799 resultados para Screening rating
INTRODUÇÃO: Identificar a Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) em seus estágios iniciais permite intervenções com potencial de alterar a evolução natural da doença e de diminuir a mortalidade precoce. O Screening For Occult Renal Disease (SCORED) é um questionário de nove questões com pesos diferentes e prevê uma chance de 20% para DRC em caso de pontuação > 4 pontos. OBJETIVO: Traduzir, adaptar transculturalmente e validar o questionário SCORED para o português brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Etapas do processo: 1. Tradução do inglês para o português brasileiro; 2. Retrotradução para o inglês; 3. Avaliação das versões por comitê de especialistas, gerando uma versão consensual; 4. Validação da versão final para a cultura brasileira. O questionário foi aplicado em 306 indivíduos avaliados para DRC segundo os critérios do NKF KDOQI. RESULTADOS: A idade média dos participantes foi de 49 ± 13 anos, 61% eram mulheres, 69% eram brancos, 68% apresentavam escolaridade até o ensino médio, 38,5% tinham hipertensão arterial e 12,3% Diabetes Mellitus. A versão final do questionário SCORED em português brasileiro não apresentou dificuldades de compreensão. A DRC foi diagnosticada em 20 (6,4%) participantes. A versão brasileira do questionário SCORED apresentou sensibilidade de 80%, especificidade de 65%, valor preditivo positivo de 14%, valor preditivo negativo de 97% e acurácia de 66%. CONCLUSÃO: As etapas cumpridas no processo de adaptação transcultural permitiram desenvolver a versão brasileira do questionário SCORED, ferramenta que, por ser de fácil compreensão, boa aceitação e de baixíssimo custo, poderá constituir importante instrumento de rastreio de pessoas com chance de apresentar DRC.
BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) is a causal agent of nephropathy, ureteral stenosis and hemorrhagic cystitis in kidney transplant recipients, and is considered an important emerging disease in transplantation. Regular screening for BKPyV reactivation mainly during the first 2 years posttransplant, with subsequent pre-emptive reduction of immunosuppression is considered the best option to avoid disease progression, since successful clearance or reduction of viremia is achieved in the vast majority of patients within 6 months. The use of drugs with antiviral properties for patients with persistent viremia has been attempted despite unclear benefits. Clinical manifestations of BKPyV nephropathy, current strategies for diagnosis and monitoring of BKPyV infection, management of immunosuppressive regimen after detection of BKPyV reactivation and the use of antiviral drugs are discussed in this review.
The purpose of this thesis was the screening of power to gas projects worldwide and reviewing the technologies used and applications for the end products. This study focuses solely on technical solutions and feasibility, economical profitability is excluded. With power grids having larger penetrations of intermittent sources such as solar and wind power, the demand and production cannot be balanced in conventional methods. Technologies for storing electric power in times of surplus production are needed, and the concept called power to gas is a solution for this problem. A total of 57 projects mostly located in Europe were reviewed by going through publications, presentations and project web pages. Hydrogen is the more popular end product over methane. Power to gas is a viable concept when power production from intermittent sources needs to be smoothed and time shifted, when carbon free fuels are produced for vehicles and when chemical industry needs carbon neutral raw materials.
The main objective of the present investigation was to continue the research initiated by
Hay and colleagues (2004) in examining the efficacy of the Children's Self-Perceptions
of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) scale as a proxy for the
short form of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP-SF) in
screening for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in children. To better
appreciate DCD knowledge outside Canada, the measurements of this investigation were
expanded in Greece. A translated Greek CSAPP A scale and the BOTMP-SF were
administered for the first time in Greek children. A second objective was to investigate
the relationship between DCD and various risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD)
in Canadian and Greek children. A sample of 591 (Ms=322; Fs=269) Canadian and 392
(Ms=211; Fs=181) Greek children, aged 9 to 13 years, consented to the BOTMP-SF,
CSAPP A Scale, participation in physical activity questionnaire, Leger 20-meter
Multistage Shuttle Run test, and body fat using bioelectric impedance. Prevalence of
DCD in Canada and Greece was 8% and 19%, respectively. Significant agreement
Background: Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of cancer death in the developed world. Most cancers are associated with tobacco smoking. A primary hope for reducing lung cancer has been prevention of smoking and successful smoking cessation programs. To date, these programs have not been as successful as anticipated. Objective: The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether lung cancer screening combining low dose computed tomography with autofluorescence bronchoscopy (combined CT & AFB) is superior to CT or AFB screening alone in improving lung cancer specific survival. In addition, the extent of improvement and ideal conditions for combined CT & AFB screening were evaluated. Methods: We applied decision analysis and Monte Carlo simulation modeling using TreeAge Software to evaluate our study aims. Histology- and stage specific probabilities of lung cancer 5-year survival proportions were taken from Surveillance and Epidemiologic End Results (SEER) Registry data. Screeningassociated data was taken from the US NCI Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO), National Lung Screening Trial (NLST), and US NCI Lung Screening Study (LSS), other relevant published data and expert opinion. Results: Decision Analysis - Combined CT and AFB was the best approach at Improving 5-year survival (Overall Expected Survival (OES) in the entire screened population was 0.9863) and in lung cancer patients only (Lung Cancer Specific Expected Survival (LOSES) was 0.3256). Combined screening was slightly better than CT screening alone (OES = 0.9859; LCSES = 0.2966), and substantially better than AFB screening alone (OES = 0.9842; LCSES = 0.2124), which was considerably better than no screening (OES = 0.9829; LCSES = 0.1445). Monte Carlo simulation modeling revealed that expected survival in the screened population and lung cancer patients is highest when screened using CT and combined CT and AFB. CT alone and combined screening was substantially better than AFB screening alone or no screening. For LCSES, combined CT and AFB screening is significantly better than CT alone (0.3126 vs. 0.2938, p< 0.0001). Conclusions: Overall, these analyses suggest that combined CT and AFB is slightly better than CT alone at improving lung cancer survival, and both approaches are substantially better than AFB screening alone or no screening.
In 2003, prostate cancer (PCa) is estimated to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer and third leading cause of cancer death in Canada. During PCa population screening, approximately 25% of patients with a normal digital rectal examination (DRE) and intermediate serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) level have PCa. Since all patients typically undergo biopsy, it is expected that approximately 75% of these procedures are unnecessary. The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of efficacy of clinical tests and algorithms in stage II screening for PCa while preventing unnecessary biopsies from occurring. The sample consisted of 201 consecutive men who were suspected of PCa based on the results of a DRE and serum PSA. These men were referred for venipuncture and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). Clinical tests included TRUS, agespecific reference range PSA (Age-PSA), prostate specific antigen density (PSAD), and free-to-total prostate specific antigen ratio (%fPSA). Clinical results were evaluated individually and within algorithms. Cutoffs of 0.12 and 0.15 ng/ml/cc were employed for PSAD. Cutoffs that would provide a minimum sensitivity of 0.90 and 0.95, respectively were utilized for %fPSA. Statistical analysis included ROC curve analysis, calculated sensitivity (Sens), specificity (Spec), and positive likelihood ratio (LR), with corresponding confidence intervals (Cl). The %fPSA, at a 23% cutoff ({ Sens=0.92; CI, 0.06}, {Spec=0.4l; CI, 0.09}, {LR=1.56; CI, O.ll}), proved to be the most efficacious independent clinical test. The combination of PSAD (cutoff 0.15 ng/ml/cc) and %fPSA (cutoff 23%) ({Sens=0.93; CI, 0.06}, {Spec=0.38; CI, 0.08}, {LR=1.50; CI, 0.10}) was the most efficacious clinical algorithm. This study advocates the use of %fPSA at a cutoff of 23% when screening patients with an intermediate serum PSA and benign DRE.
Variation in hiring procedures occurs within fire service human resource departments. In this study, City 1 and City 2 applicants were required to pass their biophysical assessments prior to being hired as firefighters at the beginning and end of the screening process, respectively. City 1 applicants demonstrated significantly lower resting heart rate (RHR), resting diastolic blood pressure (RDBP), body fat% (BF) and higher z-scores for BF, trunk flexibility (TF) and overall clinical assessment (p<0.05). Regression analysis found that age and conducting the biophysical assessment at the end of the screening process explained poorer biophysical assessment results in BF% (R2=21%), BF z-score (R2=22%), TF z-score (R2=10%) and overall clinical assessment z-score (R2=7%). Each of RHR (OR=1.06, CI=1.01-1.10), RDBP (OR=1.05, CI=1.00-1.11) and BF% (OR=1.20, CI=1.07-1.37) increased the odds of being a City 2 firefighter (p<0.05). Biophysical screening at the end of the hiring process may result in the hiring of a less healthy firefighter.
This thesis investigates whether there are changes in risk-taking behavior following an upgrade or downgrade in credit ratings. Research on effects of rating changes on capital markets is well-documented but the literature on how rating changes may affect firm behavior is sparse. Following, a downgrade in credit rating, managers may increase risk-taking to improve their overall performance or reduce risk-taking following upgrades to ensure that their performance is assessed more on the basis of what they may deem success in the form of an upgrade. Using a sample of firms trading in the U.S from 1994-2013, we find evidence of change in risk-taking behavior. We use cross-sectional regressions and matching using propensity scores and Barber and Lyon (1997) methodology to measure changes in risk-taking and we do find evidence of changes in managerial risk-taking behavior. Furthermore, we find that the direction of change (increase or decrease) in some cases is dependent on the type of measure rather than the type of rating change.
Les comportements stéréotypés et les intérêts restreints sont des comportements à valeur diagnostique dans l’autisme. Pourtant, il y a des lacunes en clinique, dans la façon de détecter ces comportements, considérant l’absence d’instruments standardisés les suscitant et en recherche, dans la façon de documenter ces comportements pour arriver à les définir de façon opérationnelle. Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux documenter, par une situation d’observation, les comportements stéréotypés et les intérêts restreints en bas âge dans l’autisme, et de permettre l’utilisation de cette situation en clinique. Deux étapes préliminaires ont permis de documenter les comportements stéréotypés et les intérêts restreints en bas âge dans l’autisme. La première, l’élaboration d’un questionnaire sur les comportements stéréotypés et les intérêts restreints et les objets qui les déclenchent complété par des experts dans le domaine. Ce questionnaire a permis de construire la grille de cotation et la situation de stimulation. La seconde la construction d’une grille de cotation qui apporte une définition opérationnelle des comportements stéréotypés et des intérêts restreints en bas âge dans l’autisme et vise à les colliger. L’étape principale de la présente recherche consiste en l’élaboration d’une situation de stimulation suscitant des comportements stéréotypés et des intérêts restreints par l’exposition à des objets qui les déclenchent. Cette situation a permis de documenter, par observation, les comportements stéréotypés et les intérêts restreints en bas âge dans l’autisme. La validation de la situation de stimulation a été appliquée auprès de deux groupes d’enfants âgés de 24 à 72 mois appariés en âge chronologique, 21 enfants portant un diagnostic d’autisme et 24 enfants au développement typique Les résultats montrent que la situation de stimulation est un instrument suffisamment sensible pour détecter des comportements stéréotypés et des intérêts restreints en bas âge dans l’autisme et d’identifier des objets d’intérêt. En effet, lors de l’exposition à la situation de stimulation, les enfants autistes se distinguent des enfants typiques sur la base du nombre et de la durée des comportements stéréotypés et des intérêts restreints qu’ils présentent. Les enfants autistes montrent une fréquence significativement plus élevé pour les CSIR suivants: maniérismes des mains et des doigts, crispation des doigts, sautillement, doigts dans la bouche, objets dans la bouche, exploration visuelle: regard rapproché, met les objets en mouvement non circulaire. Les enfants autistes se distinguent également des enfants typiques sur la base de l’exploration des objets, en fréquence et en durée, significativement, pour les objets: Bateau: marteau et balles et lettres et chiffres. Cette étude est la première qui passe par un protocole d’observation systématique, pour documenter les comportements stéréotypés et les intérêts restreints, ainsi que les objets qui les déclenchent, des objets d’intérêt, en bas âge dans l’autisme. Cette situation pourrait ultimement faire partie du processus d’évaluation diagnostique ou de dépistage de l’autisme permettant d’identifier en bas âge des enfants autistes ou à risque d’autisme.
Background: Routine screening of scoliosis is a controversial subject and screening efforts vary greatly around the world. METHODS: Consensus was sought among an international group of experts (seven spine surgeons and one clinical epidemiologist) using a modified Delphi approach. The consensus achieved was based on careful analysis of a recent critical review of the literature on scoliosis screening, performed using a conceptual framework of analysis focusing on five main dimensions: technical, clinical, program, cost and treatment effectiveness. FINDINGS: A consensus was obtained in all five dimensions of analysis, resulting in 10 statements and recommendations. In summary, there is scientific evidence to support the value of scoliosis screening with respect to technical efficacy, clinical, program and treatment effectiveness, but there insufficient evidence to make a statement with respect to cost effectiveness. Scoliosis screening should be aimed at identifying suspected cases of scoliosis that will be referred for diagnostic evaluation and confirmed, or ruled out, with a clinically significant scoliosis. The scoliometer is currently the best tool available for scoliosis screening and there is moderate evidence to recommend referral with values between 5 degrees and 7 degrees. There is moderate evidence that scoliosis screening allows for detection and referral of patients at an earlier stage of the clinical course, and there is low evidence suggesting that scoliosis patients detected by screening are less likely to need surgery than those who did not have screening. There is strong evidence to support treatment by bracing. INTERPRETATION: This information statement by an expert panel supports scoliosis screening in 4 of the 5 domains studied, using a framework of analysis which includes all of the World Health Organisation criteria for a valid screening procedure.
Each item in a given collection is characterized by a set of possible performances. A (ranking) method is a function that assigns an ordering of the items to every performance profile. Ranking by Rating consists in evaluating each item’s performance by using an exogenous rating function, and ranking items according to their performance ratings. Any such method is separable: the ordering of two items does not depend on the performances of the remaining items. We prove that every separable method must be of the ranking-by-rating type if (i) the set of possible performances is the same for all items and the method is anonymous, or (ii) the set of performances of each item is ordered and the method is monotonic. When performances are m-dimensional vectors, a separable, continuous, anonymous, monotonic, and invariant method must rank items according to a weighted geometric mean of their performances along the m dimensions.