924 resultados para droplet actuation
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficiência da cabina do trator, de dois tipos de ponta de pulverização e de duas posições da barra do pulverizador montado em trator em aplicações de herbicidas na cultura de cana-de-açúcar, como medidas de proteção coletiva para a atividade de tratorista, separadamente ou combinadas; e classificar a segurança dessas condições de trabalho com as 46 recomendações de herbicidas registradas. As exposições dérmica e respiratória do tratorista foram quantificadas em aplicações com o pulverizador equipado com barra traseira ou central, associadas com pontas com indução de ar, modelo Turbo TeeJet Air Induction® (TTI-11004VP), e sem indução de ar, modelo Turbo Floodjet® (TF-VP3), e o trator sem e com cabina. Foram calculadas as margens de segurança (MS) para 46 recomendações de aplicação de herbicidas nessas condições de trabalho. Pelos valores de MS calculados, as condições de trabalho foram classificadas como seguras (MS > 1) ou inseguras (MS < 1). A condição de trabalho mais segura para o tratorista é a associação de pulverizador de barra central, trator com cabina e pontas TTI. Nas aplicações com o pulverizador de barra central sem a cabina, das 46 recomendações de herbicidas, são seguras para o tratorista as de imazapyr, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, imazapic, glyphosate, amicarbazone, hexazinone, sulfentrazone, clomazone, oxadiazon, isoxaflutole, pendimethalin, flazasulfuron, tebuthiuron, ethoxysulfuron e acetoclor. Com o uso da cabina, também são seguras as de metribuzin e s-metalochlor. Nas aplicações com o pulverizador de barra traseira sem a cabina, das 46 recomendações de herbicidas, são seguras as de imazapyr, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, imazapic, glyphosate, amicarbazone, hexazinone, sulfentrazone, clomazone, oxadiazon, isoxaflutole, pendimethalin, flazasulfuron e tebuthiuron. Com a associação da cabina, também são seguras para o tratorista a aplicação do ethoxysulfuron com as pontas TF e a do metribuzin e s-metalochlor com as pontas TTI.
This thesis concerns the problem about the pedagogue actuation in the social education into no scholars places. It search to understand the context and the social pedagogue role to his praxis and formation that enlarger the possibilities of the social educative practices into no scholars places. In this direction, we developed an investigation about the actuation of the pedagogues-educators in Natal city, in the 2007-2010 periods, into Municipal Secretary of the Labor and Social Assistance (SEMTAS). Considering that pedagogues are regularly attached in social educators profession as municipals public employees, we re the objective to evaluate their role into the social executed in the no scholars places, with the focus in the environmental dimensions of theirs work s places, pedagogical organization, institutional management and the professional formation. It privileged in this research the Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance II (CREAS II), the Passages Houses I, II and III, the Social-Educative Measures in Open Environment Execution Program of Natal city (PENSEMA) and the Pitimbú Educational Center (CEDUC-Pitimbú). To realize this study it developed a research with qualitative nature by critic ethnography approach privileging those information collected with the social pedagogue-educators of the mentioned places. Through the methodological procedures adopted; beyond the bibliographical review we remarked the documental research, the semi-structured interview, the questionnaires-routes and the field observations. The analytical results revealed that the politics to the social education in Brazil historically came been dimensioned by the fight of social movements demanding the fundamental rights to the excluded people; that the SEMTAS politics of social education present a relative basic social protection to the excluded children and young people specially into law view; that the politics of social education in Natal city it s close of the logic of sanitarian attention about the disadvantaged groups; that the conceptual, methodological and formatives fragilities needs to the social pedagogues-educators praxis into non scholars places made difficult the operation capacity of a educative proposition anchored in a institutional action guided by the idea of emancipator education; that the SEMTAS take face several difficulties to developed a web assistance as preview in the reception proposition elaborated by the social pedagogues-educators. However in despite the tensions we remarked the value of this potentiality to the non scholar social education in her attempt to constitute herself in a legitimate space to the pedagogue professional actuation. In despite the obstacles to work and formation quotidian, across those non scholar spaces in the municipalities institutes to the social politics, it demonstrated personal sensibility and professional creativity in learning mediations and educative action to the children and younger derived from exclusion process and the social iniquities
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form
It is about a study of an exploratory/descriptive type with a qualitative approach whose aim was to analyze the actuation of nursing technicians in Family Health Strategy (FHS), taking into consideration the defined attributions by the Ministry of Health (MH). Thus, it was sought to identify what activities they carry out, the difficulties encountered, what contributed to their professional performance, and what vision they have about FHS and about themselves in the context. Based on the assumption that the practice of Nursing Technician is not still geared to completeness and that the developed actions by this professional are predominantly individual and curative. We know that FHS proposes the work organization as a team, with territory definition, prioritization of promotion actions, protection and recovery of the individual/family/community health, choosing as a central point the establishment of entails between the professionals and the same ones. However, the team work pass through interdisciplinary, tying and competence, starting making the difference in the way of thinking and doing health. To the accomplishment of this study were interviewed twenty one Nursing Technicians of Family Health Units from Sanitário Oeste district in Natal-RN, using semistructured instrument. From the analysis, three empiric categories emerged: starting from the first, The reality of a dream: what FHS is for the Nursing Technician, we obtained two classifications: one inherent to the own conception they have about FHS, nominated The realization of a dream in the possible and another that corresponds to what they think about FHS, while project that doesn't take place fully, denominated of The beauty of a dream that doesn't take place. The second category was The FHS: a dream built in the daily of Nursing Technician treats of the day by day information of that professional; the activities they perform and how those are established. This created three other items, to know: The role of a Nursing Technician: a project that became routine; The pre-determined role of a Nursing Technician: the scale as factor of (non-)autonomy; and, Knowledge about the practice in FHS: challenges that are presented to the role of Nursing Technician. The third category, denominated of Charms and disenchantment in the beginning of a new practice, it is related to the facilities or difficulties in professional's actuation and how he sees himself in the context. From it emerged the "flowers" and the "thorns" found on the construction of a dream, which gave this study the title. The results indicate that, being considered the characteristics of researched professional category, it becomes fundamental the resizing of labor relations in FHS, being imperative that new glances is conducted, so that the way as those Nursing Technicians interacts with the families can become compatible, together with the team, as well as to return the attention for their possibilities and limits in face of the work process in FHS. Besides, it is necessary changes in the professional formation, so that it can guarantee the conceptual bases in the construction of new practices, seeking to answer to the model of current attention.
Alma-Ata declaration bring the Primary Attention to the Health (PAH) as first level of health attention for individuals, family and community, which considers infant group as priority. Several initiatives that gave bases to integral attention to the children health formalized in the principles of Unique Health System. Family Health Strategy (FHS) comes to strengthen this attention, instituting new ways of work organization and professional practices that gave impact in their quality indicators. One of them is children mortality, showing decline in their values. Though, studies indicates persistence of avoidable infant deaths. In Natal RN, this reality is also perceptible leading to inquietudes, mainly at the space of services production, it means, which motivated the accomplishment of the present study intending to analyse the way that the organizational and structural processes as long as the professional practices in FHS interfered in the quality of children s health attention who died by avoidable death in the year of 2007 in municipal district of Natal-RN. It treats, therefore, to an exploratory and descriptive survey of cases study type, thar had as primary sources the oficial documents of MH, the family prontuary, pregnant card, child card and testimony obt ined from instrument of research elaborated based in investigation form of infant death by MH, applied to 10 mothers of children who had avoidable death. In analysis it was appealed silmultaneous triangulation of methods and sources, allowing a bigger aproximation from obtained informations. To elucidate the cases, the aspects studied were analyzed to the light of explicative model of Social Determinants of Health. Among individual and family aspects were highlighted the related to age, schooling, family habits and customs and mother s economic condition, besides of pregnancy age, newborn weight and associated diseases, which don t differ from literature about the theme. Reffering to the factors organizational and structural processes and professionals practice, highlihgted, the treatment given by the professionals, the territorialization and adscription of areas, the difficulty of having access to the services or sleepers and the reference and counterreference. But also, the ausence or few greet, the lack of communication, few assiduity and ponctuality by professionals in service, among others. In a general way mothers considers the attendance received in the hospital good and very good , opnions that in the Basic Attention weren t so favorable, in spite of many of predictible actions in this level have been performed in the studied cases. It is observed, therefore, that the social determinants of health has a strong influence in ocurrence of infant deaths, what implicates in a large actuation by Infant Mortality Committee from municipal district. This way, it becomes fundamental the reflection and evaluation about the effectiveness and execution by the processes of vigilance to health in FHUs; the rethink about the social determinants of health in a wide and articulate way to the services quality, to permanent education, to management in service, to the given attention and to the way how it is installed the popular participation and social control. To the professionals it is presented the great challenge to review their daily practice, their values, behaviors and commitment, which ones must be guided by logical of sharing, work in team, humanescence and alterity, not only by the accomplishment of a professional duty
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We propose in this work a software architecture for robotic boats intended to act in diverse aquatic environments, fully autonomously, performing telemetry to a base station and getting this mission to be accomplished. This proposal aims to apply within the project N-Boat Lab NatalNet DCA, which aims to empower a sailboat navigating autonomously. The constituent components of this architecture are the memory modules, strategy, communication, sensing, actuation, energy, security and surveillance, making these systems the boat and base station. To validate the simulator was developed in C language and implemented using the graphics API OpenGL resources, whose main results were obtained in the implementation of memory, performance and strategy modules, more specifically data sharing, control of sails and rudder and planning short routes based on an algorithm for navigation, respectively. The experimental results, shown in this study indicate the feasibility of the actual use of the software architecture developed and their application in the area of autonomous mobile robotics
Fuel is a material used to produce heat or power by burning, and lubricity is the capacity for reducing friction. The aim of this work is evaluate the lubricity of eight fossil and renewable fuels used in Diesel engines, by means of a HFRR tester, following the ASTM D 6079-04 Standard. In this conception, a sphere of AISI 52100 steel (diameter of 6,000,05 mm, Ra 0,050,005 μm, E = 210 GPa, HRC 624, HV0,2 63147) is submitted to a reciprocating motion under a normal load of 2 N and 50 Hz frequency to promote a wear track length of 1.10.1mm in a plan disc of AISI 52100 steel (HV0,05 18410, Ra 0,020,005 μm). The testing extent time was 75 minutes, 225,000 cycles. Each one test was repeated six times to furnish the results, by means of intrinsic signatures from the signals of the lubricant film percentage, friction coefficient, contact heating, Sound Pressure Level, SPL [dB]. These signal signatures were obtained by two thermocouples and a portable decibelmeter coupled to a data acquisition system and to the HFRR system. The wettability of droplet of the diesel fuel in thermal equilibrium on a horizontal surface of a virgin plan disc of 52100 steel, Ra 0,02 0,005 μm, were measured by its contact angle of 7,0 3,5o, while the results obtained for the biodiesel B5, B20 and B100 blends originated by the ethylic transesterification of soybean oil were, respectively, 7,5 3,5o, 13,5 3,5o e 19,0 1,0o; for the distilled water, 78,0 6,0o; the biodiesel B5, B20 and B100 blends originated by the ethylic transesterification of sunflower oil were, respectively, 7,0 4,0o, 8,5 4,5o e 19,5 2,5o. Different thickness of lubricant film were formed and measured by their percentage by means of the contact resistance technique, suggesting several regimes, since the boundary until the hydrodynamic lubrication. All oils analyzed in this study promoted the ball wear scars with diameters smaller than 400 μm. The lowest values were observed in the scar balls lubricated by mixtures B100, B20 and B5 of sunflower and B20 and B5 of soybean oils (WSD < 215 μm)
To obtain a process stability and a quality weld bead it is necessary an adequate parameters set: base current and time, pulse current and pulse time, because these influence the mode of metal transfer and the weld quality in the MIG-P, sometimes requiring special sources with synergistic modes with external control for this stability. This work aims to analyze and compare the effects of pulse parameters and droplet size in arc stability in MIG-P, four packets of pulse parameters were analysed: Ip = 160 A, tp = 5.7 ms; Ip = 300 A and tp = 2 ms, Ip = 350 A, tp = 1.2 ms and Ip = 350 A, tp = 0.8 ms. Each was analyzed with three different drop diameters: drop with the same diameter of the wire electrode; droplet diameter larger drop smaller than the diameter of the wire electrode. For purposes of comparison the same was determined relation between the average current and welding speed was determined generating a constant (Im / Vs = K) for all parameters. Welding in flat plate by simple deposition for the MIG-P with a distance beak contact number (DBCP) constant was perfomed subsequently making up welding in flat plate by simple deposition with an inclination of 10 degrees to vary the DBCP, where by assessment on how the MIG-P behaved in such a situation was possible, in addition to evaluating the MIG-P with adaptive control, in order to maintain a constant arc stability. Also high speed recording synchronized with acquiring current x voltage (oscillogram) was executed for better interpretation of the transfer mechanism and better evaluation in regard to the study of the stability of the process. It is concluded that parameters 3 and 4 exhibited greater versatility; diameters drop equal to or slightly less than the diameter of the wire exhibited better stability due to their higher frequency of detachment, and the detachment of the drop base does not harm the maintenance the height of the arc
Com o objetivo de avaliar a deposição e distribuição de solução traçante em plantas de feijoeiro e capim-braquiária, foi conduzido experimento no NuPAM-FCA/ UNESP, campus de Botucatu-SP, utilizando um simulador de pulverização em ambiente controlado. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v); bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v); bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS); e bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4). em todos os tratamentos foi aplicada uma solução de NaCl (0,5% p/v) + corante Poliglow laranja (0,5% p/v) + mancozeb (0,5% p/v). As unidades experimentais constituíram-se de vasos com duas plantas-alvo de capim-braquiária posicionadas sob uma planta-alvo de feijoeiro. A visualização da distribuição das gotas nas folhas de capim-braquiária foi efetuada com auxílio de luz negra, e o depósito da calda na superfície das plantas foi quantificado através da condutividade elétrica da solução aplicada e coletada por meio de lavagem de ambos os alvos. Os bicos de pulverização, jato plano (XR Teejet) e cônico (Conejet), não apresentaram diferença no depósito nos folíolos totais de feijoeiro quando submetidos a mesma condição de calda de pulverização. No entanto, o bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) e o bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) proporcionaram aumento de 67,1 e 61,5% na deposição da calda em relação a área foliar e 106,4 e 66,9% para matéria seca, respectivamente, em relação ao bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v) e ao bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v). Para o capim-braquiária, o bico cônico Conejet proporcionou deposição superior e distribuição mais uniforme em relação ao jato plano XR Teejet.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficiência de pontas de pulverização com diferentes vazões e tamanhos de gotas na deposição e na dessecação de plantas de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, além da quantificação das perdas da calda de pulverização para o solo. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Cada unidade experimental constituiu-se de três linhas de 5 m de comprimento, espaçadas de 1 m. A aplicação dos tratamentos foi realizada 16 meses após a semeadura da braquiária; 40 dias antes da aplicação foi realizada uma roçagem para uniformização da área. Foram avaliadas as pontas de pulverização de jato plano XR 11001 VS (100 L ha-1) e XR 11002 VS (200 L ha-1), jato cônico TX-4VS (100 L ha-1) e TX-8 VK (200 L ha-1), ponta com indução de ar AI 11002 VS (200 L ha-1) e jato plano duplo TJ60 11002 VS (200 L ha-1). A calda foi aplicada com o herbicida glyphosate na dose de 1.800 g ha-1, mais um traçador (FD&C nº1 2.000 ppm). Foram coletados imediatamente após a aplicação da calda 25 perfilhos por repetição, sendo lavadas separadamente as folhas e caules de cada perfilho em 150 ml de água destilada, para posterior quantificação do traçador em espectrofotômetro. Os dados foram ajustados à curva de regressão pelo modelo de Gompertz. Todas as pontas utilizadas foram eficientes na dessecação das plantas de B. brizantha, independentemente do volume utilizado, o que evidencia a possibilidade de redução do volume de aplicação e da dosagem do herbicida na dessecação de pastagens, considerando-se a utilização de herbicidas sistêmicos. Ressalta-se que houve diferença na quantidade e na uniformidade de distribuição da calda pulverizada nos alvos avaliados em função da ponta testada e, conseqüentemente, do volume utilizado.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nozzles on spray droplet deposition in the peanut crop cultivar 'Runner IAC 886'. The study was conducted in the field, and the applications of treatments performed in the vegetative stage (V1) and reproductive (R2). It was used the Brilliant Blue FDC - 1 as tracer in water solution, at 500 ppm. The treatments consisted of seven spray nozzle XR 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)), XR 11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)), TX-VK 6 (150L ha(-1)), TX-VK 8 (200 L ha-1), AI 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)), AI11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)) e TJ60 11002 VS (150 e 200 L ha(-1)). It was used a randomized blocks design, with four replications. After application, plants were immediately collected, and washed in 100 mL of distilled water for posterior tracer quantification in spectrophotometer. The data had been adjusted a regression curve for Gompertz model. The results had evidenced that at low volumes of application the nozzle AI 110015 VS and TJ60 11002 VS, were the ones with best distribution uniformity of spray on plants of peanut cultivar 'Runner IAC 886' in the vegetative stage (V1) and reproductive (R2) respectively, and the largest deposits and higher percentage of failures in applications have been found in younger plants by comparing the growth stages of application, regardless of the spray nozzle and volume.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)