780 resultados para Técnico esportivo


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As adutoras são consideradas, por alguns autores, como sendo as principais componentes de um Sistema de Abastecimento de Água (SAA), dado o seu elevado custo e importância para o funcionamento desses sistemas. A sua função reside em transportar água desde as captações até aos reservatórios de distribuição. As adutoras são compostas por condutas que podem ser gravíticas (desnível favorável) ou por bombeamento (desnível desfavorável). Nas adutoras por bombeamento, dado que é necessário fornecer energia ao sistema para elevar água, os custos de exploração representam uma parcela muito importante dos custos globais destes sistemas adutores. Dada a crescente dimensão e complexidade dos sistemas de adução, face à tendência de crescimento dos consumos, nos últimos anos, a comunidade científica tem-se debruçado sobre o estudo destes sistemas, particularmente dos sistemas por bombeamento, tendo em vista a sua otimização, quer do seu dimensionamento quer da sua operação. Em Portugal, os SAA encontram-se separados em duas vertentes, nomeadamente, os sistemas em alta (captação, transporte e armazenamento) e os sistemas em baixa (distribuição). Nas últimas décadas, talvez fruto dessa divisão, assistiu-se ao abandono das adutoras mistas (com distribuição de percurso), em favor das adutoras puras (sem distribuição de percurso). No entanto, tal decisão não foi devidamente acompanhada de estudos de viabilidade técnico-económica que, fundamentadamente, pudessem justificar se essa decisão terá ou não sido acertada. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação pretende avaliar para dois exemplos práticos de adutoras por bombeamento, uma pura e outra mista, aplicando metodologias de otimização para o dimensionamento e a operação, quais os custos de investimento e de energia associados a cada um, por forma a aferir qual dos sistemas é de facto mais económico. Do estudo efetuado, foi possível concluir que a adutora mista apresenta um custo global significativamente inferior ao da adutora pura, contribuído para esse facto a redução considerável nos custos de energia elétrica para a operação do sistema e a redução do custo do troço de distribuição (desde o reservatório até à rede). Além do aspeto meramente económico, importa também referir que a redução dos custos de energia e do troço de distribuição traz também importantes vantagens do ponto de vista ambiental.


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de ser docente do professor enfermeiro que atua no Ensino Técnico em enfermagem e cursou Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica, exigido pelo MEC a partir de janeiro de 2008. A fundamentação teórica da pesquisa foi norteada pelo conceito de Representação Social enunciado por Sèrge Moscovici (1978) e mediado por Denise Jodelet (1984) e Mary Jane Spink (2004). Foram tecidas considerações sobre o ensino de enfermagem dentro do quadro da educação brasileira, evidenciando a legalização do ensino técnico no contexto socioeconômico e político do país que regulamentou o ensino técnico de enfermagem. Também foram descritas as últimas exigências feitas pelo Ministério da Educação e pelo Conselho Regional de Enfermagem sobre o exercício da docência no ensino técnico. A coleta de dados foi possível por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com 07 professores enfermeiros egressos do curso de Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa centrada na análise de conteúdo dando voz aos sujeitos da pesquisa. Os resultados revelaram que as representações sociais sobre o ser docente da população-alvo foram ancoradas na perspectiva de transmitir os conteúdos curriculares e morais, porém, tentaram se afastar da idéia do paradigma tradicional do professor que só transmite conhecimento. Os resultados também evidenciaram que o curso de Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica contribuiu com os professores enfermeiros da pesquisa para o processo de construção e reconstrução do ser docente. As representações sociais dos professores deste estudo revelaram, por último, a satisfação em ser docente atrelada à idéia de felicidade em exercer as atividades docentes, o que não deixou de lado a forte presença da profissão de enfermeiro.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos: descrever o manejo técnico do atendimento psicológico, ilustrado pelo caso de uma paciente infértil de um ambulatório de reprodução humana assistida; descrever as vicissitudes no campo analítico nestes atendimentos; e sistematizar esse manejo técnico em intervenções ambulatoriais em que se privilegia a compreensão das relações transferenciais. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados foram os próprios atendimentos, ou entrevistas psicológicas, baseadas no método clínico de abordagem psicanalítica. A análise e a discussão dos resultados se basearam na apresentação de um único caso, que ilustrou a técnica que se objetivou sistematizar e descrever. É apresentado o caso da Sra. S., uma mulher de 41 anos, com parceiro em união estável há cinco anos, que realizava tratamento de infertilidade no ambulatório de reprodução humana. A paciente foi atendida pela psicóloga no próprio ambulatório durante o período da segunda tentativa de gravidez. Foram realizados efetivamente três (3) atendimentos e, no período de dois meses, a paciente não compareceu a três (3) sessões. Foram criadas cinco (5) categorias de análise: 1) Escuta; 2) Configuração de Queixa Psicológica; 3) Manejo dos Conflitos; 4) Manejo da Transferência; e 5) Enquadre. Estas categorias representaram elementos do atendimento. A divisão do atendimento em categorias teve propósito didático, no entanto, a sistematização do manejo deu-se a partir do desenvolvimento destas categorias, mas não numa ordem pré-estabelecida. A Escuta refere-se à capacidade do psicoterapeuta compreender a relação estabelecida com o paciente, assim como os elementos metapsicológicos depositados no campo, a partir de seu quadro de referência teórico-metodológico. A Configuração de Queixa Psicológica refere-se à aproximação do sofrimento psíquico e dos conflitos que subjazem à queixa orgânica ou manifesta. O Manejo dos Conflitos representa o modo como são interpretados e devolvidos a um paciente os conteúdos trazidos para a sessão. Ressalta-se, no manejo dos conflitos, a eleição de um foco de trabalho em que se privilegia a situação atual da vida do paciente relacionada especificamente à sua queixa. O Manejo da Transferência refere-se à forma como os aspectos transferenciais são compreendidos e devolvidos ao paciente. A neurose e psicose de transferência são evitadas e o trabalho é preferencialmente desenvolvido a partir da interpretação de situações extra-transferenciais. Por fim, o Enquadre engloba todos os aspectos formais e dinâmicos que constituem o campo emocional sobre o qual se trabalha. Este tipo de atendimento pode ser situado entre a entrevista psicológica e o atendimento em psicoterapia breve com objetivos e tempo limitados, variando de acordo com a qualidade adaptativa do paciente e sua motivação para o atendimento psicológico. Concluímos que este modelo de atendimento ambulatorial engloba aspectos tanto diagnósticos quanto de intervenção e que o papel do psicólogo neste contexto é auxiliar o paciente atendido a compreender sua queixa em seus aspectos latentes e manifestos, além de propiciar um espaço de escuta em que os conteúdos trazidos podem ser pensados e compreendidos


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Researchers have analyzed how sport is being taught in the classroom as a regular subject and how it is accepted as a pedagogical action at school. This study aims to suggest some pedagogic proposal on the Physical Education subject to High School System which would be planned, formulated, and applied based on some critical approach on teaching, as well as analyzing and thinking over its impact on the students' learning, taking in consideration some conceptual, procedural and attitudinal dimensions to make possible for the students to become more critical so that they will understand how this subject works in contemporary time. .We had three specific blocs to develop our research: Historic, conceptual and cultural elements about sport; Public policies to sport; Individual, group and environmental characteristics. The method of this work was based on qualitative research through some research action. The study was made actually at IFRN (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte state), in the city of Pau dos Ferros. Students from the second year of the computing course in high school were the participants in the research, there were 37 students from eleven different cities near Pau dos Ferros. They answered some questionares and a Research Diary. From the pedagogical intervention we could prove the students have improved their knowledge about the concept on sport itself, leaving the old idea about sport only as a physical practice such as an activity with rules or as competition, we could prove they have sport as a social-cultural event, involving policies, ideologies as well as historical interferences. Another aspect they mentioned was that sport is the citizens' right and as such there must be public policies pro sports. Understanding that sport transpires on peoples' habits as well as their behavior allowed us to identify its influence on our students' quality of life back in their home towns. Therewith, it is clear the necessity of a pedagogical focus on the content of Physical Education at school to make this subject more meaningful, so that the students will become more critical and reflexive about life and will be able be real citizens


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An oral health technician is a profession in odontology whose own functions are defined in FEDERAL LAW NUMBER 11889, which can act for prevention, recovery and promotion of oral health. According to the web site, Of Primary Health Attention Department. Health Ministry Of Brazilian Federal Republic, you can see through historical cover, as regards Health Family Strategy that, in Rio Grande Do Norte, There are nowadays eight TSB equipments in use. Objective: The aim of this study is to find out the reasons of the inclusion of those technicians in public service, no matter the importance of this work. Method: It is about a quantitive study and a kind of exploring type, taking into account that there are not any similar previous ones. We divide it into two parts: as regards the first one, these technicians were registered in a map using the information of the Formation Schools and Class Counsel to know how and where they are. During the moment of this study, an application (or no application) of the mouth health equipments was done. They tried to discover in this process which elements contribute to the efficiency (or not) of this technical work done all together in equipment work. As regards the second part, the coordinators of Municipal Mouth Health answered to a survay that contained open and closed questions through telephone calls. The sample was defined by a raffle taking into account the work contained in municipalities. Results: There are 1053 technicians.94,3% of them are women, devided in all the health regions. As regards interview, 96,9% of oral health coordinators considered that it is very important to have an oral health technician in odontology. 92,2% would reccomend its inclusion in equipments related to mouth health, dealing to familly health . 76% have never talked before to the Health Secretary in this municipality. this spreading out could be related to financial resources and 51,6% mentioned the importance of improving the physical structure to make this spreading out possible. Conclusions: Oral Health technicians in Rio Grande Do Norte are not being adequatly used by public service, because they do not introduce themselves or act as Oral Health auxiliaries. It is important to increase concience about the importance of this category in odontology. we also say it is necesasary to invert money in a reform of the Basic Health Unities and the inclusion of these workers. On the other hand the role of the state and the public health militancy is questioned in the fulfilment of this process


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Sept Papillons by Kaija Saariaho is a relevant piece in the contemporary cello repertoire. This research aims to study the context of the piece and approaches the technical and musical challenges presented in the work. As a methodological procedure, authors like MOISALA (2009) and VICTORIO (2015) were studied, giving basis to the understanding of the compositional process and to the analysis of the gestures proposed by the composer. Following, an interview was carried out with Natasha Farny, a cellist recognized for her performance of the work and utilized as reference, together with the Korean cellist Seung Ri Jung´s performance and the recording of Anssi Karttunen, to whom the piece was dedicated. Whilst the research of the bibliographical material and the interviews were taking place, the piece was studied and performed at the Masters of Music Program at UFRN. The experience obtained by the recitals and the research resulted in suggestions for cellists interested in its study and performance.


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Unfavorable working conditions constitute one of the factors that may contribute to cause psychic suffering and behavioral disorders in workers. This research aimed to characterize the working conditions public servant technical- administrative , specifically the auxiliaries and assistants in administration of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Natal, Brasil, as well to identify the incidence of psychic suffering in this group of public servants. As a strategy, we chose a case study of multi-method type, descriptive with quantitative and qualitative sequential steps. For this, it initially performed desk research by surveying epidemiological data for these public servants working in central campus, to identify the major diseases presented in the period from January 2011 to June 2014. Then, we proceeded to diagnostic step of the aspects related to work, by applying online and in loco of Working Conditions Survey (already validated by Borges et al., 2013a) in 11 sectors selected according to the following criteria: high number of workers public servants and major and minor percentage of absences for health care for ICD-F (according to records of Sector of Workers Health Care - DAS). In the treatment of the data the spreadsheet editor software Microsoft Office Excel and statistical SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences were used and made qualifying type of content analysis of open questions. Applied to this study 174 public servants and the results show a predominance of absenteeism due to mental or behavioral disorders (ICD F), musculoskeletal diseases (ICD M) and respiratory system (ICD J). Among the factors that were significant are the working hours (contractual and legal); Physical Effort (M = 2.59) and workspace (M = 2.58) - physical and material conditions; encouraging collaboration (M = 3.5) - processes and characteristics of the work; and participation (M = 1.78) - social-management environment. Therefore, it infers the existence of a relationship between these factors and some of the reasons for absenteeism reported by participants. It is suggested the expansion of this research with studies involving other professionals (including scholarship workers and contractors) and specific sectors.


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The use of energy from renewable sources is increasingly demanded by society, especially aeolian - whose raw material is wind. Investments in wind power have become significant in Brazil with emphasis on the Northeast and in particular the Rio Grande do Norte state. According to the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Energy Research Company) (2012 ) , investments in the state grew significantly since 2002 with a total accumulated power, by 2013, of approximately 3,400 MW . Even with the early experiences of exploitation of wind energy in 2002, it is still considered new and requires further study referring to the likely changes in the environment and society. In this case, it is of growing and urgent importance to deeply study the wind still in the survey phase of the project, ie , at the beginning of decision making on the most feasible to implement these parks site. Given the above, the question is: from a technical and environmental analysis, how to identify viable areas to install Aeolian parks, taking into account the factors of the environmental dynamics that are relevant to minimize the negative results to the environment and the society? Thus, this study conducted a study on technical and environmental feasibility, proposing a methodology of exploration of feasible wind farms in coastal areas. The study area was a fragment of the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte and its natural landscape units were identified through the environmental characterization of the area, as well as it was elaborated the map of the land cover, restriction homes and urban areas and Permanent Preservation Areas - PPAs. The environmental fragility was subdivided in the fragility of the natural dynamic, mapped through relief, soils and geology of natural units, and the fragility of the ecosystem, originated by the land cover map. In addition to these maps, it was generated the wind resource for an area from a height of 50 and 100 meters. The intersection between the fragility maps, PPAs and Restriction of homes superimposed on maps of wind potential, provided the map of feasibility of Aeolian parks, resulting in the most favorable areas for its facilities in a technical and environmental point of view. From this study, the entrepreneur can evaluate whether or not to proceed with the studies in this area and especially decrease potential conflicts with society.


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Technical and interpretative aspects of the String Quartet No. 2 Guerra-Peixe will approach this work of a composer who is considered one of the greatest exponents of Brazilian music of the twentieth century, who developed several strands in his career as a musicologist, performer, composer, arranger radio and cinema, among others. In this work, we will see in the work in question their compositional styles, pointing sources that he has been drinking and offering elements that will subsidize technical and interpretive choices for future interpreters. After the historical context and esthetics, we will make some brief remarks about the terms performance and interpretation, to support the objective of the work, which will be the interpretation of the work. For that purpose, a comparative analysis was performed between recording of important Brazilian quartets, interviews with relevant players on the national scene and trials in rehearsals and recitals, always making a Quartet bridge with other works by the composer. Concomitantly, it was held analysis of handwritten edits by the composer, culminating with its own revised edition.


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Technical and interpretative aspects of the String Quartet No. 2 Guerra-Peixe will approach this work of a composer who is considered one of the greatest exponents of Brazilian music of the twentieth century, who developed several strands in his career as a musicologist, performer, composer, arranger radio and cinema, among others. In this work, we will see in the work in question their compositional styles, pointing sources that he has been drinking and offering elements that will subsidize technical and interpretive choices for future interpreters. After the historical context and esthetics, we will make some brief remarks about the terms performance and interpretation, to support the objective of the work, which will be the interpretation of the work. For that purpose, a comparative analysis was performed between recording of important Brazilian quartets, interviews with relevant players on the national scene and trials in rehearsals and recitals, always making a Quartet bridge with other works by the composer. Concomitantly, it was held analysis of handwritten edits by the composer, culminating with its own revised edition.


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In this study, we present a political evaluation of how SENAC/RN perceives PRONATEC, emphasizing all ideological principles, aims and theories that this institution reproduces and reinforces while playing this professional qualification program. We intended to reveal ideological aspects that inspire SENAC’s perception of PRONATEC, pointing the actual interests hidden by those aspects. Our starting question is: What ideologies, objectives and theories that are explicitly or implicitly reinforced by Senac in implementing PRONATEC? In the research, we consider the hypothesis that transferring the responsibility about PRONATEC from public to private institutions is something that impoverishes the professional formation process, once the program ends up subordinated to private institution’s ideological, political and economic interests. The methodological approach chosen was the single case study. As data source, we used broad literature survey, official files of PRONATEC and SENAC, official information about the program and personal interviews. At the end of the research, we present elements that show some “flexibility” on PRONATEC due to SENAC’s interests, offering a superficial professional formation, commonly dissociated from a propaedeutic education, focusing on the need of adaptation e consensus of works around a society project. In this regard, despite PRONATEC is payed by public resources, it’s been used by SENAC as a fortifier of this institution on professional education market, in an hegemonic and neoliberal construction of a model of society.


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In this study, we present a political evaluation of how SENAC/RN perceives PRONATEC, emphasizing all ideological principles, aims and theories that this institution reproduces and reinforces while playing this professional qualification program. We intended to reveal ideological aspects that inspire SENAC’s perception of PRONATEC, pointing the actual interests hidden by those aspects. Our starting question is: What ideologies, objectives and theories that are explicitly or implicitly reinforced by Senac in implementing PRONATEC? In the research, we consider the hypothesis that transferring the responsibility about PRONATEC from public to private institutions is something that impoverishes the professional formation process, once the program ends up subordinated to private institution’s ideological, political and economic interests. The methodological approach chosen was the single case study. As data source, we used broad literature survey, official files of PRONATEC and SENAC, official information about the program and personal interviews. At the end of the research, we present elements that show some “flexibility” on PRONATEC due to SENAC’s interests, offering a superficial professional formation, commonly dissociated from a propaedeutic education, focusing on the need of adaptation e consensus of works around a society project. In this regard, despite PRONATEC is payed by public resources, it’s been used by SENAC as a fortifier of this institution on professional education market, in an hegemonic and neoliberal construction of a model of society.


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Chile ha aumentado la cobertura en la Educación Media Técnico–Profesional, sin embargo existen problemas que impiden mejorar su calidad: excesiva desregularización, favoreciendo el crecimiento inorgánico de especialidades; desconexión con las necesidades de competencias del trabajo; centros deficientes; carencias de evaluaciones de calidad de la educación y docentes poco capacitados (Sepúlveda, 2009). El año 2005, se validaron diez competencias transversales de la administración pública, que cumplen con los criterios de pertinencia y legitimidad, con alta transversalidad horizontal (todas las instituciones públicas) y vertical (todos los estamentos) (Vergara y Meneses, 2005). Esta tesis se orienta al conocimiento del enfoque de competencias laborales y de la teoría social cognitiva, en específico de la creencia de autoeficacia, con el fin de generar un instrumento que permita plasmar creencias de autoeficacia, en relación a las competencias transversales identificadas por la Administración Pública Chilena para técnicos-profesionales...


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém