793 resultados para WHIM DESCRIPTORS


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This paper describes the development of a low-cost mini-robot that is controlled by visual gestures. The prototype allows a person with disabilities to perform visual inspections indoors and in domestic spaces. Such a device could be used as the operator's eyes obviating the need for him to move about. The robot is equipped with a motorised webcam that is also controlled by visual gestures. This camera is used to monitor tasks in the home using the mini-robot while the operator remains quiet and motionless. The prototype was evaluated through several experiments testing the ability to use the mini-robot’s kinematics and communication systems to make it follow certain paths. The mini-robot can be programmed with specific orders and can be tele-operated by means of 3D hand gestures to enable the operator to perform movements and monitor tasks from a distance.


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Human behaviour recognition has been, and still remains, a challenging problem that involves different areas of computational intelligence. The automated understanding of people activities from video sequences is an open research topic in which the computer vision and pattern recognition areas have made big efforts. In this paper, the problem is studied from a prediction point of view. We propose a novel method able to early detect behaviour using a small portion of the input, in addition to the capabilities of it to predict behaviour from new inputs. Specifically, we propose a predictive method based on a simple representation of trajectories of a person in the scene which allows a high level understanding of the global human behaviour. The representation of the trajectory is used as a descriptor of the activity of the individual. The descriptors are used as a cue of a classification stage for pattern recognition purposes. Classifiers are trained using the trajectory representation of the complete sequence. However, partial sequences are processed to evaluate the early prediction capabilities having a specific observation time of the scene. The experiments have been carried out using the three different dataset of the CAVIAR database taken into account the behaviour of an individual. Additionally, different classic classifiers have been used for experimentation in order to evaluate the robustness of the proposal. Results confirm the high accuracy of the proposal on the early recognition of people behaviours.


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Objetivo: Relacionar la Mutilación Genital Femenina como factor negativo para la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio 1, 3, 4, 5 y 6. Métodos: Se ha realizado la recogida de datos a través de una revisión integradora de la literatura en los años 2014 y 2015. Se consultaron las bases de datos Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, LILACS, SCIELO, Tesis Doctorales TESEO y en las webs de WOK, UNICEF, UNAF y WHO utilizando los descriptores: circuncisión femenina, objetivos de desarrollo del milenio y mutilación genital femenina. Se incluyeron artículos publicados entre los años de 2010 y 2015, y se seleccionaron finalmente 24 artículos. Resultados: La Mutilación Genital Femenina es una práctica basada en discriminaciones de género que refuerza e incentiva el círculo de la pobreza. Provoca complicaciones físicas que pueden repercutir en la mortalidad y morbilidad infantil, así como en complicaciones en el embarazo y el parto y en la adquisición del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Conclusión: La lucha contra la Mutilación Genital Femenina contribuye a la consecución de cinco de los ocho Objetivos del Milenio.


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During grasping and intelligent robotic manipulation tasks, the camera position relative to the scene changes dramatically because the robot is moving to adapt its path and correctly grasp objects. This is because the camera is mounted at the robot effector. For this reason, in this type of environment, a visual recognition system must be implemented to recognize and “automatically and autonomously” obtain the positions of objects in the scene. Furthermore, in industrial environments, all objects that are manipulated by robots are made of the same material and cannot be differentiated by features such as texture or color. In this work, first, a study and analysis of 3D recognition descriptors has been completed for application in these environments. Second, a visual recognition system designed from specific distributed client-server architecture has been proposed to be applied in the recognition process of industrial objects without these appearance features. Our system has been implemented to overcome problems of recognition when the objects can only be recognized by geometric shape and the simplicity of shapes could create ambiguity. Finally, some real tests are performed and illustrated to verify the satisfactory performance of the proposed system.


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O presente estudo objetiva conhecer a produção científica da saúde acerca da higienização das mãos realizada pelos profissionais e relacionar o conhecimento e adesão do profissional a essa prática. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática, realizado na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), nas bases de dados LILACS e SCIELO, com os descritores: pessoal de saúde, lavagem de mãos e adesão. Selecionou-se 13 artigos no período de 2002 a 2012, que foram analisados em categorias. Os critérios de inclusão para a seleção dos artigos foram: artigos publicados em português e estar disponível em texto completo. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que a grande maioria dos profissionais tem embasamento teórico e prático sobre higienização das mãos. Porém, no campo de trabalho temos resultados contrários, não há adesão esperada nem a técnica correta da lavagem das mãos. Por diversos motivos ainda não realizam por completo essa tarefa. Concluindo assim que as ações de educação que tem função de orientar e motivar esses profissionais devem ser discutidas e implementadas, a fim de sanar todas as dúvidas que ainda existem sobre a técnica de higienização das mãos.


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Tese de mestrado, Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional (Bioinformática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent (SIA) est une déformation tridimensionnelle (3D) de la colonne vertébrale. Pour la plupart des patients atteints de SIA, aucun traitement chirurgical n’est nécessaire. Lorsque la déformation devient sévère, un traitement chirurgical visant à réduire la déformation est recommandé. Pour déterminer la sévérité de la SIA, l’imagerie la plus utilisée est une radiographie postéroantérieure (PA) ou antéro-postérieure (AP) du rachis. Plusieurs indices sont disponibles à partir de cette modalité d’imagerie afin de quantifier la déformation de la SIA, dont l’angle de Cobb. La conduite thérapeutique est généralement basée sur cet indice. Cependant, les indices disponibles à cette modalité d’imagerie sont de nature bidimensionnelle (2D). Celles-ci ne décrivent donc pas entièrement la déformation dans la SIA dû à sa nature tridimensionnelle (3D). Conséquemment, les classifications basées sur les indices 2D souffrent des mêmes limitations. Dans le but décrire la SIA en 3D, la torsion géométrique a été étudiée et proposée par Poncet et al. Celle-ci mesure la tendance d’une courbe tridimensionnelle à changer de direction. Cependant, la méthode proposée est susceptible aux erreurs de reconstructions 3D et elle est calculée localement au niveau vertébral. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la torsion géométrique par l’approximation de longueurs d’arcs locaux et par paramétrisation de courbes dans la SIA. Une première étude visera à étudier la sensibilité de la nouvelle méthode présentée face aux erreurs de reconstructions 3D du rachis. Par la suite, deux études cliniques vont présenter la iv torsion géométrique comme indice global et viseront à démontrer l’existence de sous-groupes non-identifiés dans les classifications actuelles et que ceux-ci ont une pertinence clinique. La première étude a évalué la robustesse de la nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la torsion géométrique chez un groupe de patient atteint de la SIA. Elle a démontré que la nouvelle technique est robuste face aux erreurs de reconstructions 3D du rachis. La deuxième étude a évalué la torsion géométrique utilisant cette nouvelle méthode dans une cohorte de patient avec des déformations de type Lenke 1. Elle a démontré qu’il existe deux sous-groupes, une avec des valeurs de torsion élevées et l’autre avec des valeurs basses. Ces deux sous-groupes possèdent des différences statistiquement significatives, notamment au niveau du rachis lombaire avec le groupe de torsion élevée ayant des valeurs d’orientation des plans de déformation maximales (PMC) en thoraco-lombaire (TLL) plus élevées. La dernière étude a évalué les résultats chirurgicaux de patients ayant une déformation Lenke 1 sous-classifiées selon les valeurs de torsion préalablement. Cette étude a pu démontrer des différences au niveau du PMC au niveau thoraco-lombaire avec des valeurs plus élevées en postopératoire chez les patients ayant une haute torsion. Ces études présentent une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la torsion géométrique et présentent cet indice quantitativement. Elles ont démontré l’existence de sous-groupes 3D basés sur cet indice ayant une pertinence clinique dans la SIA, qui n’étaient pas identifiés auparavant. Ce projet contribue dans la tendance actuelle vers le développement d’indices 3D et de classifications 3D pour la scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent.


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Agricultural land fragmentation is widespread and may affect farmers’ decisions and impact farm performance, either negatively or positively. The authors investigated this impact for the western region of Brittany, France, in 2007, regressing a set of performance indicators on a set of fragmentation descriptors. The performance indicators (production costs, yields, revenue, profitability, technical and scale efficiency) were calculated at the farm level using Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) data, while the fragmentation descriptors were calculated at the municipality level using data from the cartographic field pattern registry (RPG). The various fragmentation descriptors enabled the authors to account for not only the traditional number and average size of plots, but also their geographical scattering. They found that farms experienced higher costs of production, lower crop yields and lower profitability where land fragmentation (LF) was more pronounced. Total technical efficiency was not found to be significantly related to any of the municipality LF descriptors used, while scale efficiency was lower where the average distance to the nearest neighbouring plot was greater. Pure technical efficiency was found to be negatively related to the average number of plots in the municipality, with the unexpected result that it was also positively related to the average distance to the nearest neighbouring plot. By simulating the impact of hypothetical consolidation programmes on average pre-tax profits and wheat yield, the study also showed that the marginal benefits of reducing fragmentation may differ with respect to the improved LF dimension and the performance indicator considered. The analysis therefore shows that the measures of land fragmentation usually used in the literature do not reveal the full set of significant relationships with farm performance and that, in particular, measures accounting for distance should be considered more systematically.


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Enquadramento: A parentalidade é um tema de saúde com muita relevância na sociedade atual, intervindo o seu exercício na promoção da saúde e bem-estar da criança. A parentalidade envolve acontecimentos stressantes, nomeadamente em situações de problemas de saúde e necessidades básicas e de resposta ao comportamento da criança, como é o caso do choro/birra e no momento de alimentação, procurando a maioria dos cuidadores responder ao problema de forma independente enquanto outros solicitam apoio dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Identificar recomendações concretas, baseadas na evidência científica, de boas práticas e recomendações a transmitir aos pais para lidarem com o choro /birras e no momento da alimentação da criança. Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura de estudos realizados nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, publicados entre 2009 e 2014, em bases de dados internacionais CINAHL® Plus with Full-Text, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) e Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), MedicLatina , MEDLINE, com recurso a diversos descritores e operadores booleanos e recorrendo a dois revisores que avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos metodológicos. Resultados: Após avaliação crítica, foram excluídos 50 estudos e incluídos 7, sendo um de grau de evidência A, dois de evidência B e 4 de evidência D. Os outcomes evidenciaram que para gestão da parentalidade o aconselhamento deve feito pelo profissional de referência, que se necessário deverá acompanhar os pais através de contacto telefónico e visita domiciliária sobretudo se mães inexperientes. Os profissionais devem ampliar os seus conhecimentos sobre as dúvidas e preocupações que os pais têm sobre a educação dos seus filhos consultando os espaços de discussão online. A etnia e nacionalidade das mães tem forte impacto sobre os métodos usados para acalmar o bebé, pelo que os cuidados devem ser culturalmente congruentes. Na abordagem do choro/ birras torna-se necessário conhecer o normal desenvolvimento da criança e em que contextos surgem para minimizá-las, sendo importante que os pais dêem à criança atenção positiva, instituindo rotinas. Para melhorar o momento da alimentação os pais devem reconhecer que até aos dois anos decorre a janela de oportunidade de aprendizagem de rotinas e de novos sabores, salientando-se a importância do ambiente de atenção e reciprocidade durante as refeições. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros devem procurar orientar a sua prática com base nas evidências científicas e tendo como base o estudo efectuado, salienta-se a promoção da parentalidade positiva como central para a abordagem dos comportamentos de choro/birra e no momento da alimentação da criança. Palavras – chaves: educação parental, enfermeiro, aleitamento materno, alimentação, birra, choro, relação pais-filhos.


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On the basis of aerial photographs of sea ice floes in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of Prydz Bay acquired from December 2004 to February 2005 during the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition, image processing techniques are employed to extract some geometric parameters of floes from two merged transects covering the whole MIZ. Variations of these parameters with the distance into the MIZ are then obtained. Different parameters of floe size, namely area, perimeter, and mean caliper diameter (MCD), follow three similar stages of increasing, flat and increasing again, with distance from the open ocean. Floe shape parameters (roundness and the ratio of perimeter to MCD), however, have less significant variations than that of floe size. Then, to modify the deviation of the cumulative floe size distribution from the ideal power law, an upper truncated power-law function and a Weibull function are used, and four calculated parameters of the above functions are found to be important descriptors of the evolution of floe size distribution in the MIZ. Among them, Lr of the upper truncated power-law function indicates the upper limit of floe size and roughly equals the maximum floe size in each square sample area. L0 in the Weibull distribution shows an increasing proportion of larger floes in squares farther from the open ocean and roughly equals the mean floe size. D in the upper truncated power-law function is closely associated with the degree of confinement during ice breakup. Its decrease with the distance into MIZ indicates the weakening of confinement conditions on floes owing to wave attenuation. The gamma of the Weibull distribution characterizes the degree of homogeneity in a data set. It also decreases with distance into MIZ, implying that floe size distributes increase in range. Finally, a statistical test on floe size is performed to divide the whole MIZ into three distinct zones made up of floes of quite different characteristics. This zonal structure of floe size also agrees well with the trends of floe shape and floe size distribution, and is believed to be a straightforward result of wave-ice interaction in the MIZ.


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Editor: July 1903- M. Monahan.


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Title from cover.


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Concerning personalities.--Lords of whim.--Masters of nonsense.--Of the self-sufficient.--Vagabonds.--John M. Synge.--Max Beerbohm.--On a certain arrangement in gray and black.--Edgar Allan Poe.--Walt Whitman.--Edward Carpenter.--Henry David Thoreau.--Richard Jefferies.--William Morris.--A quartet of potters.--Henry Mayers Hyndman.--The ideas of George Meredith.--An impressionist of sculpture.--Superman.


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Spine title.


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Description based on: 1980 ed.