1000 resultados para Supuração pulmonar crônica
Gastric cancer is a frequent cause of cancer-related mortality in the world. Surgery is the only potentially curative therapy, although the adverse effects of surgery are common and considerable. Common variable immunodeficiency is in many cases cause of gastrointestinal system problems such as chronic diarrhea caused by infestation with giardia lamblia, nodular lymphoid hiperplasia ad loss of villi leading frequently to malapsortion and malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies due to malapsorption (postgastrectomy and secondary to loss of villi, giardiasis and common variable inmunodeficiency) are common. We present the case of a patient with gastric cancer who underwent a gastrectomy with common variable hipogammaglobulinemia and chronic infestation by giardia lamblia, with serious diarrhea resistant to treatment and malabsorption.
publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
Proceso publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
En la port.: Respuestas sencillas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC)
Metabolic, biochemical, and hormonal changes occur in chronic renal failure usually associated with hyponutrition states. In predialysis patients, knowing the nutritional state about water-soluble vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cianocobalamine, and folic acid is becoming more and more important since some of the manifestations of chronic renal failure may be due to the deficiency of some of these water-soluble vitamins. The metabolic pathways in which most of these vitamins participate are interrelated and it is difficult to understand how the individual deficits of each vitamin affect renal pathology. This work aims at reviewing not only this issue but also the status of these water-soluble vitamins that different authors have found in groups of predialysis patients. On the other hand, the issue on the high prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia in chronic renal failure as the main mortality risk factor due to cardiovascular pathologies as well as the implication of these vitamins in the metabolism of homocysteine, and consequently in plasma levels of this metabolite in predialysis patients is reviewed.
BACKGROUNDS AUDIPOC is a nationwide clinical audit that describes the characteristics, interventions and outcomes of patients admitted to Spanish hospitals because of an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ECOPD), assessing the compliance of these parameters with current international guidelines. The present study describes hospital resources, hospital factors related to case recruitment variability, patients' characteristics, and adherence to guidelines. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS An organisational database was completed by all participant hospitals recording resources and organisation. Over an 8-week period 11,564 consecutive ECOPD admissions to 129 Spanish hospitals covering 70% of the Spanish population were prospectively identified. At hospital discharge, 5,178 patients (45% of eligible) were finally included, and thus constituted the audited population. Audited patients were reassessed 90 days after admission for survival and readmission rates. A wide variability was observed in relation to most variables, hospital adherence to guidelines, and readmissions and death. Median inpatient mortality was 5% (across-hospital range 0-35%). Among discharged patients, 37% required readmission (0-62%) and 6.5% died (0-35%). The overall mortality rate was 11.6% (0-50%). Hospital size and complexity and aspects related to hospital COPD awareness were significantly associated with case recruitment. Clinical management most often complied with diagnosis and treatment recommendations but rarely (<50%) addressed guidance on healthy life-styles. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE The AUDIPOC study highlights the large across-hospital variability in resources and organization of hospitals, patient characteristics, process of care, and outcomes. The study also identifies resources and organizational characteristics associated with the admission of COPD cases, as well as aspects of daily clinical care amenable to improvement.
Introducció: el pronòstic global dels malalts amb Malaltia Pulmonar Difusa (MPD) que ingressen a Unitats de Cures Intensives és dolent. El trasplantament urgent pot ser una opció terapèutica. Material i mètode: de Gener 1998 a Juny de 2009, 34 pacients con MPD, edat de 55 (21-76) anys. Resultats: 23 eren Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopàtica (FPI). Del total de malalts, un 79,4% van requerir ventilació mecànica. La mortalitat global va ser del 76%. 16 pacients es van incloure a llista de trasplantament urgent i es van trasplantar 12 amb una supervivencia a UCI del 58,3%. Conclusions: es confirma el mal pronòstic dels malalts amb MPD que ingressen a UCI. EL TP urgent possiblement és una opció vàlida en pacients joves seleccionats.
BACKGROUND Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a modified clinical presentation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) but also a worse prognosis than non-COPD patients with VTE. As it may induce therapeutic modifications, we evaluated the influence of the initial VTE presentation on the 3-month outcomes in COPD patients. METHODS COPD patients included in the on-going world-wide RIETE Registry were studied. The rate of pulmonary embolism (PE), major bleeding and death during the first 3 months in COPD patients were compared according to their initial clinical presentation (acute PE or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)). RESULTS Of the 4036 COPD patients included, 2452 (61%; 95% CI: 59.2-62.3) initially presented with PE. PE as the first VTE recurrence occurred in 116 patients, major bleeding in 101 patients and mortality in 443 patients (Fatal PE: first cause of death). Multivariate analysis confirmed that presenting with PE was associated with higher risk of VTE recurrence as PE (OR, 2.04; 95% CI: 1.11-3.72) and higher risk of fatal PE (OR, 7.77; 95% CI: 2.92-15.7). CONCLUSIONS COPD patients presenting with PE have an increased risk for PE recurrences and fatal PE compared with those presenting with DVT alone. More efficient therapy is needed in this subtype of patients.
BACKGROUND Drugs for inhalation are the cornerstone of therapy in obstructive lung disease. We have observed that up to 75 % of patients do not perform a correct inhalation technique. The inability of patients to correctly use their inhaler device may be a direct consequence of insufficient or poor inhaler technique instruction. The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of two educational interventions to improve the inhalation techniques in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). METHODS This study uses both a multicenter patients´ preference trial and a comprehensive cohort design with 495 COPD-diagnosed patients selected by a non-probabilistic method of sampling from seven Primary Care Centers. The participants will be divided into two groups and five arms. The two groups are: 1) the patients´ preference group with two arms and 2) the randomized group with three arms. In the preference group, the two arms correspond to the two educational interventions (Intervention A and Intervention B) designed for this study. In the randomized group the three arms comprise: intervention A, intervention B and a control arm. Intervention A is written information (a leaflet describing the correct inhalation techniques). Intervention B is written information about inhalation techniques plus training by an instructor. Every patient in each group will be visited six times during the year of the study at health care center. DISCUSSION Our hypothesis is that the application of two educational interventions in patients with COPD who are treated with inhaled therapy will increase the number of patients who perform a correct inhalation technique by at least 25 %. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions on patient inhalation technique improvement, considering that it will be adequate and feasible within the context of clinical practice.
Low therapeutic adherence to medication is very common. Clinical effectiveness is related to dose rate and route of administration and so poor therapeutic adherence can reduce the clinical benefit of treatment. The therapeutic adherence of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is extremely poor according to most studies. The research about COPD adherence has mainly focussed on quantifying its effect, and few studies have researched factors that affect non-adherence. Our study will evaluate the effectiveness of a multifactor intervention to improve the therapeutic adherence of COPD patients.
Aquest projecte es basa en l’aprofitament de l’energia solar per a produir ACS en diferents processos industrials d’un escorxador mitjançant una instal·lació solar tèrmica. L’objectiu és cobrir el màxim de necessitats energètiques d’aigua calenta en els processos d’escaldat, rentat de les canals i neteja d’equips i instal·lacions. Com en totes les instal·lacions solars, es fa necessària la presència d’una instal·lació de recolzament, ja que la instal·lació solar no ens satisfà el total de necessitats de producció. En aquest projecte s’ha dut a terme un ampli estudi energètic en el qual s’han estudiat dos tipus de captadors solars: el pla i el de tubs de buit. S’han tingut en compte paràmetres com el rendiment del captador, la inclinació i la superfície captadora per tal d’obtenir un determinat percentatge de cobertura solar
La fibrosi pulmonar idiopàtica (FPI) és una malaltia intersticial letal, d'etiologia desconeguda i per la que no es disposa de cap tractament efectiu. Creiem que l’elasticitat normal del pulmó té propietats anti-fibròtiques, de manera que la FPI només progressarà si es produeix un enduriment sostingut del teixit. Per això hem dissenyat dos assaigs que ens permetran examinar els efectes pro-fibròtics de l'enduriment extracel•lular sobre fibroblasts primaris de pulmó. Els dos assaigs d'enduriment es basen en gels de poliacrilamida 2D i en gels de col•lagen 3D. Els fibroblasts s'han cultivat en el model d'enduriment 3D en presència o absència de la citoquina pro-fibròtica TGF-β1 i s'ha analitzat com la combinació de l’enduriment extracelular i la TGF-b1 modifiquen el fenotip de les cèl.lules. Els resultats preliminars mostren canvis en l'expressió d'alguns gens en resposta a l'enduriment i al TGF-b1, així com diferències entre cel•lules normals i fibròtiques. A més, suggereixen que l'expressió de COL1A1 i MMP-1 és mecanosensible, i que la seva desregulació podria estar associada a l’enduriment anòmal característic dels pulmons amb FPI.