937 resultados para Swedish-speaking Finns


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Playing video games is an activity that takes up an increasing amount of children’s and adolescent’s spare time. While some previous studies have highlighted the negative aspects of video games, little research has been carried out on the linguistic learning opportunities that video games present. This study primarily investigates if Swedish second language learners of English can increase their vocabulary proficiency in English with the use of video games. In order to answer the research questions, two quantitative data elicitation methods are used: a questionnaire which aims to gather attitudinal and behavioral data, and a Vocabulary Levels Test which elicits data about the participants’ receptive vocabulary proficiency. The participants consist of 25 students at an upper secondary school in Stockholm. The results show that participants who played video games scored higher on the Vocabulary Levels Test, indicating a higher receptive vocabulary proficiency. Furthermore, the results show that participants who played moderate to frequent amounts of time performed better in the Vocabulary Levels Test than infrequent players. The results also show that video games emphasizing co-operation and communication are preferable to use for vocabulary acquisition. Additionally, the study discusses if video games could be integrated into the Swedish upper secondary school system.


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Title: Swedish Match-En kvalitativ studie om butikskonceptet  Author: Adam Waernér/Erik Rehnberg  Supervisor: Jonas Jonasson  Key Words: Communication, Branding, Culture, PR, Advertisement  Purpose: The purpose of this research is to understand the background of the launch of Swedish Match´s stores. Because of the strict laws against marketing of tobacco products in Sweden, we believe that the stores are an interesting way of approaching a new branding and communication strategy in the tobacco industry.  Research questions: What´s the background to the launch of Swedish Match Stores? What´s the stores impact on Swedish Match image? How do Swedish Match Stores impact the cultural status of snus? In what ways do the cultural trends impact the snus market?  Theory: In this study we have applied theories concerning culture, communication, branding, PR and advertisement. Methodology: We have chosen to apply a qualitative method on this research. The method consists of three different methods: one focus group, one observation study which consists of two different observations both in the Gothenburg store and the store in Stockholm, the last method is an online interview with the public relations officer of Swedish Match in Sweden. Because of the chosen method´s we hope to bring three different perspectives to the  study: From the customers perspective, from our own perspective and finally from the company´s perspective.  Findings: Through this research we discovered that the stores do not only work as a communication strategy for Swedish Match. The store as a phenomenon also works in the aspect of branding, PR and also gives a higher cultural status to snus. Through our own observation and the focus group we came to the conclusion that the stores in terms of image of Swedish Match implements a cultural aspect of swedishness to the company, as well as a more modern and new take on snus. We also came to the conclusion that snus is a cultural phenomenon that is impacted of other contemporary trends, such as gastronomic trends and the increased popularity of small scale exclusivity.


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Tidigare har den vanligaste typen av reklam varit den i form av avbrott i tv­sändningar men i takt med våra ändrade tv­vanor söker reklamföretagen nya sätt att marknadsföra sig själva på. Så kallade produktplaceringar, är ett sådant marknadsföringssätt. Ett av de tydligaste exempel på detta är år 1982 då filmen E.T: The Extra Terrestrial hade premiär och huvudkaraktären åt godiset Reeses Pieces, en produktplacering som medförde en försäljningsökning på hela 65%. Produktplaceringar är sedan dess en blomstrande bransch och drar årligen in mångmiljardbelopp men attityderna gentemot denna typ av reklam har sviktat. Vi ställde oss därför frågan hur attityderna gentemot reklamfenomenet ser ut idag samt ifall ålder är en avgörande faktor för hur individer resonerar om produktplaceringar. Detta har lett till denna studiens syfte som är att undersöka två generationers attityder gentemot produktplaceringar i film och tv­serier samt hur de uppmärksammar det. Eftersom syftet med studien är att erhålla information om individers personliga uppfattningar, ansåg vi att den kvalitativa intervjun var bäst lämpad. Fyra intervjuer med personer mellan 20­30 år samt fyra intervjuer med personer mellan 50­60 år genomfördes. Materialet bestod i slutändan av åtta transkriberade intervjuer som analyserades med hjälp av studiens teoretiska ramverk. Teorierna berör generella antaganden om produktplaceringar, olika typer av produktplaceringar, dess påverkan på publiken, övertalningsförsök samt attityd och perception. Studien resulterade i att vi fann skillnader i hur generationerna uppmärksammar produktplaceringar. Den yngre generationen är i högre grad mottaglig för subtila placeringar medan den äldre generationen ansåg att placeringarna behövde vara tydliga och inzoomade för att uppmärksammas. Gällande attitydsaspekten fann vi att den yngre generationen har en något mer negativ inställning mot produktplaceringar, vilket kan bero på att denna typ av reklam påverkar det undermedvetna, något som framförallt den yngre generationen anser vara läskigt. Den äldre generationen har en något mer positiv syn på produktplaceringar, men en viss skepcism består. Detta beror troligen på att reklamtypen faktiskt påverkar och bringar ett köpintresse, något som denna generation hade skilda åsikter kring.


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Writing in Tongues examines the complexities of translating Yiddish literature at a time when the Yiddish language is in decline. After the Holocaust, Soviet repression, and American assimilation, the survival of traditional Yiddish literature depends on translation, yet a few Yiddish classics have been translated repeatedly while many others have been ignored. Anita Norich traces historical and aesthetic shifts through versions of these canonical texts, and she argues that these works and their translations form an enlightening conversation about Jewish history and identity.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish translation of the List of Social Situation Problems (LSSP; S. H. Spence, 1980). The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 388 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: Social Anxiety, Adult Oppositional, Assertiveness, and Making Friends, which accounted for 26.64% of the variance. Internal consistency of the total scale was high (alpha = .86). Correlations between the LSSP and two self-report measures of social anxiety, the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents (r = .45) and the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (r = .48), were statistically significant. A significant difference was found between LSSP total scores for adolescents with and without social anxiety (d = 1.14), supporting the construct validity of the scale.


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The aims of the present study were to compare the perceptual assessments of deviant speech signs (dysarthria) exhibited by Australian and Swedish speakers with multiple sclerosis (MS) and to explore whether judgements of dysarthria differed depending on whether the speakers and the judges spoke the same or different languages. Ten Australian and 10 Swedish individuals with MS (matched as closely as possible for age, gender, progression type and severity of dysarthria) were assessed by 2 Australian and 2 Swedish clinically experienced judges using a protocol including 33 speech parameters. Results show that the following perceptual dimensions were identified by both pairs of judges in both groups of speakers to a just noticeable or moderate degree: imprecise consonants, inappropriate pitch level, reduced general rate, and glottal fry. The reliability (Spearman rank-order correlation) of the consensus ratings from the Australian and the Swedish judges was high, with a mean rho of 85.7 for the Australian speakers and mean rho of 84.3 for the Swedish speakers. The most difficult perceptual parameters to assess (i.e. to agree on) included harshness, level of pitch and loudness, precision of consonants and general stress pattern. The study indicated that perceptual assessments of speech characteristics in individuals with MS are informative and can be achieved with high inter-judge reliability irrespective of the judge's knowledge of the speaker's language. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Primary objective: To examine changes in the relationship between intonation, voice range and mood following music therapy programmes in people with traumatic brain injury. Research design: Data from four case studies were pooled and effect size, ANOVA and correlation calculations were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Methods and procedures: Subjects sang three self-selected songs for 15 sessions. Speaking fundamental frequency, fundamental frequency variability, slope, voice range and mood were analysed pre- and post-session. Results: Immediate treatment effects were not found. Long-term improvements in affective intonation were found in three subjects, especially in fundamental frequency. Voice range improved over time and was positively correlated with the three intonation components. Mood scale data showed that immediate effects were in the negative direction whereas there weres increases in positive mood state in the longer-term. Conclusions: Findings suggest that, in the long-term, song singing can improve vocal range and mood and enhance the affective intonation styles of people with TBI.


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We examined how rhetorical style affects evaluations of group advocates, and how these evaluations are moderated by group identification. University students were given a letter to the editor defending student welfare. The argument was either constructed using personal language ('I believe') or collective language ('we believe'). Furthermore, the letter was either attributed to an official advocate (president of the student union) or an unofficial advocate (a rank-and-file member of the student body). Consistent with the social identity perspective, participants who showed strong identification as a university student thought that the group would feel better represented by official advocates using collective rather than personal language. Low identifiers, however, did not rate the rhetorical styles differently on representativeness. Furthermore, low identifiers (but not high identifiers) rated official advocates as more likable and more effective when they used personal rather than collective language. The discussion focuses on the conflict low identifiers might feel between (a) needing to homogenize with other group members in order to maximize the influence and political effectiveness of their message at the collective level, and (b) protecting themselves against categorization threat.


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Citizens of 9 different English-speaking countries (N = 619) evaluated the average, or typical, citizen of 5 English-speaking countries (Great Britain, Canada, Nigeria, United States, Australia) on 9 pairs of bipolar adjectives. Participants were drawn from Australia, Botswana, Canada, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, the United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. There were statistically significant similarities in the rankings of the 5 stimulus countries on 8 of the 9 adjective dimensions and a strong convergence of autostereotypes and heterostereotypes on many traits. The results relate to previous stereotyping research and traditional methods of assessing the accuracy of national stereotypes.