV en condiciones de oscuridad. La metodología del proyecto realizado consiste en realizar un estudio detallado para identificar los componentes necesarios para construir la máquina, adquirirlos, llevar a cabo el montaje de éstos para que la máquina pueda implementar los ciclos diseñados, realizar los experimentos necesarios para caracterizar los diferentes dispositivos que componen la máquina, programar una aplicación de control, monitorización y adquisición de datos que comande la máquina, realizar una serie de pruebas basadas en uno de los ciclos térmico-luminosos diseñados a receptores solares de concentración reales y, por último, observar la degradación que se pudiera producirse en ésta conforme aumenta el número de ciclos realizados analizando su curva IV en condiciones de oscuridad y obteniendo conclusiones sobre la fiabilidad de la célula y/o el receptor CPV.
The Europe-Japan Collaborative Research Project on Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) has been initiated under support by the EC (European Commission) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) since June 2011. This is project (NGCPV Project; a New Generation of Concentrator PhotoVoltaic cells, modules and systems) is aiming to accelerate the move to very high efficiency and lower cost CPV technologies and to enhance widespread deployment of CPV systems. 7 organizations such as UPM, FhG-ISE Imperial College, BSQ, CEA-INES, ENEA, and PSE in Europe and 9 organizations such as TTI, Univ. Tokyo, AIST, Sharp Co. Daido Steel Co., Kobe Univ., Miyazaki Univ., Asahi Kasei Co., and Takano Co. participate in this project. The targets of this project are 1) to develop world-record efficiency CPV cells of more than 45%, 2) to develop world-record efficiency CPV modules of 35%, 3) to establish standard measurements of CPV cells and modules, 4) to install 50kW CPV system in Spain, to carry out field test of CPV system and to manage power generation of CPV systems, and 5) to develop high-efficiency and low-cost new materials and structure cells such as III-V-N, III-V-on-Si tandem, quantum dots and wells. This paper presents outline of this project and most recent results such as world record efficiency (37.9% under 1-sun) cell and high-efficiency (43.5% under 240-306 suns) concentrator cell with inverted epitaxial grown InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs 3-junction solar cells.
Energy conversion in solar cells incorporating ZnTeO base layers is presented. The ZnTeO base layers incorporate intermediate electronic states located approximately 0.4eV below the conduction band edge as a result of the substitution of O in Te sites in the ZnTe lattice. Cells with ZnTeO base layers demonstrate optical response at energies lower than the ZnTe bandedge, a feature that is absent in reference cells with ZnTe base layers. Quantum efficiency is significantly improved with the incorporation of ZnSe emitter/window layers and transition from growth on GaAs substrates to GaSb substrates with a near lattice match to ZnTe.
We introduce one trivial but puzzling solar cell structure. It consists of a high bandgap pn junction (top cell) grown on a substrate of lower bandgap. Let us assume, for example, that the bandgap of the top cell is 1.85 eV (Al 0.3Ga 0.7As) and the bandgap of the substrate is 1.42 eV (GaAs). Is the open-circuit of the top cell limited to 1.42 V or to 1.85 V? If the answer is ldquo1.85 Vrdquo we could then make the mind experiment in which we illuminate the cell with 1.5 eV photons (notice these photons would only be absorbed in the substrate). If we admit that these photons can generate photocurrent, then because we have also admitted that the voltage is limited to 1.85 V, it might be possible that the electron-hole pairs generated by these photons were extracted at 1.6 V for example. However, if we do so, the principles of thermodynamics could be violated because we would be extracting more energy from the photon than the energy it initially had. How can we then solve this puzzle?
Vicinal Ge(100) is the common substrate for state of the art multi-junction solar cells grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). While triple junction solar cells based on Ge(100) present efficiencies mayor que 40%, little is known about the microscopic III-V/Ge(100) nucleation and its interface formation. A suitable Ge(100) surface preparation prior to heteroepitaxy is crucial to achieve low defect densities in the III-V epilayers. Formation of single domain surfaces with double layer steps is required to avoid anti-phase domains in the III-V films. The step formation processes in MOVPE environment strongly depends on the major process parameters such as substrate temperature, H2 partial pressure, group V precursors [1], and reactor conditions. Detailed investigation of these processes on the Ge(100) surface by ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) based standard surface science tools are complicated due to the presence of H2 process gas. However, in situ surface characterization by reflection anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) allowed us to study the MOVPE preparation of Ge(100) surfaces directly in dependence on the relevant process parameters [2, 3, 4]. A contamination free MOVPE to UHV transfer system [5] enabled correlation of the RA spectra to results from UHV-based surface science tools. In this paper, we established the characteristic RA spectra of vicinal Ge(100) surfaces terminated with monohydrides, arsenic and phosphorous. RAS enabled in situ control of oxide removal, H2 interaction and domain formation during MOVPE preparation.
En el artículo se discute el papel de la energía hidroeléctrica en el marco del sistema eléctrico español, donde existe una elevada penetración de energías no gestionables con una tendencia clara a aumentar en los próximos años. El desarrollo de nuevas centrales hidroeléctricas se basará probablemente en centrales reversibles. La energía hidroeléctrica es una tecnología madura y eficiente para el almacenamiento de energía a gran escala y contribuye por tanto de manera decisiva a la integración de fuentes renovables no gestionables. Los beneficios obtenidos con la operación punta-valle pueden ser insuficientes para compensar el coste de una nueva central. Sin embargo, los ingresos obtenidos pueden incrementarse sustancialmente mediante su participación en los servicios de ajuste del sistema. Ello requeriría un diseño apropiado del mercado eléctrico. La contribución de las centrales hidráulicas reversibles al balance producción-consumo puede extenderse a las horas valle utilizando, bien bombeo en velocidad variable o bien una configuración de cortocircuito hidráulico. La necesidad de mitigar los efectos hidrológicos aguas abajo de las centrales hidroeléctricas puede introducir algunas restricciones en la operación que limitaría de algún modo los servicios descritos más arriba. Sin embargo, cabe esperar que los efectos ambientales provocados por las centrales hidráulicas reversibles sean significativamente menores. In this paper the role of hydropower in electric power systems is discussed, in the framework of the Spanish system, where a high penetration of intermittent power sources exists, showing a clear trend to increase in next years. The development of new hydro power facilities will be likely based on pumped storage hydro power plants. Hydropower is a mature and efficient technology for large-scale energy storage and therefore represents a key contribution for the integration of intermittent power sources, such as wind or photovoltaic. The benefits obtained from load shifting may be insufficient to compensate the costs of a new plant. However, the obtained revenues can significantly increase through its contribution to providing ancillary services. This would require an appropriate design of the electricity market. The contribution of pumped storage hydro power plants to balancing services can be extended to off-peak hours, using either variable speed pumping or the hydraulic shortcircuit configuration. The need to mitigate hydrological effects downstream of hydro plants may introduce some operational constraints which could limit to some extent the services described above. However environmental effects caused by pumped storage hydro power plants are expected to be significantly smaller.
In the framework of the so-called third generation solar cells, three main concepts have been proposed in order to exceed the limiting efficiency of single-gap solar cells: the hot-carrier solar cell, the impact-ionization or multiple-exciton-generation solar cell, and the intermediate-band solar cell. At first sight, the three concepts are different, but in this paper, we illustrate how all these concepts, including the single-gap solar cell, share a common trunk that we call "core photovoltaic material." We demonstrate that each one of these next-generation concepts differentiates in fact from this trunk depending on the hypotheses that are made about the physical principles governing the electron electrochemical potentials. In the process, we also clarify the differences between electron, phonon, and photon chemical potentials (the three fundamental particles involved in the operation of the solar cell). The in-depth discussion of the physics involved about the operation of these cells also provides new insights about the operation of these cells.
n this paper, we present a theoretical model based on the detailed balance theory of solar thermophotovoltaic systems comprising multijunction photovoltaic cells, a sunlight concentrator and spectrally selective surfaces. The full system has been defined by means of 2n + 8 variables (being n the number of sub-cells of the multijunction cell). These variables are as follows: the sunlight concentration factor, the absorber cut-off energy, the emitter-to-absorber area ratio, the emitter cut-off energy, the band-gap energy(ies) and voltage(s) of the sub-cells, the reflectivity of the cells' back-side reflector, the emitter-to-cell and cell-to-cell view factors and the emitter-to-cell area ratio. We have used this model for carrying out a multi-variable system optimization by means of a multidimensional direct-search algorithm. This analysis allows to find the set of system variables whose combined effects results in the maximum overall system efficiency. From this analysis, we have seen that multijunction cells are excellent candidates to enhance the system efficiency and the electrical power density. Particularly, multijunction cells report great benefits for systems with a notable presence of optical losses, which are unavoidable in practical systems. Also, we have seen that the use of spectrally selective absorbers, rather than black-body absorbers, allows to achieve higher system efficiencies for both lower concentration and lower emitter-to-absorber area ratio. Finally, we have seen that sun-to-electricity conversion efficiencies above 30% and electrical power densities above 50 W/cm2 are achievable for this kind of systems.