892 resultados para instrument sterilization


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In acoustic instruments, the controller and the sound producing system often are one and the same object. If virtualacoustic instruments are to be designed to not only simulate the vibrational behaviour of a real-world counterpart but also to inherit much of its interface dynamics, it would make sense that the physical form of the controller is similar to that of the emulated instrument. The specific physical model configuration discussed here reconnects a (silent) string controller with a modal synthesis string resonator across the real and virtual domains by direct routing of excitation signals and model parameters. The excitation signals are estimated in their original force-like form via careful calibration of the sensor, making use of adaptive filtering techniques to design an appropriate inverse filter. In addition, the excitation position is estimated from sensors mounted under the legs of the bridges on either end of the prototype string controller. The proposed methodology is explained and exemplified with preliminary results obtained with a number of off-line experiments.


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The need to steer economic development has always been great and as management model has the balanced scorecard has been popular since the mid- 1990s, mainly in the private sector but also in the municipal sector. The introduction of the balanced scorecard has been primarily to organizations to see more than economic dimensions. The Balanced Scorecard was originally a measurement system, and today it works more as a strategic instrument. In our study is a case study to evaluate a municipality and how they make use of the balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic and value-adding work in municipal activities. In the local business is it important that the organization adapts the balanced scorecard, so it fits on the basis that it is a politically driven organization, with mandates, committees and administrations. In our study, we used a qualitative method with a deductive approach. In the study, we have gathered information through a case study where we interviewed 7 people in leading positions. In our analysis and results section, we came to the conclusion that the municipality does not use the balanced scorecard correctly. We also found that the balanced scorecard as a tool for value creation and strategic planning does not work in a favorable way. In our study, we see difficulties with the implementation of the balanced scorecard. If the municipality has invested in implementing the balanced scorecard at all levels of the business so the municipality would be able to use it on one of the activities more adequately. When the municipality is a politically driven organization, it is important that vision alive and changing based on the conditions that reflect the outside world and the municipality in general. Looking at a vivid vision, goals and business ideas, it's balanced scorecard in line with how a balanced scorecard should look like. The municipality has a strategic plan in terms of staff and employees at large. In the study, we have seen that the strategic plan is not followed up in a good way and for the business favorably, the municipality chooses the easy way out for evaluation. Employee participation to changes and ongoing human resources management feels nonexistent. However, as has been the vision of creating empowered and motivated employees. In our conclusion, we describe how we in our study look at the use of the balanced scorecard in municipal operations. We can also discern that a balanced scorecard as a tool for value creation and strategic work is good if it is used properly. In the study, we have concluded that the municipality we have chosen to study should not use the balanced scorecard when you have not created the tools and platforms required for employees, civil servants and politicians to evaluate, monitor and create a living scorecard change over time. The study reveals major shortcomings in the implementation, evaluation and follow-up possibilities, and the consequence of this is that the balanced scorecard is not - 4 - preferable in municipal operations as a strategic instrument for value creation and long-term planning.


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É incontornável o estatuto que o conceito de qualidade de vida assume hoje na prática e políticas de saúde pública. Na infância e adolescência é ainda escassa a investigação, tornando-se crucial o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de qualidade vida relacionada com a saúde validados para esta população. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo fundamental analisar as qualidades psicométricas e validar a versão portuguesa do Youth Quality of Life (YQOL-R) (Patrick, et al., 2002). A amostra é constituída por 507 adolescentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 19 anos, a frequentar o 3º ciclo do ensino básio e ensino secundário de escolas públicas do ensino regular. Para além do citado instrumento a validar, os jovens preencheram também, para a análise da validade convergente e divergente, o Kidscreen-27 (Gaspar & Matos, 2008) e a Escala da Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse (EADS-21) (Pais-Ribeiro, Honrado & Leal, 2004). Os resultados mostram que o YQOL-R apresenta uma estrutura fatorial de quatro fatores, semelhantes à versão original americana (individual, relações sociais, ambiente e qualidade de vida em geral). Possui uma boa consistência interna e uma adequada estabilidade temporal. Mostrou correlações significativas e no sentido esperado com as variáveis em estudo. Foram igualmente encontradas diferenças de género em relação à qualidade de vida, sendo os rapazes a reportarem em média níveis mais elevados de perceção da qualidade de vida, comparativamente às raparigas. Futuros estudos devem ser realizados em amostras clínicas para confirmação dos dados. Não obstante esta limitação, o presente estudo contribuiu para a disponibilização de um novo instrumento para avaliação da qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes, o qual evidenciou boas propriedade psicométricas, apoiando, assim empiricamente, a sua utilização nas práticas de saúde e investigação em amostras da comunidade. / Nowadays, it´s unavoidable the status that, the concept of quality of life assumes in practices and politics of public health. In childhood and adolescence it´s weak the investigation but it´s crucial the development of instruments of quality of life related to health validated to this population. The present work has an important aim, it´s analyze the psychometric qualities and validate the Portuguese version of Youth Quality of Life (YQOL-R) (Patrick, et al., 2002). The sample consists of 507 adolescents, aged between 12 and 19 years old and they attend the 3 rd cycle of basic education and secondary education schools in villages of regular education. Apart from that instrument, teenagers fill in, also, to the analysis convergent and divergent, the Kidscreen-27 (Gaspar & Matos, 2008) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (EADS-21) (Pais-Ribeiro, Honrado & Leal, 2004). The results show that the YQOL-R presents a factorial structure with four factors similar to original American version (individual, social relations, environment and general quality of life), presenting a good internal consistence and an adequate temporal stability. Substantial correlations showed and in the expected way with the variables in study. Have been found differences of gender related to quality of life, boys reported on average higher levels of quality of life perception, comparatively to the girls. Future studies must be performed in clinical samples to confirm the findings. In spite of this restriction, the actual study contributes to providing a new instrument to evaluate the quality of life in children and adolescents, this evidenced good psychometric properties, supported empirically its application in heath practices and investigation in community samples.


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Aims. To validate the Swedish version of the Sheffield Care Environment Assessment Matrix (S-SCEAM). The instrument’s items measure environmental elements important for supporting the needs of older people, and conceptualized within eight domains. Methods. Item relevance was assessed by a group of experts and measured using content validity index (CVI). Test-retest and inter-rater reliability tests were performed.  The domain structure was assessed by the inter-rater agreement of a second group of experts, and measured using Fleiss kappa. Results. All items attained a CVI above 0.78, the suggested criteria for excellent content validity. Test-retest reliability showed high stability (96% and 95% for two independent raters respectively), and inter-rater reliability demonstrated high levels of agreement (95% and 94% on two separate rating occasions). Kappa values were very good for test-retest (κ = 0.903 and 0.869) and inter-rater reliability (κ = 0.851 and 0.832). Domain structure was good,  Fleiss’ kappa was 0.63 (range 0.45 to 0.75).    Conclusion. The S-SCEAM of 210 items and eight domains showed good content validity and construct validity. The instrument is suggested for use in measuring of the quality of the physical environment in residential care facilities for older persons.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Cet essai a pour but de présenter une version préliminaire d'un instrument qui mesure la conformité des interventions relativement au respect des droits reconnus aux personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Les programmes et les interventions issus de modèles conceptuels traditionnels ont longtemps négligé d'inclure dans leur pratique la notion d'exercice des droits de ces personnes. Cette notion devient une préoccupation de plus en plus importante dans notre société et elle devrait être à même de se concrétiser à l'intérieur des interventions professionnelles. Ainsi longtemps ignorées et bafouées, les personnes. Présentant une déficience intellectuelle récupèrent lentement une entité légal et juridique depuis ces dernières années. Cet instrument se situe dans la perspective d'évaluation de programmes. À partir des concepts inhérents à une démarche d'évaluation de programmes, un instrument de mesure portant sur la conformité du respect des droits a été développé. La démarche actuelle porte sur l'élaboration de la version préliminaire d'un instrument en vue de l'élaboration du processus d'un programme, soit l'adéquacité de l'intervention en regard de l'exercice des droits des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Certaines autres étapes seront nécessaires afin d'assurer la fidélité de l'instrument ainsi que la validité du contenu de celui-ci. La version finale de l'instrument permettra de porter un jugement sur les interventions dans le milieu de vie de ces personnes. Enfin, les résultats obtenus éclaireront la prise de décision concernant les correctifs nécessaires à apporter à un programme.


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Les conditions de vie des personnes handicapées intellectuelles changent avec les années. Avant le XIXe siècle, les individus atteints d'un handicap intellectuel sont maintenus dans un état constant d'infériorité: ils ne peuvent prendre aucune décision (Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1984). Ils sont isolés, infantilisés et ne participent pas à la vie sociale (Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1987). Comme les personnes handicapées sont considérées comme des êtres incapables et irresponsables, elles vivent sous la responsabilité de leur famille, de la collectivité, ou des communautés religieuses (Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1984; Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1987). La fin du XIXe siècle voit naître divers services pour les personnes handicapées intellectuelles. Des services d'entraide, d'hébergement et d'éducation sont offerts à ces individus et à leur famille (Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1984). Par la suite, au début du XXe siècle, des crèches, des orphelinats et des hôpitaux psychiatriques accueillent ces personnes. Enfin, dans les années 50, des internats ouvrent leurs portes. Ces derniers bien qu'inspirés d'une réelle pensée clinique, se préoccupent surtout de donner un gîte et un couvert aux personnes handicapées. Pourtant, ces personnes y demeurent dans le but d'être soignées et prises en charge (Association des centres d'accueil du Québec, 1987). De nature privée au départ, les services et les institutions deviennent au cours du XXe siècle, des services et des institutions publiques auxquels la personne handicapée et sa famille peuvent demander de l'aide (Association des centres d'accueil du Québec, 1987; Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1984). Après la première guerre mondiale apparaissent des regroupements de parents d'enfant handicapé et de personnes ayant un handicap. Ces associations deviennent plus nombreuses après la seconde guerre mondiale. Leur but premier est d'offrir à leurs membres des services répondant à leurs besoins. Un peu plus tard, elles demandent au gouvernement de financer les services qu'elles dispensent pour ensuite demander à ce qu'ils soient intégrés dans les réseaux publics et parapublics (Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1984). La déficience mentale demeure quand même un sujet tabou dans notre société jusqu'en 1960 (Association des centres d'accueil du Québec, 1987). Ce n'est que dans les années 70, avec la Commission d'enquête sur la santé et le bien-être social (Commission Castonguay-Nepveu) que la majorité de la population découvre les conditions dans lesquelles vivent les personnes handicapées (Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, 1984).


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L'approche pédagogique, appelée aujourd'hui pédagogie ouverte, a vu le jour en Angleterre, puis s'est diffusée aux États-Unis et au Canada. Elle a cours au Québec depuis les années 1970 grâce à certaines publications et à des rencontres de perfectionnement. Bien qu'un assez large éventail d'enseignants y ait été mis en contact par des sessions, séminaires, conférences et publications, force nous est de reconnaître qu'à ce jour nous n'y avons trouvé aucune recherche empirique permettant d'évaluer en classe du primaire le degré d'implantation de cette approche pédagogique; or, il est important, dans un contexte d'innovation pédagogique, de pouvoir connaître ce degré d'implantation pour orienter le développement, assurer le perfectionnement personnel, porter un diagnostic, évaluer les effets et pour aider pédagogues et administrateurs à faire des choix pertinents, à rendre des décisions valables. Pour répondre à cette attente, notre propos sera donc d'élaborer et d'adapter un instrument d'observation convenant à ce contexte, permettant d'évaluer le degré d'implantation de la pédagogie ouverte dans des classes du primaire. Pour y parvenir, nous suivrons les étapes suivantes: consultation des recherches sur le sujet pour définir l'objet de la pédagogie ouverte et y étudier les instruments d'évaluation existants, adaptation de l'instrument éventuellement retenu, vérification auprès d'experts québécois en pédagogie ouverte, affinement par l'expérimentation dans des classes respectivement à pédagogie ouverte et encyclopédique et par l'étude comparée des résultats. Cette démarche permettra donc d'accéder à un instrument d'évaluation apte à mesurer le degré d'implantation de cette approche pédagogique dans des classes du primaire et à discriminer les classes à pédagogie ou verte de celles à pédagogie encyclopédique.


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A área da Endodontia está em constante progresso. Os materiais utilizados nos instrumentos Endodônticos, primordialmente, eram construídos com base em cordas de piano. Seguiu-se uma fase em que estes eram de aço de carbono, mas sofriam corrosão significativa devido ao cloro presente no hipoclorito de sódio, bem como aos processos de esterilização a vapor. Foi necessário evoluir novamente e foram introduzidos os instrumentos de aço inoxidável. Estes apresentavam alta resistência e dureza, mas algumas desvantagens devido à falta de flexibilidade. Atualmente, os instrumentos de NiTi proporcionam uma melhor flexibilidade e efeito de memória de forma. A fratura de instrumentos em Endodontia pode ocorrer por dois grandes fatores: a torção e a flexão por fadiga cíclica, podendo também ser a conjugação de ambos. Fatores anatômicos, como a curvatura e a largura do canal ou outros fatores como ciclos de esterilização, número de usos, etc., podem influenciar uma fratura mais precoce dos instrumentos. A incidência da fratura de instrumentos, embora seja pouco frequente, pode ser reduzida a um mínimo absoluto se os clínicos usarem as características de torque e de stress adequadas. Um bom conhecimento dos procedimentos clínicos, da anatomia, dos materiais e a utilização de instrumentos como o microscópio podem ajudar a prevenir ou a resolver a fratura dos instrumentos. No entanto, a melhor forma de prevenir a fratura é a sua prevenção. A desinfeção é o procedimento mais importante para o sucesso de um tratamento Endodôntico, portanto para que isto seja possível, é necessária uma boa conformação canalar. A presença de um instrumento no interior do canal pode comprometer a desinfecção, especialmente caso tenha ocorrido numa fase precoce da preparação canalar. Aquando da fratura de um instrumento, deve-se refletir sobre os procedimentos a seguir, podendo-se optar por várias abordagens, nomeadamente pela manutenção do instrumento no canal e obturação incorporando o fragmento, pela remoção do segmento através de diversas técnicas (ultrassons ou técnicas de microtubos, etc.), e ainda pela realização do bypass ou pela cirurgia Endodôntica. Em última instância pode ser realizada a extração do elemento dentário.


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The present methods for the detection of oil in discharge water are based either on chemical analysis of intermittent samples or bypass pipelines with instrumentation to detect either dissolved or dispersed hydrocarbons by a variety of optical techniques including absorption, scattering and fluorescence. However, test have shown that no single instruments entirely meets either present needs or satisfies the requirements of the future more stringent legislation which may limit total hydrocarbon content to 30 ppm or even less. Hence, in this paper, a detector is devised which can detect both dissolved and dispersed oil products, has a high immunity to scattering and can operate in-line and harsh environments with a detection sensitivity of a few ppm throughout a wide range of operations.


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We present a design for an electronic continuous pitch wind controller for musical performance. It uses a combination of linear position, magnetic reed, and air pressure sensors to generate three fully continuous control dimensions. Each control dimension is encoded and transmitted using the industry standard MIDI protocol to allow the instrument to interface with a large variety of synthesizers to control different parameters of the synthesis algorithm in real time, allowing for a high degree of expressiveness not possible with existing electronic wind instrument controllers. The first part of the thesis will provide a justification for the design of a novel instrument, and present some of the theory behind pitch representation, encoding, and transmission with respect to digital systems. The remainder of the thesis will present the particular design and explain the workings of its various subsystems.


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L'esprit coopératif en Afrique tire son origine de la nature même de l'être africain; celui-ci vit toujours en communauté et partage ses biens avec ses pairs, d'où la solidarité africaine. Bien avant l'époque coloniale, les Africains se regroupaient sous plusieurs formes pré-coopératives. C'est avec l'arrivée des colons européens que ce système a pris de l'ampleur et s'est transformé en véritables coopératives. La République du Zaïre qui fait l'objet de notre travail est un pays qui traverse actuellement une crise économico-financière sans précédent. Toutes les mesures et politiques de redressement de la situation ont été vouées à l'échec. La quasi-totalité des institutions financières sont en situation de faillite. La crise monétaire s'est ajoutée à l'ensemble des problèmes économiques que connaît le pays, avec une dépréciation du taux de change dépassant les 1000% entre 1990-1995. Le système bancaire se trouve donc paralysé et cela a entraîné comme conséquences, entre autres, la méfiance des épargnants. Présentement, le seul moyen de financement qui reste possible au pays est l'endettement externe qui, à son tour, entraîne une totale dépendance de la politique économique zaïroise aux caprices des organismes financiers internationaux comme la Banque mondiale et le Fonds monétaire international. Il est temps pour le Zaïre de savoir rectifier ses tirs. Pour y arriver, il doit d'abord réorganiser ses ressources de financement interne et les orienter vers son développement intégral grâce à un système bien adapté aux réalités de la population tant rurale qu'urbaine. Pour ce faire, nous pensons que les coopératives d'épargne et de crédit devraient être un instrument privilégié pour faire redémarrer l'économie zaïroise.


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Objective: To evaluate the reliability of a peer evaluation instrument in a longitudinal team-based learning setting. Methods: Student pharmacists were instructed to evaluate the contributions of their peers. Evaluations were analyzed for the variance of the scores by identifying low, medium, and high scores. Agreement between performance ratings within each group of students was assessed via intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: We found little variation in the standard deviation (SD) based on the score means among the high, medium, and low scores within each group. The lack of variation in SD of results between groups suggests that the peer evaluation instrument produces precise results. The ICC showed strong concordance among raters. Conclusions: Findings suggest that our student peer evaluation instrument provides a reliable method for peer assessment in team-based learning settings.