996 resultados para Plant spores, Fossil
Rare earth elements (REE), while not essential for the physiologic functions of animals, are ingested and incorporated in ppb concentrations in bones and teeth. Nd isotope compositions of modern bones of animals from isotopically distinct habitats demonstrate that the (143)Nd/(144)Nd of the apatite can be used as a fingerprint for bedrock geology or ambient water mass. This potentially allows the provenance and migration of extant vertebrates to be traced, similar to the use of Sr isotopes. Although REE may be enriched by up to 5 orders of magnitude during diagenesis and recrystallization of bone apatite, in vivo (143)Nd/(144)Nd may be preserved in the inner cortex of fossil bones or enamel. However, tracking the provenance of ancient or extinct vertebrates is possible only for well-preserved archeological and paleontological skeletal remains with in vivo-like Nd contents at the ppb-level. Intra-bone and -tooth REE analysis can be used to screen for appropriate areas. Large intra-bone Nd concentration gradients of 10(1)-10(3) are often measured. Nd concentrations in the inner bone cortex increase over timescales of millions of years, while bone rims may be enriched over millenial timescales. Nevertheless, epsilon(Nd) values are often similar within one epsilon(Nd) unit within a single bone. Larger intra-bone differences in specimens may either reflect a partial preservation of in vivo values or changing epsilon(Nd) values of the diagenetic fluid during fossilization. However, most fossil specimens and the outer rims of bones will record taphonomic (143)Nd/(144)Nd incorporated post mortem during diagenesis. Unlike REE patterns, (143)Nd/(144)Nd are not biased by fractionation processes during REE-uptake into the apatite crystal lattice, hence the epsilon(Nd) value is an important tracer for taphonomy and reworking. Bones and teeth from autochthonous fossil assemblages have small variations of +/- 1 epsilon(Nd) unit only. In contrast, fossil bones and teeth from over 20 different marine and terrestrial fossil sites have a total range of epsilon(Nd) values from -13.0 to 4.9 (n = 80), often matching the composition of the embedding sediment. This implies that the surrounding sediment is the source of Nd in the fossil bones and that the specimens of this study seem not to have been reworked. Differences in epsilon(Nd) values between skeletal remains and embedding sediment may either indicate reworking of fossils and/or a REE-uptake from a diagenetic fluid with non-sediment derived epsilon(Nd) values. The latter often applies to fossil shark teeth, which may preserve paleo-seawater values. Complementary to epsilon(Nd) values, (87)Sr/(86)Sr can help to further constrain the fossil provenance and reworking. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Examination report on the Villisca Municipal Power Plant in Villisca, Iowa for the period January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were studied in differently tilled soils from a long-term field experiment in Switzerland. Diversity and structure of AMF communities were surveyed either directly on spores isolated from the field soil or on spores isolated from trap cultures, planted with different host plants. Single-spore cultures were established from the AMF spores obtained from trap cultures. Identification of the AMF was made by observation of spore morphology and confirmed by sequencing of ITS rDNA. At least 17 recognised AMF species were identified in samples from field and/or trap cultures, belonging to five genera of AMF--Glomus, Gigaspora, Scutellospora, Acaulospora, and Entrophospora. Tillage had a significant influence on the sporulation of some species and non- Glomus AMF tended to be more abundant in the no-tilled soil. The community structure of AMF in the field soil was significantly affected by tillage treatment. However, no significant differences in AMF diversity were detected among different soil tillage treatments. AMF community composition in trap cultures was affected much more by the species of the trap plant than by the original tillage treatment of the field soil. The use of trap cultures for fungal diversity estimation in comparison with direct observation of field samples is discussed.
Selostus: Kylvötiheyden ja kasvunsääteiden vaikutus kevätrukiin satoon
Appendix: List of species found in boundaries
Polyamines (PAs) are small polycationic compounds present in all living organisms. Compelling evidences indicate a role for PAs in plant protection against stress. During the recent years, genetic, molecular and ‘omic’ approaches have been undertaken to unravel the role of PAs in stress signaling. Overall, results point to intricate relationships between PAs, stress hormone pathways and ROS signaling. Such cross-regulations condition stress signaling through the modulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and ROS amplification-loops. In this chapter we compile our recent findings which elucidate molecular mechanisms and signalingpathways by which PAs contribute to stress protection in plants.
If you have ever flown in an airplane over Iowa, you would see that our woodlands are scattered along the rivers and streams and areas too steep to farm. You would also see a green carpet of trees within out cities and towns. Did you know the 90% of the over 2.7 million acres of forest in Iowa is owned by over 138,000 different private owners? Or that 30% of the land cover in a typical Iowa community if covered by trees? Trees are vital for the protection of our drinking water supply, critical for wildlife habitat, and help sustain employment of over 7,000 Iowans in the wood products industry. This booklet "20 Native trees to Plant" will help you gain a greater knowledge about Iowa's trees and forests. Learn about and enjoy Iowa's trees. Consider ways that you can improve our environment by planting and caring for Iowa's trees and forests.
It's a fact. Landowners like the five couples featured in the publication have helped replant Iowa. In fact, Iowa's forests and dwindled from an original 7 million acres to only 1.4 million acres in 1974. The state now has 2.8 million acres, surpassing the acreage of woodlands more than a century ago.
Exploitation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may be an important approach for development of reduced-input agriculture. We discuss the use of linear models to analyze variation in mycorrhiza response among diverse plant varieties in order to assess the value of mycorrhizas. Our approach allows elimination of variation linked to differences in plant performance in the absence of mycorrhizas and the selection of plant lines that might harbor genetic variation of use to improve the mycorrhizal symbiosis in agriculture. We illustrate our approach by applying it to previously published and to novel data. We suggest that in dealing with a relative trait such as mycorrhiza effect, the choice of measure used to quantify the trait greatly affects interpretation. In the plant populations under consideration, we find evidence for a greater potential to increase mycorrhiza benefit than previously suggested.
Summary: Owncontrol directions in meat hygiene legislation and their practical implementation in the slaughterhouse and cutting plant of Snellman Ltd, part I
This publication is designed to aid those involved in corn production to more fully understand how the corn plant develops. Includes numerous photos and illustrations.
Plant growth analysis presents difficulties related to statistical comparison of growth rates, and the analysis of variance of primary data could guide the interpretation of results. The objective of this work was to evaluate the analysis of variance of data from distinct harvests of an experiment, focusing especially on the homogeneity of variances and the choice of an adequate ANOVA model. Data from five experiments covering different crops and growth conditions were used. From the total number of variables, 19% were originally homoscedastic, 60% became homoscedastic after logarithmic transformation, and 21% remained heteroscedastic after transformation. Data transformation did not affect the F test in one experiment, whereas in the other experiments transformation modified the F test usually reducing the number of significant effects. Even when transformation has not altered the F test, mean comparisons led to divergent interpretations. The mixed ANOVA model, considering harvest as a random effect, reduced the number of significant effects of every factor which had the F test modified by this model. Examples illustrated that analysis of variance of primary variables provides a tool for identifying significant differences in growth rates. The analysis of variance imposes restrictions to experimental design thereby eliminating some advantages of the functional growth analysis.
We report the complete genome sequence of the free-living bacterium Pseudomonas protegens (formerly Pseudomonas fluorescens) CHA0, a model organism used in plant-microbe interactions, biological control of phytopathogens, and bacterial genetics.
This publication is a guide to understanding the Iowa Department of Transportation’s roadside management programs. It offers descriptions of various landscape designs or planting styles used within or adjacent to Iowa’s highway rights-of-way, as well as various plant profiles. In addition, this guide will help you learn more about the value of plants and their contribution to our environment and society. This publication is written for persons having little or no formal training in botany, and technical terminology has been kept to the minimum necessary to maintain standards of accuracy and conciseness in the descriptions.