1000 resultados para Traveller behaviour


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This research is focused on understanding the role of microstructural variables and processing parameters in obtaining optimised dual phase structures in medium carbon low alloy steels. Tempered Martensite structures produced at 300, 500, and 650 degrees C, were cold rolled to varied degrees ranging from 20 to 80% deformation. Intercritical annealing was then performed at 740, 760, and 780 degrees C for various time duration ranging from 60 seconds to 60 minutes before quenching in water. The transformation behaviour was studied with the aid of optical microscopy and hardness curves. From the results, it is observed that microstructural condition, deformation, and intercritical temperatures influenced the chronological order of the competing stress relaxation and decomposition phase reactions which interfered with the rate of the expected alpha -> gamma transformation. The three unique transformation trends observed are systematically analyzed. It was also observed that the 300 and 500 degrees C tempered initial microstructures were unsuitable for the production of dual structures with optimized strength characteristics.


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Bulk Ge15Te85−x In x (1 ≤ x ≤ 11) series of glasses have been found to exhibit a threshold switching behaviour for an input current of 2 mA. An initial decrease is seen in the switching voltages (V T) with the addition of indium, which is due to the higher metallicity of indium. An increase is seen in V T above 3 at.% of indium, which proceeds until 8 at.%, with a change in slope (lower to higher) seen around 7 at.%. Beyond x = 8, a reversal in trend is exhibited in the variation of V T, with a well-defined minimum around x = 9 at.%. Based on the composition dependence of V T, it is proposed that Ge15Te85−x In x glasses exhibit an extended rigidity percolation threshold. The composition, x = 3, at which the V T starts to increase and the composition, x = 7, at which a slope change is exhibited correspond to the onset and completion, respectively, of the extended stiffness transition. Thermal studies and photoconductivity measurements also support the idea of an extended rigidity percolation in Ge15Te85−x In x glasses. In addition, the minimum seen in V T at x = 9 is associated with the chemical threshold (CT) of this glassy system.


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Creep properties of QE22 magnesium based alloy and composites reinforced with 20 volume percent of short-fibers - Maftech (R), Saffil (R) or Supertech (R), were evaluated using the impression creep test. In the impression creep test, a load is applied with the help of a cylindrical tungsten carbide indenter of 1 mm diameter. This has advantages over conventional creep testing in terms of small specimen size requirement and simple machining. Depth of impression is recorded with time and steady state strain rate is obtained from the slope of the secondary strain (depth of impression divided by indenter diameter) vs. time plot. The results are compared with the creep obtained from conventional creep performed in tension on the same materials earlier. Microstructural examination of the plastically deformed regions is carried out to explain creep behaviour of these composites.


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Thin films of ZrO2 have been deposited by ALD on Si(100) and SIMOX using two different metalorganic complexes of Zr as precursors. These films are characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission and scanning electron microscopies, infrared spectroscopy, and electrical measurements. These show that amorphous ZrO2 films of high dielectric quality may be grown on Si(100) starting about 400degreesC. As the growth temperature is raised, the films become crystalline, the phase formed and the microstructure depending on precursor molecular structure. The phase of ZrO2 formed depends also on the relative duration of the precursor and oxygen pulses. XPS and IR spectroscopy show that films grown at low temperatures contain chemically unbound carbon, its extent depending on the precursor. C-V measurements show that films grown on Si(100) have low interface state density, low leakage current, a hysteresis width of only 10-250 mV and a dielectric constant of similar to16-25.


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We report here the electrical and magnetic properties of Al70Pd30−xMnx quasicrystals (x=9 and 11), from resistivity and point contact spectroscopy measurements. Electrical resistivity shows a resistivity maximum for both of these compositions. The positive TCR at lower temperature is attributed to spin–orbit scattering. For x=11, we observe an upturn in the resistivity below 20 K, which follows a lnT dependence indicating Kondo-like behaviour. In the point contact spectroscopy studies we observe two regimes showing a V2 dependence at low bias voltages (for V<10 meV) crossing over to the V0.5 dependence at higher voltages. This is attributed to the signature of a pseudo-gap in the density of states at zero bias. We suggest that this V2 dependence can also arise due to magnetic scattering effects, which are signatures of the Kondo-like behaviour.


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A study is made to bring out the effect of alloying with Cr, Ti or Mn on the creep behaviour of Fe3Al. Impression creep experiments have been carried out in the DO3 phase field. In all the alloys, power law creep behaviour is observed in the stress range covered. The stress exponent for steady state creep rate and the activation energy for creep indicate that the creep rate is controlled by the dislocation climb process. Among the alloying elements studied, addition of Ti is most effective in improving the creep resistance.


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The near-critical behaviour in complex fluids, comprising electrolyte solutions, polymer solutions and amphiphilic systems, reveals a marked departure from the 3-D Ising behaviour. This departure manifests itself either in terms of a crossover from Ising to mean-field (or classical) critical behaviour, when moving away from a given critical point (Tc), or by the persistence of only mean-field region in the surprisingly close vicinity of Tc. The ilo,non-Ising features of the osmotic compressibility (chi(T,p)) in solutions of electrolytes, that exhibit orle or many liquid-liquid transitions, will be presented. The underlying cause of the breakdown of the anticipated 3-D Ising behaviour in aqueous electrolyte solutions is traced to the structuring induced by the electrolytes. New evidence constituting, measurements of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and the excess molar volume, is advanced to support the thesis of the close relationship, between the structuring and the deviation from the 3-D Ising critical behaviour in aqueous electrolyte solutions.


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Understanding the volume change behaviour of expansive soils/clays becomes a dire necessity to obtain engineering solutions to structures founded on these soils. Behaviour of expansive soils does not conform to the natural behaviour of fine grained soils. Most of the cases, the permissible heave/settlement forms the design criteria. The paper discusses the basic properties, the role of effective stress concept, basic mechanism in controlling the volume change behaviour, the role of double layer repulsion and its validity and certain basic considerations of footing resting on an expansive soil with respect to heave or settlement and the soil reinforcement as a possible engineering solution.


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In -situ soils in gee-material spectrum might arise due to sedimentation or could be non-sedimentary residual formations. The inherent nature and diversity of geological processes involved in the soil formation stage itself are responsible for a wide variability in the in-situ state of the soil. In this paper the possibility of analyses to arrive at engineering parameters of residual soils with varied degrees of residual or acquired cementation by the use of physical and in-situ parameters normally determined in routine investigations, are examined. An Intrinsic State Line,(ISL), with reference to an intrinsic state parameter (e/e(L)) and its variation with effective stress for reconstituted clays has been developed for residual tropical soils of non-sedimentary origin. In relation to the Intrinsic State Line (ISL), the undisturbed state, e, the potential parameter, e(L), along with the overburden pressure data has been analyzed to identify the dominance of cementation or stress history or both in controlling the compressibility and strength behaviour of natural residual soil. The location of yield stress point in relation to the ISL, pre-, and post- yield stress, compression indices along the e- log sigma(v) path provide a simple means to the analysis of the compressibility characteristics of cemented soils for analysis.


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The effect of scaling (1 μm to 0.09 μm) on the non-quasi-static (NQS) behaviour of the MOSFET has been studied using process and device simulation. It is shown that under fixed gate (Vgs) and drain (Vds) bias voltages, the NQS transition frequency (fNQS) scales as 1/Leff rather than 1/L2eff due to the velocity saturation effect. However, under the practical scaling guidelines, considering the scaling of supply voltage as well, fNQS shows a turn around effect at the sub 100 nm regime. The relation between unity gain frequency (ft) and fNQS is also evaluated and it is shown that ft and fNQS have similar trends with scaling.


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The composites consisting of amorphous matrix reinforced with crystalline dendrites offer extraordinary combinations of strength, stiffness, and toughness and can be processed in bulk. Hence, they have been receiving intense research interest, with a primary focus to study their mechanical properties. In this paper, the temperature and strain rate effects on the uniaxial compression response of a tailored bulk metallic glass (BMG) composite has been investigated. Experimental results show that at temperatures ranging between ambient to 500 K and at all strain rates; the onset of plastic deformation in the composite is controlled by that in the dendrites. As the temperature is increased to the glass transition temperature of the matrix and beyond, flow in the amorphous matrix occurs readily and hence it dictates the composite's response. The role of the constituent phases in controlling the deformation mechanism of the composite has been verified by assessing the strain rate sensitivity and the activation volume for deformation. The composite is rate sensitive at room temperature with values of strain rate sensitivity and activation volume being similar to that of the dendrites. At test temperatures near to the glass transition temperature, the composite however becomes rate-insensitive corresponding to that of the matrix phase. At low strain rates, serrated flow akin to that of dynamic strain ageing in crystalline alloys was observed and the serration magnitude decreases with increasing temperature. Initiation of the shear bands at the dendrite/matrix interface and propagation of them through the matrix ligaments until their arrest at another interface is the responsible mechanism for this. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.