987 resultados para Parâmetros biológicos
Soil contamination by pesticides is an environmental problem that needs to be monitored and avoided. However, the lack of fast, accurate and low cost analytical methods for discovering residual pesticide in complex matrices, such as soil, is a problem still unresolved. This problem needs to be solved before we are able to assess the quality of environmental samples. The intensive use of pesticides has increased since the 60s, because the dependence of their use, causing biological imbalances and promoting resistance and recurrence of high populations of pests and pathogens (upwelling). This has contributed to the appearance of new pests that were previously under natural control. To develop analytical methods that are able to quantify residues pesticide in complex environment. It is still a challenge for many laboratories. The integration of two analytical methods one ecotoxicological and another chemical demonstrates the potential for environmental analysis of methamidophos. The aim of this study was to evaluate an ecotoxicological method as "screening" analytical methamidophos in the soil and perform analytical confirmation in the samples of the concentration of the analyte by chemical method LC-MS/MS In this work we tested two soils: a clayey and sandy, both in contact with the kinetic methamidophos model followed pseudo-second order. The clay soil showed higher absorption of methamidophos and followed the Freundlich model, while the sandy, the Langmuir model. The chemical method was validated LC-MS/MS satisfactory, showing all parameters of linearity, range, precision, accuracy, and sensitivity adequate. In chronic ecotoxicological tests with C. dubia, the NOEC was 4.93 and 3.24 for ng L-1 of methamidophos to elutriate assays of sandy and clay soils, respectively. The method for ecotoxicological levels was more sensitive than LC-MS/MS detection of methamidophos, loamy and sandy soils. However, decreasing the concentration of the standard for analytical methamidophos and adjusting for the validation conditions chemical acquires a limit of quantification (LOQ) in ng L-1, consistent with the provisions of ecotoxicological test. The methods described should be used as an analytical tool for methamidophos in soil, and the ecotoxicological analysis can be used as a "screening" and LC-MS/MS as confirmatory analysis of the analyte molecule, confirming the objectives of this work
The regeneration of bone defects with loss of substance remains as a therapeutic challenge in the medical field. There are basically four types of grafts: autologous, allogenic, xenogenic and isogenic. It is a consensus that autologous bone is the most suitable material for this purpose, but there are limitations to its use, especially the insufficient amount in the donor. Surveys show that the components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are generally conserved between different species and are well tolerated even in xenogenic recipient. Thus, several studies have been conducted in the search for a replacement for autogenous bone scaffold using the technique of decellularization. To obtain these scaffolds, tissue must undergo a process of cell removal that causes minimal adverse effects on the composition, biological activity and mechanical integrity of the remaining extracellular matrix. There is not, however, a conformity among researchers about the best protocol for decellularization, since each of these treatments interfere differently in biochemical composition, ultrastructure and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix, affecting the type of immune response to the material. Further down the arsenal of research involving decellularization bone tissue represents another obstacle to the arrival of a consensus protocol. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of decellularization methods in the production of biological scaffolds from skeletal organs of mice, for their use for grafting. This was a laboratory study, sequenced in two distinct stages. In the first phase 12 mice hemi-calvariae were evaluated, divided into three groups (n = 4) and submitted to three different decellularization protocols (SDS [group I], trypsin [Group II], Triton X-100 [Group III]). We tried to identify the one that promotes most efficient cell removal, simultaneously to the best structural preservation of the bone extracellular matrix. Therefore, we performed quantitative analysis of the number of remaining cells and descriptive analysis of the scaffolds, made possible by microscopy. In the second stage, a study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro adhesion of mice bone marrow mesenchymal cells, cultured on these scaffolds, previously decellularized. Through manual counting of cells on scaffolds there was a complete cell removal in Group II, Group I showed a practically complete cell removal, and Group III displayed cell remains. The findings allowed us to observe a significant difference only between Groups II and III (p = 0.042). Better maintenance of the collagen structure was obtained with Triton X-100, whereas the decellularization with Trypsin was responsible for the major structural changes in the scaffolds. After culture, the adhesion of mesenchymal cells was only observed in specimens deccelularized with Trypsin. Due to the potential for total removal of cells and the ability to allow adherence of these, the protocol based on the use of Trypsin (Group II) was considered the most suitable for use in future experiments involving bone grafting decellularized scaffolds
Environmental pollution causes the loss of the quality of aquatic resources and also affects the health of human beings. The Golandim River is located in São Gonçalo do Amarante (RN Brazil) and had its water recovered seven years ago by measurements of parameters of the water s quality analyses physicochemistry, microbiological and heavy metals. However, it is not well established if this river is truly recovered, so this study provides a wide knowledge about the quality of these waters. Therefore, this investigation was accomplished by assays of ecotoxicology utilizing Ceriodaphnia dubia and of genotoxicity of the river s water using a biomarker Tradescantia Pallida (Trad-MCN). In set, it carried through a study of environmental perception through questionnaires that approached questions related to the profile of the interviewed one, knowledge on the environment and of the river Golandim with the community that lives in the neighborhoods of the river to diagnosis as they perceive the environment where live and its problems. The assays of the water had been carried out by collecting samples in three different sites of the Golandim River. They were collected between the periods of December 2010 (dry season in the northeast of Brazil) and July 2011 (rainy season in the northeast of). The analysis of the data allowed observing that the majority of the inhabitants are adult and presents a global vision of what it is part of the environment, the majority mentions the pollution of the river as one of the problems of the city, considering it serious. The ecotoxicology assay showed that there was not acute toxicity in all three samples collected. Meanwhile, all these three samples demonstrated significant chronic toxicity. The results from the Trad-MCN assay presented an increase in the frequency of micronucleus in one of the sites analyzed (S3) (p<0.01), in both seasons collected. On the other hand, the sites S1 and S2 did not presented a significant increase of micronucleus using this bioassay. The analyses of chemicals detected an increase in the levels of some metals, in different seasons and samples, which can be associates with some compounds found in urban and industrial areas. On the other hand, the physicochemistries parameters demonstrated that the Golandim River is recouped, when compared with the values presented at the CONAMA s legislation. However, these results indicate the presence of compounds capable of inducing chromosomal mutation in plants. On the other hand, the parameters physicistchemistries demonstrate that the river Golandim is if recouping, since when compares the values observed with the legislation of the CONAMA. All these results point to the fact that the Trad-MCN assay was sensitive and efficient biomarker for chromosomal instability and the C. dubia ecotoxicology assay was as though an efficient biomarker of toxicity of water s quality. The results from Trad-MCN associated with the ecotoxicology demonstrates that these analyses are important for environmental monitoring, once the first bioassay described above indicates alterations at the standards of cells and the other one indicates alterations at the standards of organisms. This study alerts for the necessity to carry out biological assays for the analyses of the water s quality
Through the comparative critical analysis of the demanded urbanistic parameters in the legislation and of the urbanistic index found in the Rocas neighbourhood, having as study object the already consolidated constructions of residential use, intended to demonstrate that the neighbourhood needes specific norms and that the limits established for recognition of Special Areas of Social Interest for the urbanistic legislation of the City of Natal would have to be reviewed and to be brought up to date, once they show occupations like the ones of the reffered neighbourhood. At a first moment, bibliographical revision and elaboration of the theoretical referencial had been made, , to analyze afterwards the urbanistic legislation for the neibourhood of Rocas, that determines relative parameters for the sizes of land lots, coefficients of exploitation, minimum taxes of occupation and retreat. Through a field research in the area, a study on the occupation description was done at first, characterization of the neibourhood through the study of the social-economic aspects, of the existing infrastructure in the place, environmental aspects, morphologic and tipolgic analysis of the neibourhood as a whole. From the grouping of the found characteristics, sub-zones had been delimited, where the real object of study was detached to be analyzed. From the Sub-zoning, a statistic sampling was carried through with the intention to examine which of the urbanistic index is found in the dwellings of that already materialized place. This sampling, of one hundred and eighteen residences, was carried through by measurement of the lots and existing constructions in these places. Through this survey, for each habitacional unit, area of the lot, constructed area, retreats and coefficient of exploitation had been calculated. The comparison between the legislation parameters and the index found in the place reveal an expressive index of urbanistic irregularity and the necessity of special regulation for the Rocas neibourhood due to its specific social-space characteristic
O objetivo do presente estudo foi à monitoração dos parâmetros laboratoriais como hemograma, enzimas hepáticas alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), glicemia e proteinograma sérico, e avaliar o efeito da idade em gatos sem raça definida durante a fase neonatal. Vinte gatos machos e fêmeas foram utilizados a partir do terceiro dia de vida até o 38º dia de idade. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente e as análises laboratoriais (hemograma, enzimas hepáticas, glicemia e proteinograma sérico) realizadas no 3º, 10º, 17º, 24º, 31º e 38º dia de idade. Os resultados exibiram efeito significativo da idade sobre a contagem total de eritrócitos, concentração de hemoglobina, volume globular, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos. Nenhum efeito foi observado em células como linfócitos, monócitos ou na concentração sérica de glicose. A análise das modificações ocorridas nos parâmetros laboratoriais durante a fase neonatal reflete o desenvolvimento fisiológico do filhote e contribui para o conhecimento do processo adaptativo em gatos neonatos durante o primeiro mês de vida, sendo útil para a avaliação clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças neonatais.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a comparação entre dois sítios de coleta sanguínea em 24 exemplares de tigre-d'água-americano (Trachemys scripta elegans) oriundos de um criadouro comercial, localizado no município de Antonina, litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Os animais foram submetidos a contenção física e as venopunções foram realizadas no seio supraocciptal e na veia coccígea dorsal. As amostras heparinizadas foram identificadas e refrigeradas para posterior análise laboratorial. A contagem total de eritrócitos e leucócitos foi realizada pela técnica de hemocitometria. O hematócrito (Ht) e a hemoglobina (Hb) foram determinados pelo método de microhematócrito e cianometahemoglobina, respectivamente. A proteína plasmática total (PPT) foi determinada por refratometria e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi realizada através da técnica de Shilling. Houve diferença significativa no número de leucócitos e no valor da proteína plasmática total, e em ambos os casos os valores encontrados nas amostras provenientes da veia coccígea dorsal foram inferiores. A diferença encontrada no número de leucócitos provavelmente foi devido à contaminação por linfa, que também justifica o menor valor na concentração da proteína plasmática total. Conclui-se que é mais indicada a venopunção no seio supraocciptal quando comparado a veia coccígea dorsal.
Decapod crustaceans are one of the most important portions of megafaunal of coastal waters, playing a role as modifier of the environment and controlling populations of other organisms. Among the Decapoda, crab (brachyuran) constitutes the dominant macrofauna of mangroves. Among brachyuran is the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus, Linnaeus, 1763), which represents the main component of the macrofauna of mangroves, particularly in Northern and Northeastern Brazil. In Brazil, its distribution is known from the state of Amapá to the north of Santa Catarina. This species is distinguished by its economic importance, being one of the main fishing resources in Brazil, generating a significant impact on their natural populations. This reduction would result in loss of value to the product, preventing its commercialization. Although it´s great ecological and economic importance, there are few articles about the biological aspects of U. cordatus, mainly in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work aimed to study the population dynamics of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in Conchas estuary, Porto do Mangue, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. During the period November 2009 to October 2010 the crabs were collected monthly, obeying predetermined lunar periods (new moon or full moon) in a mangrove area in Porto do Mangue - RN. With the aid of a steel caliper (0.01 mm) and a precision balance (0.01 g) were measured biometric variables related to the animal's carapace, major propodus chela, width of abdomen (female), length of gonopodium ( males) and total weight. In addition, it was recorded, the gonads and molt stages, for males and females. In total, 476 crabs were collected, with 338 males and 138 females. Males were larger, heavier and in greater proportion than females. The reproductive period for the species in this location was limited during the months November to May, suggesting a change in current environmental legislation for the closure period. Synchrony was observed between the morphological and physiological maturity with females maturing earlier, possibly, a reproductive strategy adopted, compared to the low fishing pressure in the area. The molting period occurred in the dry season peaking in October. The analysis of growth, based on the parameters of von Bertalanffy was calculated using the nonlinear fit using modes (AJMOD). High growth rates for both males (L = 7.54 cm, k = 0.95, t0 =- 00:08; tmax = 4.84) and females (L = 6.50, k = 1 , 2, t0 =- 0008; tmax = 3.28) were found, contrasting with data from the literature, using other techniques. Males had higher asymptotic width size and longevity, but a lower growth constant when compared with females. The estimated age, for males and females, reaching the minimum capture size was 1.82 years and 1.63 years respectively. The size of physiological maturity, when individuals are able to reproduce, was estimated at 1.4 years and 1.05 years, for males and females, respectively. The recruitment period for this species is seasonal, with two peaks of occurrence, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. This work represented the first effort on understanding the ecology of the mangrove crab, to the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. However, further studies on its biology should be undertaken, especially those related to growth, and recruitment, where observed that literature is more scarce
A avaliação nutricional é ferramenta indispensável para a monitoração e acompanhamento clínico do paciente com lesão renal aguda (LRA). A perda aguda da função renal interfere no metabolismo de todos os macronutrientes, propiciando situações pró-inflamatórias, pró-oxidativas e de hipercatabolismo. As principais alterações nutricionais no paciente com LRA são hipercatabolismo, hiperglicemia e hipertrigliceridemia, que, somadas às contribuições da doença de base, complicações e necessidade de terapia renal substitutiva, podem interferir na depleção nutricional do paciente. A desnutrição em pacientes com LRA está associada a maior incidência de complicações, maior tempo de internação e maior mortalidade. Entretanto, existem poucos estudos na literatura avaliando o estado nutricional de pacientes com LRA. Parâmetros antropométricos como índice de massa corporal, circunferência do braço e pregas cutâneas são de difícil interpretação, devido à alteração no estado de hidratação desses pacientes. Os parâmetros bioquímicos geralmente utilizados na rotina clínica também sofrem influência de fatores não nutricionais, como prejuízo da função hepática e estado inflamatório. Embora não existam dados prospectivos sobre o comportamento dos marcadores nutricionais, alguns autores conseguiram demonstrar associações de alguns parâmetros com desfecho clínico. A utilização de marcadores como albumina, colesterol, pré-albumina, IGF-1, aplicação da avaliação subjetiva global e cálculo do balanço nitrogenado parecem ser úteis como parâmetros de triagem para pior prognóstico e maior mortalidade em pacientes com LRA. em pacientes com LRA em terapia renal substitutiva, uma oferta calórica em torno de 25 a 30 kcal/kg e oferta mínima de 1,5 g/kg/dia de proteínas é recomendada a fim de minimizar o catabolismo proteico e prevenir complicações metabólicas.
Relevância do estado de hidratação na interpretação de parâmetros nutricionais em diálise peritoneal
OBJETIVO: Identificar determinantes do estado de hidratação de pacientes em diálise peritoneal crônica, bem como investigar os efeitos da sobrecarga líquida sobre o estado nutricional. MÉTODOS: Foi feito estudo transversal, realizado em 2006, avaliando 27 pacientes em diálise peritoneal crônica, acompanhados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (SP), quanto a parâmetros clínicos, dialíticos, laboratoriais, antropométricos e de bioimpedância elétrica. Para avaliar a influência de parâmetros sobre o estado de hidratação empregou-se modelo de regressão linear múltipla. A amostra foi estratificada quanto ao estado de hidratação pela relação entre água extracelular e água corporal total (0,47 para homens e 0,52 para mulheres), parâmetros obtidos por meio de bioimpedância elétrica. Comparações foram realizadas por análise de covariância, Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. Considerou-se significância estatística quando p≤0,05. RESULTADOS: Pacientes com maior volume urinário e em modalidade dialítica automatizada apresentaram melhor estado de hidratação. Pacientes com maior sobrecarga líquida, comparados àqueles com menor sobrecarga, apresentaram menor ângulo de fase (M=4,2, DP=0,9 vs M=5,7, DP=0,7º; p=0,006), menor albumina (M=3,06, DP=0,46 vs M=3,55, DP=0,52g/dL; p=0,05) e maior % prega cutânea tricipital (M=75,3, DP=36,9 vs M=92,1, DP=56,9%; p=0,058), sem outras evidências antropométricas. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se sugerir que os níveis reduzidos de albumina e ângulo de fase nos pacientes com maior sobrecarga líquida não estiveram relacionados a pior estado nutricional. Para o diagnóstico nutricional em vigência de sobrecarga líquida, deve-se considerar o conjunto de variáveis obtidas por diversos métodos, buscando relacioná-las e interpretá-las de maneira abrangente, possibilitando um diagnóstico nutricional fidedigno.
In the present study we compute the atmospheric parameters (Teff , log g and vmic, [Fe/H]) and chemical abundance of 16 ions (Fe I, Fe II, O I, Si I, Na I, Mg I, Al I, Ca I, Ti I, Co I, Ni I, Rb I, Zr I, Ba II, La II and Cr I) for 16 solar-like stars with masses between 0:8 and 1:2 Mfi aproximatedly, including 10 planet-host stars detected by the CoRoT Space Mission. For this study, we use data from the ESO public archive: (i) high resolution spectra (R 47000) from the UVES spectrograph on the VLT/UT2-ESO (for 7 stars, covering the wavelength range 3450-4515 Å and 5500-9400 Å) and (ii) high resolution spectra from HARPS spectrograph on the La Silla-ESO 3.60 m telescope (for 9 stars, covering the wavelength range 4200-6865 Å). Our spectral analysis is based on MARCS models of atmosphere and Turbospectrum spectroscopic tools. On the base of the computed parameters, the referred abundances appears to follow the same behavior of the solar curve abundances. Further, one observes a signifficant correlation between the abundance ratio [m/Fe] and condensation temperature (Tc) of refractory elements (Tc > 900 K). The behavior of the projected rotational velocity (v sin i) versus the computed abundances [m/Fe] is also analyzed, presenting no clear trends. This study oers additional constraints to trace the evolutive history of solar-like stars with planets, including the search for chemical dierences between stars with and without transit planets and anomalies in the studied abundances
Purpose: To evaluate reproducibility and precision of ocular measurements by digital photograph analysis, in addition to the transformation of the measures according to the individual iris diameter as an oculometric reference. Methods: Twenty-four eyes have been digitally photographed in a standardized way at two distances. Two researchers have analyzed these printed images using a caliper and these digital forms by ImageJ 1.37 (TM). Several external ocular parameters were estimated (mm and as iris diameter) and methods of measurement compared regarding their precision, agreement and correlation. Results: Caliper and digital analysis of oculometric measures provided significant agreement and correlation, nevertheless the precision of digital measures was higher. The estimates of numeric transformation from oculometric measures according to individual iris diameter resulted in great correlation to caliper measures and high agreement when compared to different distances of taking the photographs. Conclusions: Facial digital photographs allowed oculometric precise and reproducible estimates, endorsing clinical research usefulness. Using iris diameter as individual oculometric reference disclosed high reproducibility when facial photographs were taken at different distances.
Neste trabalho buscou-se avaliar o efeito de parâmetros operacionais do processo de extrusão no desenvolvimento de biscoitos de polvilho com fibras, utilizando como matérias-primas o polvilho azedo e o farelo de mandioca. O processamento foi realizado em um extrusor mono-rosca, sendo considerados parâmetros variáveis: temperatura na 3ª zona de extrusão, umidade e porcentagem de fibras na mistura. Para analisar o efeito combinado das variáveis independentes nas características tecnológicas dos extrusados, utilizou-se o delineamento 'central composto rotacional' para três fatores. Os resultados obtidos mostraram efeitos significativos da umidade e porcentagem de fibras sobre o volume específico, sendo que a temperatura afetou os índices de solubilidade e absorção de água dos produtos extrusados. Condições de baixa temperatura (65 °C), baixa umidade (12%) e baixo teor de fibras (<4%), nas condições de processo utilizadas, produzem biscoitos com boas características tecnológicas.
Farinha de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas) foi extrusada em equipamento de rosca simples, mantendo-se fixas as temperaturas na 1ª e 2ª zonas de extrusão (20ºC e 60ºC, respectivamente). O efeito das variáveis umidade da farinha (15, 18 e 21%), temperatura na 3ª zona (100, 120 e 140ºC) e rotação da rosca (180, 210 e 240 rpm) sobre as características dos extrusados foi investigado utilizando-se metodologia de superfície de resposta. O teor de umidade e a temperatura de extrusão influenciaram significativamente a expansão dos extrusados. O índice de expansão apresentou valores crescentes com a temperatura sob baixos teores de umidade. A dureza dos extrusados e também o índice de absorção de água e o índice de solubilidade em água das farinhas extrusadas não mostraram modelo de regressão significativo com as condições de processo. Quanto à cor das farinhas, o componente L* (luminosidade) apresentou valores crescentes e o parâmetro a*, valores decrescentes com a elevação do teor de umidade até 20-21%. O parâmetro b* e a diferença de cor entre farinhas extrusadas e não extrusadas mostraram valores decrescentes com o aumento da umidade.
O interesse da indústria de alimentos por produtos desenvolvidos a partir de farinhas acrescidas de proteína não se deve somente às suas características nutricionais, senão também às suas propriedades funcionais e reológicas, as quais definem as suas aplicações comerciais. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de parâmetros operacionais do processo de extrusão sobre as propriedades de pasta de misturas de farinha de mandioca e caseína. O processo de extrusão seguiu o delineamento 'central composto rotacional' para três fatores: teor de proteína (2,5 a 9,5%), umidade (14,5 a 19,5%) e temperatura de extrusão (65 a 135 ºC). As misturas antes e após a extrusão foram analisadas no Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) quanto a: viscosidade inicial, pico de viscosidade, quebra de viscosidade, viscosidade final e tendência à retrogradação. Os resultados obtidos nas misturas antes da extrusão mostraram aumento dos valores de viscosidade com o aumento da concentração de proteína até o ponto central (6%) e, nos teores mais elevados de proteína, ocorreu redução destes. Após a extrusão, observou-se que o teor de proteína foi a variável de maior efeito sobre as propriedades de pasta, seguida pela umidade das misturas.
Avaliar a microbiota intestinal de indivíduos que sofreram acidente ocupacional com materiais biológicos e receberam anti-retrovirais foi o objetivo deste estudo. O grupo de estudo constou de 23 indivíduos com idade entre 18-45 anos, sendo 13 doadores de sangue e 10 que sofreram acidente ocupacional. Foram avaliados a microbiota intestinal, antropometria e exames laboratoriais pré, pós e 30 dias após o término da medicação. Zidovudina mais lamivudina foi utilizada em 70% dos indivíduos associado ao nelfinavir, 20% ao efavirenz e 10% ao ritonavir. As alterações nutricionais e dietéticas-laboratoriais e de microbiota intestinal foram analisadas em três momentos. M1: até dois dias do início da profilaxia; M2: no último dia da profilaxia e M3: 30 dias após o término da profilaxia. Náuseas, vômitos e diarréia estiveram presentes em 50% no segundo momento do estudo. Sobrepeso em 70%, desnutrição e eutrofia em 10%, dos indivíduos, não se modificaram durante o estudo. Transaminases, triglicérides, LDL-colesterol se elevaram no segundo momento e normalizaram 30 dias após término da medicação. Houve redução significativa dos Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium e Bacteróides nos três momentos. Uso de anti-retrovirais provocou impacto significativo na microbiota intestinal dos indivíduos, sem recuperação em 30 dias.