986 resultados para Vituhnovskaa‚, Marina: Rossijskaa‚ Karelia‚ i karely v imperskoj politike Rossii, 1905-1917
Mycolic acids analysis by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) has been employed by several laboratories worldwide as a method for fast identification of mycobacteria. This method was introduced in Brazil by our laboratory in 1992 as a routine identification technique. Up to the present, 861 strains isolated were identified by mycolic acids TLC and by standard biochemical tests; 61% out of these strains came as clinical samples, 4% isolated from frogs and 35% as environmental samples. Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains identified by classical methods were confirmed by their mycolic acids contents (I, III and IV). The method allowed earlier differentiation of M. avium complex - MAC (mycolic acids I, IV and VI) from M. simiae (acids I, II and IV), both with similar biochemical properties. The method also permitted to distinguish M. fortuitum (acids I and V) from M. chelonae (acids I and II) , and to detect mixed mycobacterial infections cases as M. tuberculosis with MAC and M. fortuitum with MAC. Concluding, four years experience shows that mycolic acids TLC is an easy, reliable, fast and inexpensive method, an important tool to put together conventional mycobacteria identification methods.
Lead (Pb)-induced hypertension is characterized by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a decrease in nitric oxide (NO). In the present study we evaluated the effect of L-arginine (NO precursor), dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA, a chelating agent and ROS scavenger), and the association of L-arginine/DMSA on tissue Pb mobilization and blood pressure levels in plumbism. Tissue Pb levels and blood pressure evolution were evaluated in rats exposed to: 1) Pb (750 ppm, in drinking water, for 70 days), 2) Pb plus water for 30 more days, 3) Pb plus DMSA (50 mg kg-1 day-1, po), L-arginine (0.6%, in drinking water), and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA for 30 more days, and 4) their respective matching controls. Pb exposure increased Pb levels in the blood, liver, femur, kidney and aorta. Pb levels in tissues decreased after cessation of Pb administration, except in the aorta. These levels did not reach those observed in nonintoxicated rats. All treatments mobilized Pb from the kidney, femur and liver. Pb mobilization from the aorta was only effective with the L-arginine/DMSA treatment. Blood Pb concentrations in Pb-treated groups were not different from those of the Pb/water group. Pb increased blood pressure starting from the 5th week. L-arginine and DMSA treatments (4th week) and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA (3rd and 4th weeks) decreased blood pressure levels of intoxicated rats. These levels did not reach those of nonintoxicated rats. Treatment with L-arginine/DMSA was more effective than the isolated treatments in mobilizing Pb from tissues and in reducing the blood pressure of intoxicated rats.
The esophagitis associated with chagasic megaesophagus is commonly attributed to food and secretion stasis, thereby its name of stasis esophagitis. The present work suggests instead that in some chagasic patients the clinical, endoscopic and histological findings are more compatible with a true reflux esophagitis.
Recent studies have shown the existence of two important inhibitory mechanisms for the control of NaCl and water intake: one mechanism involves serotonin in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) and the other depends on alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptors probably in the forebrain areas. In the present study we investigated if alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline and serotonergic inhibitory mechanisms interact to control NaCl and water intake. Male Holtzman rats with cannulas implanted simultaneously into the lateral ventricle (LV) and bilaterally into the LPBN were used. The ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl and water was induced by treatment with the diuretic furosemide (10 mg/kg of body weight)+the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (5 mg/kg) injected subcutaneously 1 h before the access of rats to water and 0.3 M NaCl. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of the alpha(1)-adrenergic/imidazoline agonist clonidine (20 nmol/l RI) almost abolished water (1.6 +/- 1.2, vs. vehicle: 7.5 +/- 2.2 ml/2 h) and 0.3 M NaCl intake (0.5 +/- 0.3, vs. vehicle: 2.2 0.8 ml/2 h). Similar effects were produced by bilateral injections of the 5HT(2a/2b) serotonergic agonist 2,5-dimetoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI, 5 mug/0.2 mul each site) into the LPBN on water (3.6 +/- 0.9 ml/2 h) and 0.3 M NaCl intake (0.4 +/- 0.2 m1/2 h). Injection of the (alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline antagonist idazoxan (320 nmol) i.c.v. completely blocked the effects of clonidine on water (8.4 +/- 1.5 ml/2 h) and NaCl intake (4.0 +/- 1.2 ml/2 h), but did not change the effects of LPBN injections of DOI on water (4.2 +/- 1.0 ml/2 h) and NaCl intake (0.7 +/- 0.2 ml/2 h). Bilateral injections of methysergide (4 mug/0.2 mul each site) into the LPBN increased 0.3 M NaCl intake (6.4 +/- 1.9 ml/2 h), not water intake. The inhibitory effect of i.c.v. clonidine on water and 0.3 M NaCl was still present after injections of methysergide into the LPBN (1.5 +/- 0.8 and 1.7 +/- 1.4 ml/2 h, respectively). The results show that the inhibitory effects of the activation of a,-adrenergic/imidazoline receptors in the forebrain are still present after blockade of the LPBN serotonergic mechanisms and vice versa for the activation of serotonergic mechanisms of the LPBN. Therefore, each system may act independently to inhibit NaCl and water intake. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect in rats of an anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) electrolytic lesion on salivary secretion induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) or intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of a cholinergic agonist (pilocarpine) was investigated. Sham- or AV3V-lesioned rats anesthetized with urethane and with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. The amount of salivary secretion was studied over a seven-minute period after i.c.v. or i.p. injection of pilocarpine. In sham-operated rats, i.p. injection of pilocarpine (1 mg/kg b.w.) (after 6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days) produced salivary secretion (486 +/- 21, 778 +/- 85, 630 +/- 50, and 560 +/- 55 mg/7 min, respectively). This effect was reduced 6 h, 2, and 7 days after an AV3V lesion (142 +/- 22, 113 +/- 32, and 290 +/- 62 mg/7 min, respectively), but not 15 days after an AV3V lesion (516 +/- 19 mg/7 min). I.c.v. injection of pilocarpine (120 mug in 1 muL), in sham-operated rats after 6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days also produced salivary secretion (443 +/- 20, 417 +/- 81, 496 +/- 14, and 427 +/- 47 mg/7 min, respectively). The effects of i.c.v. pilocarpine were also reduced 6 h, 2, and 7 days after an AV3V lesion (143 +/- 19, 273 +/- 14, and 322 +/- 17 mg/7 min, respectively), but not after 15 days (450 +/- 28 mg/7 min). The results demonstrate that the central nervous system, and particularly the AV3V region, is important for the effect of pilocarpine on salivary secretion in rats. Moreover, they suggest that activation of central pathways may play an important part in the salivary secretion to peripheral pilocarpine in rats.
The alpha(2)-adrenergic agonist clonidine and the neuropeptide oxytocin, inhibit sodium intake when injected intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.). The present work investigates whether (1) vasopressin also inhibits sodium intake when injected i.c.v., and (2) the effect of oxytocin and of vasopressin on sodium intake is affected by i.c.v. injection of idazoxan, an alpha(2)-adrenergic antagonist. Clonidine (30 nmol), oxytocin (40, 80 nmol) and vasopressin (40, 80 nmol) were injected i.c.v. 20 min prior to a 1.5% NaCl appetite test, in rats depleted of sodium for 24 h by a combination of a single s.c. injection of furosemide (10 mg/rat) and removal of ambient sodium. Every dose of clonidine, oxytocin and vasopressin inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake. Seizures were observed with the higher dose of vasopressin, but not with either dose of oxytocin. The effect of i.c.v. injection of clonidine (30 nmol), oxytocin (80 nmol) or vasopressin (40 nmol) was partially inhibited by prior i.c.v. injection of idazoxan (160, 320 nmol). The results suggest that the inhibition of 1.5% NaCl intake induced by i.c.v. injection of neuropeptides in sodium-depleted rats depends, in part, on the activation of central alpha(2)-adrenoceptors. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Wistar dams were exposed to 500 ppm of Pb, as Ph acetate, or 660 ppm Na acetate in drinking water during pregnancy and lactation. Male pups at 23 (weaned) or 70 days (adult) of age were submitted to behavioral evaluation and Pb determination. The behaviors evaluated were: locomotor activity (open-field test), motor coordination (rotarod test), exploratory behavior (holeboard test), anxiety (elevated plus maze and social interaction tests), and learning and memory (shuttle box). Ph levels were measured in the blood and cerebral regions (hippocampus and striatum) of dams and pups. The results of the present report demonstrated that exposure to Ph during pregnancy and lactation induces in weaned pups hyperactivity, decreased exploratory behavior, and impairment of learning and memory. These alterations were observed at blood Ph levels in the range that may be attained in children chronically exposed to low levels of Pb (21 +/- 3 mug/dl). Regarding adults, the results demonstrated that the regimen of exposure adopted induces anxiety in these animals at nondetectable blood Ph levels. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BaBi2Ta2O9 thin films having a layered structure were fabricated by metalorganic solution deposition technique. The films exhibited good structural, dielectric, and insulating properties. The room temperature resistivity was found to be in the range of 10(12)-10(14) Omega cm up to 4 V corresponding to a field of 200 kV/cm across the capacitor for films annealed in the temperature range of 500-700 degrees C. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics as a function of thickness for films annealed at 700 degrees C for 1 h, indicated bulk limited conduction and the log(I) vs V-1/2 characteristics suggested a space-charge-limited conduction mechanism. The capacitance-voltage measurements on films in a metal-insulator-semiconductor configuration indicated good Si/BaBi2Ta2O9 interface characteristics and a SiO2 thickness of similar to 5 nm was measured and calculated. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00830-X].
The metal-insulator or metal-amorphous semiconductor blocking contact is still not well understood. Here, we discuss the steady state characteristics of a non-intimate metal-insulator Schottky barrier. We consider an exponential distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We present analytical expressions for the electrical potential, field, thickness of depletion region, capacitance, and charge accumulated in the depletion region. We also discuss ln I versus V(ap) data. Finally, we compare the characteristics in three cases: (i) impurity states at only a single energy level; (ii) uniform energy distribution of impurity states; and (iii) exponential energy distribution of impurity states.In general, the electrical characteristics of Schottky barriers and metal-insulator-metal structures with Schottky barriers depend strongly on the energy distribution of impurity states.
Disordered and crystalline Mn-doped BaTiO3 (BTO:Mn) powders were synthesized by the polymeric precursor method. After heat treatment, the nature of visible photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature in amorphous BTO:Mn was discussed, considering results of experimental and theoretical studies. X-ray diffraction (XRD), PL, and UV-vis were used to characterize this material. Rietveld refinement of the BTO:Mn from XRD data was used to built two models, which represent the crystalline BTO:Mn (BTO:Mn,) and disordered BTO:Mn (BTO:Mn-d) structures. Theses models were analyzed by the periodic ab initio quantum mechanical calculations using the CRYSTAL98 package within the framework of density functional theory at the B3LYP level. The experimental and theoretical results indicated that PL is related with the degree of disorder in the BTO:Mn powders and also suggests the presence of localized states in the disordered structure. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study investigated the effects of bilateral injections of the local anesthetic, lidocaine, into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) on the dipsogenic and presser responses induced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of angiotensin II (ANG II). Centrally injected ANG II (50 ng/l mu l) induced water intake (10.2 +/- 0.8 ml/h) and presser responses (22 +/- 1 mmHg). Prior bilateral injection of 10% lidocaine (200 nl) into the LPBN increased the water intake (14.2 +/- 1.4 ml/h), but did not change the presser response (17 +/- 1 mmHg) to i.c.v. ANG II. Lidocaine alone injected into the LPBN also induced a presser response (23 +/- 3 mmHg). These results showing that bilateral LPBN injection of lidocaine increase water intake induced by i.c.v. ANG II are consistent with electrolytic and neurotoxic lesion studies and suggest that the LPBN is associated with inhibitory mechanisms controlling water intake induced by ANG II. These results also provide evidence that it is feasible to reversibly anesthetize this brain area to facilitate fluid-related ingestive behavior.
1. Intracerebroventricular (I.C.V.) infusion (60 ng h-1) of Isoleu5-angiotensin II (Isoleu5-AngII) and des-amine-angiotensin II (des-amine-AngII) in rats caused increased drinking behaviour and an increase in arterial blood pressure.2. Des-amine-AngII caused similar increases in heart rate and arterial blood pressure as AngII.3. Previous I.C.V. injection of the antagonists [Leu8]-AngII, des-amine-[Leu8]-AngII and octanoyl-[Leu8]-AngII prevented the increases in heart rate and blood pressure produced by I.C.V. infusion of AngII and caused partial reduction of the dipsogenic response.4. The three antagonists had no effect on the increase in arterial blood pressure and heart rate caused by des-amine-AngII. The drinking response was reduced by previous injection of [Leu8]-AngII and des-amine-[Leu8]-AngII but not by octanoyl-[Leu8]-AngII.5. In conclusion, Isoleu5-AngII and des-amine-AngII increase drinking behaviour, arterial blood pressure and heart rate when infused into the cerebral ventricle of rats. The study with the antagonists showed that des-amine-AngII probably binds more strongly to AngII-receptors.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of dietary macronutrient ratio on energy metabolism and on skeletal muscle mRNA expression of avian uncoupling protein (UCP), thought to be implicated in thermogenesis in birds. Broiler chickens from 2 to 6 weeks of age received one of three isoenergetic diets containing different macronutrient ratios (low-lipid (LL) 30 v. 77 g lipid/kg-, low-protein (LP) 125 v. 197 g crude protein (N X 6.25)/kg; low-carbohydrate (LC) 440 v. 520 g carbohydrate/kg). LP chickens were characterised by significantly lower body weights and food intakes compared with LL and LC chickens (-47 and -38% respectively) but similar heat production/kg metabolic body weight, as measured by indirect calorimetry, in the three groups. However, heat production/g food ingested was higher in animals receiving the LP diet (+41%, P<0.05). These chickens also deposited 57% less energy as protein (P<0.05) and 33% more as fat. No significant differences in energy and N balances were detected between LL and LC chickens. The diets with the higher fat contents (i.e. The LP and LC diets) induced slightly but significantly higher relative expressions of avian UCP mRNA in gastrocnemius muscle, measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, than the LL diet (88 and 90 v. 78% glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase respectively, P<0.05). Our present results are consistent with the recent view that UCP homologues could be involved in the regulation of lipid utilisation as fuel substrate and provide evidence that the macronutrient content of the diet regulates energy metabolism and especially protein and fat deposition.