965 resultados para flying fox


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa liikkeenjohdon päätöksentekoa tukeva toimintatapa, jonka avulla pystytään keräämään ja suodattamaan sosiaalisesta mediasta olennainen asiakastyytyväisyyden muodostumiseen vaikuttava informaatio. Tavoitteena on myös täsmentää sosiaalisen median viestien tarkastelutapaa ja tarjota liikkeenjohdolle käytännönläheinen ja vaihtoehtoinen tiedonkeruumenetelmä perinteisten asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyiden rinnalle. Tutkimuksen case-yrityksenä käytetään Fox International Channels Oy:tä, joka alkuvuodesta 2012 hankki SuomiTV:n ja lanseerasi tämän tilalle uuden FOX-kanavan. Sosiaalisen median viestit kerätään sosiaalisen median seurannan avulla ja kerättyä aineistoa tarkastellaan kriittisten tapausten tekniikan avulla.Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että on olemassa valtava määrä käsittelemätöntä tietoa, jota keräämällä, suodattamalla ja analysoimalla voidaan kerätä tavoitteita tukevaa relevanttia informaatiota. Tutkimuksessa tulee ilmi, että viestit sisältävät paljon ironiaa, slangia, sarkasmia ja metaforia, minkä takia automaattinen hakusanoihin perustuva seuranta- ja analysointipalvelu ei riitä syvällisen ymmärryksen luomiseen. Yrityksen ulkopuolinen tieto ja sosiaalisen median viestit ovat puhtaimmillaan hyvin tärkeää ulkoista informaatiota yrityksille, mitä hyväksikäyttämällä voidaan luoda kilpailuetua pidemmällä aikavälillä.


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Abstract: Annually hundreds of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) are referred to rehabilitation centers and zoos in Brazil. The ultrasonographic study of wildlife species is an important tool for a non-invasive and accurate anatomical description and provides important information for wildlife veterinary care. The aim of the present study was to determine the characteristics of the main abdominal organs as well as the vascular indexes of the abdominal aorta and renal arteries of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) using mode B ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasonography, respectively. Ultrasonographic features of the main abdominal organs were described and slight differences were noticed between ultrasound imaging of abdominal organs of crab-eating foxes and other species. The bladder presented wall thickness of 12±0.01mm, with three defined layers. Both, the right and left kidneys presented corticomedullary ratio of 1:1 and similarly to the adrenals and the liver, they were homogeneous and hypoechoic compared to the spleen. The spleen was homogeneous and hyperechoic compared to the kidneys. The stomach presented 3 to 5 peristaltic movements per minute, wall thickness of 39±0.05mm and lumen and mucosa with hyperechoic and hypoechoic features, respectively. Small and large intestines presented 2 to 3 peristaltic movements per minute, wall thickness of 34±0.03mm and three defined layers with hyperechogenic (submucosa and serosa) and hypoechogenic (muscular) features. Ovaries of the female crab-eating fox were hypoechoic compared to the spleen and with heterogeneous parenchyma due to the presence of 2x2mm ovarian follicles. Prostates of the six males were regular and with a well defined boundary, with a homogeneous and hyperechoic parenchyma compared to the spleen. Vascular indexes of the abdominal aorta (PSV: 25.60±0.32cm/s; EDV: 6.96±1.68cm/s; PI: 1.15±0.07 e RI: 0.73±0.07) and right (PSV: 23.08±3.34cm/s; EDV: 9.33±2.36cm/s; PI: 1.01±0.65 e RI: 0.65±0.16) and left renal arteries (PSV: 23.74±3.94cm/s; EDV: 9.07±3.02cm/s; PI: 1.04±0.31 e RI: 0.64±0.10) were determined. Thus, conventional and Doppler ultrasonographic imaging provides basic information that can be used as reference for the species as well for other wild canids and it is a precise and non-invasive method that can be safely used to evaluate and diagnose abdominal injuries in these patients.


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Chicken embryos kept in culture medium were bombarded using a high helium gas pressure biolistic device. To optimize the factors that affect transformation efficiency, the lacZ gene under control of the human cytomegalovirus immediate early enhancer/promoter was used as a reporter gene. There was an inverse relationship between survival rate and transformation efficiency. The best conditions obtained for high embryo survival and high transformation efficiency were achieved with 800 psi helium gas pressure, 500 mmHg vacuum, gold particles, an 8 cm DNA-coated microparticle flying distance to the embryo and embryo placement 0.5 cm from the center of the particle dispersion cone. Under these conditions, transformation efficiency was 100%, survival rate 25% and the number of expression units in the embryo body cells ranged from 100 to 1,000. Expression of green fluorescent protein was also detected in embryos bombarded under optimal conditions. Based on the results obtained, the biolistic process can be considered an efficient method for the transformation of chicken embryos and therefore can be used as a model system to study transient gene expression and tissue-specific promoters.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acidification of the endosome-lysosome system of renal epithelial cells after endocytosis of two human immunoglobulin lambda light chains (Bence-Jones proteins, BJP) obtained from patients with multiple myeloma. Renal epithelial cell handling of two BJP (neutral and acidic BJP) was evaluated by rhodamine fluorescence. Renal cells (MDCK) were maintained in culture and, when confluent, were incubated with rhodamine-labeled BJP for different periods of time. Photos were obtained with a fluorescence microscope (Axiolab-Zeiss). Labeling density was determined on slides with a densitometer (Shimadzu Dual-Wavelength Flying-Spot Scanner CS9000). Endocytosis of neutral and acidic BJP was correlated with acidic intracellular compartment distribution using acridine orange labeling. We compared the pattern of distribution after incubation of native neutral and acidic BJP and after complete deglycosylation of BJP by periodate oxidation. The subsequent alteration of pI converted neutral BJP to acidic BJP. There was a significant accumulation of neutral BJP in endocytic structures, reduced lysosomal acidification, and a diffuse pattern of acidification. This pattern was reversed after total deglycosylation and subsequent alteration of the pI to an acidic BJP. We conclude that the physicochemical characteristics of BJP interfere with intracellular acidification, possibly explaining the strong nephrotoxicity of neutral BJP. Lysosomal acidification is fundamental for adequate protein processing and catabolism.


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Gaucher disease (GD), the most prevalent lysosome storage disorder, presents an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. It is a paradigm for therapeutic intervention in medical genetics due to the existence of effective enzyme replacement therapy. We report here the analysis of GD in 262 unrelated Brazilian patients, carried out in order to establish the frequency of the most common mutations and to provide prognostic information based on genotype-phenotype correlations. Among 247 type 1 GD patients, mutation N370S was detected in 47% of all the alleles, but N370S/N370S homozygosity was found in only 10% of the patients, a much lower frequency than expected, suggesting that most individuals presenting this genotype may not receive medical attention. Recombinant alleles were detected at a high frequency: 44% of the chromosomes bearing mutation L444P had other mutations derived from the pseudogene sequence, present in 25% of patients. Three neuronopathic type 2 patients were homozygous for L444P, all presenting additional mutations (E326K or recombinant alleles) that probably lead to the more severe phenotypes. Six children, classified as type 1 GD patients, had a L444P/L444P genotype, showing that neuronopathic symptoms may only manifest later in life. This would indicate the need for a higher treatment dose during enzyme replacement therapy. Finally, mutation G377S was present in 4 homozygous type 1 patients and also in compound heterozygosity in 5 (42%) type 3 patients. These findings indicate that G377S cannot be unambiguously classified as mild and suggest an allele-dose effect for this mutation.


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The aim of the present study was to compare healing obtained with biomembranes with the natural healing process (sham) using biochemical and immunohistological assays. C57BL/6 mice were divided into 4 groups of 15 mice each and received different subcutaneous implants: natural latex biomembrane (NLB), denatured latex (DL), expanded polytetrafluorethylene (ePTFE), or sham. On the 2nd, 7th, and 14th days post-treatment, 5 mice per group were sacrificed and biopsied for the following measurements: oxidative stress based on malondialdehyde (MDA), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and hydrogen peroxide by the method of ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange (FOX), as well as glutathione and total proteins; histological evaluation to enumerate inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, blood vessels, and collagen, and immunohistochemical staining for inducible nitric oxide synthase, interleukin-1β, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). On day 2 post-treatment, NLB stimulated a dense inflammatory infiltrate mainly consisting of polymorphonuclear cells, as indicated by increased MPO (P < 0.05), but oxidative stress due to MDA was not observed until the 7th day (P < 0.05). The number of blood vessels was greater in NLB (P < 0.05) and DL (P < 0.05) mice compared to sham animals on day 14. NLB induced fibroplasia by day 14 (P < 0.05) with low expression of TGF-β1 and collagenesis. Thus, NLB significantly induced the inflammatory phase of healing mediated by oxidative stress, which appeared to influence the subsequent phases such as angiogenesis (with low expression of VEGF) and fibroplasia (independent of TGF-β1) without influencing collagenesis.


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Changes in the abundance of top predators have brought about notable, cascading effects in ecosystems around the world. In this thesis, I examined several potential trophic cascades in boreal ecosystems, and their separate interspecific interactions. The main aim of the thesis was to investigate whether predators in the boreal forests have direct or indirect cascading effects on the lower trophic levels. First, I compared the browsing effects of different mammalian herbivores by excluding varying combinations of voles, hares and cervids from accessing the seedlings of silver birch (Betula pendula), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Additionally, I studied the effect of simulated predation risk on vole browsing by using auditory cues of owls. Moving upwards on the trophic levels, I examined the intraguild interactions between the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), and its mesopredator prey, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the pine marten (Martes martes). To look at an entire potential trophic cascade, I further studied the combined impacts of eagles and mesopredators on the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) and the hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia), predicting that the shared forest grouse prey would benefit from eagle presence. From the tree species studied, birch appears to be the most palatable one for the mammalian herbivores. I observed growth reductions in the presences of cervids and low survival associated with hares and voles, which suggests that they all weaken regeneration in birch stands. Furthermore, the simulated owl predation risk appeared to reduce vole browsing on birches in late summer, although the preferred grass forage is then old and less palatable. Browsing by voles and hares had a negative effect on the condition and survival of Scots pine, but in contrast, the impact of mammalian herbivores on spruce was found to be small, at least when more preferred food is available. I observed that the presence of golden eagles had a negative effect on the abundance of adult black grouse but a positive, protective effect on the proportion of juveniles in both black grouse and hazel grouse. Yet, this positive effect was not dependent on the abundance foxes or martens, nor did eagles seem to effectively decrease the abundance of these mesopredators. Conversely, the protection effect on grouse could arise from fear effects and also be mediated by other mesopredators. The results of this thesis provide important new information about trophic interactions in the boreal food webs. They highlight how different groups of mammalian herbivores vary in their effects on the growth and condition of different tree seedlings. Lowered cervid abundances could improve birch regeneration, which indirectly supports the idea that the key predators of cervids could cause cascading effects also in Fennoscandian forests. Owls seem to reduce vole browsing through an intimidation effect, which is a novel result of the cascading effects of owl vocalisation and could even have applications for protecting birch seedlings. In the third cascade examined in this thesis, I found the golden eagle to have a protective effect on the reproducing forest grouse, but it remains unclear through which smaller predators this effect is mediated. Overall, the results of this thesis further support the idea that there are cascading effects in the forests of Northern Europe, and that they are triggered by both direct and non‐lethal effects of predation.


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This article is devoted to analyze changes in economic policy to be adopted by Mexico if a national development project were implemented. Starting from an evaluation of the main economic and political outcomes of Vicente’s Fox administration, the author proposes an alternative development strategy which permits Mexico to overcome economic stagnation. That strategy would be based in recovering the internal market as the dynamical focus of the economy with the purpose of satisfying basic needs of people. To be successful this strategy should to confront the "critical knots" of the Neo-liberal model: to reverse the uneven distribution of income; abandoning the fixing of restrictive monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies; and mobilizing economic surplus by means of a profound revision of debt service schemes. It concludes that to implement a national development project it is required a political and economic strategy to dismantle neoliberalism, which is an antinational structure of power.


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Contient : 1° « La Vie des Peres », en vers ; 2° Le Livre des miracles de Notre-Dame. Premiers vers ; « On dist que cil asseür boit » ; « Des boins ist li biens par droiture » ; « Aussi con li arbre verdissent » ; « Ci apries cont d'un autre hermite » ; « Chà en arriere à Romme avint » ; « Jadis en hermitaige avoit » ; « Nus n'aime qu'il n'i paire bien » ; « D'un saint pere apres vous dirai » ; « Uns chevaliers jadis estoit » ; « Fox est qui el siecle se fie » ; « Jadis estoit une abeie » ; « Un saint pere en Egypte avoit » ; « Une cités fu boine et rice » ; « En Egypte.I. preudomme avoit » ; « Un miracle briement vous di » ; « Un example vouz voel retraire » ; « Jadis en la terre d'Egypte » ; « En France avint, ce m'est avis » ; « Il ot en la terre d'Egypte » ; « Chi vous recommens en ces vers »


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Contient : 1° Chansons ; « LI CHASTELAINS DE COUCI » ; « BLONDIAUS DE NEELE » ; « LI ROIS DE NAVARE » ; « Mesire GAUTIERS D'ARGIES » ; « MONIOT D'ARRAZ » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « MONIOT D'ARRAZ » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « TIEBAUT DE BLAZON » ; « Mestre RICHART DE FURNIVAL » ; « Mesire GAUTIER D'ARGIES » ; « JAQUES D'OSTUN » ; « Le filz mestre BAUDOIN L'ORGUENEUR » ; « LI VISDAME DE CHARTRES » ; « ROBERT DE BLOIS » ; « ROBERT DE RAINS » ; « RAOUL DE FERRIERES » ; « GONTIERS DE SOIGNIES » ; « VIELARS DE CORBIE » ; « BURNIAUS DE TORS » ; « BAUDE DE LA QUARRIERE » ; « AUBIN DE SEZANE » ; « Mesire ROBERT DE MARBEROLES » ; « JEHAN ERARS » ; « PERRIN D'ANGECORT » ; « Mesire RAOUL DE SOISONS » ; « Mesire HUGUE DE BRESIL » ; « LI DUX DE BREBEN » ; « COLARS LI BOTEILLIERS » ; « ROGERT DE CANBRAI » ; « GOBIN DE RAINS » ; « JEHAN ERARS » ; « Mestre RICHART DE SEMILLI » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « Mestre RICHART DE SEMILLI » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « GILLE DE MESON » ; « Mestre GILLES LI VINIERS » ; « Mestre SIMON D'AUTIE » ; « ODART DE LACENI » ; « CHANOINES DE ST-QUENTIN » ; « BAUDOIN DES AUTIEUS » ; « Mesire PIERRE DE CREON » ; « LI CHASTELAINS D'ARRAZ » ; « LI TRESORIERS DE LILLE » ; « BAUDOIN DES AUTIEUS » ; « CHARDONS » [de Reims] ; « LA CHIEVRE DE RAINS » ; « SAUVAGE D'ARRAZ » ; « JEHANOT PAON DE PARIS » ; « GILLEBERT DE BERNEVILE » ; « GAUTIER D'ESPINAIS » ; « COLIN MUSET » ; « JAQUES DE HEDINC » ; « PERRIN D'ANGECORT » ; « Mesire JAQUES DE CHISON » ; « RAOUL DE BEAUVES » ; « LI CUENS D'ANJOU » ; « HUITACES DE FONTAINES » ; Chansons dont les noms des auteurs manquent ; « Desconfortez et de joie partiz ». [GAUTIER D'ESPINAUS] ; « Quant voi le douz tens bel et cler » ; « Quant voi le douz tens revenir » ; « Chançon vueil fere de moi ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « Trop est mes maris jalos ». (PERRIN D'ANGECOURT.) ; « Avant hier en un vert pré » ; « Trop par est cist mondes cruaus » ; « Qui à chanter veut entendre » ; « Au conmencier de ma nouvele. amor ». [GAUTIERS D'ESPINAUS, QUESNES DE BETHUNE, ou CHEVALIER] ; « Quant florist la prée ». (GAUTIERS D'ESPINAUS, QUESNES DE BETHUNE, ou CHEVALIER.) ; « Souvent souspire » ; « Par mainte foiz m'ont mesdisanz grevé » ; « Flor ne verdor ne m'a pleü » ; « J'ai fait maint vers de chançon ». [GILLEBERT DE BERNEVILLE] ; La même qu'au Fol. 116 ; « Por le tens qui verdoie ». [GOBIN DE REIMS] ; La même qu'au Fol. 94 ; « Tel nuist qui ne puet aidier » ; « Apris ai qu'en chantant plor » ; « Cil qui chantent de flor ne de verdure ». [EUSTACHE DE REIMS.] ; « Bele dame me prie de chanter ». [LE CHATELAIN DE COUCI] ; « Qui d'amors a remenbrance ». [ROBERT DE MEMBEROLLES, ou GILLES DE VIESMAISONS] ; « Chanter voil un novel son » ; « Amors qui souprent » ; « Quant li dous tens renouvele » ; « En pascor un jor erroie » ; « Au partir d'esté et de flors » ; « Amors est trop fiers chastelains » ; « Chanter me covient pla[ins] d'ire » ; « De mon desir ne sai mon melz eslire ». [BLONDEL] ; « Au tens d'esté que voi vergier florir ». [ROBERT MAUVOISIN] ; « A l'entrant du douz termine ». [GACE BRULE, ou MORISSE DE CRAON.] ; « A la douçor du tens qui raverdoie » ; « Au reperier que je fis de Prouvence » ; « Bien voi que ne puis morir ». [THIBAUT DE BLAZON.] ; « Contre tens que voi frimer ». [GACE BRULE, ou GAUTIER D'ARGIES] ; La même qu'au Fol. 65 ; « Ce fu l'autrier en.I. autre païs ». [QUESNES DE BETHUNE, ou RICHART DE FOURNIVAL] ; « Chanter et renvoisier suel ». [THIBAUT DE BLAZON.] ; « Conmencement de douce seson bele ». [GAUTIER D'ESPINAUS] ; « Amors qui m'a tolu à moi ». [CHRESTIEN DE TROYES] ; « Dame ensi est qu'il me couvient ». [LE ROI DE NAVARRE.] ; « Contre la froidor ». [JACQUES DE CISOING, ou PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « James ne cuidai avoir ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « Il feroit trop bon morir ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT.] ; « Amors me plaig plus que de tot » ; « Por moi renvoisier » ; « Ja de chanter en ma vie ». [GAGE BRULE] ; « Car me conseilliez, Jehan, se Dex vos voie » ; « Quant voi la prime florete » ; « Huimain par.I. ajornant » ; « Quant voi la fleur nouvele » ; « Las ! por qoi m'entremis d'amer » ; « Merveilles est que toz jors woil chanter ». « GUILLAUME » [LE VINIER ?] ; « Li chastelains de Couci ama tant » ; « Amors me tient en esperance » ; « Jolif, plain de bone amor » ; « Bien ait l'amor dont l'on cuide avoir joie ». [GACE BRULE.] ; « A ma dame ai pris congié ». [MONIOT D'ARRAS] ; « Quant li boscage retentist ». [JEHAN DE NEUVILLE.] ; « En mai la rosée que nest la flor » ; « James chançon ne ferai » ; « Heneur et bone aventure ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « Quant iver trait à fin » ; « Un petit devant le jor » ; « E! serventois, arriere t'en revas ». [ALART DE CAUS] ; « Por verdure ne por prée ». [GACE BRULE.] ; « Rose ne lis ne ne donnent talent ». [CARDON DES CROISILLES] ; « Mar vit reson qui couvoite trop haut ». [CARDON DES CROISILLES] ; « Je chevauchoie l'autrier ». [MONIOT DE PARIS.] ; « L'autrier tot seul chevauchoie mon chemin ». [RICHART DE SEMILLI] ; « Quant voi blanchoier la fleur » ; « Por le tens qui verdoie ». [GOBIN DE REIMS] ; La même qu'au Fol. 94 et 139 ; « Trop ai longuement » ; « Tot soit mes cuers en grant desesperance ». [EUDES DE LA COURROIERIE.] ; « Je chant par droite reson » ; « Se j'ai du monde la flor » ; « L'autrier m'en aloie » ; « Lasse ! por quoi refusai » ; « Quant-la rosée el mois de mai » ; « Je ne mi woil de bone amor retraire » ; « Trop sui d'amors enganez » ; « Des or mes ne me puis tere » ; « Quant je voi esté venir » ; « De jolif cuer enamoré ». [LE COMTE DE ROUCI, ou MONIOT D'ARRAS.] ; « Le cuer se vait de l'oil pleignant » ; « Quant l'aube espine fleurist ». [JACQUES DE CISOING] ; « Quant mars conmence et fevrier faut » ; « De chanter m'est pris corage ». [RICHART DE SEMILLI] ; « Quant je oi chanter l'aloete ». [MONIOT DE PARIS] ; « Li rosignol que j'oi chanter ». [PIERRE LE BORGNE de Lille] ; « L'autrier chevanchoie delez Paris ». [RICHART DE SEMILLI.] ; « En une praele » ; « Joliveté et bone amor m'ensaigne ». [JEHAN D'ESQUIRI] ; « Au renouvel, du tens que la florete » ; « Par le tens bel » ; « Force d'amor me fet dire » ; « Por mon cuer à joie atrere » ; « Chanterai par grant envie » ; « Au tens pascor ». [JEHAN ERART] ; « Contre le tens que je voi qui repere » ; « M'amors je fui norris » ; « Qui bien aime à tart oublie » ; « Mere au roi puissant » ; « Lonc tens ai usé » ; « Prion en chantant » ; « On doit la mere Dieu honorer » ; « Chanter vos woil de la virge Marie » ; « De la tres douce Marie voil chanter » ; « Mout sera cil bien norris » ; « Fox est qui en folie ». « Li QUENS DE BRETAIGNE » ; « Bernart à vous weil demander » ; « Chanter me fet ma dame que j'aim tant » ; « Nouviaument m'est pris envie » ; « Longuement ai esté pensis » ; « Haute chanson de haute estoire di » ; Chanson anonyme : ; « Je feré chançon novelle » ; 2° « Li Romans du vergier et de l'arbre d'amours » ; 3° « ADANS DE LE HALE »


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Contient : 1° Chansons ; « LI CHASTELAINS DE COUCI » ; « BLONDIAUS DE NEELE » ; « LI ROIS DE NAVARE » ; « Mesire GAUTIERS D'ARGIES » ; « MONIOT D'ARRAZ » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « MONIOT D'ARRAZ » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « TIEBAUT DE BLAZON » ; « Mestre RICHART DE FURNIVAL » ; « Mesire GAUTIER D'ARGIES » ; « JAQUES D'OSTUN » ; « Le filz mestre BAUDOIN L'ORGUENEUR » ; « LI VISDAME DE CHARTRES » ; « ROBERT DE BLOIS » ; « ROBERT DE RAINS » ; « RAOUL DE FERRIERES » ; « GONTIERS DE SOIGNIES » ; « VIELARS DE CORBIE » ; « BURNIAUS DE TORS » ; « BAUDE DE LA QUARRIERE » ; « AUBIN DE SEZANE » ; « Mesire ROBERT DE MARBEROLES » ; « JEHAN ERARS » ; « PERRIN D'ANGECORT » ; « Mesire RAOUL DE SOISONS » ; « Mesire HUGUE DE BRESIL » ; « LI DUX DE BREBEN » ; « COLARS LI BOTEILLIERS » ; « ROGERT DE CANBRAI » ; « GOBIN DE RAINS » ; « JEHAN ERARS » ; « Mestre RICHART DE SEMILLI » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « Mestre RICHART DE SEMILLI » ; « MONIOT DE PARIS » ; « GILLE DE MESON » ; « Mestre GILLES LI VINIERS » ; « Mestre SIMON D'AUTIE » ; « ODART DE LACENI » ; « CHANOINES DE ST-QUENTIN » ; « BAUDOIN DES AUTIEUS » ; « Mesire PIERRE DE CREON » ; « LI CHASTELAINS D'ARRAZ » ; « LI TRESORIERS DE LILLE » ; « BAUDOIN DES AUTIEUS » ; « CHARDONS » [de Reims] ; « LA CHIEVRE DE RAINS » ; « SAUVAGE D'ARRAZ » ; « JEHANOT PAON DE PARIS » ; « GILLEBERT DE BERNEVILE » ; « GAUTIER D'ESPINAIS » ; « COLIN MUSET » ; « JAQUES DE HEDINC » ; « PERRIN D'ANGECORT » ; « Mesire JAQUES DE CHISON » ; « RAOUL DE BEAUVES » ; « LI CUENS D'ANJOU » ; « HUITACES DE FONTAINES » ; Chansons dont les noms des auteurs manquent ; « Desconfortez et de joie partiz ». [GAUTIER D'ESPINAUS] ; « Quant voi le douz tens bel et cler » ; « Quant voi le douz tens revenir » ; « Chançon vueil fere de moi ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « Trop est mes maris jalos ». (PERRIN D'ANGECOURT.) ; « Avant hier en un vert pré » ; « Trop par est cist mondes cruaus » ; « Qui à chanter veut entendre » ; « Au conmencier de ma nouvele. amor ». [GAUTIERS D'ESPINAUS, QUESNES DE BETHUNE, ou CHEVALIER] ; « Quant florist la prée ». (GAUTIERS D'ESPINAUS, QUESNES DE BETHUNE, ou CHEVALIER.) ; « Souvent souspire » ; « Par mainte foiz m'ont mesdisanz grevé » ; « Flor ne verdor ne m'a pleü » ; « J'ai fait maint vers de chançon ». [GILLEBERT DE BERNEVILLE] ; La même qu'au Fol. 116 ; « Por le tens qui verdoie ». [GOBIN DE REIMS] ; La même qu'au Fol. 94 ; « Tel nuist qui ne puet aidier » ; « Apris ai qu'en chantant plor » ; « Cil qui chantent de flor ne de verdure ». [EUSTACHE DE REIMS.] ; « Bele dame me prie de chanter ». [LE CHATELAIN DE COUCI] ; « Qui d'amors a remenbrance ». [ROBERT DE MEMBEROLLES, ou GILLES DE VIESMAISONS] ; « Chanter voil un novel son » ; « Amors qui souprent » ; « Quant li dous tens renouvele » ; « En pascor un jor erroie » ; « Au partir d'esté et de flors » ; « Amors est trop fiers chastelains » ; « Chanter me covient pla[ins] d'ire » ; « De mon desir ne sai mon melz eslire ». [BLONDEL] ; « Au tens d'esté que voi vergier florir ». [ROBERT MAUVOISIN] ; « A l'entrant du douz termine ». [GACE BRULE, ou MORISSE DE CRAON.] ; « A la douçor du tens qui raverdoie » ; « Au reperier que je fis de Prouvence » ; « Bien voi que ne puis morir ». [THIBAUT DE BLAZON.] ; « Contre tens que voi frimer ». [GACE BRULE, ou GAUTIER D'ARGIES] ; La même qu'au Fol. 65 ; « Ce fu l'autrier en.I. autre païs ». [QUESNES DE BETHUNE, ou RICHART DE FOURNIVAL] ; « Chanter et renvoisier suel ». [THIBAUT DE BLAZON.] ; « Conmencement de douce seson bele ». [GAUTIER D'ESPINAUS] ; « Amors qui m'a tolu à moi ». [CHRESTIEN DE TROYES] ; « Dame ensi est qu'il me couvient ». [LE ROI DE NAVARRE.] ; « Contre la froidor ». [JACQUES DE CISOING, ou PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « James ne cuidai avoir ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « Il feroit trop bon morir ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT.] ; « Amors me plaig plus que de tot » ; « Por moi renvoisier » ; « Ja de chanter en ma vie ». [GAGE BRULE] ; « Car me conseilliez, Jehan, se Dex vos voie » ; « Quant voi la prime florete » ; « Huimain par.I. ajornant » ; « Quant voi la fleur nouvele » ; « Las ! por qoi m'entremis d'amer » ; « Merveilles est que toz jors woil chanter ». « GUILLAUME » [LE VINIER ?] ; « Li chastelains de Couci ama tant » ; « Amors me tient en esperance » ; « Jolif, plain de bone amor » ; « Bien ait l'amor dont l'on cuide avoir joie ». [GACE BRULE.] ; « A ma dame ai pris congié ». [MONIOT D'ARRAS] ; « Quant li boscage retentist ». [JEHAN DE NEUVILLE.] ; « En mai la rosée que nest la flor » ; « James chançon ne ferai » ; « Heneur et bone aventure ». [PERRIN D'ANGECOURT] ; « Quant iver trait à fin » ; « Un petit devant le jor » ; « E! serventois, arriere t'en revas ». [ALART DE CAUS] ; « Por verdure ne por prée ». [GACE BRULE.] ; « Rose ne lis ne ne donnent talent ». [CARDON DES CROISILLES] ; « Mar vit reson qui couvoite trop haut ». [CARDON DES CROISILLES] ; « Je chevauchoie l'autrier ». [MONIOT DE PARIS.] ; « L'autrier tot seul chevauchoie mon chemin ». [RICHART DE SEMILLI] ; « Quant voi blanchoier la fleur » ; « Por le tens qui verdoie ». [GOBIN DE REIMS] ; La même qu'au Fol. 94 et 139 ; « Trop ai longuement » ; « Tot soit mes cuers en grant desesperance ». [EUDES DE LA COURROIERIE.] ; « Je chant par droite reson » ; « Se j'ai du monde la flor » ; « L'autrier m'en aloie » ; « Lasse ! por quoi refusai » ; « Quant-la rosée el mois de mai » ; « Je ne mi woil de bone amor retraire » ; « Trop sui d'amors enganez » ; « Des or mes ne me puis tere » ; « Quant je voi esté venir » ; « De jolif cuer enamoré ». [LE COMTE DE ROUCI, ou MONIOT D'ARRAS.] ; « Le cuer se vait de l'oil pleignant » ; « Quant l'aube espine fleurist ». [JACQUES DE CISOING] ; « Quant mars conmence et fevrier faut » ; « De chanter m'est pris corage ». [RICHART DE SEMILLI] ; « Quant je oi chanter l'aloete ». [MONIOT DE PARIS] ; « Li rosignol que j'oi chanter ». [PIERRE LE BORGNE de Lille] ; « L'autrier chevanchoie delez Paris ». [RICHART DE SEMILLI.] ; « En une praele » ; « Joliveté et bone amor m'ensaigne ». [JEHAN D'ESQUIRI] ; « Au renouvel, du tens que la florete » ; « Par le tens bel » ; « Force d'amor me fet dire » ; « Por mon cuer à joie atrere » ; « Chanterai par grant envie » ; « Au tens pascor ». [JEHAN ERART] ; « Contre le tens que je voi qui repere » ; « M'amors je fui norris » ; « Qui bien aime à tart oublie » ; « Mere au roi puissant » ; « Lonc tens ai usé » ; « Prion en chantant » ; « On doit la mere Dieu honorer » ; « Chanter vos woil de la virge Marie » ; « De la tres douce Marie voil chanter » ; « Mout sera cil bien norris » ; « Fox est qui en folie ». « Li QUENS DE BRETAIGNE » ; « Bernart à vous weil demander » ; « Chanter me fet ma dame que j'aim tant » ; « Nouviaument m'est pris envie » ; « Longuement ai esté pensis » ; « Haute chanson de haute estoire di » ; Chanson anonyme : ; « Je feré chançon novelle » ; 2° « Li Romans du vergier et de l'arbre d'amours » ; 3° « ADANS DE LE HALE »


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Self-presentation is the process by which individuals attempt to monitor and control how others perceive and evaluate them (Leary, 1992; Leary & Kowalski, 1990). Self-presentational concerns have been shown to influence a number of exercise-related behaviours, cognitions, and affective responses to exercise (e.g., social anxiety). Social anxiety occurs when an individual wants to create a specific impression on others, but is unsure (s)he will be successful (Leary & Kowalski, 1995). Social physique anxiety (SPA) is a specific form of social anxiety related the evaluation of one's body (Hart, Leary, & Rejeski, 1989). Both social anxiety and SPA may act as deterrents to exercise (Lantz, Hardy, & Ainsworth, 1997; Leary, 1992), so it is important to examine factors that may influence social anxiety and SPA; one such factor is self-presentational efficacy (SPE). SPE is one's confidence in successfully making desired impressions on others (Leary & Atherton, 1986) and has been associated with social anxiety and SPA (Leary & Kowalski, 1995; Gammage, Martin Ginis, & Hall, 2004). Several aspects of the exercise environment, such as the presence of mirrors, clothing, and the exercise leader or other participant characteristics, may be manipulated to influence self-presentational concerns (e.g., Gammage, Martin Ginis et aI., 2004; Martin & Fox, 2001; Martin Ginis, Prapavessis, & Haase, 2005). Given that the exercise leader has been recognized as one of the most important influences in the group exercise context (Franklin, 1988), it is important to further examine how the leader may impact self-presentational concerns. The present study examined the impact of the exercise leader's gender and physique salience (i.e., the extent to which the body was emphasized) on SPE, state social anxiety (SSA), and state social physique anxiety (SPA-S) of women in a live exercise class. Eighty-seven college-aged female non- or infrequent exercisers (i.e., exercised 2 or fewer times per week) participated in a group exercise class led by one of four leaders: a female whose physique was salient; a female whose physique was non-salient; a male whose physique was salient; or a male whose physique was non-salient. Participants completed measures of SPE, SSA, and SPA-S prior to and following completion of a 30- minute group exercise class. In addition, a measure of social comparison to the exercise leader and other participants with respect to attractiveness, skill, and fitness was completed by participants following the exercise class. A MANOV A was conducted to examine differences between groups on postexercise variables. Results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups on measures ofSPE, SSA, or SPA-S (allp's > .05). However, when all participants were collapsed into one group, a MANOV A showed a significant time effect (F(3, 81) = 19.45,p < .05, 1')2= .419). Follow-up ANOVAs indicated that post-exercise SPE increased significantly, while SSA and SPA-S decreased significantly (SPE: F(I, 83) = 30.87,p < .001,1')2 = .27; SSA: F(I,83) = 11.09,p < .001, 1')2 = .12; SPA-S: F (1,83) = 42.79,p < .001, 1')2 = .34). Further, results of a MANOVA revealed that participants who believed they were less fit than other group members (i.e., made negative social comparisons) reported significantly more post-exercise SSA and SP A-S than those who believed they were more fit than the other participants (i.e., made positive comparisons; SSA: F(2, 84) = 3.46, p < .05, 1')2 = .08; SPA-S: F(2, 84) = 5.69, p < .05, 1')2 = .12). These results may indicate that successfully completing an exercise class may serve as a source of SPE and lead to reduced social anxiety and SPA-S in this population. Alternatively, characteristics of the exercise leader may be less important than characteristics of the other participants. These results also suggest that the types of social comparisons made may influence self-presentational concerns in this sample. Future research should examine how the type of social comparison (i.e., negative or positive) made to the other group members may either generate or reduce anxiety. Also, factors that contribute to the types of social comparisons made with other exercisers should be examined. Implications for practice and research are discussed.


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Abstract Many species of social insects have the ability to recognize their nestmates. In bees, sociality is maintained by bees that recognize which individuals should be helped and which should be hanned in order to maximize fitness (either inclusive or individual) (Hamilton 1964; Lin and Michener 1972). Since female bees generally lay eggs in a single nest, it is highly likely that bees found cohabitating in the same nest are siblings. According to the kin selection hypothesis, individuals should cooperate and avoid aggression with same sex nestmates (Hamilton 1964). However, in opposite sex pairs that are likely kin, aggression should increase among nestmates as an expression of inbreeding avoidance (Lihoreau et al. 2007). Female bees often guard nest entrances, recognizing and excluding foreign conspecific females that threaten to steal nest resources (Breed and Page 1991). Conversely, males that aggressively guard territories should avoid aggression towards other males that are likely kin (Shellman-Reeve and Gamboa 1984). In order to test whether Xy/ocopa virginica can distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates, circle tube testing arenas were used. Measures of aggression, cooperation and tolerance were evaluated to detennine the presence of nestmate recognition in this species. The results of this study indicate that male and female X virginica have the ability to distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates. Individuals in same sex pairs demonstrated increased pushing, biting, and C-posturing when faced with non-nestmates. Males in same sex pairs also attempted to pass (unsuccessfully) nOIl-nestmates more often than ncstmates, suggesting that this behaviour may be an cxpression of dominancc in males. Increased cooperation exemplified by successful passes was not observed among nestmates. However, incrcased tolerance in the [onn of head-to-head touching was observed for nestmates in female same sex and opposite sex pairs. These results supported the kin selection hypothesis. Moreover, increased tolerance among opposite sex non-nestmates suggested that X virginica do not demonstrate inbreeding avoidance among nestmates. 3 The second part of this study was conducted to establish the presence and extent of drifting, or travelling to different nests, in a Xylocopa virgillica population. Drifting in flying Hymenoptera is reported to be the result of navigation error and guard bees erroneously admitting novel individuals into the nest (Michener 1966). Since bees in this study were individually marked and captured at nest entrances, the locations where individuals were caught allowed me to determine where and how often bees travelled from nest to nest. Ifbees were captured near their home nests, changing nests may have been deliberate or explained by navigational error. However, ifbees were found in nests further away from their homes, this provides stronger evidence that flying towards a novel nest may have been deliberate. Female bees are often faithful to their own nests (Kasuya 1981) and no drifting was expected in female X virginica because they raise brood and contribute to nest maintenance activities. Contrary to females, males were not expected to remain faithful to a single nest. Results showed that many more females drifted than expected and that they were most often recaptured in a single nest, either their home nest or a novel nest. There were some females that were never caught in the same nest twice. In addition, females drifted to further nests when population density was low (in 2007), suggesting they seek out and claim nesting spaces when they are available. Males, as expected, showed the opposite pattern and most males drifted from nest to nest, never recaptured in the same location. This pattern indicates that males may be nesting wherever space is available, or nesting in benches nearest to their territories. This study reveals that both female and male X virginica are capable of nestmate recognition and use this ability in a dynamic environment, where nest membership is not as stable as once thought.


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House Finches (CarpQdacqs mexiCAnuS) were introduced to Long Island, New York from southern'California in 1940. Apparently, an initial sample of less than 100 birds has given rise to a population that now occupies much of the eastern United States. This study was to determine if morphological and reproductive changes have taken place in introduced eastern birds, which have colonized a novel environment. A study area in Goleta, California (CAL) represented the parental population whereas for comparison, House Finches in St. Catharines, Ontario (ONT) represented the introduced population. Interlocality variation in 25 morphometric characters of 100 adult House Finches was examined statistically. Singleclassification analysis of variance revealed significant interlocality differentiation in seven characters of males and nine of females. Females showed differentiation in more limb elements than males. Analysis of character variation using discriminant and principal component analysis distinguished samples on the basis of variation in shape. Compared to CAL, aNT birds (especially females) had smaller extremities relative to certain core parts and weight. Females showed similar patterns of character covariation in each locality on the second principal component, which suggests that differentiation of the ONT population may not be solely environmentally induced. Sexual dimorphism was evident in four charaoters in aNT and five in CAL. Disoriminant analysis distinguished sex on the basis of variation in shape. Males possessed a relatively larger flying apparatus and small.er hind limbs than females. The dearee of sexual dimorphism did not vary sicnifioantly between looalities. 3 Data on reproduotive parameters were oolleoted in 1983 and 1984 in ONT, and 1984 in CAL. In 1984, Bouse Finohes began breedina approximately three months earlier in CAL than in ONT. In ONT, there was no sianifioant differenoe in mean olutoh initiation date between 1983 and 1984. In both looalities most nests oontained either four or five ea",s, and olutoh size differenoes between looalites were not signifioant. Seasonal deolines in olutch size were evident in ONT but not in CAL. Intralooality variation in e.g weight and size was not related to clutch size. E",g weiaht showed no seasonal trend in ONT, but inoreased sianifioantly with breed ina season in OAL. In both looalities e8'''' weiaht increased sipifioantly with order of layina in olutohes of four but not in clutohes of five. Eag's in ONT in 1983 and 1984 were sip.ificantly larser than in CAL in 1984. The modal inoubation period was 13 days and did not vary sip.ifioantly between localites. In both looalities nestling weiaht on the day of hatohing was oorrelated to fresh ega welaht. For muoh of the period between hatohing and 14 days post-hatoh, ONT nestlinas were signifioantly laraer than CAL nestlings in terms of weiaht. bill length, bill depth, and manus length.


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With approximately 16% of the Canadian population living with osteoporosis, and rates expected to increase (Osteoporosis Canada, 2009), cost-effective treatment modalities that improve bone health and psychological well-being reflect an important public health agenda. Physical activity has been implicated as one non-pharmaceutical mechanism to help improve psychological well-being in the general population (Fox, Stathi, McKenna, & Davis, 2007) and in people diagnosed with osteoporosis (Osteoporosis Canada, 2007). The purpose of this investigation was to determine the association between leisure-time physical activity (LTP A) and well-being in people diagnosed with osteoporosis. A secondary purpose, using Basic Needs Theory (BNT; Deci & Ryan, 2002) was to determine if the fulfillment of three psychological needs (i.e., competence, autonomy and relatedness) mediated the relationship between LTP A and well-being. People diagnosed with osteoporosis (N= 190; Mage = 68.14; SDage = 11.54) were asked to complete a battery of questionnaires assessing L TP A, hedonic and eudaimonic well-being and perceived psychological need satisfaction in physical activity contexts. Bivariate correlations revealed a pattern of negligible (r's -0.02 to 0.35) to small correlations between LTP A and well-being with contextual positive affect (r = 0.24) and subjective vitality (r = 0.22) demonstrating statistical significance (p < .01). Results of the multiple mediation analysis indicated that perceived satisfaction of the three psychological needs mediated the relationship between LTPA and well-being with perceived competence emerging as a unique mediator. As such, LTP A was positively associated with well-being in people who are diagnosed with osteoporosis, and the fulfillment of the three psychological needs may be the mechanism through which this 111 effect is carried. Health promotion specialists and practitioners should encourage patients with osteoporosis to engage in LTP A, and support their needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness. Practical implications for researchers and health promotion specialists are discussed in terms ofthe results of this investigation.