955 resultados para analytical study
The aim of this thesis is to study how explosive behavior and geophysical signals in a volcanic conduit are related to the development of overpressure in slug-driven eruptions. A first suite of laboratory experiments of gas slugs ascending in analogue conduits was performed. Slugs ascended into a range of analogue liquids and conduit diameters to allow proper scaling to the natural volcanoes. The geometrical variation of the slug in response to the explored variables was parameterised. Volume of gas slug and rheology of the liquid phase revealed the key parameters in controlling slug overpressure at bursting. Founded on these results, a theoretical model to calculate burst overpressure for slug-driven eruptions was developed. The dimensionless approach adopted allowed to apply the model to predict bursting pressure of slugs at Stromboli. Comparison of predicted values with measured data from Stromboli volcano showed that the model can explain the entire spectrum of observed eruptive styles at Stromboli – from low-energy puffing, through normal Strombolian eruptions, up to paroxysmal explosions – as manifestations of a single underlying physical process. Finally, another suite of laboratory experiments was performed to observe oscillatory pressure and forces variations generated during the expansion and bursting of gas slugs ascending in a conduit. Two end-member boundary conditions were imposed at the base of the pipe, simulating slug ascent in closed base (zero magma flux) and open base (constant flux) conduit. At the top of the pipe, a range of boundary conditions that are relevant at a volcanic vent were imposed, going from open to plugged vent. The results obtained illustrate that a change in boundary conditions in the conduit concur to affect the dynamic of slug expansion and burst: an upward flux at the base of the conduit attenuates the magnitude of the pressure transients, while a rheological stiffening in the top-most region of conduit changes dramatically the magnitude of the observed pressure transients, favoring a sudden, and more energetic pressure release into the overlying atmosphere. Finally, a discussion on the implication of changing boundary on the oscillatory processes generated at the volcanic scale is also given.
I applied the SBAS-DInSAR method to the Mattinata Fault (MF) (Southern Italy) and to the Doruneh Fault System (DFS) (Central Iran). In the first case, I observed limited internal deformation and determined the right lateral kinematic pattern with a compressional pattern in the northern sector of the fault. Using the Okada model I inverted the observed velocities defining a right lateral strike slip solution for the MF. Even if it fits the data within the uncertainties, the modeled slip rate of 13-15 mm yr-1 seems too high with respect to the geological record. Concerning the Western termination of DFS, SAR data confirms the main left lateral transcurrent kinematics of this fault segment, but reveal a compressional component. My analytical model fits successfully the observed data and quantifies the slip in ~4 mm yr-1 and ~2.5 mm yr-1 of pure horizontal and vertical displacement respectively. The horizontal velocity is compatible with geological record. I applied classic SAR interferometry to the October–December 2008 Balochistan (Central Pakistan) seismic swarm; I discerned the different contributions of the three Mw > 5.7 earthquakes determining fault positions, lengths, widths, depths and slip distributions, constraining the other source parameters using different Global CMT solutions. A well constrained solution has been obtained for the 09/12/2008 aftershock, whereas I tested two possible fault solutions for the 28-29/10/08 mainshocks. It is not possible to favor one of the solutions without independent constraints derived from geological data. Finally I approached the study of the earthquake-cycle in transcurrent tectonic domains using analog modeling, with alimentary gelatins like crust analog material. I successfully joined the study of finite deformation with the earthquake cycle study and sudden dislocation. A lot of seismic cycles were reproduced in which a characteristic earthquake is recognizable in terms of displacement, coseismic velocity and recurrence time.
The consumer demand for natural, minimally processed, fresh like and functional food has lead to an increasing interest in emerging technologies. The aim of this PhD project was to study three innovative food processing technologies currently used in the food sector. Ultrasound-assisted freezing, vacuum impregnation and pulsed electric field have been investigated through laboratory scale systems and semi-industrial pilot plants. Furthermore, analytical and sensory techniques have been developed to evaluate the quality of food and vegetable matrix obtained by traditional and emerging processes. Ultrasound was found to be a valuable technique to improve the freezing process of potatoes, anticipating the beginning of the nucleation process, mainly when applied during the supercooling phase. A study of the effects of pulsed electric fields on phenol and enzymatic profile of melon juice has been realized and the statistical treatment of data was carried out through a response surface method. Next, flavour enrichment of apple sticks has been realized applying different techniques, as atmospheric, vacuum, ultrasound technologies and their combinations. The second section of the thesis deals with the development of analytical methods for the discrimination and quantification of phenol compounds in vegetable matrix, as chestnut bark extracts and olive mill waste water. The management of waste disposal in mill sector has been approached with the aim of reducing the amount of waste, and at the same time recovering valuable by-products, to be used in different industrial sectors. Finally, the sensory analysis of boiled potatoes has been carried out through the development of a quantitative descriptive procedure for the study of Italian and Mexican potato varieties. An update on flavour development in fresh and cooked potatoes has been realized and a sensory glossary, including general and specific definitions related to organic products, used in the European project Ecropolis, has been drafted.
dall'avvento della liberalizzazione, aeroporti e vettori hanno vissuto cambiamenti. Il maggior miglioramneto nella gestione degli aeroporti è una gestione più commerciale ed efficiente. Le forme di regolazione economica e le caratteristiche della gestione manageriale sono state indagate. Dodici paesi sono stati scelti per indagare la situazione del trasporto aereo mondiale, fra questi sia paesi con un sistema maturo sia paesi emergenti. La distribuzione del traffico è stata analizzata con l'indice HHI per evidenziare aeroporti con concentrazione maggiore di 0,25 (in accordo con la normativa statunitense); il sistema aeroportuale è stato analizzato con l'indice di Gini e con l'indice di dominanza. Infine, la teoria dei giochi si è dimostrata un valido supporto per studiare il mercato del trasporto aereo anche con l'uso di giochi di tipo DP
This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the investigation of some chemical and sensorial analytical parameters linked to the quality and purity of different categories of oils obtained by olives: extra virgin olive oils, both those that are sold in the large retail trade (supermarkets and discounts) and those directly collected at some Italian mills, and lower-quality oils (refined, lampante and “repaso”). Concurrently with the adoption of traditional and well-known analytical procedures such as gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, I carried out a set-up of innovative, fast and environmentally-friend methods. For example, I developed some analytical approaches based on Fourier transform medium infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) and time domain reflectometry (TDR), coupled with a robust chemometric elaboration of the results. I investigated some other freshness and quality markers that are not included in official parameters (in Italian and European regulations): the adoption of such a full chemical and sensorial analytical plan allowed me to obtain interesting information about the degree of quality of the EVOOs, mostly within the Italian market. Here the range of quality of EVOOs resulted very wide, in terms of sensory attributes, price classes and chemical parameters. Thanks to the collaboration with other Italian and foreign research groups, I carried out several applicative studies, especially focusing on the shelf-life of oils obtained by olives and on the effects of thermal stresses on the quality of the products. I also studied some innovative technological treatments, such as the clarification by using inert gases, as an alternative to the traditional filtration. Moreover, during a three-and-a-half months research stay at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, I also carried out a study related to the application of statistical methods for the elaboration of sensory results, obtained thanks to the official Swiss Panel and to some consumer tests.
The lateral characteristics of tires in terms of lateral forces as a function of sideslip angle is a focal point in the prediction of ground loads and ground handling aircraft behavior. However, tests to validate such coefficients are not mandatory to obtain Aircraft Type Certification and so they are not available for ATR tires. Anyway, some analytical values are implemented in ATR calculation codes (Flight Qualities in-house numerical code and Loads in-house numerical code). Hence, the goal of my work is to further investigate and validate lateral tires characteristics by means of: exploitation and re-parameterization of existing test on NLG tires, implementation of easy-handle model based on DFDR parameters to compute sideslip angles, application of this model to compute lateral loads on existing flight tests and incident cases, analysis of results. The last part of this work is dedicated to the preliminary study of a methodology to perform a test to retrieve lateral tire loads during ground turning with minimum requirements in terms of aircraft test instrumentation. This represents the basis for future works.
Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt die Gesamtgesteinsanalyse stabiler Siliziumisotope mit Hilfe einer „Multi Collector-ICP-MS“. Die Analysen fanden in Kooperation mit dem „Royal Museum for Central Africa“ in Belgien statt. Einer der Schwerpunkte des ersten Kapitels ist die erstmalige Analyse des δ30Si –Wertes an einem konventionellen Nu PlasmaTM „Multi-Collector ICP-MS“ Instrument, durch die Eliminierung der den 30Si “peak” überlagernden 14N16O Interferenz. Die Analyse von δ30Si wurde durch technische Modifikationen der Anlage erreicht, welche eine höherer Massenauflösung ermöglichten. Die sorgsame Charakterisierung eines adäquaten Referenzmaterials ist unabdingbar für die Abschätzung der Genauigkeit einer Messung. Die Bestimmung der „U.S. Geological Survey“ Referenzmaterialien bildet den zweiten Schwerpunkt dieses Kapitales. Die Analyse zweier hawaiianischer Standards (BHVO-1 and BHVO-2), belegt die präzise und genaue δ30Si Bestimmung und bietet Vergleichsdaten als Qualitätskontrolle für andere Labore. Das zweite Kapitel befasst sich mit kombinierter Silizium-/Sauerstoffisotope zur Untersuchung der Entstehung der Silizifizierung vulkanischer Gesteine des „Barberton Greenstone Belt“, Südafrika. Im Gegensatz zu heute, war die Silizifizierung der Oberflächennahen Schichten, einschließlich der „Chert“ Bildung, weitverbreitete Prozesse am präkambrischen Ozeanboden. Diese Horizonte sind Zeugen einer extremen Siliziummobilisierung in der Frühzeit der Erde. Dieses Kapitel behandelt die Analyse von Silizium- und Sauerstoffisotopen an drei unterschiedlichen Gesteinsprofilen mit unterschiedlich stark silizifizierten Basalten und überlagernden geschichteten „Cherts“ der 3.54, 3.45 und 3.33 Mill. Jr. alten Theespruit, Kromberg und Hooggenoeg Formationen. Siliziumisotope, Sauerstoffisotope und die SiO2-Gehalte demonstrieren in allen drei Gesteinsprofilen eine positive Korrelation mit dem Silizifizierungsgrad, jedoch mit unterschiedlichen Steigungen der δ30Si-δ18O-Verhältnisse. Meerwasser wird als Quelle des Siliziums für den Silizifizierungsprozess betrachtet. Berechnungen haben gezeigt, dass eine klassische Wasser-Gestein Wechselwirkung die Siliziumisotopenvariation nicht beeinflussen kann, da die Konzentration von Si im Meerwasser zu gering ist (49 ppm). Die Daten stimmen mit einer Zwei-Endglieder-Komponentenmischung überein, mit Basalt und „Chert“ als jeweilige Endglieder. Unsere gegenwärtigen Daten an den „Cherts“ bestätigen einen Anstieg der Isotopenzusammensetzung über der Zeit. Mögliche Faktoren, die für unterschiedliche Steigungen der δ30Si-δ18O Verhältnisse verantwortlich sein könnten sind Veränderungen in der Meerwasserisotopie, der Wassertemperatur oder sekundäre Alterationseffekte. Das letzte Kapitel beinhaltet potentielle Variationen in der Quellregion archaischer Granitoide: die Si-Isotopen Perspektive. Natriumhaltige Tonalit-Trondhjemit-Granodiorit (TTG) Intrusiva repräsentieren große Anteile der archaischen Kruste. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die heutige Kruste kaliumhaltiger (GMS-Gruppe: Granit-Monzonite-Syenite). Prozesse, die zu dem Wechsel von natriumhaltiger zu kaliumhaltiger Kruste führten sind die Thematik diesen Kapitels. Siliziumisotopenmessungen wurden hier kombiniert mit Haupt- und Spurenelementanalysen an unterschiedlichen Generationen der 3.55 bis 3.10 Mill. Yr. alten TTG und GMS Intrusiva aus dem Arbeitsgebiet. Die δ30Si-Werte in den unterschiedlichen Plutonit Generationen zeigen einen leichten Anstieg der Isotopie mit der Zeit, wobei natriumhaltige Intrusiva die niedrigste Si-Isotopenzusammensetzung aufweisen. Der leichte Anstieg in der Siliziumisotopenzusammensetzung über die Zeit könnte auf unterschiedliche Temperaturbedingungen in der Quellregion der Granitoide hinweisen. Die Entstehung von Na-reichen, leichten d30Si Granitoiden würde demnach bei höheren Temperaturen erfolgen. Die Ähnlichkeit der δ30Si-Werte in archaischen K-reichen Plutoniten und phanerozoischen K-reichen Plutoniten wird ebenfalls deutlich.
Die Bor-Neuroneneinfang-Therapie (engl.: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, BNCT) ist eine indirekte Strahlentherapie, welche durch die gezielte Freisetzung von dicht ionisierender Strahlung Tumorzellen zerstört. Die freigesetzten Ionen sind Spaltfragmente einer Kernreaktion, bei welcher das Isotop 10B ein niederenergetisches (thermisches) Neutron einfängt. Das 10B wird durch ein spezielles Borpräparat in den Tumorzellen angereichert, welches selbst nicht radioaktiv ist. rnAn der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurde die Forschung für die Anwendung eines klinischen Behandlungsprotokolls durch zwei Heilversuche bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen an der Universität Pavia, Italien, angeregt, bei denen die Leber außerhalb des Körpers in einem Forschungsreaktor bestrahlt wurde. Als erster Schritt wurde in Kooperation verschiedener universitärer Institute eine klinische Studie zur Bestimmung klinisch relevanter Parameter wie der Borverteilung in verschiedenen Geweben und dem pharmakokinetischen Aufnahmeverhalten des Borpräparates initiiert.rnDie Borkonzentration in den Gewebeproben wurde hinsichtlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in verschiedenen Zellarealen bestimmt, um mehr über das Aufnahmeverhalten der Zellen für das BPA im Hinblick auf ihre biologischen Charakteristika zu erfahren. Die Borbestimung wurde per Quantitative Neutron Capture Radiography, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis und Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy parallel zur histologischen Analyse des Gewebes durchgeführt. Es war möglich zu zeigen, dass in Proben aus Tumorgewebe und aus tumorfreiem Gewebe mit unterschiedlichen morphologischen Eigenschaften eine sehr heterogene Borverteilung vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Blutproben werden für die Erstellung eines pharmakokinetischen Modells verwendet und sind in Übereinstimmung mit existierenden pharmakokinetische Modellen. Zusätzlich wurden die Methoden zur Borbestimmung über speziell hergestellte Referenzstandards untereinander verglichen. Dabei wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse festgestellt, ferner wurde für alle biologischen Proben Standardanalyseprotokolle erstellt.rnDie bisher erhaltenen Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie sind vielversprechend, lassen aber noch keine endgültigen Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit von BNCT für maligne Lebererkrankungen zu. rn
This thesis reports an integrated analytical and physicochemical approach for the study of natural substances and new drugs based on mass spectrometry techniques combined with liquid chromatography. In particular, Chapter 1 concerns the study of Berberine a natural substance with pharmacological activity for the treatment of hepatobiliary and intestinal diseases. The first part focused on the relationships between physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics and metabolism of Berberine and its metabolites. For this purpose a sensitive HPLC-ES-MS/MS method have been developed, validated and used to determine these compounds during their physicochemical properties studies and plasma levels of berberine and its metabolites including berberrubine(M1), demethylenberberine(M3), and jatrorrhizine(M4) in humans. Data show that M1, could have an efficient intestinal absorption by passive diffusion due to a keto-enol tautomerism confirmed by NMR studies and its higher plasma concentration. In the second part of Chapter 1, a comparison between M1 and BBR in vivo biodistribution in rat has been studied. In Chapter 2 a new HPLC-ES-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination and quantification of glucosinolates, as glucoraphanin, glucoerucin and sinigrin, and isothiocyanates, as sulforaphane and erucin, has developed and validated. This method has been used for the analysis of functional foods enriched with vegetable extracts. Chapter 3 focused on a physicochemical study of the interaction between the bile acid sequestrants used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia including colesevelam and cholestyramine with obeticolic acid (OCA), potent agonist of nuclear receptor farnesoid X (FXR). In particular, a new experimental model for the determination of equilibrium binding isotherm was developed. Chapter 4 focused on methodological aspects of new hard ionization coupled with liquid chromatography (Direct-EI-UHPLC-MS) not yet commercially available and potentially useful for qualitative analysis and for “transparent” molecules to soft ionization techniques. This method was applied to the analysis of several steroid derivatives.
Ultrasensitive chemiluminescence bioassays based on microfluidics in miniaturized analytical devices
The activity carried out during my PhD was principally addressed to the development of portable microfluidic analytical devices based on biospecific molecular recognition reactions and CL detection. In particular, the development of biosensors required the study of different materials and procedures for their construction, with particular attention to the development of suitable immobilization procedures, fluidic systems and the selection of the suitable detectors. Different methods were exploited, such as gene probe hybridization assay or immunoassay, based on different platform (functionalized glass slide or nitrocellulose membrane) trying to improve the simplicity of the assay procedure. Different CL detectors were also employed and compared with each other in the search for the best compromise between portability and sensitivity. The work was therefore aimed at miniaturization and simplification of analytical devices and the study involved all aspects of the system, from the analytical methodology to the type of detector, in order to combine high sensitivity with easiness-of-use and rapidity. The latest development involving the use of smartphone as chemiluminescent detector paves the way for a new generation of analytical devices in the clinical diagnostic field thanks to the ideal combination of sensibility a simplicity of the CL with the day-by-day increase in the performance of the new generation smartphone camera. Moreover, the connectivity and data processing offered by smartphones can be exploited to perform analysis directly at home with simple procedures. The system could eventually be used to monitor patient health and directly notify the physician of the analysis results allowing a decrease in costs and an increase in the healthcare availability and accessibility.
Minor components are of particular interest due to their antioxidant and biological properties. Various classes of lipophilic minor components (plant sterols (PS) and α-tocopherol) were selected as they are widely used in the food industry. A Fast GC-MS method for PS analysis in functional dairy products was set up. The analytical performance and significant reduction of the analysis time and consumables, demonstrated that Fast GC-MS could be suitable for the PS analysis in functional dairy products. Due to their chemical structure, PS can undergo oxidation, which could be greatly impacted by matrix nature/composition and thermal treatments. The oxidative stability of PS during microwave heating was evaluated. Two different model systems (PS alone and in combination) were heated up to 30 min at 1000 W. PS degraded faster when they were alone than in presence of TAG. The extent of PS degradation depends on both heating time and the surrounding medium, which can impact the quality and safety of the food product destined to microwave heating/cooking. Many minor lipid components are included in emulsion systems and can affect the rate of lipid oxidation. The oxidative stability of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions containing PS esters, ω-3 FA and phenolic compounds, were evaluated after a 14-day storage at room temperature. Due to their surface active character, PS could be particularly prone to oxidation when they are incorporated in emulsions, as they are more exposed to water-soluble prooxidants. Finally, some minor lipophilic components may increase oxidative stability of food systems due to their antioxidant activity. á-tocopherol partitioning and antioxidant activity was determined in the presence of excess SDS in stripped soybean O/W emulsions. Results showed that surfactant micelles could play a key role as an antioxidant carrier, by potentially increasing the accessibility of hydrophobic antioxidant to the interface.
In diesem Arbeitspapier will ich zur künftigen Forschung über soziale Stratifikation in Afrika beitragen, indem ich die theoretischen Implikationen und empirischen Herausforderungen der Konzepte "Elite" und "Mittelklasse" untersuche. Diese Konzepte stammen aus teilweise miteinander konkurrierenden Theorietraditionen. Außerdem haben Sozialwissenschaftler und Historiker sie zu verschiedenen Zeiten und mit Bezug auf verschiedene Regionen unterschiedlich verwendet. So haben Afrikaforscher und -forscherinnen soziale Formationen, die in anderen Teilen der Welt als Mittelklasse kategorisiert wurden, meist als Eliten aufgefasst und tun dies zum Teil noch heute. Elite und Mittelklasse sind aber nicht nur Begriffe der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung, sondern zugleich Kategorien der sozialen und politischen Praxis. Die Art und Weise, wie Menschen diese Begriffe benutzen, um sich selbst oder andere zu beschreiben, hat wiederum Rückwirkungen auf sozialwissenschaftliche Diskurse und umgekehrt. Das Arbeitspapier setzt sich mit beiden Aspekten auseinander: mit der Geschichte der theoretischen Debatten über Elite und Mittelklasse und damit, was wir aus empirischen Studien über die umstrittenen Selbstverortungen sozialer Akteure lernen können und über ihre sich verändernden Auffassungen und Praktiken von Elite- oder Mittelklasse-Sein. Weil ich überzeugt bin, dass künftige Forschung zu sozialer Stratifikation in Afrika außerordentlich viel von einer historisch und regional vergleichenden Perspektive profitieren kann, analysiert dieses Arbeitspapier nicht nur Untersuchungen zu afrikanischen Eliten und Mittelklassen, sondern auch eine Fülle von Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelklassen in Europa und Nordamerika sowie zu den neuen Mittelklassen im Globalen Süden.
The Scilla rock avalanche occurred on 6 February 1783 along the coast of the Calabria region (southern Italy), close to the Messina Strait. It was triggered by a mainshock of the Terremoto delle Calabrie seismic sequence, and it induced a tsunami wave responsible for more than 1500 casualties along the neighboring Marina Grande beach. The main goal of this work is the application of semi-analtycal and numerical models to simulate this event. The first one is a MATLAB code expressly created for this work that solves the equations of motion for sliding particles on a two-dimensional surface through a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The second one is a code developed by the Tsunami Research Team of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) of the Bologna University that describes a slide as a chain of blocks able to interact while sliding down over a slope and adopts a Lagrangian point of view. A wide description of landslide phenomena and in particular of landslides induced by earthquakes and with tsunamigenic potential is proposed in the first part of the work. Subsequently, the physical and mathematical background is presented; in particular, a detailed study on derivatives discratization is provided. Later on, a description of the dynamics of a point-mass sliding on a surface is proposed together with several applications of numerical and analytical models over ideal topographies. In the last part, the dynamics of points sliding on a surface and interacting with each other is proposed. Similarly, different application on an ideal topography are shown. Finally, the applications on the 1783 Scilla event are shown and discussed.
In Airbus GmbH (Hamburg) has been developed a new design of Rear Pressure Bulkhead (RPB) for the A320-family. The new model has been formed with vacuum forming technology. During this process the wrinkling phenomenon occurs. In this thesis is described an analytical model for prediction of wrinkling based on the energetic method of Timoshenko. Large deflection theory has been used for analyze two cases of study: a simply supported circular thin plate stamped by a spherical punch and a simply supported circular thin plate formed with vacuum forming technique. If the edges are free to displace radially, thin plates will develop radial wrinkles near the edge at a central deflection approximately equal to four plate thicknesses w0/ℎ≈4 if they’re stamped by a spherical punch and w0/ℎ≈3 if they’re formed with vacuum forming technique. Initially, there are four symmetrical wrinkles, but the number increases if the central deflection is increased. By using experimental results, the “Snaptrhough” phenomenon is described.
A global metabolic profiling methodology based on gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) for human plasma was applied to a human exercise study focused on the effects of beverages containing glucose, galactose, or fructose taken after exercise and throughout a recovery period of 6 h and 45 min. One group of 10 well trained male cyclists performed 3 experimental sessions on separate days (randomized, single center). After performing a standardized depletion protocol on a bicycle, subjects consumed one of three different beverages: maltodextrin (MD)+glucose (2:1 ratio), MD+galactose (2:1), and MD+fructose (2:1), consumed at an average of 1.25 g of carbohydrate (CHO) ingested per minute. Blood was taken straight after exercise and every 45 min within the recovery phase. With the resulting blood plasma, insulin, free fatty acid (FFA) profile, glucose, and GC-TOFMS global metabolic profiling measurements were performed. The resulting profiling data was able to match the results obtained from the other clinical measurements with the addition of being able to follow many different metabolites throughout the recovery period. The data quality was assessed, with all the labelled internal standards yielding values of <15% CV for all samples (n=335), apart from the labelled sucrose which gave a value of 15.19%. Differences between recovery treatments including the appearance of galactonic acid from the galactose based beverage were also highlighted.