928 resultados para Urban Development Action Grant Program (U.S.)
It treats tourism as part of the places urban development dynamics and the touristic urbanization process as a strategy of cities international competitiveness strengthen, detaching institucional agents role as promoters of this process. It aims to understand how happens the interinstitucional cooperation existing between the agents (Estate, private initiative and third sector) that composes the Development Council of Pólo Costa das Dunas/RN, littoral potiguar region, where are invested the resources deriving from the Program of Development of Tourism in the northeast of Brazil (PRODETUR/NE). Making use of economy referencials, urban sociology and urban geography, as a possibility of a more consistent theoretical construction, capable to accomplish the sustainable development and sustainable tourism concepts amplitude, this work brings out an experience of interinstitucional cooperation, where it glimpses itself the possibility of implementation of a alternative development model, based on the sustainability principles
Industrial development experienced by Brazil from the 1950s, changed the concentration of population in the country. The process of development of domestic industry, concentrated in urban areas, crowded growing portion of the population.The Southeast region during the first stage of industrialization driven by the state, with the implementation of Plan goals, captained the major industrial projects implemented in the period and became the main industrial center of the country.In the decade from 1960 to 1980 the state action was marked by numerous regional development projects, softening the industrial concentration and Brazilian investment redirected to the Northeast.The second National Development Plan implemented in the 1970s led to major investments Northeast.This period marked the widespread urban growth and institutionalization of the first metropolitan areas in Brazil.The change of this developmental process is altered with the fiscal and financial crisis of the state in the 1980s and 1990s and spending cuts aimed at national development, reorienting the economy to liberal policies of economic liberalization and reduction of activity in the economy.Industrial policy was relegated to local development plans from the 1990s to the federating units fitting the wide use of tax incentives, the "war tax" to the continued industrialization process.In this context of the national economy work seeks to analyze the industrial setting in the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador between 1995 and 2010.Although the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador are the main urban centers of the Northeast, responsible for the advancement of industrial development, reconfigurations occurred between 1995 and 2010 by changing the level of industrial specialization built by regional division of labor in these regions.The work will be carried out by the method of descriptive analysis of the literature review on regional and urban development.Constitute quantitative method as the secondary data analysis of formal employment from the Annual Social Information (RAIS) Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE).Using data RAIS / MTE analyzes the industrial specialization index using the Locational Quotient (LQ).Thus, it is assumed as a parameter analysis QL> 1, when the region has become specialized in a particular sector or QL <1, when the region does not have expertise in industrial sector analyzed.The conclusion of study indicates that there was in these metropolitan areas maintained the same bias hub.Fiscal policies, the states, was not successful in diversifying the productive structure and the Northeast region itself.This result is demonstrated by the need and dependence on state investments in the region to promote development.Industrial policies of recent years have been positive to meet the objectives of employment generation, but there must be specific policies for better diversification of production, in addition to integrating the economy of the Northeast sector and regionally
The present study inserts on the international environmental thematic, approaching the integrated management of solid waste and the participation of the social actors in the search of the sustainable development. The awareness in combining it still describes a Selective Collection Program SCP of solid waste, in partnership with the municipal public power, in the development of joint actions that result in better alternatives of waste management in the urban centers, providing better life quality for the population and conservation of the environment. The aim of this research is to study problematic of the management of solid waste under the point of view of the environmental awareness and the participation of the population in a city of Brazil. In this matter, the target of the work is focusing on the strategy of solid waste management, through the attitudes and the respondents behaviors to aid in the making decision of the public manager related to the implantation of a selective collection program in Natal/RN. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of attitudes and of behaviors, besides a social-demographic scale. For analysis statistics is used the Pearson s Chi-Square Method in order to verify the dependence of the associations between the social-demographic variables and the attitude and the behavior ones. The results appear for a larger participation in a SCP, since this provides a better quality of life of the population (28,3 %), followed for offering a financial advantage (27,3%). Other results indicate the existence of the variables that exercise influence on the environmental awareness of the population to its demographic aspects
Urban stormwater can be considered as potential water resources as well as problems for the proper functioning of the manifold activities of the city, resulting from inappropriate use and occupation of the soil, usually due to poor planning of the occupation of the development areas, with little care for the environmental aspects of the drainage of surface runoff. As a basic premise, we must seek mechanisms to preserve the natural flow in all stages of development of an urban area, preserving the soil infiltration capacity in the scale of the urban area, comprising the mechanisms of natural drainage, and noting preserving natural areas of dynamic water courses, both in the main channel and in the secondary. They are challenges for a sustainable urban development in a harmonious coexistence of modern developmental, which are consistent with the authoritative economic environmental and social quality. Integrated studies involving the quantity and quality of rainwater are absolutely necessary to achieve understanding and obtaining appropriate technologies, involving both aspects of the drainage problems and aspects of use of water when subjected to an adequate management of surface runoff , for example, the accumulation of these reservoirs in detention with the possibility of use for other purposes. The purpose of this study aims to develop a computer model, adjusted to prevailing conditions of an experimental urban watershed in order to enable the implementation of management practices for water resources, hydrological simulations of quantity and, in a preliminary way, the quality of stormwater that flow to a pond located at the downstream end of the basin. To this end, we used in parallel with the distributed model SWMM data raised the basin with the highest possible resolution to allow the simulation of diffuse loads, heterogeneous characteristics of the basin both in terms of hydrological and hydraulic parameters on the use and occupation soil. The parallel work should improve the degree of understanding of the phenomena simulated in the basin as well as the activity of the calibration models, and this is supported by monitoring data acquired during the duration of the project MAPLU (Urban Stormwater Management) belonging to the network PROSAB (Research Program in Basic Sanitation) in the years 2006 to 2008
The Pitimbu River Watershed (PRW), belonging to Potiguar capital metropolitan area, State of Rio Grande do Norte, contributes, among other purposes, to human using and animal watering. This watershed is extremely important because, besides filling up with freshwater approximately 30% of the south part of Natal (South, East and West Zones), contributes to the river shore ecosystem equilibrium. Face to the current conjuncture, this study aims to evaluate the urban development dynamics in the PRW, applying Cellular Automata as a modeling instrument, and to simulate future urban scenarios, between 2014 and 2033, using the simulation program SLEUTH. In the calibration phase, urban spots for 1 984, 1992, 2004 and 2013 years were used, with resolution from 100 meters. After the simulation, it was found a predominance of organic growth, expanding the BHRP from existing urban centers. The spontaneous growth occurred through the fullest extent of the watershed, however the probability of effective growth should not exceed 21%. It was observed that, there was a 68% increase for the period between 2014 and 2033, corresponding to an expansion area of 1,778 ha. For 2033, the source of Pitimbu River area and the Jiqui Lake surroundings will increase more than 78%. Finally, it was seen an exogenous urban growth tendency in the watershed (outside-in). As a result of this growth, hydraulics resources will become scarcer
This research has the goal to analyze the urban setting of the Planalto neighborhood, in Natal /RN, seeking to unravel the processes, agents and contradictions associated with the production of the space. The choice of neighborhood is justified by the observation that changes in its urban setting have been growing in speedy way. We highlight the performance of the housing market, in partnership with the state, and the construction of condominiums and buildings closed by the housing program Minha Casa, Minha Vida. This has favored the reproduction of a new " urban reality in the neighborhood, setting an urban standard that differs from the original morphology, seen as peripheral within the urban dynamics of the city. The research is a qualitative study, through documents, interviews with stakeholders, and photographic documentation. In this perspective , we seek to understand the current phase (2000s) the production of space in the neighborhood process through the development of the housing market , as an extension of the urban development in central zone of Natal/RN, analyzing the performance of agents and their producers the "new " uses redefining the "old ". Thus, it can be seen that there is in the neighborhood, urban reality in a pluralistic constitution, from the existence of different social classes inhabiting the same space. On this way, the city is produced from the appropriation of space by different social classes, although due to the economic condition of each of them
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Transport planning necessarily takes into account more than just the immediate time-frame. In the case of urban transport, planning needs to come up with solutions in regard to infrastructure which is expensive and may have a useful life extending over several decades. Therefore, planning must take note of economic, technological, social and demographic changes that influence trips undertaken.The purpose of this article is to explore some of the trends that may well be observed in upcoming decades. The article arrives at the conclusion that, in a period of considerable change and uncertainty, failure to take heed of recent trends may result in the construction of infrastructure that is not always the most appropriate and, what is more, that urban development militates against the efficient operation of public transport and, as a result, is likely to jeopardize the sustainability of cities in the long term.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O estudo ora apresentado evidencia o debate sobre o tema das políticas públicas voltadas para espaços segregados na cidade de Macapá (AP) sob a gestão do Programa de Desenvolimento Sustentável do Amapá (PDSA). Busca compreender a inter-relação entre as políticas públicas pautadas no discurso do desenvolvimento sustentável e o desenvolvimento urbano da cidade ao longo de dois mandatos governamentais em nível estadual pelo Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) com uma proposta de desenvolvimento pautada na Agenda 21. Procura-se entender o discurso do desenvolvimento sustentável e sua aplicação como programa de governo, de modo a entender seus esforços em aplicar na cidade as diretrizes estabelecidas no âmbito estadual. Os principais resultados da investigação apresentam a dificuldade em ajustar para o espaço urbano um discurso voltado para a preservação dos recursos ambientais, bem como suas limitações às políticas urbanas em áreas segregadas, destacando-se a visão das lideranças comunitárias e do governo acerca do PDSA e de sua relação com o desenvolvimento urbano.
A pesquisa discute as facilidades e dificuldades que são inerentes a implementação de parques urbanos. A questão central da pesquisa é: quais fatores facilitam e dificultam a implementação de um parque urbano em uma área de forte pressão ocupacional? Toma-se como caso de estudo o Parque Ecológico do Município de Belém Gunnar Vingren (PEGV). Para a análise, a pesquisa utiliza as literaturas de participação, governança e governança urbana tendo como ponto central a gestão ambiental de parques urbanos. A pesquisa utiliza, também, a teoria dos stakeholders para melhor entendimento sobre o comportamento dos atores sociais. Metodologicamente, o trabalho assumiu a abordagem qualitativa e utilizou-se da observação direta e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os stakeholders. O estudo apresenta duas principais conclusões: primeiro, que os divergentes modelos de gestão ambiental implementados em Belém durante dois períodos governamentais tiveram direta influencia na participação dos atores sociais na implementação do PEGV e, consequentemente, na forma como eles interagem com os gestores do parque. Segundo, a implementação de dois significativos projetos governamentais (o Projeto da Macrodrenagem da Bacia do Una, em 1998 e o Projeto de Extensão da Avenida Centenário - parte do Projeto Ação Metrópole, em 2010) implantados para o desenvolvimento urbano da cidade, também contribuíram para dificultar a conciliação dos divergentes interesses dos atores urbanos.
A pesquisa em tela analisa a concepção de Trabalho Social proposta pelo Ministério das Cidades e implementada pela Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará. O trabalho social apresenta historicamente elementos que se reeditam e assumem novos contornos. A partir da criação do Ministério das Cidades, em 2003, inicia-se no Brasil um período novo, no que diz respeito às políticas de Desenvolvimento Urbano. No entanto, é apenas em 2007 com o lançamento do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, que se ampliam os investimentos na política urbana. O trabalho social é parte constituinte obrigatório nas intervenções de provisão habitacional e nas intervenções de assentamentos precários. No estado do Pará, o órgão responsável pela implementação da política urbana é a Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará. A construção desta pesquisa é orientada pela teoria social crítica, que permite compreender as múltiplas determinações dos fenômenos que norteiam a temática em questão. A pesquisa foi realizada com base no levantamento bibliográfico, documental e de campo, incluindo entrevistas com Assistentes Sociais que atuam nos projetos de Trabalho Social da Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará. Constata-se que o discurso estatal da concepção do trabalho social é entrelaçado por determinadas categoriais previamente definidas. Assim, compreende-se que a COHAB/PA alinha-se ao discurso empreendido pelo Ministério das Cidades e pelos órgãos que dão a direção para a implementação do Trabalho Social nos projetos de intervenção urbanística do governo federal. Identificam-se no discurso governamental através dos documentos, cursos à distância para os profissionais envolvidos com o trabalho social, e nos depoimentos das entrevistas, o alinhamento na direção dada ao Trabalho Social, que objetiva “a autonomia, o protagonismo e a participação da população beneficiária dos projetos de governo para o alcance da cidadania e da sustentabilidade do empreendimento.” Algumas Técnicas Sociais afirmam que buscam estratégias para a garantia dos direitos sociais, mas sentem-se amarradas pelas orientações da CAIXA e do Ministério das Cidades. Deste modo, as categorias que dão significado à concepção de Trabalho Social são esvaziadas de sentido e instrumentalizadas através de ações pontuais e assistencialistas que são insuficientes para o acesso à cidadania em seu aspecto pleno, para o acesso à moradia digna. É neste contexto de contradições e conflitos que se inserem o Trabalho Social proposto pelo Ministério das Cidades e implementado pela Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará.
Este texto investiga os investimentos recentes na produção de habitação e urbanização de assentamentos precários da primeira geração de contratos do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento - PAC, na sua modalidade Infraestrutura Social e Urbana, em andamento na capital do Pará, Belém, e em cidades que desempenham funções de cidades médias no estado do Pará - Marabá e Castanhal. Para melhor situar o problema, o texto explicita como ciclos econômicos ocorridos na região estão associados ao crescimento demográfico, ao desenvolvimento urbano e à produção dos assentamentos informais nessas cidades, e explora como as intervenções respondem a variáveis tais como acesso a terra e inserção na cidade, gestão e regulação urbanística disponíveis, padrões de uso e ocupação do solo praticados, e potencial de consolidação dos assentamentos após a intervenção, na expectativa de inferir se há padrões entre tais ações e qual sua contribuição para a estruturação do espaço dessas cidades.