1000 resultados para Process Configuration
A laboratory study has been conducted with two aims in mind. The first goal was to develop a description of how a cutting edge scrapes ice from the road surface. The second goal was to investigate the extent, if any, to which serrated blades were better than un-serrated or "classical" blades at ice removal. The tests were conducted in the Ice Research Laboratory at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research of the University of Iowa. A specialized testing machine, with a hydraulic ram capable of attaining scraping velocities of up to 30 m.p.h. was used in the testing. In order to determine the ice scraping process, the effects of scraping velocity, ice thickness, and blade geometry on the ice scraping forces were determined. Higher ice thickness lead to greater ice chipping (as opposed to pulverization at lower thicknesses) and thus lower loads. Behavior was observed at higher velocities. The study of blade geometry included the effect of rake angle, clearance angle, and flat width. The latter were found to be particularly important in developing a clear picture of the scraping process. As clearance angle decreases and flat width increases, the scraping loads show a marked increase, due to the need to re-compress pulverized ice fragments. The effect of serrations was to decrease the scraping forces. However, for the coarsest serrated blades (with the widest teeth and gaps) the quantity of ice removed was significantly less than for a classical blade. Finer serrations appear to be able to match the ice removal of classical blades at lower scraping loads. Thus, one of the recommendations of this study is to examine the use of serrated blades in the field. Preliminary work (by Nixon and Potter, 1996) suggests such work will be fruitful. A second and perhaps more challenging result of the study is that chipping of ice is more preferable to pulverization of the ice. How such chipping can be forced to occur is at present an open question.
The sampling scheme is essential in the investigation of the spatial variability of soil properties in Soil Science studies. The high costs of sampling schemes optimized with additional sampling points for each physical and chemical soil property, prevent their use in precision agriculture. The purpose of this study was to obtain an optimal sampling scheme for physical and chemical property sets and investigate its effect on the quality of soil sampling. Soil was sampled on a 42-ha area, with 206 geo-referenced points arranged in a regular grid spaced 50 m from each other, in a depth range of 0.00-0.20 m. In order to obtain an optimal sampling scheme for every physical and chemical property, a sample grid, a medium-scale variogram and the extended Spatial Simulated Annealing (SSA) method were used to minimize kriging variance. The optimization procedure was validated by constructing maps of relative improvement comparing the sample configuration before and after the process. A greater concentration of recommended points in specific areas (NW-SE direction) was observed, which also reflects a greater estimate variance at these locations. The addition of optimal samples, for specific regions, increased the accuracy up to 2 % for chemical and 1 % for physical properties. The use of a sample grid and medium-scale variogram, as previous information for the conception of additional sampling schemes, was very promising to determine the locations of these additional points for all physical and chemical soil properties, enhancing the accuracy of kriging estimates of the physical-chemical properties.
La notion de développement durable structure le débat contemporain sur les finalités et les instruments des politiques publiques. La montée en puissance des préoccupations environnementales et de qualité des cadres de vie déplace les enjeux traditionnels de l'aménagement. Cette refonte s'inscrit dans une prise de conscience de la transversalité des problèmes de développement territorial. Une attention accrue est aussi portée aux acteurs et à leur participation invitant à repenser les articulations entre les élus, l'administration et la société civile. L'aménagement du territoire est à un tournant. La complexité accrue du champ décisionnel liée à la multiplicité des objectifs à prendre en compte, à la diversification des acteurs concernés, mais aussi à l'interférence des échelles de gouvernance bouscule les pratiques professionnelles. Cette note vise à montrer les principaux changements observés au cours des dernières années. Elle met l'accent sur la redéfinition des objectifs et des instruments d'aménagement et l'émergence des nouvelles pratiques de conduite de projets.
Optical aberration due to the nonflatness of spatial light modulators used in holographic optical tweezers significantly deteriorates the quality of the trap and may easily prevent stable trapping of particles. We use a Shack-Hartmann sensor to measure the distorted wavefront at the modulator plane; the conjugate of this wavefront is then added to the holograms written into the display to counteract its own curvature and thus compensate the optical aberration of the system. For a Holoeye LC-R 2500 reflective device, flatness is improved from 0.8¿ to ¿/16 (¿=532 nm), leading to a diffraction-limited spot at the focal plane of the microscope objective, which makes stable trapping possible. This process could be fully automated in a closed-loop configuration and would eventually allow other sources of aberration in the optical setup to be corrected for.
En France, la décentralisation et la territorialisation de l'action publique ont fait des sports de nature un objet d'action publique légitime en donnant naissance à de nouveaux outils de management public dédiés à la concertation et à la planification des usages de la nature. Nés de l'article 52 de la Loi sur le sport modifiée en 2000, la Commission Départementale des Espaces, Sites et Itinéraires relatifs aux sports de nature (CDESI) et le Plan Départemental des Espaces Sites et Itinéraires relatifs aux sports de nature (PDESI) sont des outils de concertation territoriale dédiés à la gestion publique des sports de nature au niveau départemental. Un enjeu de ce travail tient à l'appréhension des transformations de l'action publique en s'attachant à l'étude des dispositifs de concertation sur les sports de nature. Un deuxième enjeu de ce travail s'attache à mettre en évidence les effets de la concertation en analysant les interactions et les différents modes d'engagements des acteurs au cours de la « chose publique en train de se faire » (Cefaï, 2002). Les acteurs s'engagent non seulement dans la concertation comprise comme une activité sociale faite d'interactions, mais ils s'engagent également dans la concertation en tant que processus d'action publique. Aussi, un autre enjeu de ce travail est d'appréhender les effets de la concertation par une analyse processuelle des engagements (Fillieule, 2004) des acteurs et des organisations. En mobilisant les outils conceptuels de la sociologie interactionniste, de la sociologie pragmatique, ainsi que de la sociologie structuraliste, l'analyse des situations interactionnelles a notamment permis d'identifier les procédures de cadrage et les techniques dramaturgiques mises en oeuvre par les interactants, ainsi que les répertoires argumentatifs mobilisés par ces acteurs pendant l « 'épreuve » de la concertation. Les confrontations des points de vue et les justifications des prises de positions des acteurs peuvent faire évoluer la configuration initiale des jeux d'acteurs même si, pour certains, ces changements ne restent parfois qu'éphémères. Les organisations s'engagent dans la concertation en fonction de la revendication d'une légitimité qui est à comprendre comme une forme militantisme institutionnel s'articulant autour de la valorisation d'une expertise militante, environnementale, institutionnelle, ou encore de leur statut de partenaire institutionnel. In France, decentralization and territorialization of public action have made outdoor sports become an object of public policies justifiable by giving birth to new tools of public management dedicated to the public consultation, the dialogue, and the planning of the uses of the landscapes. Indeed, born of article 52 of the Law on sport modified in 2000, the Departmental committee for Spaces, Sites and Routes relative to natural sports ( CDESI) and the Departmental Plan of Spaces Sites and Routes relative to natural sports ( PDESI) are governance tools dedicated to the public management of outdoor sports for counties. A challenge of this work is to understand the changes of public policy by focusing on the study of mechanisms for consultation on outdoor sports. A second item of this work is to highlight the effects of cooperation by focusing on the analysis of interactions and actor's commitments during the "public thing in the making" (Cefaï, 2002). Actors commit themselves not only in the dialogue included as a social activity made by interactions, but they also take part to the dialogue included as a process of public action. Also, another issue of this work is to understand the effects of consultation by a processual approach of individual commitments (Fillieule, 2004) of actors and organizations. Using the conceptual tools of symbolic interactionism, pragmatic sociology, and structuralist sociology, the analysis of interactional situations has highlighted the framing work and procedures implemented by the interactants, as well as the dramaturgical techniques and argumentative directories which, they mobilize during the "test" of the consultation. Confrontation of viewpoints and justifications of interactants' positions can evolve from their initial configuration sets, even if for some of them these changes are sometimes ephemeral. Organizations involve themselves according to demands of legitimacy which, are to understand as a shape institutional militancy articulating around the valuation of a militant, environmental, institutional expertise, or still around their status of institutional partner.
Laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) is a laser direct-write technique that offers the possibility of printing patterns with a high spatial resolution from a wide range of materials in a solid or liquid state, such as conductors, dielectrics, and biomolecules in solution. This versatility has made LIFT a very promising alternative to lithography-based processes for the rapid prototyping of biomolecule microarrays. Here, we study the transfer process through the LIFT of droplets of a solution suitable for microarray preparation. The laser pulse energy and beam size were systematically varied, and the effect on the transferred droplets was evaluated. Controlled transfers in which the deposited droplets displayed optimal features could be obtained by varying these parameters. In addition, the transferred droplet volume displayed a linear dependence on the laser pulse energy. This dependence allowed determining a threshold energy density value, independent of the laser focusing conditions, which acted as necessary conditions for the transfer to occur. The corresponding sufficient condition was given by a different total energy threshold for each laser beam dimension. The threshold energy density was found to be the dimensional parameter that determined the amount of the transferred liquid per laser pulse, and there was no substantial loss of material due to liquid vaporization during the transfer.
The magnetic-field dependence of the magnetization of cylinders, disks, and spheres of pure type-I superconducting lead was investigated by means of isothermal measurements of first magnetization curves and hysteresis cycles. Depending on the geometry of the sample and the direction and intensity of the applied magnetic field, the intermediate state exhibits different irreversible features that become particularly highlighted in minor hysteresis cycles. The irreversibility is noticeably observed in cylinders and disks only when the magnetic field is parallel to the axis of revolution and is very subtle in spheres. When the magnetic field decreases from the normal state, the irreversibility appears at a temperature-dependent value whose distance to the thermodynamic critical field depends on the sample geometry. The irreversible features in the disks are altered when they are submitted to an annealing process. These results agree well with very recent high-resolution magneto-optical experiments in similar materials that were interpreted in terms of transitions between different topological structures for the flux configuration in the intermediate state. A discussion of the relative role of geometrical barriers for flux entry and exit and pinning effects as responsible for the magnetic irreversibility is given.
Dieser Beitrag geht davon aus, dass eine neue Gattung in anderen europäischen Sprachen und Kulturen bereits vorhandene Gattungsformen ,"(re)konfiguriert", um sie der eigenen Sprache und Kultur anzupassen und neue Aussageformen zu schaffen. Dieser Prozess wird am Beispiel der europäischen Märchen aufgezeigt, die der hier formulierten Hypothese nach weder Erzeugnisse einer Universalgattung noch nationaler Folklore sind, sondern komplexe ,"Rekonfigurationen" lateinischer, italienischen und französischer Gattungsformen. Am Beispiel der Histoires ou contes du temps passé, avec des Moralités von 1697 wird gezeigt, wie Charles Perrault mit einer neuartigen ,"Szenographie" das zum Gattungsparadigma gewordene Psyche-Märchen von Apuleius ,"rekonfiguiert". An die Stelle des erzählenden Esels Lucius, der vorgibt, Psyches Geschichte von der alten Magd einer Räuberbande gehört zu haben, setzt Perrault seinen Sohn, Pierre Darmancour, und schafft mit einer pseudo-naiven Szenographie eine neue Gattung, die von den Brüdern Grimm und deren ,"Beiträgerinnen" hugenottischer Herkunft zum Kinder- und Hausmärchen umgearbeitet wird.
We develop a method to obtain first-passage-time statistics for non-Markovian processes driven by dichotomous fluctuations. The fluctuations themselves need not be Markovian. We calculate analytic first-passage-time distributions and mean first-passage times for exponential, rectangular, and long-tail temporal distributions of the fluctuations.
The protein shells, or capsids, of nearly all spherelike viruses adopt icosahedral symmetry. In the present Letter, we propose a statistical thermodynamic model for viral self-assembly. We find that icosahedral symmetry is not expected for viral capsids constructed from structurally identical protein subunits and that this symmetry requires (at least) two internal switching configurations of the protein. Our results indicate that icosahedral symmetry is not a generic consequence of free energy minimization but requires optimization of internal structural parameters of the capsid proteins
We have studied the adsorption process of non-Brownian particles on a line. Our work differs from previously proposed models in that we have incorporated hydrodynamic interactions between the incoming particles and the preadsorbed particles as well as the surface. We then numerically analyze the effect of these interactions on quantities related to the adsorption process. Comparing our model to the ballistic deposition model (BM) shows a significant discrepancy in the pair correlation function. These results can explain some differences between recent experiments and BM predictions. Finally, the limitations of the applicability of BM are addressed.