928 resultados para humanities graduates


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Estudi sobre la vivència i les relacions entre pelegrins dins l'espai del Camino de Santiago, entès com un entorn ple de simbolismes religiosos, no religiosos i socials. La branca d'estudis culturals aporta l'anàlisi de valors, creences, comportaments i simbologia de l'entorn, així com la seva implicació amb aquests comportaments. Com a conceptes importants per aprofundir hi ha els valors, l'experiència individual i comunitària, el camí existencial, el camí social, la interrelació o el contacte.


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In Tanzania computer knowledge is vital to supplement the pace fast growing economic and development activities, which demands high and reliable level of expertise in com- puting field. In 2006, a research carried out at Tumaini University with purpose to design and implement a contextualized curriculum that can supplement for such needs hence facilitate development in Tanzanian context. A contextualized curriculum took advantage of six principles namely curriculum contex- tualization, projects, practical, interdisciplinary orientation, international recognition and continuous research for the program’s formative and development. Implementation of the curriculum followed the CATI (Contextualize, Apply, Transfer, and Import) model with emphasis on students to identify societal expectations at the early stage in learning process, in which case the graduates will potentially cater for societal expertise needs on ICT. This study adopts an emergent exploratory cross-section research design, while employ- ing a qualitative approach. This study was conducted at Tumaini University in Iringa where by purposeful sampling was used to obtain participants such as students, teach- ers, administrators and employers who participated in several focus group discussions, in-depth interviews and participant observation. The study reveals that six principles are satisfactorily met,despite of bottlenecks such as incompatibility in pedagogical thinking and technology availability for e-learning, learning attitudes, insufficient experts with actual skills and experience,in academic field among the others. The study recommends that iterative longitudinal study should be car- ried out to design for proper intervention in response to these problems which will help in improving and stabilize the curriculum.


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This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of chemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? what were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?


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This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of biochemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? What were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?


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The toxic heavy metals can not be transformed in other less toxic substances as organic wastes through chemical process. Various chemistry courses at Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Humanities (FFCLRP/USP) use heavy metals in their experimental classes. In this context, a course were created: "Heavy Metal Wastes generated in the teaching and research laboratories: disposal or recovery" and has a specific goal to capacitate the students to define the adequate strategy for disposal or recovery of the chemical wastes, in particular heavy metals, through an interdisciplinary approaching. This course was given to 25 students during the second semester of 2000 and 2001. The environmental responsibility desired for the professional and citizen can be promoted.


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Acostament etnogràfic visual a un grup de cuidadors/es de la Fundació Pere Mitjans. Descobriment de l'empatia d'un col·lectiu divers de cuidadors/es amb el grup d'usuaris amb l'etiqueta de diferents, per la seva discapacitat o diversitat funcional.


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En aquest treball, a partir de la teoria de l'actor-xarxa i la Sociologia del Coneixement Científic (SCC), analitzem la creació i evolució de la vacuna contra la malària de l'equip del Dr. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, durant els anys 80 i 90 del passat segle, per mostrar com les interaccions socials participen de manera decisiva en l'acceptació o rebuig d'una proposta científica.


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El present treball cerca elements eròtics i sensuals en l'obra dels principals trobadors medievals catalans i compara els resultats amb el llibre de cavalleria més famós de la literatura castellana, l'Amadís de Gaula.


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This study investigates the transformation of practical teaching in a Catalan school, connected to the design, implementation and development of project-based learning, and focusing on dialogic learning to investigate its limits and possibilities. Qualitative and design-based research (DBR) methods are applied. These methods are based on empirical educational research with the theory-driven of learning environments. DBR is proposed and applied using practical guidance for the teachers of the school. It can be associated with the current proposals for Embedding Social Sciences and Humanities in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges. This position statement defends the social sciences and the humanities as the most fundamental and important ideas to face all societal challenges. The results of this study show that before the training process, teachers apply dialogic learning in specific moments (for example, when they speak about the weekend); however, during the process and after the process, they work systematically with dialogic learning through the PEPT: they start and finish every activity with a individual and group reflection about their own processes, favouring motivation, reasoning and the implication of all the participants. These results prove that progressive transformations of teaching practice benefit cooperative work in class


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Succestul players of the university game? A study about the short duration of master’s degree studies and graduating at a young age The duration of studies has long been a topic of conversation. It was first mentioned in 1883, but the discussion has been quite active and topical for the last fifty years. During that time, there have been numerous committees, working groups for the Ministry of Education, and revisions to the structure of the master’s degree program. All of these have focused on lowering the duration of studies as well as the age at which students graduate. These two factors have been regarded as indicators of efficiency. Achieving these goals is seen to promote the successful transition from studies to work. In addition, the greater time that people spend working is thought to help with the fiscal burden of an aging population. The reasons for prolonged study seem to be: students working during the course of their studies; the actual workload of the studies, which sometimes does not correlate with the calculated workload; problems with the students’ course selections and with their financial support from the government; issues in teaching; and problems with university funding. This study focuses on students’ study experiences, their progress, and the university itself. Of particular interest was the students’ use of different resources—cultural, social, and economical capital. Participants in the study had graduated from the University of Turku between the years of 1999 and 2001 and were divided into two groups: prompt graduates, those who graduated among the fastest 18th percent in their faculty; and those who graduated at a slower pace. A survey (N=499) and interviews (N=69) were among the methods used, along with a compilation of statistics on the students’ duration of studies, the number of modules studied, and marks obtained. Bourdieu’s theory about fields and the games people play in those fields formed the theoretical background of this study. The university was seen to form a playing field with historically and politically changeable rules. The students playing in this field were considered to possess different economical, social, and cultural resources, which they use more or less successfully. Some of the strategies used by students result in gra¬duating at a young age and/or a short duration of study; some do not. This study divided the age of graduation and the duration of study into separate games. This allowed the study to determine the relationship between these two factors and to examine their similarities and differences. The study also focused on the idea of success. Short duration of studies and a young graduation age can be considered, be some, an indication of success in navigating the university field. This study aimed to see if this concept held true or whether these seeming indicators of success have negative side effects. The main result of this study is that, even though the games of duration and age have similarities, they are sufficiently diverse to be considered separate games, which need different resources. To graduate with a short duration of studies, it is important for a student to successfully view and navigate the university field, tailoring one’s studies and extracurricular activities to suit the individual. In the game of youth, the background of the student seemed to be of greater importance. The youngest graduates had spent more time with their parents, who also had higher educational qualifications. They also had higher achievement in their previous studies. This seems to indicate that their background allowed them to assimilate a better understanding of the school and university fields and that playing the university game was natural for them. As for the aspect of success, it seems that there are many ways to define the term. Youth on graduation and short duration of studies can be seen as two indicators of success. Both revealed negative and positive outcomes, even though short duration of studies seemed more often to be connected with positive outcomes. However, it seems that the best indicator for success is the way in which students organize study into their lives to support and suit their needs and abilities to realize a meaningful life and a successful entry into the field of work.


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Relació que mantenen la música i el silenci des de la perspectiva de l'estètica del silenci contemporània.


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Poor standards in schools and the increase in the number of institutions of higher education - frequently without the due control - have adversely affected the quality of university level education in Brazil. On the other hand, evaluation of undergraduate courses, which has been carried out regularly since the min 1990's allow, within certain limits, a description of the quality Brazilian higher education courses in general, and Chemistry courses in specific. This paper evaluates the results of the national examinations (2000 and 2003's ENC, and 2005's ENADE), attrition rates for the 1990's and for the 2000-2005 period, as well as the perceptions of students and instructors that took part in those exams. Furthermore, the paper also analyzes the opinions of academics and of private sector professionals about the educational system's capacity to meet the job market's demand for skilled labor force. The actual profile of Chemistry graduates is then compared to what is demanded from them by the market, revealing deficiencies in the educational system. The expected essential curricula changes that would introduce an innovative and advanced approach in the undergraduate courses have become great challenges. In this sense, the paper seeks to reflect on questions such as: How to give informative courses a formative emphasis? Which programs should be included in the curricula to involve students in activities that require initiative and decision-making, thus fostering both learning and interest in Chemistry? How to prepare instructors for schools and for higher education? How to increase instruction in related areas without expanding the curricula excessively? How to introduce entrepreneurship in the curricula and further awareness of the professional non-academic careers in the area?


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Aquest estudi fa un balanç sobre la gestió actual del patrimoni fotogràfic a Catalunya, en concret de la seva difusió. Es pren com a punt de partida el recent episodi de l'Arxiu Centelles, que ha fet plantejar quin és l'estat actual dels arxius i entitats fotogràfiques de Catalunya, i quina gestió es fa dels seus fons, no només per a preservar el patrimoni fotogràfic català, sinó també per a difondre'l i fer-lo accessible als usuaris.


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Estudi comparatiu entre la relació homoeròtica de Plató i el maithuna tàntric (o relació sexual tàntrica).


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L'Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari Català i les set universitats públiques catalanes analitzen regularment la inserció dels graduats universitaris en el món laboral. La darrera avaluació s'ha fet en forma d'enquesta, realitzada durant el 2005 als graduats el curs 2000-2001