753 resultados para Rachel
The swimming is one of the most suitable activities for the stimulation of People with Desabilitie (PWD), we want it isfor the freedom of corporal action for those that possess motive limitation, as well as, for the discovery need, corporal adaptation inthe aquatic way. This way, in the academies that develop this activity it is waited we find PWD inserted in the classes. The objective ofthis study was to verify the inclusion process it is happening in the academies of swimming of the city of Bauru-SP. A field research wasdeveloped, of qualitative character and of exploratory stamp, where they were contacted the academies that taught swimming initially andthose that they were disposed to participate in the research, in a total of 10 academies. We verified that, of a total of 3105 people enrolledin the swimming classes in the academies 19 they were only PWD, in other words, 0,61%. Although the inclusion process is found in theswimming academies, this is very limited.
In this work we present a didactic proposal of the use of movies and videos for the Physics teaching directed to the Basic Education and we bring a discussion about how the materials addresses this topic. For this, we selected three cinematographic works, one chapter of the TV show and videos found in the web and we analyse the physics concepts found particularly about the issue electromagnetism. We developed the activity denominated Cine - Física in a public school from Rio Claro - SP, through presentations of these movies, shows and videos. Those works were exhibited in full and then we discussed the concepts involved in these movies. With the perform of this didactic proposal we verified that is possible insert the use of movies and videos in the classroom activities, and go beyond the entertainment or using those materials as supplements of classes. Dialoguing with students was possible to realize that they visualize the effects and physical concepts in a different way than other that used to be shown in the blackboard through formulas, providing positive effects to the learning of Physics
In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics, I investigate how to improve students’ written explanations to and reasoning of math problems. For this, I look at journal writing, dialogue, and collaborative grouping and its effects on students’ conceptual understanding of the mathematics. In particular, I look at its effects on students’ written explanations to various math problems throughout the semester. Throughout the study students worked on math problems in cooperative groups and then shared their solutions with classmates. Along with this I focus on the dialogue that occurred during these interactions and whether and how it moved students to a deeper level of conceptual understanding. Students also wrote responses about their learning in a weekly math journal. The purpose of this journal is two-fold. One is to have students write out their ideas. Second, is for me to provide the students with feedback on their responses. My research reveals that the integration of collaborative grouping, journaling, and active dialogue between students and teacher helps students develop a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts as well as an increase in their confidence as problem solvers. The use of journaling, dialogue, and collaborative grouping reveals themselves as promising learning tasks that can be integrated in a mathematics curriculum that seeks to cultivate students’ thinking and reasoning.
Summer bloom-derived phytodetritus settles rapidly to the seafloor on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) continental shelf, where it appears to degrade relatively slowly, forming a sediment ""food bank"" for benthic detritivores. We used stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to examine sources and sinks of particulate organic material (POM) reaching the WAP shelf benthos (550-625 m depths), and to explore trophic linkages among the most abundant benthic megafauna. We measured delta(13)C and delta(15)N values in major megafaunal taxa (n = 26) and potential food sources, including suspended and sinking POM, ice algae, sediment organic carbon, phytodetritus, and macrofaunal polychaetes. The range in delta(13)C values (> 14 parts per thousand) of suspended POM was considerably broader than in sedimentary POC, where little temporal variability in stable isotope signatures was observed. While benthic megafauna also exhibited a broad range of VC values, organic carbon entering the benthic food web appeared to be derived primarily from phytoplankton production, with little input from ice algae. One group of organisms, primarily deposit-feeders, appeared to rely on fresh phytodetritus recovered from the sediments, and sediment organic material that had been reworked by sediment microbes. A second group of animals, including many mobile invertebrate and fish predators, appeared to utilize epibenthic or pelagic food resources such as zooplankton. One surface-deposit-feeding holothurian (Protelpidia murrayi) exhibited seasonal variability in stable isotope values of body tissue, while other surface- and subsurface-deposit-feeders showed no evidence of seasonal variability in food source or trophic position. Detritus from phytoplankton blooms appears to be the primary source of organic material for the detritivorous benthos; however, seasonal variability in the supply of this material is not mirrored in the sediments, and only to a minor degree in the benthic fauna. This pattern suggests substantial inertia in benthic-pelagic coupling, whereby the sediment ecosystem integrates long-term variability in production processes in the water column above. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Purpose: The objective of this study was to compare the estimated cost of clinical and surgical treatment for basl cell carcinoma of the eyelid. Methods: This was a pilot study of 12 patients with basal cell carcinoma receiving treatment with 5% imiquimod cream at the ocular plastic surgery center, medical school University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMUSP, Brazil). The cost of clinical treatment was estimated based on the time of treatment and amount of medication consumed by patients in the home setting. The cost of surgical treatment was estimated by ophthalmologists with experience in reconstructive plastic surgery based on analysis of images of the same patients. Surgeons responded to a questionnaire with four questions about surgical technique, surgical materials required, estimated duration of surgery and type of anesthesia. Results: Immunotherapy lasted from 8 to 12 weeks. All patients reported each cold-stored sachet with 5% imiquimod cream lasted 3 days. According to the institution, a box with 12 sachets costs BRL 480.00. Patients required 1.58-3.11 boxes for complete treatment, corresponding to a total cost of BRL 758.40-1,492.80. Based on image analysis, surgeons evaluated surgery would require 1-3 hours. The estimated cost of surgery room and staff was BRL 263.00, to which the cost of supplies was added. Thus, the total cost of surgical treatment was BRL 272.61-864.82. On the average, immunotherapy was 57,64% more costly than surgical treatment. Conclusions: Malignant eyelid tumors are a common finding in clinical ophthalmology. Surgery is still the treatment of choice at our institution, but immunotherapy with 5% imiquimod cream may be indicated for patients with multiple lesions or high surgical risk and for patients declining surgery for reasons of fear or esthetic concerns. The ability to estimate costs related to the treatment of malignant eyelid tumors is an important aid in the financial planning of health care institutions. Further studies should evaluate the possibility of institutions equating the cost of immunotherapy and surgical treatment by acquiring similar but less expensive medications.
Antioxidants are compounds responsible for free radical scavenging in the body. They protect the organism from oxidative modification of cells and tissues. These modifications have been associated with degenerative diseases, atherosclerosis and carcinogenesis. Punica granatum displays high antioxidant potential due to the presence of phenolic compounds, which are capable of disease prevention. The present study showed the highest antioxidant activity in pomegranate peel than in seeds and pulp. Based on these results, pomegranate peel was used to produce dried extract that was added to commercial tomato juice and orange juice with strawberries. Analysis to determine the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity was performed on pomegranate pulp, seeds and peel and in juices enriched with dried extract of pomegranate peel. The dried extract was responsible for a significant increase in antioxidant activity of the juices, proportional to the concentrations added. However, although both flavors of enriched juices displayed high antioxidant levels, the samples with higher dried extract concentrations received the lowest scores from sensory analysis participants due to the characteristic astringent flavor of pomegranate peels. Therefore, to obtain greater acceptance in the consumer market, we concluded that the maximum addition of dried pomegranate peel extract is 0.5% in tomato juice and orange juice with strawberries.
Background: Dyslipidemia is observed among older children and adults with HIV. We examined nonfasting cholesterol and triglycerides in two groups of 12-23-month-old Latin American children - HIV-infected vs. HIV-exposed but uninfected (HEU). Methods: HIV-infected and HEU children in Latin America and Jamaica were enrolled in an observational cohort. Eligibility for this analysis required having cholesterol and triglyceride results available during the second year of life. Results: HIV-infected (n = 83) children were slightly older at the time of lipid testing than the HEU (n 681). Forty percent of the HIV-infected children were on protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy (ART); 41% were not on ART. There was no statistically significant difference in mean cholesterol concentrations (mg/dl) by HIV status; however, the HIV-infected children had higher mean triglyceride concentrations. The prevalence of high cholesterol (>200 mg/dl) and high triglycerides (>110 mg/dl) was higher among the HIV-infected vs. HEU. Among the HIV-infected children, mean cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations varied by ART. Children receiving no ART had a significantly lower mean cholesterol concentration. Those receiving protease inhibitor-containing ART had a significantly higher mean triglyceride concentration compared to the other two antiretroviral regimen groups. Conclusion: A greater proportion of HIV-infected children at 12-23 months have hyperlipidemia when compared to HEU children, with the highest triglyceride concentrations observed among those receiving protease inhibitor-containing ART, and the lowest cholesterol levels among those not receiving ART. Implications of these findings will require continued follow-up of HIV-infected children who initiate therapy early in life. (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Several biological and clinical studies have suggested that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) prevents body fat accumulation and increases lean body mass. CLA is available as a concentrated dietary supplement and is purported to provide the aforementioned benefits for people who perform physical activity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a CLA-supplemented diet combined with physical activity on the body composition of Wistar rats. Two groups of Wistar rats of both sexes, between 45 and 60 days old, were fed a diet containing 5.5% soybean oil (control group) or a CLA-supplemented diet (0.5% CLA and 5.0% soybean oil) (test group). Half the rats in both groups were assigned to exercise by running on a treadmill. The biochemical and anatomical body compositions were analyzed. In both groups, CLA had no effect on the dietary consumption or the weight of the liver, heart, and lungs. However, it did influence the overall weight gain of exercised male rats and the chemical and anatomical body composition in exercised and sedentary rats of both sexes. The results confirm that a CLA-supplemented diet with and without physical activity reduced body fat accumulation in rats of both sexes. However, there is no evidence of an increase in the lean body mass of the exercised rats.
The authors report the use of photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate (Metvix (R)) in a patient with nodular and infiltrative basal cell carcinoma in the right lower eyelid. Side effects on the eye were evaluated weekly. After 12 weeks of treatment, to confirm cure the patient was submitted to a 2-mm punch biopsy, the anatomopathological findings of which were negative for neoplasia. Photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate was shown to be an attractive alternative to surgical excision(-)the current gold standard treatment worldwide.
This work analyses the mental health policy-making activity of the Brazilian National Health Agency (ANS), responsible for controlling health insurance companies. Three points are discussed: a) the framework of an economic and private health assistance regulatory activity, b) the ANS and its regulation activity and c) the rules produced by ANS in the mental health care field. It was concluded that, despite advances like the legal obligation to ensure medical treatment to all the diseases listed in ICD-10, the inclusion of suicidal patient damage and self-inflicted damage care, care provided by a multiprofessional team, the increase in the number of sessions with a psychologist, with an occupational therapist and of psychotherapy sessions, and mental health day hospitals included as part of the services offered, the authors identified specific regulatory gaps in this area. Some issues that ANS has to solve so that it can really play its institutional role of defending the public interest in the private health system are: the regulation of co-participation and franchise mechanisms, the increasing co-participation as a limitation of psychiatric hospitalization, and the limited number of crisis intervention psychotherapy sessions.
In this study, we analyzed the ABCD1 gene in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) patients and relatives from 38 unrelated families from South America, as well as phenotypic proportions, survival estimates, and the potential effect of geographical origin in clinical characteristics. Methods: X-ALD patients from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay were invited to participate in molecular studies to determine their genetic status, characterize the mutations and improve the genetic counseling of their families. All samples were screened by SSCP analysis of PCR fragments, followed by automated DNA sequencing to establish the specific mutation in each family. Age at onset and at death, male phenotypes, genetic status of women, and the effect of family and of latitude of origin were also studied. Results: We identified thirty-six different mutations (twelve novel). This population had an important allelic heterogeneity, as only p. Arg518Gln was repeatedly found (three families). Four cases carried de novo mutations. Intra-familiar phenotype variability was observed in all families. Out of 87 affected males identified, 65% had the cerebral phenotype (CALD). The mean (95% CI) ages at onset and at death of the CALD were 10.9 (9.1-12.7) and 24.7 (19.8-29.6) years. No association was found between phenotypic manifestations and latitude of origin. One index-case was a girl with CALD who carried an ABCD1 mutation, and had completely skewed X inactivation. Conclusions: This study extends the spectrum of mutations in X-ALD, confirms the high rates of de novo mutations and the absence of common mutations, and suggests a possible high frequency of cerebral forms in our population.
Toluene is an organic solvent used in numerous processes and products, including industrial paints. Toluene neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity are well recognized: however, its genotoxicity is still under discussion, and toluene is not classified as a carcinogenic solvent. Using the comet assay and the micronucleus test for detection of possible genotoxic effects of toluene, we monitored industrial painters from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The putative involvement of oxidative stress in genetic damage and the influences of age, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure time were also assessed. Although all biomarkers of toluene exposure were below the biological exposure limits, painters presented significantly higher DNA damage (comet assay) than the control group; however, in the micronucleus assay, no significant difference was observed. Painters also showed alterations in hepatic enzymes and albumin levels, as well as oxidative damage, suggesting the involvement of oxidative stress. According to multiple linear regression analysis, blood toluene levels may account for the increased DNA damage in painters. In summary, this study showed that low levels of toluene exposure can cause genetic damage, and this is related to oxidative stress, age, and time of exposure. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We describe post-ovipositional maternal care in Liogonyleptoides tetracanthus Mello-Leitao 1932 (Gonyleptinae) and experimentally evaluate the protective role of this behavior against egg predation under laboratory conditions. Females laid 138.8 eggs on average and remained close to the clutch during the entire day. Eggs hatched after 11-15 days and nymphs dispersed from maternal protection after one to two days. Most of the experimental clutches left unattended were entirely consumed by conspecifics in 2-3 days. There was no reduction in egg number in the clutches protected by females. Although biological data are scarce, there are cases of egg hiding, paternal and maternal care within the subfamily Gonyleptinae. This diversity of forms of parental care is unusual when compared to other gonyleptid subfamilies, and future systematic revisions of the polyphyletic Gonyleptinae should include parental care as a potential source of phylogenetic information.
The objective of this study was to investigate, in a population of crossbred cattle, the obtainment of the non-additive genetic effects for the characteristics weight at 205 and 390 days and scrotal circumference, and to evaluate the consideration of these effects in the prediction of breeding values of sires using different estimation methodologies. In method 1, the data were pre-adjusted for the non-additive effects obtained by least squares means method in a model that considered the direct additive, maternal and non-additive fixed genetic effects, the direct and total maternal heterozygosities, and epistasis. In method 2, the non-additive effects were considered covariates in genetic model. Genetic values for adjusted and non-adjusted data were predicted considering additive direct and maternal effects, and for weight at 205 days, also the permanent environmental effect, as random effects in the model. The breeding values of the categories of sires considered for the weight characteristic at 205 days were organized in files, in order to verify alterations in the magnitude of the predictions and ranking of animals in the two methods of correction data for the non-additives effects. The non-additive effects were not similar in magnitude and direction in the two estimation methods used, nor for the characteristics evaluated. Pearson and Spearman correlations between breeding values were higher than 0.94, and the use of different methods does not imply changes in the selection of animals.
Rhodoliths are nodules of non-geniculate coralline algae that occur in shallow waters (<150 m depth) subjected to episodic disturbance. Rhodolith beds stand with kelp beds, seagrass meadows, and coralline algal reefs as one of the world's four largest macrophyte-dominated benthic communities. Geographic distribution of rhodolith beds is discontinuous, with large concentrations off Japan, Australia and the Gulf of California, as well as in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, eastern Caribbean and Brazil. Although there are major gaps in terms of seabed habitat mapping, the largest rhodolith beds are purported to occur off Brazil, where these communities are recorded across a wide latitudinal range (2 degrees N - 27 degrees S). To quantify their extent, we carried out an inter-reefal seabed habitat survey on the Abrolhos Shelf (16 degrees 50' - 19 degrees 45'S) off eastern Brazil, and confirmed the most expansive and contiguous rhodolith bed in the world, covering about 20,900 km(2). Distribution, extent, composition and structure of this bed were assessed with side scan sonar, remotely operated vehicles, and SCUBA. The mean rate of CaCO3 production was estimated from in situ growth assays at 1.07 kg m(-2) yr(-1), with a total production rate of 0.025 Gt yr(-1), comparable to those of the world's largest biogenic CaCO3 deposits. These gigantic rhodolith beds, of areal extent equivalent to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, are a critical, yet poorly understood component of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean. Based on the relatively high vulnerability of coralline algae to ocean acidification, these beds are likely to experience a profound restructuring in the coming decades.