924 resultados para linkage


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The signalling function of melanin-based colouration is debated. Sexual selection theory states that ornaments should be costly to produce, maintain, wear or display to signal quality honestly to potential mates or competitors. An increasing number of studies supports the hypothesis that the degree of melanism covaries with aspects of body condition (e.g. body mass or immunity), which has contributed to change the initial perception that melanin-based colour ornaments entail no costs. Indeed, the expression of many (but not all) melanin-based colour traits is weakly sensitive to the environment but strongly heritable suggesting that these colour traits are relatively cheap to produce and maintain, thus raising the question of how such colour traits could signal quality honestly. Here I review the production, maintenance and wearing/displaying costs that can generate a correlation between melanin-based colouration and body condition, and consider other evolutionary mechanisms that can also lead to covariation between colour and body condition. Because genes controlling melanic traits can affect numerous phenotypic traits, pleiotropy could also explain a linkage between body condition and colouration. Pleiotropy may result in differently coloured individuals signalling different aspects of quality that are maintained by frequency-dependent selection or local adaptation. Colouration may therefore not signal absolute quality to potential mates or competitors (e.g. dark males may not achieve a higher fitness than pale males); otherwise genetic variation would be rapidly depleted by directional selection. As a consequence, selection on heritable melanin-based colouration may not always be directional, but mate choice may be conditional to environmental conditions (i.e. context-dependent sexual selection). Despite the interest of evolutionary biologists in the adaptive value of melanin-based colouration, its actual role in sexual selection is still poorly understood.


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää reagoivatko osakemarkkinat eritavoin luottoluokituksen muutokseen eri lainsäädäntöympäristöissä. Lisäksi selvitetään myös reagoivatko pienten yhtiöiden osakekurssit erilailla luottoluokituksen muutokseen kuin suurten yhtiöiden osakekurssit. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään tapahtumatutkimusta ja aineiston muodostavat Moody'sin luottoluokitusilmoitukset vuosilta 2000-2007. Tutkielman kohdemaina ovat Iso-Britannia, Ranska sekä Pohjoismaat Empiiristen tulosten perusteella ainoastaan luottoluokituksen laskun yhteydessä näyttää siltä, että lainsäädäntöympäristön ja markkinareaktion suuruuden välillä on oletetunkaltainen yhteys. Yrityskokoluokista puolestaan suurten yhtiöiden osakkeet reagoivat yleisesti voimakkaammin luottoluokituksen muutokseen kuin pienten yhtiöiden osakekurssit.


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Genome-wide linkage studies have identified the 9q22 chromosomal region as linked with colorectal cancer (CRC) predisposition. A candidate gene in this region is transforming growth factor beta receptor 1 (TGFBR1). Investigation of TGFBR1 has focused on the common genetic variant rs11466445, a short exonic deletion of nine base pairs which results in truncation of a stretch of nine alanine residues to six alanine residues in the gene product. While the six alanine (*6A) allele has been reported to be associated with increased risk of CRC in some population based study groups this association remains the subject of robust debate. To date, reports have been limited to population-based case-control association studies, or case-control studies of CRC families selecting one affected individual per family. No study has yet taken advantage of all the genetic information provided by multiplex CRC families. Methods: We have tested for an association between rs11466445 and risk of CRC using several family-based statistical tests in a new study group comprising members of non-syndromic high risk CRC families sourced from three familial cancer centres, two in Australia and one in Spain. Results: We report a finding of a nominally significant result using the pedigree-based association test approach (PBAT; p = 0.028), while other family-based tests were non-significant, but with a p-value < 0.10 in each instance. These other tests included the Generalised Disequilibrium Test (GDT; p = 0.085), parent of origin GDT Generalised Disequilibrium Test (GDT-PO; p = 0.081) and empirical Family-Based Association Test (FBAT; p = 0.096, additive model). Related-person case-control testing using the 'More Powerful' Quasi-Likelihood Score Test did not provide any evidence for association (M-QL5; p = 0.41). Conclusions: After conservatively taking into account considerations for multiple hypothesis testing, we find little evidence for an association between the TGFBR1*6A allele and CRC risk in these families. The weak support for an increase in risk in CRC predisposed families is in agreement with recent meta-analyses of case-control studies, which estimate only a modest increase in sporadic CRC risk among 6*A allele carriers.


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Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on selvittää, miten tilaus-toimitusprosessia kehittämällä voi tehostaa yrityksen toimintaa. Tutkimuksen alatavoitteina ovat tilaus-toimitusprosessin merkitystä ja kehittämistä koskevat kysymykset. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään, voivatko tilaus-toimitusprosessi ja logistinen osaaminen olla kilpailuedun perustana. Työn näkökulma on asiakasnäkökulma. Tutkimuksessa on piirteitä toiminta-analyyttisestä ja konstruktiivisesta tutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksen viitekehys rakentuu tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehittämisen ja kilpailuedun muodostumisen kautta. Tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehittämiseksi tutkimuksessa paneudutaan prosessin kehittämisen yleisen mallin ja ABC-analyysin teorioiden kautta. Lopuksi tutkimuksessa etsitään vastaukset, voiko tilaus-toimitusprosessi olla kilpailuedun perusta. Aiempien tutkimuksien avulla selvitetään, millaisia hyötyjä logistisen prosessin avulla muodostetusta kilpailuedusta on yrityksen muihin osa-alueisiin. Tutkimuksen case-yrityksen, valmistavan teollisuusyrityksen, tilaus-toimitusprosessi on kehityskohde. Case-yrityksen tilaus-toimitusprosessia tarkastellaan yleisen prosessin kehittämisen mallin ja ABC-analyysin teorioiden kautta. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että kehittämällä tilaus-toimitusprosessia voidaan tehostaa yrityksen toimintaa. Tilaus-toimitusprosessin asiakasrajapinnan vuoksi hyvin onnistunut tilaus-toimitusprosessi vaikuttaa asiakastyytyväisyyteen. Tutkitut kehitysmallit vaikuttavat positiivisesti tilaus-toimitusprosessin onnistumiseen. Tilaus-toimitusprosessin positiivinen vaikutus kilpailuedun muodostumiseen osoitetaan myös tutkimuksessa.


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Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL, OMIM #125310) is an inherited vascular disease. The main symptoms include migraineous headache, recurrent strokes and progressive cognitive impairment. CADASIL is caused by mutations in the NOTCH3 gene which result in degeneration of vascular smooth muscle cells, arteriolar stenosis and impaired cerebral blood flow. The aims of this study were assessment of the genetic background of Finnish and Swedish CADASIL patients, analysis of genetic and environmental factors that may influence the phenotype, and identification of the optimal diagnostic strategy. The majority of Finnish CADASIL patients carry the p.Arg133Cys mutation. Haplotype analysis of 18 families revealed a region of linkage disequilibrium around the NOTCH3 locus, which is evidence for a founder effect and a common ancestral mutation. Despite the same mutational background, the clinical course of CADASIL is highly variable between and even within families. The association of several genetic factors with the phenotypic variation was investigated in 120 CADASIL patients. Apolipoprotein E allele 4 was associated with earlier occurrence of strokes, especially in younger patients. Study of a pair of monozygotic twins with CADASIL revealed environmental factors which may influence the phenotype, i.e. smoking, statin medication and physical activity. Knowledge of these factors is useful, since life-style choices may influence the disease progression. The clinical CADASIL diagnosis can be confirmed by detection of either the NOTCH3 mutation or granular osmiophilic material by electron microscopy in skin biopsy, although the sensitivity estimates have been contradictory. Comparison of these two methods in a group of 131 diagnostic cases from Finland, Sweden and France demonstrated that both methods are highly sensitive and reliable.


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Myriapods (e.g., centipedes and millipedes) display a simple homonomous body plan relative to other arthropods. All members of the class are terrestrial, but they attained terrestriality independently of insects. Myriapoda is the only arthropod class not represented by a sequenced genome. We present an analysis of the genome of the centipede Strigamia maritima. It retains a compact genome that has undergone less gene loss and shuffling than previously sequenced arthropods, and many orthologues of genes conserved from the bilaterian ancestor that have been lost in insects. Our analysis locates many genes in conserved macro-synteny contexts, and many small-scale examples of gene clustering. We describe several examples where S. maritima shows different solutions from insects to similar problems. The insect olfactory receptor gene family is absent from S. maritima, and olfaction in air is likely effected by expansion of other receptor gene families. For some genes S. maritima has evolved paralogues to generate coding sequence diversity, where insects use alternate splicing. This is most striking for the Dscam gene, which in Drosophila generates more than 100,000 alternate splice forms, but in S. maritima is encoded by over 100 paralogues. We see an intriguing linkage between the absence of any known photosensory proteins in a blind organism and the additional absence of canonical circadian clock genes. The phylogenetic position of myriapods allows us to identify where in arthropod phylogeny several particular molecular mechanisms and traits emerged. For example, we conclude that juvenile hormone signalling evolved with the emergence of the exoskeleton in the arthropods and that RR-1 containing cuticle proteins evolved in the lineage leading to Mandibulata. We also identify when various gene expansions and losses occurred. The genome of S. maritima offers us a unique glimpse into the ancestral arthropod genome, while also displaying many adaptations to its specific life history.


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä tarkastellaan erilaisia johdon laskentatoimessa käytettyjä menetelmiä, jotka liittyvät asiakkaisiin. Työ on teoriapainotteinen ja se perustuu pitkälti aiheesta kirjoitettuihin artikkeleihin, mutta joukossa on myös muutama käytännön esimerkki. Työn tavoitteena on muodostaa laaja-alainen kirjallisuuskatsaus johdon laskentatoimessa käytettäviin asiakaslaskentamenetelmiin sekä niiden hyötyihin ja ongelmiin. Kiristyvän kilpailun ja globalisaation myötä asiakkaan huomioonottaminen on muodostunut yhä tärkeämmäksi seikaksi yritysmaailmassa. Asiakaslähtöisyydestä on tullut muoti-ilmiö, johon kaikki haluavat panostaa. Tämä lisää johdon tietotarpeita ja asettaa näin uusia vaatimuksia johdon laskentatoimelle. Siirtyminen uusiin laskentamenetelmiin ja toimintatapoihin aiheuttaa jatkuvasti uusia haasteita, sillä muitakaan yrityksen sidosryhmiä ei voi unohtaa asiakaslähtöisyyttä parannettaessa. Yksi eniten huomiota saanut asiakaslaskentamenetelmä on asiakaskannattavuus. Sen tarkoituksena on tutkia, mitkä asiakkaat tai asiakasryhmät ovat kannattavia ja mitkä eivät. Muita esiteltäviä asiakaslaskentamenetelmiä ovat muun muassa asiakkaiden arvottaminen, tavoitekustannuslaskenta, arvoperusteinen hinnoittelu sekä suorituskykymittaristojen asiakasnäkökulmat. Osa asiakaslaskentamenetelmistä on jo nykyisin laajassa käytössä yrityksissä, mutta tulevaisuudessa niiden käyttö lisääntynee entisestään, kun menetelmiä kehitetään helppokäyttöisemmiksi ja luotettavimmiksi.


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Synchronous motors are used mainly in large drives, for example in ship propulsion systems and in steel factories' rolling mills because of their high efficiency, high overload capacity and good performance in the field weakening range. This, however, requires an extremely good torque control system. A fast torque response and a torque accuracy are basic requirements for such a drive. For large power, high dynamic performance drives the commonly known principle of field oriented vector control has been used solely hitherto, but nowadays it is not the only way to implement such a drive. A new control method Direct Torque Control (DTC) has also emerged. The performance of such a high quality torque control as DTC in dynamically demanding industrial applications is mainly based on the accurate estimate of the various flux linkages' space vectors. Nowadays industrial motor control systems are real time applications with restricted calculation capacity. At the same time the control system requires a simple, fast calculable and reasonably accurate motor model. In this work a method to handle these problems in a Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) salient pole synchronous motor drive is proposed. A motor model which combines the induction law based "voltage model" and motor inductance parameters based "current model" is presented. The voltage model operates as a main model and is calculated at a very fast sampling rate (for example 40 kHz). The stator flux linkage calculated via integration from the stator voltages is corrected using the stator flux linkage computed from the current model. The current model acts as a supervisor that prevents only the motor stator flux linkage from drifting erroneous during longer time intervals. At very low speeds the role of the current model is emphasised but, nevertheless, the voltage model always stays the main model. At higher speeds the function of the current model correction is to act as a stabiliser of the control system. The current model contains a set of inductance parameters which must be known. The validation of the current model in steady state is not self evident. It depends on the accuracy of the saturated value of the inductances. Parameter measurement of the motor model where the supply inverter is used as a measurement signal generator is presented. This so called identification run can be performed prior to delivery or during drive commissioning. A derivation method for the inductance models used for the representation of the saturation effects is proposed. The performance of the electrically excited synchronous motor supplied with the DTC inverter is proven with experimental results. It is shown that it is possible to obtain a good static accuracy of the DTC's torque controller for an electrically excited synchronous motor. The dynamic response is fast and a new operation point is achieved without oscillation. The operation is stable throughout the speed range. The modelling of the magnetising inductance saturation is essential and cross saturation has to be considered as well. The effect of cross saturation is very significant. A DTC inverter can be used as a measuring equipment and the parameters needed for the motor model can be defined by the inverter itself. The main advantage is that the parameters defined are measured in similar magnetic operation conditions and no disagreement between the parameters will exist. The inductance models generated are adequate to meet the requirements of dynamically demanding drives.


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As a result of the recent regulatory amendments and other development trends in the electricity distribution business, the sector is currently witnessing radical restructuring that will eventually impact the business logics of the sector. This report represents upcoming changes in the electricity distribution industry and concentrates on the factors that are expected to be the most fundamental ones. Electricity network companies nowadays struggle with legislative and regulatory requirements that focus on both the operational efficiency and the reliability of electricity distribution networks. The forces that have an impact on the distribution network companies can be put into three main categories that define the transformation at a general level. Those are: (1) a requirement for a more functional marketplace for energy, (2) environmental aspects (combating climate change etc.), and (3) a strongly emphasized requirement for the security of energy supply. The first point arises from the legislators’ attempt to increase competition in electricity retail markets, the second one concerns both environmental protection and human safety issues, and the third one indicates societies’ reduced willingness to accept interruptions in electricity supply. In the future, regulation of electricity distribution business may lower the threshold for building more weather-resistant networks, which in turn means increased underground cabling. This development pattern is reinforced by tightening safety and environmental regulations that ultimately make the overhead lines expensive to build and maintain. The changes will require new approaches particularly in network planning, construction, and maintenance. The concept for planning, constructing, and maintaining cable networks is necessary because the interdependencies between network operations are strong, in other words, the nature of the operation requires a linkage to other operations.


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This work describes the flavonoids and biflavonoids found in species of Ouratea and Luxemburgia as chemical markers that serve to detect the difference between these taxa according to the linkage between the flavonoidal units. A rational nomenclature is proposed and the pharmacological potencial is discussed.


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In this work the most abundant trehalose conformers for the isolated molecule as well as for the water solvated system are selected. The theoretical tecniques employed are ab initio calculations in the gas phase and in aqueous solution using the PCM model. A conformational map is built for the glycosidic angles (phi and psi) and the search for the most abundant structures is explained. The final structures are validated by the agreement found between experimental and theoretical values for ³J H,C along the glycosidic linkage.


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The research assesses the skills of upper comprehensive school pupils in history. The focus is on locating personal motives, assessing wider reasons hidden in historical sources and evaluating source reliability. The research also questions how a wide use of multiple sources affects pupils’ holistic understanding of historical phenomena. The participants were a multicultural group of pupils. The origins of their cultures can be traced to the Balkan, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. The number of native Finnish speakers and pupils speaking Finnish as their second language was almost equal. The multicultural composition provides opportunities to assess how culturally responsive learning history from sources is. The intercultural approach to learning in a multicultural setting emphasizes equality as a precondition for learning. In order to set assignments at least to some extent match with all participants only those answers were taken into account which were produced by pupils who had studied history for a similar period of time in the Finnish comprehensive school system. Due to the small number of participants (41), the study avoids wide generalizations. Nevertheless, possible cultural blueprints in pupils’ way of thinking are noted. The first test examined the skills of pupils to find motives for emigration. The results showed that for 7th graders finding reasons is not a problematic task. However, the number of reasons noticed and justifications varied. In addition, the way the pupils explained their choices was a distinguishing factor. Some pupils interpreted source material making use of previous knowledge on the issue, while other pupils based their analysis solely on the text handed and did not try to add their own knowledge. Answers were divided into three categories: historical, explanatory and stating. Historical answers combined smoothly previously learned historical knowledge to one’s own source analysis; explanatory answers often ignored a wider frame, although they were effective when explaining e.g. historical concepts. The stating answers only noticed motives from the sources and made no attempts to explain them historically. Was the first test culturally responsive? All pupils representing different cultures tackled the first source exam successfully, but there were some signs of how historical concepts are understood in a slightly different way if the pupil’s personal history has no linkage to the concepts under scrutiny. The second test focused on the history of Native Americans. The test first required pupils to recognize whether short source extracts (5) were written by Indians or Caucasians. Based on what they had already learned from North American history, the pupils did not find it hard to distinguish between the sources. The analysis of multiphase causes and consequences of the disputes between Native Americans and white Americans caused dispersion among pupils. Using two historical sources and combining historical knowledge from both of them simultaneously was cumbersome for many. The explanations of consequences can be divided into two groups: the ones emphasizing short term consequences and those placing emphasis on long term consequences. The short term approach was mainly followed by boys in every group. The girls mainly paid attention to long term consequences. The result suggests that historical knowledge in sources is at least to some extent read through role and gender lenses. The third test required pupils to explain in their own words how the three sources given differed in their account of living conditions in Nazi Germany, which turned out to be demanding for many pupils. The pupils’ stronghold was rather the assessment of source reliability and accounts why the sources approached the same events differently. All participants wrote critical and justified comments on reliability and aspects that might have affected the content of the sources. The pupils felt that the main reasons that affected source reliability were the authors’ ethnic background, nationality and profession. The assessment showed that pupils were well aware that position in a historical situation has an impact on historical accounts, but in certain cases the victim’s account was seen as a historical truth. The account of events by a historian was chosen most often as the most reliable source, but it was often justified leniently with an indication to professionalism rather than with clear ideas of how historians conduct accounts based on sources. In brief, the last source test demonstrates that pupils have a strong idea that the ethnicity or nationalism determines how people explained events of the past. It is also an implication that pupils understand how historical knowledge is interpretative. The results also imply that history can be analyzed from a neutral perspective. One’s own membership in an ethnical or religious group does not automatically mean that a person’s cultural identity excludes historical explanations if something in them contradicts with his or her identity. The second method of extracting knowledge of pupils’ historical thinking was an essay analysis. The analysis shows that an analytical account of complicated political issues, which often include a great number of complicated political concepts, leads more likely to an inconsistent structure in the written work of pupils. The material also demonstrates that pupils have a strong tendency to take a critical stance when assessing history. Historical empathy in particular is shown if history somehow has a linkage to young people, children or minorities. Some topics can also awake strong feelings, especially among pupils with emigrant background, if there is a linkage between one’s own personal history and that of the school; and occasionally a student’s historical experience or thoughts replaced school history. Using sources during history lessons at school seems to have many advantages. It enhances the reasoning skills of pupils and their skills to assess the nature of historical knowledge. Thus one of the main aims and a great benefit of source work is to encourage pupils to express their own ideas and opinions. To conclude, when assessing the skills of adolescents in history - their work with sources, comments on history, historical knowledge and finally their historical thinking - one should be cautious and avoid cut off score evaluations. One purpose of pursuing history with sources is to encourage pupils to think independently, which is a useful tool for further identity construction. The idea that pupils have the right to conduct their own interpretations of history can be partially understood as part of a wider learning process, justification to study history comes from extrinsic reasons. The intrinsic reason is history itself; in order to understand history one should have a basic understanding of history as a specific domain of knowledge. Using sources does not mean that knowing history is of secondary importance. Only a balance between knowing the contextual history, understanding basic key concepts and working with sources is a solid base to improve pupils’ historical understanding.


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The objective of this research was to find how the critical factors enabling intraorganizational knowledge sharing could be implemented to be part of case organization’s actions. The theoretical framework of the research was constituted based on previous scientific discussions concerning knowledge and its dimensions, knowledge sharing and its linkage to organizational learning. The intraorganizational knowledge sharing critical factors form an essential part of the theoretical framework. The study was a qualitative case study. The data was collected using focus group interviews and analyzed using theme analysis. In the empirical part of the study case organizations characteristics to the intraorganizational knowledge sharing were researched, intraorganizational knowledge sharing goals were mapped and finally improvement actions were suggested. The most significant suggestions were creating an organization wide knowledge sharing strategy, facilitating the development of social networks and communicating the top management support for knowledge sharing activities.


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In the present study, various amides of 2-amino-5-(4-methylphenyl)-diazenyl-4-phenyl-1, 3-thiazole was synthesized and their biological activities were evaluated. All the synthesized compounds were characterized by the combination of elemental analysis and standard spectroscopic methods. They are screened for anti-bacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus as well as screened for antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Apergillus oryzae by cup plate method at 1 µg/ mL concentration in DMF.


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We report the single-step derivatization reaction of a biopolymer based onL -lysine with D -biotin analogs:Co -poly(L -lysine)-graft-(ε-N -[X-D-biotinyl]-L -lysine) (PLL-X-Biotin). The valeric acid carboxylate of D -biotin is activated to an NHS ester for direct modification of amine groups in proteins and other macromolecules. NHS esters react by nucleophilic attack of an amine in the carbonyl group, releasing the NHS group, and forming a stable amide linkage. NHS-X-Biotin is the simplest biotinylation reagent commercially available. In contrast withD -biotin, it has a longer spacer arm off the valeric acid side chain allowing better binding potential for avidin or streptavidin probes. Derivatization of poly(L -lysine) (PLL) with NHS-X-Biotin led to a copolymer PLL-X-Biotin. UV-Visible, IR-FT and 1H NMR characteristics derived from synthesis are briefly discussed.