936 resultados para class III cells


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Nitric oxide is involved in a multitude of processes including regulation of vascular tone, neurotransmission, immunity, and cancer. Evidence suggests that nitric oxide exhibits anti-apoptotic activity in melanoma cells. Our laboratory showed that tumor expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase correlated strongly with poor survival in stage III and IV melanoma patients, suggesting an antagonistic role for nitric oxide in melanoma response to therapy. Therefore, the hypothesis that endogenously produced nitric oxide antagonizes chemotherapy-induced apoptosis was formed. Using cisplatin as a model for DNA damage in melanoma cell lines, the capacity of nitric oxide to regulate cell growth and apoptotic responses to cisplatin treatment was examined. The depletion of endogenously generated nitric oxide resulted in changes in cell cycle regulation and enhanced cisplatin-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Since nitric oxide was shown to be involved in the regulation of p53 stability, conformation and DNA binding activity, whether signaling through wild-type p53 in melanoma cells is regulated by nitric oxide was tested. Cisplatin-induced p53 accumulation and p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression in nitric oxide-depleted melanoma cells were found to be strongly suppressed. When p53 binding to the p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 promoter was examined, it was found that nitric oxide depletion significantly reduced the cisplatin-induced formation of p53-DNA complexes. These results suggest that nitric oxide is required for activation of wild-type p53 after DNA damage in melanoma cells. Finally, whether signaling through p53 controls melanoma response to DNA damage was examined. Transfection of a plasmid containing a dominant negative form of mutated p53 inhibited p21 Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression and concomitantly enhanced apoptosis after cisplatin treatment. These data suggest that the induction of wild-type p53 protects melanoma cells against DNA damage via the up-regulation of p21 Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1. Together, these data strongly support the model that endogenous nitric oxide is required for p53 activation and p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression after DNA damage, which can enhance melanoma resistance to therapy. Thus, in context of melanoma cells with wild-type p53 , low levels of endogenous constitutively-produced nitric oxide appear to facilitate the activation of p53 in response to DNA damage, thereby allowing for cell cycle arrest via p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 induction, adequate DNA repair, and ultimately enhanced resistance to apoptosis. ^


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IL-24 is an unusual member of the IL-10 family, which is considered a Th1 cytokine that exhibits tumor cell cytotoxicity. I describe the purification of this novel cytokine from the supernatant of IL-24 gene transfected human embryonic kidney cells and define the biochemical and functional properties of the soluble, human IL-24 protein. ^ I showed IL-24 non-covalently associates with bovine albumin. Immunoaffinity purification followed by cation exchange chromatography resulted in the significant enrichment of N-glycosylated IL-24. This protein elicited dose-dependent secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 from purified human monocytes and TNF-α secretion from PMA differentiated U937 cells. I showed this same protein was cytotoxic to melanoma tumor cells via the induction of IFN-α. ^ I reported IL-24 associates as at least two disulfide linked, N-glycosylated dimers. Enzymatic removal of N-linked-glycosylation from purified IL-24 partially diminished its cytokine and cytotoxic functions. Disruption of IL-24 dimers via reduction and alkylation of intermolecular disulfide bonds nearly abolished IL-24s cytokine function. ^ I elucidated IL-24 induced TNF-α secretion was pSTAT1, pSTAT3 as well as the class II heterodimeric receptors IL-20R1/IL-22R2 independent. I identified a requirement for the heterodimer of Toll-like Receptors 1 and 2 for IL-24s cytokine function and show a physical interaction between IL-24 and the extracellular domain of TLR-1. ^ Thus, I demonstrated that purified N-glycosylated, soluble, dimeric, human IL-24 exhibits both immunomodulatory and anti-cancer activities and these functions remain associated during purification. IL-24 induced TNF-α secretion required an interaction with the heterodimeric receptor TLR-1/2 and IL-24s cytotoxic affect to melanoma tumor cells was in part due to its induction of IFN-β. ^


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Results and discussion cover pigment analyses of 36 sediment samples recovered by Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64, and six samples from the Leg 64 site-survey cruise in the Guaymas Basin (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Leg 3). Pigments investigated were tetrapyrroles, tetraterpenoids, and the PAH compound perylene. Traces of mixed nickel and copper ETIO-porphyrins were ubiquitous in all sediment samples, except for the very surface (i.e., <2 m sub-bottom), and their presence is taken as an indication of minor influxes of previously oxidized allochthonous (terrestrial) organic matter. Phorbides and chlorins isolated from Site 479 sediment samples (i.e., the oxygen-minimum locale, northeast of the Guaymas Basin) well represent the reductive diagenesis ("Treibs Scheme"; see Baker and Palmer, 1978; Treibs, 1936) of chlorophyll derivatives. Three forms of pheophytin-a, plus a variety of phorbides, were found to give rise to freebase porphyrins, nickel phylloerythrin, and nickel porphyrins, with increasing depth of burial (increasing temperature). Sediments from Sites 481, 10G, and 18G yielded chlorophyll derivatives characteristic of early oxidative alterations. Included among these pigments are allomerized pheophytin-a, purpurin-18, and chlorin-p6. The high thermal gradient imposed upon the late Quaternary sediments of Site 477 greatly accelerated chlorophyll diagenesis in the adjacent overlying sediments, that is, the production of large quantities of free-base desoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP) occurred in a section (477-7-5) presently only 49.8 meters sub-bottom. Present depth and age of these sediments are such that only chlorins and phorbides would be expected. Carotenoid (i.e., tetraterpenoids) concentrations were found to decrease rapidly with increasing sub-bottom depth. Less deeply buried sediments (e.g., 0-30 m) yielded mixtures of carotenes and oxygen-substituted carotenoids. Oxygencontaining (oxy-, oxo-, epoxy-) carotenoids were found to be lost preferentially with increased depth of burial. Early carotenoid diagenesis is suggested as involving interacting reductions and dehydrations whereby dehydro-, didehydro-, and retro-carotenes are generated. Destruction of carotenoids as pigments may involve oxidative cleavage of the isoprenoid chain through epoxy intermediates, akin to changes in the senescent cells of plants. Perylene was found to be a common component of the extractable organic matter from all sediments investigated. The generation of alkyl perylenes was found to parallel increases in the existing thermal regime at all sites. Igneous sills and sill complexes within the sediment profile of Site 481 altered (i.e., scrambled) the otherwise straightforward thermally induced alkylation of perylene. The degree of perylene alkylation is proposed as an indicator of geothermal stress for non-contemporaneous marine sediments.


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The work presented here aims to reduce the cost of multijunction solar cell technology by developing ways to manufacture them on cheap substrates such as silicon. In particular, our main objective is the growth of III-V semiconductors on silicon substrates for photovoltaic applications. The goal is to create a GaAsP/Si virtual substrates onto which other III-V cells could be integrated with an interesting efficiency potential. This technology involves several challenges due to the difficulty of growing III-V materials on silicon. In this paper, our first work done aimed at developing such structure is presented. It was focused on the development of phosphorus diffusion models on silicon and on the preparation of an optimal silicon surface to grow on it III-V materials.


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Concentrator photovoltaic is an emergent technology that may be a good economical and efficient alternative for the generation of electricity at a competitive cost. However, the reliability of these new solar cells and systems is still an open issue due to the high-irradiation level they are subjected to as well as the electrical and thermal stresses that they are expected to endure. To evaluate the reliability in a short period of time, accelerated aging tests are essential. Thermal aging tests for concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and systems under illumination are not available because no technical solution to the problem of reaching the working concentration inside a climatic chamber has been available. This work presents an automatic instrumentation system that overcomes the aforementioned limitation. Working conditions have been simulated by forward biasing the solar cells to the current they would handle at the working concentration (in this case, 700 and 1050 times the irradiance at one standard sun). The instrumentation system has been deployed for more than 10 000 h in a thermal aging test for III-V concentrator solar cells, in which the generated power evolution at different temperatures has been monitored. As a result of this test, the acceleration factor has been calculated, thus allowing for the degradation evolution at any temperature in addition to normal working conditions to be obtained.


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GaN/InGaN nanorods have attracted much scientific interest during the last decade because of their unique optical and electrical properties [1,2]. The high crystal quality and the absence of extended defects make them ideal candidates for the fabrication of high efficiency opto-electronic devices such as nano-photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, and solar cells [1-3]. Nitrides nanorods are commonly grown in the self-assembled mode by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [4]. However, self-assembled nanorods are characterized by inhomogeneous heights and diameters, which render the device processing very difficult and negatively affect the electronic transport properties of the final device. For this reason, the selective area growth (SAG) mode has been proposed, where the nanorods preferentially grow on pre-defined sites on a pre-patterned substrate [5].


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Abstract This work is a contribution to the research and development of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), a high efficiency photovoltaic concept that features the advantages of both low and high bandgap solar cells. The resemblance with a low bandgap solar cell comes from the fact that the IBSC hosts an electronic energy band -the intermediate band (IB)- within the semiconductor bandgap. This IB allows the collection of sub-bandgap energy photons by means of two-step photon absorption processes, from the valence band (VB) to the IB and from there to the conduction band (CB). The exploitation of these low energy photons implies a more efficient use of the solar spectrum. The resemblance of the IBSC with a high bandgap solar cell is related to the preservation of the voltage: the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of an IBSC is not limited by any of the sub-bandgaps (involving the IB), but only by the fundamental bandgap (defined from the VB to the CB). Nevertheless, the presence of the IB allows new paths for electronic recombination and the performance of the IBSC is degraded at 1 sun operation conditions. A theoretical argument is presented regarding the need for the use of concentrated illumination in order to circumvent the degradation of the voltage derived from the increase in the recombi¬nation. This theory is supported by the experimental verification carried out with our novel characterization technique consisting of the acquisition of photogenerated current (IL)-VOC pairs under low temperature and concentrated light. Besides, at this stage of the IBSC research, several new IB materials are being engineered and our novel character¬ization tool can be very useful to provide feedback on their capability to perform as real IBSCs, verifying or disregarding the fulfillment of the “voltage preservation” principle. An analytical model has also been developed to assess the potential of quantum-dot (QD)-IBSCs. It is based on the calculation of band alignment of III-V alloyed heterojunc-tions, the estimation of the confined energy levels in a QD and the calculation of the de¬tailed balance efficiency. Several potentially useful QD materials have been identified, such as InAs/AlxGa1-xAs, InAs/GaxIn1-xP, InAs1-yNy/AlAsxSb1-x or InAs1-zNz/Alx[GayIn1-y]1-xP. Finally, a model for the analysis of the series resistance of a concentrator solar cell has also been developed to design and fabricate IBSCs adapted to 1,000 suns. Resumen Este trabajo contribuye a la investigación y al desarrollo de la célula solar de banda intermedia (IBSC), un concepto fotovoltaico de alta eficiencia que auna las ventajas de una célula solar de bajo y de alto gap. La IBSC se parece a una célula solar de bajo gap (o banda prohibida) en que la IBSC alberga una banda de energía -la banda intermedia (IB)-en el seno de la banda prohibida. Esta IB permite colectar fotones de energía inferior a la banda prohibida por medio de procesos de absorción de fotones en dos pasos, de la banda de valencia (VB) a la IB y de allí a la banda de conducción (CB). El aprovechamiento de estos fotones de baja energía conlleva un empleo más eficiente del espectro solar. La semejanza antre la IBSC y una célula solar de alto gap está relacionada con la preservación del voltaje: la tensión de circuito abierto (Vbc) de una IBSC no está limitada por ninguna de las fracciones en las que la IB divide a la banda prohibida, sino que está únicamente limitada por el ancho de banda fundamental del semiconductor (definido entre VB y CB). No obstante, la presencia de la IB posibilita nuevos caminos de recombinación electrónica, lo cual degrada el rendimiento de la IBSC a 1 sol. Este trabajo argumenta de forma teórica la necesidad de emplear luz concentrada para evitar compensar el aumento de la recom¬binación de la IBSC y evitar la degradación del voltage. Lo anterior se ha verificado experimentalmente por medio de nuestra novedosa técnica de caracterización consistente en la adquisicin de pares de corriente fotogenerada (IL)-VOG en concentración y a baja temperatura. En esta etapa de la investigación, se están desarrollando nuevos materiales de IB y nuestra herramienta de caracterizacin está siendo empleada para realimentar el proceso de fabricación, comprobando si los materiales tienen capacidad para operar como verdaderas IBSCs por medio de la verificación del principio de preservación del voltaje. También se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico para evaluar el potencial de IBSCs de puntos cuánticos. Dicho modelo está basado en el cálculo del alineamiento de bandas de energía en heterouniones de aleaciones de materiales III-V, en la estimación de la energía de los niveles confinados en un QD y en el cálculo de la eficiencia de balance detallado. Este modelo ha permitido identificar varios materiales de QDs potencialmente útiles como InAs/AlxGai_xAs, InAs/GaxIni_xP, InAsi_yNy/AlAsxSbi_x ó InAsi_zNz/Alx[GayIni_y]i_xP. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un modelado teórico para el análisis de la resistencia serie de una célula solar de concentración. Gracias a dicho modelo se han diseñado y fabricado IBSCs adaptadas a 1.000 soles.


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Starting from the way the inter-cellular communication takes place by means of protein channels and also from the standard knowledge about neuron functioning, we propose a computing model called a tissue P system, which processes symbols in a multiset rewriting sense, in a net of cells similar to a neural net. Each cell has a finite state memory, processes multisets of symbol-impulses, and can send impulses (?excitations?) to the neighboring cells. Such cell nets are shown to be rather powerful: they can simulate a Turing machine even when using a small number of cells, each of them having a small number of states. Moreover, in the case when each cell works in the maximal manner and it can excite all the cells to which it can send impulses, then one can easily solve the Hamiltonian Path Problem in linear time. A new characterization of the Parikh images of ET0L languages are also obtained in this framework.


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This work introduces the lines of research that the NGCPV project is pursuing and some of the first results obtained. Sponsored by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program and NEDO (Japan) within the first collaborative call launched by both Bodies in the field of energy, NGCPV project aims at approaching the cost of the photovoltaic kWh to competitive prices in the framework of high concentration photovoltaics (CPV) by exploring the development and assessment of concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and modules, novel materials and new solar cell structures as well as methods and procedures to standardize measurement technology for concentrator photovoltaic cells and modules. More specific objectives we are facing are: (1) to manufacture a cell prototype with an efficiency of at least 45% and to undertake an experimental activity, (2) to manufacture a 35% module prototype and elaborate the roadmap towards the achievement of 40%, (3) to develop reliable characterization techniques for III-V materials and quantum structures, (4) to achieve and agreement within 5% in the characterization of CPV cells and modules in a round robin scheme, and (5) to evaluate the potential of new materials, devices technologies and quantum nanostructures to improve the efficiency of solar cells for CPV.


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As wafer-based solar cells become thinner, light-trapping textures for absorption enhancement will gain in importance. In this work, crystalline silicon wafers were textured with wavelength-scale diffraction grating surface textures by nanoimprint lithography using interference lithography as a mastering technology. This technique allows fine-tailored nanostructures to be realized on large areas with high throughput. Solar cell precursors were fabricated, with the surface textures on the rear side, for optical absorption measurements. Large absorption enhancements are observed in the wavelength range in which the silicon wafer absorbs weakly. It is shown experimentally that bi-periodic crossed gratings perform better than uni-periodic linear gratings. Optical simulations have been made of the fabricated structures, allowing the total absorption to be decomposed into useful absorption in the silicon and parasitic absorption in the rear reflector. Using the calculated silicon absorption, promising absorbed photocurrent density enhancements have been calculated for solar cells employing the nano-textures. Finally, first results are presented of a passivation layer deposition technique that planarizes the rear reflector for the purpose of reducing the parasitic absorption.


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A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and the signals are fully digital. A method to study the characteristics of the obtained chaos is reported as well as a new technique to compare the obtained chaos from an emitter and a receiver. This technique allows the synchronization of chaotic signals. The signals received at the receiver, composed by the addition of information and chaotic signals, are compared with the chaos generated there and a pure information signal can be detected. Its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from these properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.


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Optical logic cells, employed in several tasks as optical computing or optically controlled switches for photonic switching, offer a very particular behavior when the working conditions are slightly modified. One of the more striking changes occurs when some delayed feedback is applied between one of the possible output gates and a control input. Some of these new phenomena have been studied by us and reported in previous papers. A chaotic behavior is one of the more characteristic results and its possible applications range from communications to cryptography. But the main problem related with this behavior is the binary character of the resulting signal. Most of the nowadays-employed techniques to analyze chaotic signals concern to analogue signals where algebraic equations are possible to obtain. There are no specific tools to study digital chaotic signals. Some methods have been proposed. One of the more used is equivalent to the phase diagram in analogue chaos. The binary signal is converted to hexadecimal and then analyzed. We represented the fractal characteristics of the signal. It has the characteristics of a strange attractor and gives more information than the obtained from previous methods. A phase diagram, as the one obtained by previous techniques, may fully cover its surface with the trajectories and almost no information may be obtained from it. Now, this new method offers the evolution around just a certain area being this lines the strange attractor.


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We proposed an optical communications system, based on a digital chaotic signal where the synchronization of chaos was the main objective, in some previous papers. In this paper we will extend this work. A way to add the digital data signal to be transmitted onto the chaotic signal and its correct reception, is the main objective. We report some methods to study the main characteristics of the resulting signal. The main problem with any real system is the presence of some retard between the times than the signal is generated at the emitter at the time when this signal is received. Any system using chaotic signals as a method to encrypt need to have the same characteristics in emitter and receiver. It is because that, this control of time is needed. A method to control, in real time the chaotic signals, is reported.


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Las temperaturas extremas, la sequía y otros estreses abióticos limitan la producción forestal de forma significativa, causando grandes pérdidas económicas en el sector. Los árboles, al ser organismos sésiles, han desarrollado una serie de estrategias para percibir dichos factores, activando respuestas defensivas apropiadas. Entre ellas ocupa un lugar preeminente la síntesis de proteínas con actividad chaperona molecular. Las chaperonas moleculares interaccionan con proteínas desnaturalizadas total o parcialmente, promoviendo su correcto plegamiento y ensamblaje. Las chaperonas moleculares que se sintetizan de forma predominante en plantas, pero no en otros eucariotas, pertenecen a la familia sHSP (small heat-shock proteins). Se trata de una familia inusualmente compleja y heterogénea, cuyos miembros son de pequeño tamaño (16-42 kD) y poseen un dominio “alfa-cristalina” muy conservado. Estas proteínas están implicadas en protección frente a estrés abiótico mediante la estabilización de proteínas y membranas, si bien su mecanismo de acción se conoce de forma incompleta. A pesar del evidente potencial aplicado de las proteínas sHSP, son muy escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento con un enfoque netamente biotecnológico. Por otra parte, casi todos ellos se han llevado a cabo en especies herbáceas de interés agronómico o en especies modelo, como Arabidopsis thaliana. De ahí que las sHSP de arbóreas hayan sido mucho menos caracterizadas estructural y funcionalmente, y ello a pesar del interés económico y ecológico de los árboles y de su prolongada exposición vital a múltiples factores estresantes. La presente Tesis Doctoral se centra en el estudio de sHSP de varias especies arbóreas de interés económico. El escrutinio exhaustivo de genotecas de cDNA de órganos vegetativos nos ha permitido identificar y caracterizar los componentes mayoritarios de tallo en dos especies productoras de madera noble: nogal y cerezo. También hemos caracterizado la familia completa en chopo, a partir de su secuencia genómica completa. Mediante expresión heteróloga en bacterias, hemos analizado el efecto protector de estas proteínas in vivo frente a distintos tipos de estrés abiótico, relevantes para el sector productivo. Los resultados demuestran que las proteínas sHSP-CI: (i) aumentan la viabilidad celular de E.coli frente a casi todos estos factores, aplicados de forma individual o combinada; (ii) ejercen un rol estabilizador de las membranas celulares frente a condiciones adversas; (iii) sirven para mejorar la producción de otras proteínas recombinantes de interés comercial. El efecto protector de las proteínas sHSP-CI también ha sido analizado in planta, mediante la expresión ectópica de CsHSP17.5-CI en chopos. En condiciones normales de crecimiento no se han observado diferencias fenotípicas entre las líneas transgénicas y los controles, lo que demuestra que se pueden sobre-expresar estas proteínas sin efectos pleiotrópicos deletéreos. En condiciones de estrés térmico, por el contrario, los chopos transgénicos mostraron menos daños y un mejor crecimiento neto. En línea con lo anterior, las actividades biológicas de varias enzimas resultaron más protegidas frente a la inactivación por calor, corroborando la actividad chaperona propuesta para la familia sHSP y su conexión con la tolerancia al estrés abiótico. En lo que respecta a la multiplicación y propagación de chopo in vitro, una forma de cultivo que comporta estrés para las plantas, todas las líneas transgénicas se comportaron mejor que los controles en términos de producción de biomasa (callos) y regeneración de brotes, incluso en ausencia de estrés térmico. También se comportaron mejor durante su cultivo ex vitro. Estos resultados tienen gran potencial aplicado, dada la recalcitrancia de muchas especies vegetales de interés económico a la micropropagación y a la manipulación in vitro en general. Los resultados derivados de esta Tesis, aparte de aportar datos nuevos sobre el efecto protector de las proteínas sHSP citosólicas mayoritarias (clase CI), demuestran por vez primera que la termotolerancia de los árboles puede ser manipulada racionalmente, incrementando los niveles de sHSP mediante técnicas de ingeniería genética. Su interés aplicado es evidente, especialmente en un escenario de calentamiento global. ABSTRACT Abiotic stress produces considerable economic losses in the forest sector, with extreme temperature and drought being amongst the most relevant factors. As sessile organisms, plants have acquired molecular strategies to detect and recognize stressful factors and activate appropriate responses. A wealth of evidence has correlated such responses with the massive induction of proteins belonging to the molecular chaperone family. Molecular chaperones are proteins which interact with incorrectly folded proteins to help them refold to their native state. In contrast to other eukaryotes, the most prominent stress-induced molecular chaperones of plants belong to the sHSP (small Heat Shock Protein) family. sHSPs are a widespread and diverse class of molecular chaperones that range in size from 16 to 42k Da, and whose members have a highly conserved “alpha-crystallin” domain. sHSP proteins play an important role in abiotic stress tolerance, membrane stabilization and developmental processes. Yet, their mechanism of action remains largely unknown. Despite the applied potential of these proteins, only a few studies have addressed so far the biotechnological implications of this protein family. Most studies have focused on herbaceous species of agronomic interest or on model species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Hence, sHSP are poorly characterized in long-lived woody species, despite their economic and ecological relevance. This Thesis studies sHSPs from several woody species of economic interest. The most prominent components, namely cytosolic class I sHSPs, have been identified and characterized, either by cDNA library screening (walnut, cherry) or by searching the complete genomic sequence (poplar). Through heterologous bacterial expression, we analyzed the in vivo protective effects of selected components against abiotic stress. Our results demonstrate that sHSP-CI proteins: (i) protect E. coli cells against different stressful conditions, alone or combined; (ii) stabilize cell membranes; (iii) improve the production of other recombinant proteins with commercial interest. The effects of CsHSP17.5-CI overexpression have also been studied in hybrid poplar. Interestingly, the accumulation of this protein does not have any appreciable phenotypic effects under normal growth conditions. However, the transgenic poplar lines showed enhanced net growth and reduced injury under heat-stress conditions compared to vector controls. Biochemical analysis of leaf extracts revealed that important enzyme activities were more protected in such lines against heat-induced inactivation than in control lines, lending further support to the chaperone mode of action proposed for the sHSP family. All transgenic lines showed improved in vitro and ex vitro performance (calli biomass, bud induction, shoot regeneration) compared to controls, even in the absence of thermal stress. Besides providing new insights on the protective role of HSP-CI proteins, our results bolster the notion that heat stress tolerance can be readily manipulated in trees through genetic engineering. The applied value of these results is evident, especially under a global warming scenario.