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In this work we present the results of our attempt to build a compact photothermal spectrometer capable of both manual and automated mode of operation.The salient features of the system include the ability to analyse thin film, powder and polymer samples. The tool has been in use to investigate thermal, optical and transport properties. Binary and ternary semiconducting thin films were analysed for their thermal diffusivities. The system could perform thickness measurements nondestructively. Ion implanted semiconductors are widely studied for the effect of radiation induced defects. We could perform nondestructive imaging of defects using our spectrometer.The results reported in his thesis on the above in addition to studies on In2S3 and transparent conducting oxide ZnO have been achieved with this spectrometer. Various polymer samples have been easily analysed for their thermal diffusivities. The technique provided ease of analysis not achieved with conventional techniques like TGA and DSC. Industrial application of the tool has also been proved by analyzing defects of welded joints and adhesion of paints. Indigenization of the expensive lock-in-amplifier and automation has been the significant achievement in the course of this dissertation. We are on our way to prove the noise rejection capabilities of our PC LIA.
The aim of the investigation is to develop new high performance adhesive systems based on neoprene-phenolic blends. Initially the effect of addition of all possible ingredients like fillers, adhesion promoters, curing agents and their optimum compositions to neoprene solution is investigated. The phenolic resin used is a copolymer of phenol-cardanolformaldehyde prepared in the laboratory. The optimum ratio between phenol and cardanol that gives the maximum bond strength in metal-metal, rubber-rubber and rubber-metal specimens has been identified. Further the ratio between total phenols and formaldehyde is also optimised. The above adhesive system is further modified by the addition of epoxidized phenolic novolacs. For this purpose, phenolic novolac resins are prepared in different stoichiometric ratios and are subsequently epoxidized. The effectiveness of the adhesive for bonding different metal and rubber substrates is another part of the study. To study the ageing behaviour, different bonded specimens are exposed to high temperature, hot water and salt water and adhesive properties have been evaluated. The synthesized resins have been characterized by FTIR , HNMR spectroscopy. The molecular weights of the resins have been obtained by GPC. Thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry are used to study the thermal properties. The fractured surface analysis is studied by scanning electron microscopy. The study has brought to light the influence of phenol/ formaldehyde stoichiometric ratio, addition of cardanol (a renewable resource), adhesion promoters and suitability of the adhesive for different substrates and the age resistance of adhesive joints among other things.
Drainage basins are durable geomorphic features that provide insights into the long term evolution of the landscape. River basin geometry develop response to the nature and distribution of uplift and subsidence, the spatial arrangement of lineaments (faults and joints), the relative resistance of different rock types and to climatically influenced hydrological parameters . For developing a drainage basin evolution history, it is necessary to understand physiography, drainage patterns, geomorphic features and its structural control and erosion status. The present study records evidences for active tectonic activities which were found to be responsible for the present day geomorphic set up of the study area since the Western Ghat evolution. A model was developed to explain the evolution of Chaliar River drainage basin based on detailed interpretation of morphometry and genesis of landforms with special emphasis on tectonic geomorphic indices and markers.
Ein großer Teil der Schäden wie auch der Verluste an Gesundheit und Leben im Erdbebenfall hat mit dem frühzeitigen Versagen von Mauerwerksbauten zu tun. Unbewehrtes Mauerwerk, wie es in vielen Ländern üblich ist, weist naturgemäß einen begrenzten Erdbebenwiderstand auf, da Zugspannungen und Zugkräfte nicht wie bei Stahlbeton- oder Stahlbauten aufgenommen werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurde bereits mit verschiedenen Methoden versucht, die Tragfähigkeit von Mauerwerk im Erdbebenfall zu verbessern. Modernes Mauerwerk kann auch als bewehrtes oder eingefasstes Mauerwerk hergestellt werden. Bei bewehrtem Mauerwerk kann durch die Bewehrung der Widerstand bei Beanspruchung als Scheibe wie als Platte verbessert werden, während durch Einfassung mit Stahlbetonelementen in erster Linie die Scheibentragfähigkeit sowie die Verbindung zu angrenzenden Bauteilen verbessert wird. Eine andere interessante Möglichkeit ist das Aufbringen textiler Mauerwerksverstärkungen oder von hochfesten Lamellen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein ganz anderer Weg beschritten, indem weiche Fugen Spannungsspitzen reduzieren sowie eine höhere Verformbarkeit gewährleiten. Dies ist im Erdbebenfall sehr hilfreich, da die Widerstandfähigkeit eines Bauwerks oder Bauteils letztlich von der Energieaufnahmefähigkeit, also dem Produkt aus Tragfähigkeit und Verformbarkeit bestimmt wird. Wenn also gleichzeitig durch die weichen Fugen keine Schwächung oder sogar eine Tragfähigkeitserhöhung stattfindet, kann der Erdbebenwiderstand gesteigert werden. Im Kern der Dissertation steht die Entwicklung der Baukonstruktion einer Mauerwerkstruktur mit einer neuartigen Ausbildung der Mauerwerksfugen, nämlich Elastomerlager und Epoxydharzkleber anstatt üblichem Dünnbettmörtel. Das Elastomerlager wird zwischen die Steinschichten einer Mauerwerkswand eingefügt und damit verklebt. Die Auswirkung dieses Ansatzes auf das Verhalten der Mauerwerkstruktur wird unter dynamischer und quasi-statischer Last numerisch und experimentell untersucht und dargestellt.
We present a statistical image-based shape + structure model for Bayesian visual hull reconstruction and 3D structure inference. The 3D shape of a class of objects is represented by sets of contours from silhouette views simultaneously observed from multiple calibrated cameras. Bayesian reconstructions of new shapes are then estimated using a prior density constructed with a mixture model and probabilistic principal components analysis. We show how the use of a class-specific prior in a visual hull reconstruction can reduce the effect of segmentation errors from the silhouette extraction process. The proposed method is applied to a data set of pedestrian images, and improvements in the approximate 3D models under various noise conditions are shown. We further augment the shape model to incorporate structural features of interest; unknown structural parameters for a novel set of contours are then inferred via the Bayesian reconstruction process. Model matching and parameter inference are done entirely in the image domain and require no explicit 3D construction. Our shape model enables accurate estimation of structure despite segmentation errors or missing views in the input silhouettes, and works even with only a single input view. Using a data set of thousands of pedestrian images generated from a synthetic model, we can accurately infer the 3D locations of 19 joints on the body based on observed silhouette contours from real images.
We study four measures of problem instance behavior that might account for the observed differences in interior-point method (IPM) iterations when these methods are used to solve semidefinite programming (SDP) problem instances: (i) an aggregate geometry measure related to the primal and dual feasible regions (aspect ratios) and norms of the optimal solutions, (ii) the (Renegar-) condition measure C(d) of the data instance, (iii) a measure of the near-absence of strict complementarity of the optimal solution, and (iv) the level of degeneracy of the optimal solution. We compute these measures for the SDPLIB suite problem instances and measure the correlation between these measures and IPM iteration counts (solved using the software SDPT3) when the measures have finite values. Our conclusions are roughly as follows: the aggregate geometry measure is highly correlated with IPM iterations (CORR = 0.896), and is a very good predictor of IPM iterations, particularly for problem instances with solutions of small norm and aspect ratio. The condition measure C(d) is also correlated with IPM iterations, but less so than the aggregate geometry measure (CORR = 0.630). The near-absence of strict complementarity is weakly correlated with IPM iterations (CORR = 0.423). The level of degeneracy of the optimal solution is essentially uncorrelated with IPM iterations.
This is an image taken from Anatomy tv, an interactive resource for teaching and learning in anatomy and physiology which the University Library subscribes to. This image may not be changed, but you may take a copy and present it with other materials and resources you are using so long as they are password protected for access by members of the University only. "All products and all images within the products are protected by copyright. The products and images can only be used for private educational purposes, unless a specific license is purchased for any other usage. For any commercial usage of the images, please contact Primal Pictures Limited. The products allow members of the University of Southampton to ‘copy and paste’ all of the text as well as the images in the 3D-model window and all of the slides. These can then be pasted into nearly any other word-processing or graphics program, including Powerpoint. These resources can be made available to members of the University of Southampton via a password-protected service. This again is designed solely as a service for private educational uses. Like any publisher, Primal Pictures protects itself against copyright infringement. Please do contact Debra Morris in the University Library before using these resources to ensure that conditions are respected. ©Primal Pictures Limited 2007
A colour image of the human heart. This is an image taken from Anatomy tv, an interactive resource for teaching and learning in anatomy and physiology which the University Library subscribes to. This image may not be changed, but you may take a copy and present it with other materials and resources you are using so long as they are password protected for access by members of the University only. All products and all images within the products are protected by copyright. The products and images can only be used for private educational purposes, unless a specific license is purchased for any other usage. For any commercial usage of the images, please contact Primal Pictures Limited. The products allow members of the University of Southampton to ‘copy and paste’ all of the text as well as the images in the 3D-model window and all of the slides. These can then be pasted into nearly any other word-processing or graphics program, including Powerpoint. These resources can be made available to members of the University of Southampton via a password-protected service. This again is designed solely as a service for private educational uses. Like any publisher, Primal Pictures protects itself against copyright infringement. Please do contact Debra Morris in the University Library before using these resources to ensure that conditions are respected. ©Primal Pictures Limited 2007
La escoliosis es una desviación lateral de la columna vertebral desde la línea media, caracterizada por una curvatura lateral y por una rotación vertebral. Generalmente, es de carácter idiopático y se presenta, principalmente, en niñas adolescentes. Existen múltiples técnicas de tratamiento conservador para la escoliosis, entre las cuales se encuentran la terapia manual, que complementa el tratamiento para dicha patología. Esta terapia utiliza menos medios físicos, más manipulación de tejidos blandos y óseos, y logra así una recuperación más eficaz, con una mejor calidad de vida. El objetivo de este estudio de caso es comparar y describir los cambios en las condiciones de una paciente de 18 años, con escoliosis idiopática juvenil en columna toracolumbar izquierda, al aplicar un tratamiento de terapia manual. Se realizaron procedimientos de valoración integral mediante terapia manual, ortopedia, postura computarizada, análisis del puesto de trabajo, tratamiento con medios físicos y movilización de las articulaciones torácicas y lumbares, en los segmentos vertebrales que presentaban disminución del deslizamiento inferior de las carillas inferiores de la vértebra superior, sobre las carillas superiores de la vértebra inferior (segmentos T5-T6, T6-T7, T7-T8, T8-T9);técnicas de energía muscular, ejercicios de reeducación postural global, estabilización cervical y lumbar, ejercicios de fortalecimiento para musculatura débil del hemicuerpo izquierdo y de estiramiento, con el fin de elongar la musculatura retraída del hemicuerpo derecho. Al iniciar el tratamiento, se verificó, mediante una radiografía, que el ángulo de Cobb era de 24º; después de las sesiones de terapia manual se logró reducir a 18º, lo que generó una disminución significativa de 6º. Se verificó la efectividad del tratamiento por la disminución del dolor, el aumento de la fuerza muscular, la realineación postural, la satisfacción del paciente y la recuperación significativa comprobada por los estudios radiológicos.
The objective of the investigation who gave as result this work was to investigate the effectiveness of kinaesthetic motor imagery in the activation of the hemiplegic hand muscles following stroke. The experiment consisted of two random groups. Movements were measured after treatment. The participants were ten patients with hemiplegic hands (men who mean age was 74.4 years; mean time since stroke 3.05 months). All patients received three sessions of physical treatment based on an identical treatment protocol. Five patients were randomly assigned to an experimental group practising kinaesthetic motor imagery of a grasp using the 'lumbrical action' (experimental group). The others five (control group) followed a relaxation script. All the patients were then asked to grasp an object using the 'lumbrical action'. The grasps were recorded using an optoelectronic motion capture system. The magnitude of the extension of the index finger and the correlation of the angular displacement of the proximal phalangeal joints and the metacarpophalangeal joints were calculated. The movement time for the whole grip was calculated. The experimental group demonstrated higher extension in the index finger (p = < 0.01) and they had a higher correlation coefficient (0.99) than the control group (0.77) for the displacement of the proximal interphalangeal joint and the metacarpophalangeal joints. The movement time for the experimental group was faster, although the difference was not significant.
La hemofilia A y B son trastornos hereditarios recesivos ligados al cromosoma X y se caracterizan por la deficiencia de los factores de coagulación VIII y IX, respectivamente. La complicación más importante , durante el tratamiento, es el desarrollo de los anticuerpos neutralizantes ,llamados inhibidores ,que vuelven ineficaz cualquier terapia. Existe controversia sobre si es mejor el manejo profiláctico o a demanda, en los pacientes pediátricos con inhibidores. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretende evaluar el mejor tipo de tratamiento en pacientes pediátricos con hemofilia e inhibidores. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura incluyendo estudios controlados aleatorizados en las principales bases de datos, sin límite de tiempo, se evaluaron los episodios de sangrado articular y no articular, la calidad de vida y seguridad del medicamento. Se encontraron un total de seis (6) artículos relacionados con el tema, que cumplieron criterios de selección. El manejo profiláctico de los pacientes con hemofilia, mostró diferencias significativas en comparación con el tratamiento a demanda en los episodios de sangrado articular y no articular y sobre la calidad de vida. Se presentaron menos casos de hemartrosis y sangrado en articulaciones blanco con el tratamiento profiláctico. La presente revisión determinó que el manejo profiláctico reduce la presentación de eventos de sangrado y hemartrosis, aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el tratamiento profiláctico o a demanda, en la calidad de vida.
Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los factores socio-demográficos, laborales y los factores de riesgo ergonómico, relacionados con la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de la actividad del Bicitaxismo en el barrio Toberín de la Localidad de Usaquén de la Ciudad Bogotá, para recomendar estrategias de prevención. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en 150 personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se realizó un muestreo simple y aleatorio. La identificación de los factores asociados con síntomas osteomusculares se hizo mediante la aplicación de la metodología Ergopar (Ergonomía Participativa para la prevención de trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral), en el grupo de personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se estimó la proporción de personas con trastornos músculo esqueléticos en este grupo de trabajadores y se exploró asociación mediante la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson o prueba exacta de Fisher, usando nivel de significación del 5%, con el programa SPSS 20. Resultados: Los resultados sugirieron que en el bicitaxismo hay asociación estadísticamente significativa con los factores de edad y aparición de dolor en espalda lumbar valor p (0,009), manos/muñecas valor p (0,001), piernas con un valor p (0,022), rodillas valor p (0,001), tiempo de trabajo con la aparición de dolor en codos valor p (0,013), horas de trabajo con la aparición de molestias en codos valor p (0,000), y en piernas valor p (0,002), Días de trabajo, con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,003), dolor en piernas valor p (0), y dolor en rodillas valor p (0,014), e igualmente exigencias físicas con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,002) y dolor en piernas con un valor p (0,044) Conclusión: Se evidenció asociación entre la actividad del bicitaxismo y la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de molestia/dolor en los diferentes segmentos musculares, tales como espalda lumbar, codos, manos/muñecas, piernas y rodillas
Revisión crítica de la ‘versión heredada’ sobre el resurgir del pragmatismo norteamericano. Aquí sostengo que ésta es una narrativa sobre la historia de la filosofía que puede ser usada para “reivindicar” la continuidad o para “añorar” la pérdida de esa tradición. Presento tres argumentos a favor de mi tesis sobre la versión heredada: i) es insuficiente para explicar el surgimiento del pragmatismo; ii) es un tipo de narrativa que hace plausible una imagen de la filosofía; iii) impide apreciar que la formación del canon obedece a los propósitos de los seguidores del movimiento.
The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, one gently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later
O interesse pela Osteoartrite, ou Doença Degenerativa das Articulações em felinos, é relativamente recente. É um assunto pouco investigado e sub-diagnosticado na clínica de animais de companhia no nosso país. O objectivo deste estudo é o de determinar a incidência de sinais radiográficos da doença numa amostra aleatória de gatos domésticos. Foi, deste modo, realizado um estudo transversal numa amostra de 50 gatos, sem sinais aparentes de doença ortopédica, inseridos em 4 faixas etárias (0-5 anos, 6-10,11-15 e 16-20 anos). Realizaram-se cerca de 16 projecções radiográficas em cada paciente, observando e analisando as articulações dos esqueletos apendicular e axial. Nenhum dos animais foi sedado para as projecções radiográficas. Foi ainda feita uma análise estatística para investigar uma possível relação entre os dados dos pacientes, análises bioquímicas, hemograma, I-STAT e urianálise e a severidade da doença. Este estudo permitiu mostrar que 74% dos animais possuíam evidência radiográfica da doença. As articulações mais afectadas em ordem decrescente foram a escapulo-umeral, a úmero-radio-ulnar, a tarso-metatarso-falângica e a coxo-femoral. Foram encontradas relações estatisticamente significativas com a idade e com valores alterados de glucose e eosinófilos. Foi possível concluir que a Doença Degenerativa das Articulações é uma doença comum nos gatos domésticos e requer mais investigação.