823 resultados para Pittston Strike


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The Chonta Mine (75º00’30” W & 13º04’30”S, 4495 to 5000 m absl), owned by Compañía Minera Caudalosa, operates a polymetallic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag vein system of the low sulphidation epithermal type, hosted by cenozoic volcanics of dacitic to andesitic composition (Domos de Lava Formation). Veta Rublo, one of the main veins of the system, is worked underground to nearly 300 m. It strikes 60-80º NE and dips 60-70º SE; its width varies between 0.30 and 2.20m, and it crops out along 1 km, but is continued along strike by other veins, as Veta Caudalosa, for some 5 km. Typical metal contents are 7% Zn, 5% Pb, 0.4% Cu and 3 oz/t Ag, with quartz, sericite, sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, fahlore as main minerals, and minor carbonate and sulphosalts.


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The purpose of this paper is to increase current empirical evidence on the relevance of real options for explaining firm investment decisions in oligopolistic markets. We study an actual investment case in the Spanish mobile telephony industry, the entrant in the market of a new operator, Yoigo. We analyze the option to abandon in order to show the relevance of the possibility of selling the company in an oligopolistic market where competitors are not allowed free entrance. The NPV (net present value) of the new entrant is calculated as a starting point. Then, based on the general approach proposed by Copeland and Antikarov (2001), a binomial tree is used to model managerial flexibility in discrete time periods, and value the option to abandon. The strike price of the option is calculated based on incremental EBITDA margins due to selling customers or merging with a competitor.


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In this paper, we use ARIMA modelling to estimate a set of characteristics of a short-term indicator (for example, the index of industrial production), as trends, seasonal variations, cyclical oscillations, unpredictability, deterministic effects (as a strike), etc. Thus for each sector and product (more than 1000), we construct a vector of values corresponding to the above-mentioned characteristics, that can be used for data editing.


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The 12 January 2010, an earthquake hit the city of Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. The earthquake reached a magnitude Mw 7.0 and the epicenter was located near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km west of the capital. The earthquake occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North American plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North American plate (DeMets et al., 2000). Initially the location and focal mechanism of the earthquake seemed to involve straightforward accommodation of oblique relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system (EPGFZ), however Hayes et al., (2010) combined seismological observations, geologic field data and space geodetic measurements to show that, instead, the rupture process involved slip on multiple faults. Besides, the authors showed that remaining shallow shear strain will be released in future surface-rupturing earthquakes on the EPGFZ. In December 2010, a Spanish cooperation project financed by the Politechnical University of Madrid started with a clear objective: Evaluation of seismic hazard and risk in Haiti and its application to the seismic design, urban planning, emergency and resource management. One of the tasks of the project was devoted to vulnerability assessment of the current building stock and the estimation of seismic risk scenarios. The study was carried out by following the capacity spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). The method requires a detailed classification of the building stock in predominant building typologies (according to the materials in the structure and walls, number of stories and age of construction) and the use of the building (residential, commercial, etc.). Later, the knowledge of the soil characteristics of the city and the simulation of a scenario earthquake will provide the seismic risk scenarios (damaged buildings). The initial results of the study show that one of the highest sources of uncertainties comes from the difficulty of achieving a precise building typologies classification due to the craft construction without any regulations. Also it is observed that although the occurrence of big earthquakes usually helps to decrease the vulnerability of the cities due to the collapse of low quality buildings and the reconstruction of seismically designed buildings, in the case of Port-au-Prince the seismic risk in most of the districts remains high, showing very vulnerable areas. Therefore the local authorities have to drive their efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings, the reinforcement of the existing building stock, the establishment of seismic normatives and the development of emergency planning also through the education of the population.


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Se investiga la compleja mineralogía del Yacimiento de Pallancata (6º productor de plata del mundo) y se establecen las condiciones de formación (P.T) basadas en la petrología de las menas comparada con los datos de mineralogía experimental y en la petrografía y microtermometría de inclusiones fluídas en la ganga silicatada, resultando un depósito típicamente caracterizado como epitermal de sulfuración intermedia.ABSTRACT:Pallancata is a world-class intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposit, hosted by upper Miocene volcanics of the south-central Peruvian Andes in a sinuous N70ºW, ∼75º SW strike-slip structure, with wide (up to 35 m) pull-apart dilation zones related to bends of the vein strike. The structural evolution of the vein from earlier brecciation to later open space infill resembles the Shila Paula district (Chauvet et al. 2006). Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry show that ore deposition is related to protracted boiling of very diluted, mainly meteoric fluids, starting at 250–260 ºC, under ∼300 m hydrostatic head. The mineralogical-petrological study reveals a complex sequence of mineralization (eight stages) and mineral reactions consistent with Ag2S enrichment or Sb2S3 depletion, or both, during cooling over the temperature range 250–200 ºC: pyrite, sphalerite, galena, miargyrite, pyrargyrite-proustite, chalcopyrite, polybasite-pearceite, argentite (now acanthite), and Au–Ag alloy (“electrum”). This Ag2S enrichment and Sb2S3depletion during cooling may be explained by decay of a Ag-rich galena precursor at deeper levels (Pb2S2–AgSbS2 solid solution), which rapidly becomes unstable with decreasing temperature, producing residual (stoichiometric) PbS and more mobile Ag and Sb sulfide phases, which migrated upward and laterally away from the thermal core of the system. The core is still undisclosed by mining works, but the available geochemical evidence (logAg/log Pb ratios decreasing at depth) is consistent with this interpretation, implying a deeper potential resource. Data from sulfide geothermometry, based on mineral equilibria, document the thermal evolution of the system below 200 ºC (stephanite, uytenbogaardtite, jalpaite, stromeyerite, mckinstryite, among others). The end of the most productive stages (3, 4, and 5) is marked by the precipitation of stephanite at temperatures below 197 ± 5 ºC, but precipitation of residual silver continues through the waning stages of the hydrothermal system down to <93.3 ºC (stromeyerite) or in a supergene redistribution (stage 8, acanthite II).


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This article describes how architecture can help communities to recover themselves after the strike of a natural disaster. Este artículo describe cómo la arquitectura puede ayudar a las comunidades a recuperarse después de un desastre natural.


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La retirada de los aviones Harrier, en servicio en operaciones embarcadas con Armadas de diferentes países, está basada en la perspectiva de poder sustituirlos por el F-35B, versión de operación vertical del controvertido programa Joint Strike Fighter. Este proyecto en realidad engloba el diseño de tres aviones de combate muy distintos entre sí, que, a pesar de tener una considerable parte en común, y dados sus muy diferentes requisitos, es un proyecto tremendamente complejo. Como consecuencia de todo esto, y ante el sobrecoste y los continuos retrasos acumulados en el desarrollo de un proyecto tan ambicioso, se plantean numerosas incertidumbres temporales y económicas, que hacen atractivo el estudio de posibles alternativas de menor riesgo. Esta tesis es un trabajo de investigación tecnológica que plantea el estudio de la modificación de determinados diseños de aviones de combate de operación terrestre, con idea de que puedan satisfacer los exigentes requisitos de operación desde un buque. Tras estudiar las peculiaridades de dichas operaciones, y analizar los tipos de buque y sus necesidades de modificación asociadas más importantes, se propone qué acciones a realizar, y se identifican las áreas de mayor interés, permitiendo establecer un procedimiento objetivo de comparación, con el fin de poder seleccionar los potenciales candidatos para su adaptación. Se aplica esta metodología, en particular, a dos casos de diseño de especial interés; el Eurofighter Typhoon y el Saab Gripen. En ambos, y por lo que respecta a las modificaciones planteadas, no se aprecian especiales dificultades que permitan descartar las posibilidades técnicas de su adaptación. Por último, y dada la complejidad de la consecución del objetivo final, se sugieren posibles líneas de investigación, desde completar y extender la filosofía de trabajo a otros subsistemas, al análisis de los costes de las modificaciones. ABSTRACT The Harrier fleet has been in active service in several Navies from different countries as a carrier-based aircraft. However, this aircraft may be withdrawn and replaced by the F-35B, a vertical capability version of the controversial Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme, which great complexity and constant development delays raise numerous uncertainties from a temporal and economical point of view. In fact, this program encompasses the design of three different fighter aircraft which, at the same time, share many similarities. All these aspects led us to undertake the analysis of other lower-risk alternatives. This thesis is a technological research work aimed at studying those design changes required for several fighter aircraft, initially designed for ground operation, in order to make them fullfil the highly demanding requirements for operating from aircraft carriers. After analizing the peculiarities of such operations, and studying different types of ships as well as their most significant modifications, specific actions to undertake are proposed, and those areas of greatest interest are identified, for the purposes of establishing an objective comparison procedure, and selecting potential candidates for this adaptation. This methodology is applied to design two specific cases of particular concern: the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Saab Gripen. In both instances, no major problems have been encountered regarding the modifications suggested. Finally, given the complexity of the analysis performed, some future research lines are outlined such as completing and extending this methodology to other subsystems, and giving an initial estimate of the modification costs.


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Praying mantids use binocular cues to judge whether their prey is in striking distance. When there are several moving targets within their binocular visual field, mantids need to solve the correspondence problem. They must select between the possible pairings of retinal images in the two eyes so that they can strike at a single real target. In this study, mantids were presented with two targets in various configurations, and the resulting fixating saccades that precede the strike were analyzed. The distributions of saccades show that mantids consistently prefer one out of several possible matches. Selection is in part guided by the position and the spatiotemporal features of the target image in each eye. Selection also depends upon the binocular disparity of the images, suggesting that insects can perform local binocular computations. The pairing rules ensure that mantids tend to aim at real targets and not at “ghost” targets arising from false matches.


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Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the center of Iberia fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. This heterogeneity has been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.


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Este artículo analiza el video oficial de la campaña del Presidente Correa denominado “spot bicicleta”, elemento promocional usado en las elecciones seccionales del 2013, toma como referencia de análisis las estructuras fonológicas, gráficas, sintácticas y semánticas. La pieza con una duración de 3:30 minutos, recuerda el proceso de “Revolución Ciudadana”, emprendido por el partido Alianza País (35); y resalta la condición de servicio del Presidente, cuyo eje principal es la Patria. El discurso gira entorno a la pobreza, la esperanza y el deseo del Presidente de continuar en el poder. Toda la pieza audiovisual está matizada con elementos posicionados en la mente de los ecuatorianos, usados como una estrategia de persuasión.


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This work presents a 3D geometric model of growth strata cropping out in a fault-propagation fold associated with the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector) from the Bajo Segura Basin (eastern Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). The analysis of this 3D model enables us to unravel the along-strike and along-section variations of the growth strata, providing constraints to assess the fold development, and hence, the fault kinematic evolution in space and time. We postulate that the observed along-strike dip variations are related to lateral variation in fault displacement. Along-section variations of the progressive unconformity opening angles indicate greater fault slip in the upper Tortonian–Messinian time span; from the Messinian on, quantitative analysis of the unconformity indicate a constant or lower tectonic activity of the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector); the minor abundance of striated pebbles in the Pliocene-Quaternary units could be interpreted as a decrease in the stress magnitude and consequently in the tectonic activity of the fault. At a regional scale, comparison of the growth successions cropping out in the northern and southern limits of the Bajo Segura Basin points to a southward migration of deformation in the basin. This means that the Bajo Segura Fault became active after the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector), for which activity on the latter was probably decreasing according to our data. Consequently, we propose that the seismic hazard at the northern limit of the Bajo Segura Basin should be lower than at the southern limit.


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Existen conductas empresariales de muy diversa naturaleza que pueden dar lugar a la transgresión del derecho de huelga. En estos casos se hace necesario reparar los daños que tales conductas provocan, tanto en el plano individual (trabajador) como en el plano colectivo (sindicatos u órganos de representación unitaria), teniendo en cuenta que la indemnización que derive de ello debe cumplir una función ejemplarizante, además de la propiamente reparadora. En el presente estudio, siguiendo los criterios que han ido sentando nuestros Tribunales, se identifican distintas conductas empresariales susceptibles de conculcar el derecho de huelga, a la par que se analizan todas y cada una de las partidas que debieran estar presentes a la hora de calcular el monto indemnizatorio, así como los criterios de valoración a tener en cuenta en estos casos.


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Los mármoles comerciales "Marrón Imperial" y "Marrón Emperador" son dolomías brechoides que de acuerdo con la clasificación del MIA pertenece al Grupo C de mármoles comerciales. Se determinan sus parámetros petrofísicos según la norma UNE. Sus rasgos petrológicos se estudian mediante microscopio petrográfico de luz transmitida y microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB) (en modo de electrones secundarios y electrones retrodispersados). Estas rocas son básicamente dolomías mesocristalinas con abundantes vénulas calcíticas politexturales relacionadas con procesos de brechificación y de dolomitización. Rasgos kársticos aumentan la complejidad petrológica de estas rocas ornamentales cuyo litosoma son las dolomías masivas del Cretácico Superior (¿Turoniense?) del dominio Prebético Externo. El material explotado pertenece a una alineación morfoestructural que va desde Jumilla hasta el NE de Caudete y está relacionado con la falla Jumilla-Yecla-Caudete-Font de la Figuera. La relación entre esta falla y las dolomías turonienses son el principal criterio de exploración de estas rocas ornamentales.


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The deepest financial crisis to strike the global economy since the Great Depression has unceremoniously called into question the very foundations of the Western economic model. The liberalisation of capital flows and the growing internationalisation of financial markets outpaced global regulatory and supervisory efforts. The repercussions of the financial crisis have given new dynamism to the reform of financial regulation both globally and within the European Union (EU). The Eurozone, by way of its own failings, has emerged as a stronger conceptual and legitimate entity since the onset of the crisis, but to what extent does this equate to a greater external role, in particular in the reform of international financial regulation? This paper argues that the Eurozone is currently not in a position to play an important role in the reform of international financial regulation, as it is a weak actor in the context of the EU financial architecture, which is still largely characterised by differing national regimes, a prevailing influence from the UK and fragmented external representation. The key finding from this study is that internal tensions in the EU are at the very heart of the Eurozone’s difficulties in playing a role in the reform of international financial regulation. Surmounting these tensions is a pre-requisite for the Eurozone if it is to overcome its structural weakness in international financial politics. However, the implications of such evolutions to the Eurozone, as an entity, and to European integration are far-reaching.


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[From the Introduction]. Information gives knowledge and knowledge gives power. Though in all EC Member States, the task to protect the environment is given to the administration, it is obvious that the administration is not the owner of the environment. The environment is everybody's. It is for this reason that administrative decisions which affect the environment must be transparent, open and must strike a balance between the general interest to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment on the one hand, the satisfying of specific private or public interests on the other hand. In order to allow at least a certain control of whether the administration strikes the right balance between the need to protect the environment and other legitimate or less legitimate needs, it appears normal and self-evident that information on the environment which is in the hands of public authorities, be also made available to the public and to citizens.