957 resultados para XML HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery Cordova Android eLearning mLearning IncidentalLearning eLocal Gamification Geolocalizzazione


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This paper is a report about the FuXML project carried out at the FernUniversität Hagen. FuXML is a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) aimed at providing a practical and efficient solution for the issues attributed to authoring, maintenance, production and distribution of online and offline distance learning material. The paper presents the environment for which the system was conceived and describes the technical realisation. We discuss the reasons for specific implementation decisions and also address the integration of the system within the organisational and technical infrastructure of the university.


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Der Beitrag schlägt einen XML-Standard zur Kodierung von bildwissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten vor (PETAL), der die Speicherung, den Austausch und die Publikation von Diskursen über Bild-Korpora gestattet, wobei insbesondere die Bezugnahme auf Bilddetails erheblich vereinfacht wird.


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CampusContent (CC) is a DFG-funded competence center for eLearning with its own portal. It links content and people who support sharing and reuse of high quality learning materials and codified pedagogical know-how, such as learning objectives, pedagogical scenarios, recommended learning activities, and learning paths. The heart of the portal is a distributed repository whose contents are linked to various other CampusContent portals. Integrated into each portal are user-friendly tools for designing reusable learning content, exercises, and templates for learning units and courses. Specialized authoring tools permit the configuration, adaption, and automatic generation of interactive Flash animations using Adobe's Flexbuilder technology. More coarse-grained content components such as complete learning units and entire courses, in which contents and materials taken from the repository are embedded, can be created with XML-based authoring tools. Open service interface allow the deep or shallow integration of the portal provider's preferred authoring and learning tools. The portal is built on top of the Enterprise Content Management System Alfresco, which comes with social networking functionality that has been adapted to accommmodate collaboration, sharing and reuse within trusted communities of practice.


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The next generation of learners expect more informality in learning. Formal learning systems such as traditional LMS systems no longer meet the needs of a generation of learners used to Twitter and Facebook, social networking and user-generated content. Regardless of this, however, formal content and learning models are still important and play a major role in educating learners, particularly in enterprise. The eLite project at DERI addressed this emerging dichotomy of learning styles, reconciling the traditional with the avant garde by using innovative technology to add informal learning capabilities to formal learning architectures.


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- Die Entstehung eines Drehbuchs für eLearning Schritt für Schritt erläutert - Vermittelt Kernkompetenzen für Drehbuchautoren, Arbeitsorganisation und -abläufe - Durchgehend überarbeitet und aktualisiert


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Die Möglichkeit, Lernen mit Hilfe digitaler Medien zu unterstützen, wird von der einschlägigen Forschungsliteratur mehrheitlich propagiert. Doch die Technik allein bringt nicht automatisch einen pädagogischen Mehrwert mit sich. Um Handlungsempfehlungen zum technologiebasierten Lehren und Lernen zu erstellen, fehlten bislang empirische Untersuchungen und Darstellungen der vielfältiger werdenden Praxis des didaktischen Handelns mit elektronischen Medien. Horst Rippien rekonstruiert mit leitfadengestützten Interviews sechs Fälle von Weiterbildungs-Organisationen und deren unterschiedliche Leistungen zur Anregung und Unterstützung des Lernens Erwachsener in technologisch gestützten Lehr-Lern-Settings. Der Ansatz der „Dienstleistung Weiterbildung“ betont die Rolle der Kooperation mit Auftraggebern und Lernenden, vergleicht die empirisch vorfindlichen flexiblen Organisationsprofile miteinander und führt sie zu einem wirkungsvollen eLearning zusammen.


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Unterstützungssysteme für die Programmierausbildung sind weit verbreitet, doch gängige Standards für den Austausch von allgemeinen (Lern-) Inhalten und Tests erfüllen nicht die speziellen Anforderungen von Programmieraufgaben wie z. B. den Umgang mit komplexen Einreichungen aus mehreren Dateien oder die Kombination verschiedener (automatischer) Bewertungsverfahren. Dadurch können Aufgaben nicht zwischen Systemen ausgetauscht werden, was aufgrund des hohen Aufwands für die Entwicklung guter Aufgaben jedoch wünschenswert wäre. In diesem Beitrag wird ein erweiterbares XML-basiertes Format zum Austausch von Programmieraufgaben vorgestellt, das bereits von mehreren Systemen prototypisch genutzt wird. Die Spezifikation des Austauschformats ist online verfügbar [PFMA].


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A 78-year-old female developed memory problems after a 2-year history of persistent visual complaints. Ocular pathology did not explain the extent of her perceived visual impairment. Cognitive screening tests found prominent visuo-constructive deficits and a comprehensive dementia assessment revealed the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. This case describes visual complaints as the initial symptom of dementia, pre-dating memory impairment by several years. We discuss clinical signs of cerebral visual impairment and suggest a simple screening measure.


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I work in the field of Armenian historiography. This means I get to play with medieval manuscripts. The things I'm doing with the manuscripts are theoretically interesting, but pretty boring in practice, so I'm using Perl to program away the most boring bits. I will talk about the problems of text criticism in general, what sorts of things can and can't be done by the computer, my initial aversion to XML, how I was shown (some of) the error of my ways, and how I'm combining a bunch of isolated pieces of technology that were mostly already in use to achieve fame and fortune in the world of Armenian studies.


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BACKGROUND Since drug-related emergency department (ED) visits are common among older adults, the objectives of our study were to identify the frequency of drug-related problems (DRPs) among patients presenting to the ED with non-specific complaints (NSC), such as generalized weakness and to evaluate responsible drug classes. METHODS Delayed type cross-sectional diagnostic study with a prospective 30 day follow-up in the ED of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. From May 2007 until April 2009, all non-trauma patients presenting to the ED with an Emergency Severity Index (ESI) of 2 or 3 were screened and included, if they presented with non-specific complaints. After having obtained complete 30-day follow-up, two outcome assessors reviewed all available information, judged whether the initial presentation was a DRP and compared their judgment with the initial ED diagnosis. Acute morbidity ("serious condition") was allocated to individual cases according to predefined criteria. RESULTS The study population consisted of 633 patients with NSC. Median age was 81 years (IQR 72/87), and the mean Charlson comorbidity index was 2.5 (IQR 1/4). DRPs were identified in 77 of the 633 cases (12.2%). At the initial assessment, only 40% of the DRPs were correctly identified. 64 of the 77 identified DRPs (83%) fulfilled the criteria "serious condition". Polypharmacy and certain drug classes (thiazides, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants) were associated with DRPs. CONCLUSION Elderly patients with non-specific complaints need to be screened systematically for drug-related problems. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00920491.


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Abstract. During the last decade mobile communications increasingly became part of people's daily routine. Such usage raises new challenges regarding devices' battery lifetime management when using most popular wireless access technologies, such as IEEE 802.11. This paper investigates the energy/delay trade-off of using an end-user driven power saving approach, when compared with the standard IEEE 802.11 power saving algorithms. The assessment was conducted in a real testbed using an Android mobile phone and high-precision energy measurement hardware. The results show clear energy benefits of employing user-driven power saving techniques, when compared with other standard approaches.


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Objective We evaluated whether regional differences in physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) existed along language boundaries within Switzerland and whether potential differences would be explained by socio-demographics or environmental characteristics. Methods We combined data of 611 children aged 4 to 7 years from four regional studies. PA and SB were assessed by accelerometers. Information about the socio-demographic background was obtained by questionnaires. Objective neighbourhood attributes could be linked to home addresses. Multivariate regression models were used to test associations between PA and SB and socio-demographic characteristics and neighbourhood attributes. Results Children from the German compared to the French-speaking region were more physically active and less sedentary (by 10–15 %, p < 0.01). Although German-speaking children lived in a more favourable environment and a higher socioeconomic neighbourhood (differences p < 0.001), these characteristics did not explain the differences in PA behaviour between French and German speaking. Conclusions Factors related to the language region, which might be culturally rooted were among the strongest correlates of PA and SB among Swiss children, independent of individual, social and environmental factors.