916 resultados para Supply Chain Development
The optimal supply chain management (SCM) is considered by the companies a new frontier in order to gain efficiently competitive advantage. Through the SCM companies must define their competitive strategies by positioning inside the supply chain wich belongs both as suppliers and as consumers. The main objectives of SCM is integrate multiple suppliers to satisfy the market demand and make possible the synergies between the parts of the supply chain in order to better serve the consumer Meanwhile, selection, evaluation and development of suppliers play important roles in establishing an efficient supply chain. Thus, the SCM covers elements such as manufacturing, assembly, raw materials, and distribution to the final consumer. Due to the factors described, the focus of this paper is to present the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) application as an appropriate and structured method for the supplier selection of a strategic line of low voltage transformers of a transformers industry and compare it with the selection process currently used by this industry, showing the advantages of applying a multiple criteria decision making method. In this study, the research methodology used was modeling and simulation
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a success story involving the extending of lean manufacturing practices between a focal firm and its supplier, both located in Brazil, thereby configuring a case of excellence. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth case study was conducted involving two companies: Company A, focal, leader in its segment, located in Brazil; and Company B, Company A's supplier, also located in Brazil. Findings – Results indicate there are several mechanisms for extending lean manufacturing practices in the supply chain, such as workshops, training, and integrated teams. These mechanisms are shown and guidelines are also introduced for companies seeking to successfully extend lean manufacturing practices. Originality/value – An original use of define, measure, analyze, improve, control for structuring the extending of lean manufacturing practices to suppliers and, consequently, the importance of the lean six-sigma relationship in this context. Furthermore, the guidelines introduced serve as a benchmark for other companies interested in the topic.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Electronic business surely represents the new development perspective for world-wide trade. Together with the idea of ebusiness, and the exigency to exchange business messages between trading partners, the concept of business-to-business (B2B) integration arouse. B2B integration is becoming necessary to allow partners to communicate and exchange business documents, like catalogues, purchase orders, reports and invoices, overcoming architectural, applicative, and semantic differences, according to the business processes implemented by each enterprise. Business relationships can be very heterogeneous, and consequently there are variousways to integrate enterprises with each other. Moreover nowadays not only large enterprises, but also the small- and medium- enterprises are moving towards ebusiness: more than two-thirds of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) use the Internet as a business tool. One of the business areas which is actively facing the interoperability problem is that related with the supply chain management. In order to really allow the SMEs to improve their business and to fully exploit ICT technologies in their business transactions, there are three main players that must be considered and joined: the new emerging ICT technologies, the scenario and the requirements of the enterprises and the world of standards and standardisation bodies. This thesis presents the definition and the development of an interoperability framework (and the bounded standardisation intiatives) to provide the Textile/Clothing sectorwith a shared set of business documents and protocols for electronic transactions. Considering also some limitations, the thesis proposes a ontology-based approach to improve the functionalities of the developed framework and, exploiting the technologies of the semantic web, to improve the standardisation life-cycle, intended as the development, dissemination and adoption of B2B protocols for specific business domain. The use of ontologies allows the semantic modellisation of knowledge domains, upon which it is possible to develop a set of components for a better management of B2B protocols, and to ease their comprehension and adoption for the target users.
This dissertation deals with the development of a project concerning a demonstration in the scope of the Supply Chain 6 of the Internet of Energy (IoE) project: the Remote Monitoring Emulator, which bears my personal contribution in several sections. IoE is a project of international relevance, that means to establish an interoperability standard as regards the electric power production and utilization infrastructure, using Smart Space platforms. The future perspectives of IoE have to do with a platform for electrical power trade-of, the Smart Grid, whose energy is produced by decentralized renewable sources and whose services are exploited primarily according to the Internet of Things philosophy. The main consumers of this kind of smart technology will be Smart Houses (that is to say, buildings controlled by an autonomous system for electrical energy management that is interoperable with the Smart Grid) and Electric Mobility, that is a smart and automated management regarding movement and, overall, recharging of electrical vehicles. It is precisely in the latter case study that the project Remote Monitoring Emulator takes place. It consists in the development of a simulated platform for the management of an electrical vehicle recharging in a city. My personal contribution to this project lies in development and modeling of the simulation platform, of its counterpart in a mobile application and implementation of a city service prototype. This platform shall, ultimately, make up a demonstrator system exploiting the same device which a real user, inside his vehicle, would use. The main requirements that this platform shall satisfy will be interoperability, expandability and relevance to standards, as it needs to communicate with other development groups and to effectively respond to internal changes that can affect IoE.
Stochastische Einflüsse wirken auf alle elementaren Prozesse einer Lieferkette. Sie äußern sich in variablen Fertigungs-, Transport- oder Durchlaufzeiten sowie Lagerbeständen zur Prozessentkopplung. Die Auswirkungen auf Liefertreue, Vorlaufzeiten, Bestände oder Kos¬ten für die gesamte Supply Chain sind zurzeit nur simulativ abschätzbar. Das hier vorge¬stellte numerische Verfahren kann mit geringem Aufwand ähnliche, statistisch abgesicherte Kennzahlen für das Zeitverhalten liefern.
Logistiknetzwerke von Unternehmen wachsen sehr schnell und werden immer komplexer. Unternehmen wissen oft nicht, von welchen anderen Unternehmen sie abhängig sind und welche geschäftskritischen Risiken sich daraus für sie ergeben. Aus diesem Grund wird in diesem Artikel ein Konzept eines proaktiven Ri-sikomanagements in Logistiknetzwerken vorgestellt. Das Konzept basiert auf der Big Data Technologie und verwendet zur Identifikation von Risiken und zum Aufbau eines Logistiknetzwerkes neben internen Unternehmensdaten auch externe Daten, z. B. Social Media Plattformen oder andere Datenportale. Diese Daten werden ausgewertet und mit Risiken behaftete Beziehungen werden dem Bediener grafisch angezeigt. Zusätzlich dazu kann das System dem Benutzer mögliche Alternativen zur Vermeidung dieser Risiken aufzeigen und somit zur Entscheidungsunterstützung genutzt werden.
La cadena de valor de los productos oleaginosos de la Provincia de San Luis cuenta en la actualidad con tres ventajas principales. La primera de ellas es que la provincia se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada en un corredor bioceánico de la República Agentina; la segunda es la implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL) en Villa Mercedes; y la tercera es el desarrollo empresarial motivado por las inversiones de empresas multinacionales en el sector. Para el intercambio comercial de países del Atlántico, como la Argentina, con los de Asia y Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos es necesaria la integración entre la Argentina y Chile fortaleciendo lazos comerciales, culturales y sociales. La implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas adquiere relevancia teniendo en cuenta que el principal efecto de este emprendimiento es la reducción sustancial de los costos operativos. Por otro lado, la fusión de empresas multinacionales con empresas del medio en industrias agroalimentarias provocará un aumento de la capacidad de procesamiento de granos (en particular maíz) en un 50, con lo que se estaría en condiciones de absorber más de la mitad de la cosecha de la provincia. Para los agricultores será un gran desafío aumentar la superficie cultivada para comercializar con un comprador local y ampliar el margen de rentabilidad al eliminarse los elevados costos por flete. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar e interrelacionar los factores, los actores y el impacto de estas tres ventajas en el final de la cadena de valor de productos oleaginosos en la Provincia de San Luis
La cadena de valor de los productos oleaginosos de la Provincia de San Luis cuenta en la actualidad con tres ventajas principales. La primera de ellas es que la provincia se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada en un corredor bioceánico de la República Agentina; la segunda es la implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL) en Villa Mercedes; y la tercera es el desarrollo empresarial motivado por las inversiones de empresas multinacionales en el sector. Para el intercambio comercial de países del Atlántico, como la Argentina, con los de Asia y Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos es necesaria la integración entre la Argentina y Chile fortaleciendo lazos comerciales, culturales y sociales. La implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas adquiere relevancia teniendo en cuenta que el principal efecto de este emprendimiento es la reducción sustancial de los costos operativos. Por otro lado, la fusión de empresas multinacionales con empresas del medio en industrias agroalimentarias provocará un aumento de la capacidad de procesamiento de granos (en particular maíz) en un 50, con lo que se estaría en condiciones de absorber más de la mitad de la cosecha de la provincia. Para los agricultores será un gran desafío aumentar la superficie cultivada para comercializar con un comprador local y ampliar el margen de rentabilidad al eliminarse los elevados costos por flete. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar e interrelacionar los factores, los actores y el impacto de estas tres ventajas en el final de la cadena de valor de productos oleaginosos en la Provincia de San Luis
La cadena de valor de los productos oleaginosos de la Provincia de San Luis cuenta en la actualidad con tres ventajas principales. La primera de ellas es que la provincia se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada en un corredor bioceánico de la República Agentina; la segunda es la implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL) en Villa Mercedes; y la tercera es el desarrollo empresarial motivado por las inversiones de empresas multinacionales en el sector. Para el intercambio comercial de países del Atlántico, como la Argentina, con los de Asia y Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos es necesaria la integración entre la Argentina y Chile fortaleciendo lazos comerciales, culturales y sociales. La implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas adquiere relevancia teniendo en cuenta que el principal efecto de este emprendimiento es la reducción sustancial de los costos operativos. Por otro lado, la fusión de empresas multinacionales con empresas del medio en industrias agroalimentarias provocará un aumento de la capacidad de procesamiento de granos (en particular maíz) en un 50, con lo que se estaría en condiciones de absorber más de la mitad de la cosecha de la provincia. Para los agricultores será un gran desafío aumentar la superficie cultivada para comercializar con un comprador local y ampliar el margen de rentabilidad al eliminarse los elevados costos por flete. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar e interrelacionar los factores, los actores y el impacto de estas tres ventajas en el final de la cadena de valor de productos oleaginosos en la Provincia de San Luis
The rules governing the trade of goods in global markets have shifted toward non-tariff measures related to environmental and chemical safety. Unlike traditional environmental/safety requirements, the scope of modern regulations covers products’ environmental performance and chemical safety. To comply with these modern regulations, production practices along the entire supply chain must be realigned to manage certain chemical substances incorporated into the final product. This paper examines the implications of product-related environmental and chemical safety regulations on different firms operating in Thailand.
This paper sheds light on the important role played by global supply chains in the adaptation to product-related environmental regulations imposed by importing countries, with a focus on chemicals management. By utilizing a unique data collected in Penang, Malaysia, we depict the supply chain structures and how differences among firms in participation to global supply chain link to differences in chemical management. We found that firms belonging to a supply chain are in a better position to comply with these regulations because information and requirements are transmitted through global supply chains. In contrast, those firms that are neither exporters nor a part of a global supply chain lack the knowledge and information channels relevant to chemical management in a product.
The high number of import rejections of food commodities suggests that producers in exporting countries are not complying with established standards. To understand why this is the case, we explore the behavior of producers and consumers in developing countries. First, we examine the successful transformation of production practices adopted by shrimp producers in Thailand. In support of the dramatic change in practices, we observe an important role played by the public sector in providing a means to visualize chemical residues and to control processes upstream of the supply chain via a registration system and a traceability system called Movement Document. Furthermore, very active information sharing by the private sector contributes to the dissemination of useful technical and market information among producers. We also examine the knowledge and perceptions of consumers with respect to food safety in Vietnam. We find that consumers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City behave differently toward the third-party certification VietGAP, probably owing to differences in the history of market mechanisms between the two cities.
Food importers, such as wholesalers and food processing firms, play an important role in sourcing food from abroad. They are also responsible for ensuring that imported food meets the food safety standards of the importing country. Often, assurance of conformity is done in collaboration with exporters. Thus, importers can influence how supply chains in developing countries are organized. This paper uses a unique dataset obtained from the Japanese market to examine how importers select suppliers and assure food quality.