1000 resultados para marcadores dominantes e co-dominantes
RÉSUMÉ En conjuguant les méthodes de l'histoire littéraire, de la sociologie des champs et de l'analyse littéraire, ce mémoire se propose d'étudier l'élaboration de la « posture » de Maurice Blanchot dans l'immédiat après-guerre (1944-1948). Le passé de Blanchot, marqué par des positions politiques d'extrême droite dans les années 30, et dans une certaine mesure encore sous l'Occupation, le conduit à un repositionnement conséquent dans le champ littéraire de la Libération marqué par l'Epuration des écrivains collaborateurs. Ce repositionnement se traduit par l'élaboration de la « posture » de l'écrivain en retrait, qui se présente comme la manifestation d'une autonomie littéraire radicale. Toutefois, cette posture du retrait demeure une forme de participation au champ littéraire et Blanchot, malgré sa volonté d'une parfaite autonomie de son oeuvre vis-à-vis des impératifs économiques ou idéologiques du temps, n'en est pas moins amené à réélaborer ses postulats critiques de même que sa production proprement dite (Le Très-Haut, L'Arrêt de mort), en interaction avec les nouvelles forces dominantes du champ littéraire de la Libération. Il est notamment conduit à se positionner vis-à-vis de la nouvelle avant-garde qui a émergé de la Résistance, dominée par Sartre et ses Temps Modernes, qui promeut un nouveau modèle, celui de l'écrivain engagé.
Estudi prospectiu d’incidència de NF degut a la QT a pacients amb neoplàsia solida. S’estudia la validació de l’escala modificada de MASCC i utilitat de marcadors d’inflamació en l’estratificació del risc individual. Hem inclòs 54 episodis de NF. El 50% (27/54) va ser de baix risc. Predomini de BGN (73,3%). 13% van ser bacterièmics. La sensibilitat i especificitat de l’escala modificada de MASCC van ser del 56% i 54%, respectivament. El recompte baix de granulòcits prediuen bacterièmia; i els nivells baixos de IL-12, alts de PCR i de proADM, i el temps curt de neutropènia al desenvolupament de complicacions i/o de mort. L’escala modificada de MASCC va obtenir una baixa sensibilitat i especificitat. El recompte de granulòcits, nivells de PCR i proADM s’haurien d’incloure a l’escala clàssica de MASCC per incrementar la seva sensibilitat i especificitat.
Hospital based studies were conducted to investigate the occurrence of Plasmodium/intestinal helminth co-infections among pregnant Nigerian women, and their effects on birthweights, anaemia and spleen size. From 2,104 near-term pregnant women examined, 816 (38.8%) were found to be infected with malaria parasites. Among the 816 parasitaemic subjects, 394 (48.3%) were also infected with intestinal helminths, 102 (12.5%) having mixed helminth infections. The prevalence of the helminth species found in stool samples of parasitaemic subjects examined was, Ascaris lumbricoides (19.1%), hookworm (14.2%), Trichuris trichiura (7%) Schistosoma mansoni (3.4%), Enterobius vermicularis (2%), Hymenolepis sp. (1.6%) and Taenia sp. (1%). Mothers with Plasmodium infection but without intestinal helminth infection had neonates of higher mean birthweights than those presenting both Plasmodium and intestinal helminth infections and this effect was more pronounced in primigravids. The mean haemoglobin values of malarial mothers with intestinal helminth infections were lower than those with Plasmodium infection but without intestinal helminth infections but these were not statistically significant. Severe splenomegaly was predominant among parasitaemic gravidae who also harboured S. mansoni infection in two of the hospitals studied.
Report by Deloitte & Touche October 2002
La sèpsia és la resposta del organisme davant una agresió externa, com a resultat de la interacció de l'agent agressor amb l'organisme agredit. Malgrat els dels avanços i les noves guias continua essent, una de les patologies més freqüents a les unitats de cures intensives. A més a més de la sospita clínica, són necesaris altres marcadors que ens ajudin al diagnóstic per a iniciar un tractament agresiu precoç. En aquest traball s'estudia una cohort de pacients, observant si la determinació dels valors lactat arterial (puntual i evolutiu) i l'aclarament de lactat com a marcadors de l'oxigenació tisular, poden servir com a guia per a una correcta resucitació, i si poden tenir valor pronòstic. Es realitza una comparació amb la resta dels biomarcadors, estudiant el seu comportament seqüencial a la sèpsia.
Las neoplasias mieloproliferativas (NM) son un grupo de enfermedades clonales de la célula hematopoyética madre. Entre las NM clásicas se encuentran la policitemia vera (PV), la trombocitemia esencial (TE) y la mielofibrosis primaria (MFP). Durante muchos años el diagnóstico de estas patologías se hacía por exclusión utilizando biomarcadores de clonalidad poco específicos. En el año 2005, la descripción de la mutación JAK2V617F supuso un avance importante en el diagnóstico de estas patologías. Posteriormente, se han descrito mutaciones en otros genes como mutaciones en MPL, TET2, ASXL1, IDH1, IDH2, c-CBL, EZH2, IKZF1 y LNK, en distintas neoplasias mieloides y en porcentaje variable. Aun así, ninguno de estos genes son marcadores específicos de ninguna NM y todavía existe un porcentaje elevado de pacientes con TE y MFP sin un marcador de clonalidad conocido. Además, todos estos genes se han descrito como eventos genéticos implicados en la transformación de una NM a leucemia mieloide aguda. El objetivo de este proyecto fue estudiar varios marcadores moleculares en neoplasias mieloproliferativas Philadelphia negativas. En primer lugar, se estudió la modulación de la carga alélica JAK2V617F en pacientes con PV o TE que recibieron tratamiento citoreductor y a su vez se analizó la dinámica natural de la carga alélica en pacientes que no recibieron tratamiento. Posteriormente, se analizaron la presencia de alteraciones en los genes previamente mencionados, en distintos grupos de pacientes. En primer lugar, se analizó la presencia de mutaciones en TET2, ASXL1, IDH1, IDH2 y CBL en un grupo de pacientes JAK2 y MPL negativos, para determinar la frecuencia de alteraciones de estos genes en este grupo de pacientes y determinar su valor en el diagnóstico de estas patologías. En segundo lugar, se estudió la presencia de mutaciones en estos genes incluyendo EZH2, IKZF1 y LNK para estudiar la incidencia y el valor pronóstico de estas alteraciones en las NM que progresan a mielofibrosis.
Background. There is a paucity of data pertaining to the epidemiology and public health impact of Enterobius vermicularis and Strongyloides stercoralis infections. We aimed to determine the extent of enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis, and other helminth infections and their association with asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia, anaemia, nutritional status, and blood cell counts in infants, preschool-aged (PSAC), and school-aged children (SAC) from rural coastal Tanzania.MethodsA total of 1,033 children were included in a cross-sectional study implemented in the Bagamoyo district in 2011/2012. Faecal samples were examined for intestinal helminth infections using a broad set of quality controlled methods. Finger-prick blood samples were subjected to filariasis and Plasmodium parasitaemia testing and full blood cell count examination. Weight, length/height, and/or mid-upper arm circumference were measured and the nutritional status determined in accordance with age.Results E. vermicularis infections were found in 4.2% of infants, 16.7%, of PSAC, and 26.3% of SAC. S. stercoralis infections were detected in 5.8%, 7.5%, and 7.1% of infants, PSAC, and SAC, respectively. Multivariable regression analyses revealed higher odds of enterobiasis in children of all age-groups with a reported anthelminthic treatment history over the past six months (odds ratio (OR): 2.15; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.22 - 3.79) and in SAC with a higher temperature (OR: 2.21; CI: 1.13 - 4.33). Strongyloidiasis was associated with eosinophilia (OR: 2.04; CI: 1.20-3.48) and with Trichuris trichiura infections (OR: 4.13; CI: 1.04-16.52) in children of all age-groups, and with asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia (OR: 13.03; CI: 1.34 - 127.23) in infants. None of the investigated helminthiases impacted significantly on the nutritional status and anaemia, but moderate asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia was a strong predictor for anaemia in children aged older than two years (OR: 2.69; 95% CI: 1.23 ¿ 5.86).Conclusions E. vermicularis and S. stercoralis infections were moderately prevalent in children from rural coastal Tanzania. Our data can contribute to inform yet missing global burden of disease and prevalence estimates for strongyloidiasis and enterobiasis. The association between S stercoralis and asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia found here warrants further comprehensive investigations.
Guidance for primarycareon how to deal withpatients presenting with possible symptoms of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Produced by the Health Protection Agency and adapted by the Public Health Agency.
This TIP, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders, revises TIP 9, Assessment and Treatment of Patients With Coexisting Mental Illness and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse. The revised TIP provides information about new developments in the rapidly growing field of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders and captures the state-of-the-art in the treatment of people with co-occurring disorders. The TIP focuses on what the substance abuse treatment clinician needs to know and provides that information in an accessible manner. The TIP synthesizes knowledge and grounds it in the practical realities of clinical cases and real situations so the reader will come away with increased knowledge, encouragement, and resourcefulness in working with clients with co-occurring disorders. Contents: Executive Summary â?¢ 1 Introduction 2 Definitions, Terms, and Classification Systems for Co-Occurring Disorders 3 Keys to Successful Programming 4 Assessment 5 Strategies for Working With Clients With Co-Occurring Disorders 6 Traditional Settings and Models 7 Special Settings and Specific Populations 8 A Brief Overview of Specific Mental Disorders and Cross-Cutting Issues 9 Substance-Induced Disorders Appendix A: Bibliography Appendix B: Acronyms Appendix C: Glossary of Terms Appendix D: Specific Mental Disorders: Additional Guidance for the Counselor Appendix E: Emerging Models â?¢ Appendix F: Common Medications for Disorders Appendix G: Screening and Assessment Instruments Appendix H: Screening Instruments Appendix I: Selected Sources of Training Appendix J: Dual Recovery Mutual Self-Help Programs and Other Resources for Consumers and Providers Appendix K: Confidentiality Appendix L: Resource Panel Appendix M: Cultural Competency and Diversity Network Participants Appendix N: Field ReviewersThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Human T cell leukemia virus type-I (HTLV-I) infection is associated with spontaneous T cell activation and uncontrolled lymphocyte proliferation. An exacerbated type-1 immune response with production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) is significantly higher in patients with myelopathy associated to HTLV-I than in HTLV-I asymptomatic carriers. In contrast with HTLV-I, a chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection is associated with a type-2 immune response with high levels of interleukin (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10) and low levels of IFN-gamma. In this study, clinical and immunological consequences of the HTLV-I and S. mansoni infection were evaluated. The immune response in patients with schistosomiasis co-infected with HTLV-I showed low levels of IL-5 (p < 0.05) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultures stimulated with S. mansoni antigen (SWAP) and decreased SWAP-specific IgE levels when compared with patients with only schistosomiasis (p < 0.05). Liver fibrosis was mild in all HTLV-I co-infected patients. Immunological response was also compared in individuals who had only HTLV-I infection with those who were co-infected with HTLV-I and helminths (S. mansoni and Strongyloides stercoralis). In patients HTLV-I positive co-infected with helminths the IFN-gamma levels were lower than in individuals who had only HTLV-I. Moreover, there were fewer cells expressing IFN-gamma and more cells expressing IL-10 in individuals co-infected with HTLV-I and helminths. These dates indicate that HTLV-I infection decrease type 2-response and IgE synthesis and are inversely associated with the development of liver fibrosis. Moreover, helminths may protect HTLV-I infected patients to produce large quantities of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) has become an important risk factor for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the development of HPV associated lesions in the female genital tract. HIV-1 may also increase the oncogenicity of high risk HPV types and the activation of low risk types. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention declared invasive cervical cancer an acquired immunodeficience virus (AIDS) defining illness in HIV positive women. Furthermore, cervical cancer happens to be the second most common female cancer worldwide. The host's local immune response plays a critical factor in controlling these conditions, as well as in changes in the number of professional antigen-presenting cells, cytokine, and MHC molecules expression. Also, the production of cytokines may determine which arm of the immune response will be stimulated and may influence the magnitude of immune protection. Although there are many studies describing the inflammatory response in HPV infection, few data are available to demonstrate the influence of the HIV infection and several questions regarding the cervical immune response are still unknown. In this review we present a brief account of the current understanding of HIV/HPV co-infection, emphasizing cervical immune response.