803 resultados para girl


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En los últimos años del siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XEK la vigencia del pensamiento éclairé fomenta un clima favorable a la supresión del Santo Oficio; la censura del Santo Tribunal es el eje central de Cornelia Bororquia o la víctima de la Inquisición (1801), novela del ex-trinitario Luis Gutiérrez que narra la indefensión de una muchacha en las cárceles de la Inquisición. La novela argumenta en favor de la tolerancia religiosa y en la línea de un cristianismo ilustrado, pero no alcanza el tono radical de otros españoles expatriados. Mientras que el exilio de José Marchena radicaliza su discurso político y su sueño de una sociedad sin clases, la vía de Luis Gutiérrez es más reformadora y posibilista, pues confía en que los vástagos de la nobleza más culta y enciclopédica sean una pieza clave en la modernización del pensamiento en España.


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En los últimos años del siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XEK la vigencia del pensamiento éclairé fomenta un clima favorable a la supresión del Santo Oficio; la censura del Santo Tribunal es el eje central de Cornelia Bororquia o la víctima de la Inquisición (1801), novela del ex-trinitario Luis Gutiérrez que narra la indefensión de una muchacha en las cárceles de la Inquisición. La novela argumenta en favor de la tolerancia religiosa y en la línea de un cristianismo ilustrado, pero no alcanza el tono radical de otros españoles expatriados. Mientras que el exilio de José Marchena radicaliza su discurso político y su sueño de una sociedad sin clases, la vía de Luis Gutiérrez es más reformadora y posibilista, pues confía en que los vástagos de la nobleza más culta y enciclopédica sean una pieza clave en la modernización del pensamiento en España.


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Child labour in several low income households is rather pursued for gaining experience and at times for meagre incomes, which are possibly spent on household food expenditure. Though the contribution made by the child labour to the overall wellbeing does not turn out to be substantial, without child labour these households would have been much worse off than the households which can afford not to have child labour. The probability of working is higher for a male child compared to a girl child. This is because the girl children are often engaged in household activities and even when they are engaged in income earning jobs they are shown as helpers. Parents' income as such may not be having a positive impact on child's education rather it is the educational level of the parents which matters in determining whether the child would go to school and continue her/his education. To substantiate the gender bias, the probability of falling ill among the girl children is found to be higher compared to the boys. Parents' educational attainments beyond a certain level again tend to reduce the probability of falling ill.


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Sulfite oxidase catalyzes the terminal reaction in the degradation of sulfur amino acids. Genetic deficiency of sulfite oxidase results in neurological abnormalities and often leads to death at an early age. The mutation in the sulfite oxidase gene responsible for sulfite oxidase deficiency in a 5-year-old girl was identified by sequence analysis of cDNA obtained from fibroblast mRNA to be a guanine to adenine transition at nucleotide 479 resulting in the amino acid substitution of Arg-160 to Gln. Recombinant protein containing the R160Q mutation was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. The mutant protein contained its full complement of molybdenum and heme, but exhibited 2% of native activity under standard assay conditions. Absorption spectroscopy of the isolated molybdenum domains of native sulfite oxidase and of the R160Q mutant showed significant differences in the 480- and 350-nm absorption bands, suggestive of altered geometry at the molybdenum center. Kinetic analysis of the R160Q protein showed an increase in Km for sulfite combined with a decrease in kcat resulting in a decrease of nearly 1,000-fold in the apparent second-order rate constant kcat/Km. Kinetic parameters for the in vitro generated R160K mutant were found to be intermediate in value between those of the native protein and the R160Q mutant. Native sulfite oxidase was rapidly inactivated by phenylglyoxal, yielding a modified protein with kinetic parameters mimicking those of the R160Q mutant. It is proposed that Arg-160 attracts the anionic substrate sulfite to the binding site near the molybdenum.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos (a) identificar mecanismos pelos quais rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados possam estar associados de maneira causal a determinados quadros clínicos e (b) contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação desses rearranjos. Para isso, foram estudados 45 rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados (29 translocações, 10 inversões e seis rearranjos complexos), detectados em pacientes que apresentavam malformações congênitas, comprometimento do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor ou déficit intelectual. Foram 31 rearranjos cromossômicos esporádicos, três familiais que segregavam com o quadro clínico e mais 11 rearranjos cromossômicos herdados de genitores fenotipicamente normais. Inicialmente os pontos de quebra desses rearranjos foram mapeados por hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH). A busca por microdeleções e duplicações genômicas foi realizada por a-CGH. A investigação dos pontos de quebra prosseguiu com a aplicação da técnica de Mate-Pair Sequencing (MPS), que permite localizar as quebras em segmentos de 100 pb - 1 kb, na maioria dos casos. Para obter os segmentos de junção das quebras no nível de pares de bases, os segmentos delimitados por MPS foram sequenciados pelo método de Sanger. A análise por aCGH revelou microdeleções ou microduplicações localizadas nos cromossomos rearranjados, em 12 dos 45 pacientes investigados (27%). A análise de 27 rearranjos por MPS permitiu a caracterização dos pontos de junção das quebras. MPS expandiu o número de pontos de quebra, detectados por análise do cariótipo ou aCGH, de 114 para 156 (em resolução < 2kb, na maioria dos casos). O número de pontos de quebra/rearranjo variou de 2 a 20. Os 156 pontos de quebra resultaram em 86 variantes estruturais equilibradas e outras 32 variantes não equilibradas. Perdas e ganhos de segmentos submiscroscópicos nos cromossomos rearranjados constituíram a principal causa ou, provavelmente, contribuíram para o quadro clínico de 12 dos 45 pacientes. Em cinco desses 12 rearranjos foram detectadas por MPS a interrupção de genes já relacionados à doença, ou provável alteração de sua região reguladora, contribundo para o quadro clínico. Em quatro dos 33 rearranjos não associados a perdas ou ganhos de segmentos, a análise por MPS revelou a interrupção de genes que já foram anteriormente relacionados a doenças, explicando-se, assim, as características clínicas dos portadores; outro rearranjo pode ter levando alteração da expressão gênica de gene sensível a dosagem e ao quadro clínico. Um rearranjo cromossômico familial, identificado na análise após bandamento G como uma translocação equilibrada, t(2;22)(p14;q12), segregava com quadro de atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e dificuldade de aprendizado associados a dismorfismos. A combinação das análises por FISH, aCGH e MPS revelou que se tratava, na verdade, de rearranjo complexo entre os cromossomos 2, 5 e 22, incluindo 10 quebras. A segregação de diferentes desequilíbrios submicroscópicos em indivíduos afetados e clinicamente normais permitiu a compreensão da variabilidade clínica observada na família. Rearranjos equilibrados detectados em indivíduos afetados, mas herdados de genitores clinicamente normais, são, em geral, considerados como não tendo relação com o quadro clínico, apesar da possibilidade de desequilíbrios cromossômicos gerados por permuta desigual na meiose do genitor portador do rearranjo. Neste trabalho, a investigação de 11 desses rearranjos por aCGH não revelou perdas ou ganhos de segmentos nos cromossomos rearranjados. No entanto, a análise por aCGH da portadora de um desses rearranjos - inv(12)mat - revelou deleção de 8,7 Mb no cromossomo 8, como causa de seu fenótipo clínico. Essa deleção estava relacionada com outro rearranjo equilibrado também presente em sua mãe, independente da inversão. Para compreender os mecanismos de formação de rearranjos citogeneticamente equilibrados, investigamos os segmentos de junção no nível de pares de base. A análise por MPS que levou, na maioria dos casos, ao mapeamento dos pontos de quebras em segmentos <1kb permitiu o sequenciamento pelo método de Sanger de 51 segmentos de junções de 17 rearranjos. A ocorrência de blunt fusions ou inserções e deleções <10 pb, e a ausência de homologia ou a presença de micro homologia de 2 pb a 4 pb de extensão indicaram o mecanismo de junção de extremidades não homólogas (non-homologous end joinging; NHEJ), na maioria das 51 junções caracterizadas. As características de três dos quatro rearranjos mais complexos, com 17-20 quebras, indicaram sua formação pelo mecanismo de chromothripsis. Este estudo mostra a importância da análise genômica de variações de número de cópias por microarray, juntamente com o mapeamento dos pontos de quebra por MPS, para determinar a estrutura de rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados e seu impacto clínico. O mapeamento dos segmentos de junção por MPS, permitindo o sequenciamento pelo método de Sanger, foi essencial para a compreensão de mecanismos de formação desses rearranjos


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ABSTRACT This study is an account of the literacy-related human environment a Chinese girl experienced as the first person in the history of her family who was able to read prior to entry into elementary school. Temporally speaking, the study spanned more than a decade from the initial, tentative research question to the formal, primary research question. Spatially speaking, it crossed three cultures: the Chinese, Korean, and American cultures. The study was inspired by the Zero Project in China, known as the "Project of Quality Education and Implementation for Children Aged Zero (fetus) to Six." The significance of the content issue in a child's literacy curriculum was explored in an interdisciplinary way. Case study served as a holistic research approach and provided the researcher with free temporal and spatial distance to pursue the indefinably multi-dimensional intricacies of a child's early literacy acquisition among generations in the family. Interpretation of the case was based on the relevant concepts within the scope of the researcher's knowledge of Chinese culture. Major findings revealed that the child's literacy acquisition was inseparably related to her parents' background as well as their awareness of and attitudes towards literacy, and that the foundation of all this was the harmony of the family. Through the lens of generational attitudes towards literacy and especially the lens of the researcher's multicultural life experiences, this study contributes to the field of curriculum studies in general and early literacy curriculum in particular by stimulating people to reconsider what to read to children, besides how to read to them. It calls attention once again to the classic curriculum question, "What knowledge is of most worth?" as well as what is the most essential spiritual food human beings need besides physical needs. This study suggests that Chinese philosophy should be included in a child's early literacy curriculum in China and calls for dialogues on the content issue of curriculum to gain a deeper understanding of human nature so that humans might co-live peacefully with all beings in the universe.


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Este trabalho consiste em investigar as relações entre poética e contexto em duas obras: O padre e a moça (longa-metragem ficcional que Joaquim Pedro de Andrade finalizou em 1965), e o poema (de que Joaquim Pedro se apropria) O padre, a moça (publicado por Carlos Drummond de Andrade em Lição de coisas, de 1962). Como se trata de duas obras profundamente dialogais, a investigação sobre o caráter de empenho estético-ideológico orienta-se, evidentemente, pelo cotejo. O contexto dos 1960 (atravessado pelos dilemas da modernização capitalista dependente e periférica) revela-se fundamental para a compreensão de aspectos temático-formais de ambas as obras (uma, anterior ao Golpe de 1964, a outra, imediatamente posterior). A presença do contexto em ambos os textos, entretanto, exige a compreensão sobre as mediações propriamente artísticas. Para tanto, a pesquisa procura orientar-se pelo método de redução estrutural (desenvolvido por Antônio Candido); nem por isso, abre mão de refletir sobre seus pressupostos teórico-metodológicos (tomados à análise estética, mas também às reflexões sociológicas, historiográficas e filosóficas).


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We describe the case of an eight-year-old girl with complaints of headaches and blurred vision (uncorrected visual acuity: 0.1 decimal) that showed on examination miotic pupils, pseudomyopia, no ocular motility restrictions, and no associated neurological disease. After initial treatment with cyclopentolate for two months, pseudomyopia persisted with an intermittent and variable esotropia. Spectacles of +1 both eyes and atropine 1% one drop daily were then prescribed. The situation improved and remained stable for several weeks, with pseudomyopia and esotropia reappearing later. Finally, botulinum toxin (2.5 iu Botox®) was injected in the medial rectus muscle on two occasions and a visual therapy program based on the stimulation of fusional divergence, diplopia, and stereopsis consciousness was recommended. This prescription was combined with the use of atropine during the first few weeks. Orthotropia and corrected distance visual acuity of 1.0 were found three months after treatment. The evolution and clinical results of this case report suggest that botulinum toxin in combination with other therapeutic alternatives may be useful in the treatment of spasm of the near reflex.


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En la literatura y el cine góticos clásicos, el vampiro se concebía como un monstruo al que cabía eliminar. Sin embargo, en los últimos cuarenta años, novelas, películas y series revelan una voluntad de asimilarlo a la sociedad humana, un proceso conocido como domesticación o regeneración. Como metáfora de la diferencia sexual, racial, de género o de clase, tal asimilación representa, de acuerdo con los postulados de Foucault, una operación que lleva a cabo el poder para someterlas, integrándolas en el orden social y cultural establecido. La serie estadounidense True Blood (2008-2014) refleja a la perfección este proceso dual de regeneración que implica, a su vez, sometimiento. Relacionado con los supuestos de la corrección política, el nuevo monstruo ya no simboliza al «perverso» sino al «diferente» que se debe proteger y aceptar en el seno de la sociedad, pese al riesgo de cohesión social y amenaza para la familia que comporta.


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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the leading cause of chronic liver disease in children, is defined by hepatic fat infiltration >5% of hepatocytes, in the absence of excessive alcohol intake, evidence of viral, autoimmune or drug-induced liver disease. Conditions like rare genetic disorders must be considered in the differential diagnosis. Case Report: Two male brothers, and a non-related girl, all overweight, had liver steatosis. One of the brothers and the girl had elevated transaminases; all three presented with low total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins and very low density lipoproteins cholesterol levels, hypotriglyceridemia and low apolipoprotein B. A liver biopsy performed in the brother with citolysis confirmed steatohepatitis and the molecular study of apolipoprotein B gene showed a novel homozygous mutation (c.9353dup p.Asn3118Lysfs17). Patients with cytolysis lost weight, however liver steatosis persists. Conclusion: Fatty liver disease might be a consequence of hypobetalipoproteinemia. Evidence is scarce due to low number of reported cases.


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Ledger kept by Dr. Job Godfrey (1742-1813) of Taunton, Massachusetts, containing records of patients, medical services rendered, and fees charged between 1791 and 1797, which were updated with payment transactions through 1809. There are also notes on Godfrey's medical practice dated from 1787, including an entry on a nine-year-old girl he dissected after her death. There are additionally credits or debits listed for household transactions.


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Account book kept by Dr. David Townsend (1753-1829) that records patients treated, illnesses, and fees charged in Boston, Massachusetts, and neighboring towns from 1774 to 1791. His patients included a number of soldiers and sailors, as well as figures like the French-American writer John Hector St. John (1735-1813). Townsend's treatments typically consisted of delivering cathartics or emetics. For the family of Samuel Appleton, Townsend administered smallpox inoculation in 1776, charging him 4 pounds, 4 shillings. Townsend sometimes recorded the occupation or race of the patient. For example, he attended the delivery of a child of Sappho Henshaw, "black girl," in 1786; in 1787 he attended to an unnamed "black man at [who lived at the] corner of Board Alley" in the North End of Boston. Other patients included John Hancock (1736-1793) and members of Hancock's household, as well as Federalist publisher John Fenno (1751-1798).


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Children books can constitute an important tool to talk about art and heritage with children in preschool. The images and narrative help children to become aware that works of art can tell us stories and if they pay attention to the details they can discover their mysteries. The children book project: Ginja, um Gato Lisboeta is an example of that, revealing the history of the city through the adventures of a little girl and her cat Ginja, watching and discovering the heritage of Lisbon


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014