767 resultados para P450 OXIDOREDUCTASE
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD; superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase, EC is a secreted Cu- and Zn-containing tetrameric glycoprotein, the bulk of which is bound to heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the interstitium of tissues. To test the function of EC-SOD in vivo, mice carrying a targeted disruption of the EC-SOD gene were generated. The EC-SOD null mutant mice develop normally and remain healthy until at least 14 months of age. No compensatory induction of other SOD isoenzymes or other antioxidant enzymes was observed. When stressed by exposure to > 99% oxygen, the EC-SOD null mutant mice display a considerable reduction in survival time compared to wild-type mice and an earlier onset of severe lung edema. These findings suggest that while under normal physiological conditions other antioxidant systems may substitute for the loss of EC-SOD; when the animal is stressed these systems are unable to provide adequate protection.
The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.
A specific requirement for coenzyme Q in the maintenance of trans-plasma-membrane redox activity is demonstrated. Extraction of coenzyme Q from membranes resulted in inhibition of NADH-ascorbate free radical reductase (trans electron transport), and addition of coenzyme Q10 restored the activity. NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (cis electron transport) did not respond to the coenzyme Q status. Quinone analogs inhibited trans-plasma-membrane redox activity, and the inhibition was reversed by coenzyme Q. A 34-kDa coenzyme Q reductase (p34) has been purified from pig-liver plasma membranes. The isolated enzyme was sensitive to quinone-site inhibitors. p34 catalyzed the NADH-dependent reduction of coenzyme Q10 after reconstitution in phospholipid liposomes. When plasma membranes were supplemented with extra p34, NADH-ascorbate free radical reductase was activated but NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase was not. These results support the involvement of p34 as a source of electrons for the trans-plasma-membrane redox system oxidizing NADH and support coenzyme Q as an intermediate electron carrier between NADH and the external acceptor ascorbate free radical.
NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR; EC catalyzes the only known light-dependent step in chlorophyll synthesis of higher plants, the reduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide. In barley, two distinct immunoreactive POR proteins were identified. In contrast to the light-sensitive POR enzyme studied thus far (POR-A), levels of the second POR protein remained constant in seedlings during the transition from dark growth to the light and in green plants. The existence of a second POR-related protein was verified by isolating and sequencing cDNAs that encode a second POR polypeptide (POR-B) with an amino acid sequence identity of 75% to the POR-A. In the presence of NADPH and Pchlide, the in vitro-synthesized POR-A and POR-B proteins could be reconstituted to ternary enzymatically active complexes that reduced Pchlide to chlorophyllide only after illumination. Even though the in vitro activities of the two enzymes were similar, the expression of their genes during the light-induced transformation of etiolated to green seedlings was distinct. While the POR-A mRNA rapidly declined during illumination of dark-grown seedlings and soon disappeared, POR-B mRNA remained at an approximately constant level in dark-grown and green seedlings. Thus these results suggest that chlorophyll synthesis is controlled by two light-dependent POR enzymes, one that is active only transiently in etiolated seedlings at the beginning of illumination and the other that also operates in green plants.
No Estado do Maranhão, na região da Baixada Maranhense, presenta na fauna silvestre o réptil Kinosternon scorpioides, um quelônio de água doce popularmente conhecido como jurará e que possui valor social, econômico e ambiental para os ribeirinhos da cidade de São Bento. Este estudo contempla suas características biológicas reprodutivas baseadas em seu ambiente natural, com o intuito de permitir a preservação e o estabelecimento de planos de manejo reprodutivo e de uso sustentável da espécie. Recentemente poucos estudos em todo o mundo tratam sobre os aspectos do ciclo reprodutivo de tartarugas em face das características endócrinas, na América do Sul estudos desse tipo são recentes e escassos, sendo assim este é o primeiro estudo, que se tem conhecimento, que elucida um padrão sazonal reprodutivo da espécie K. scorpioides, associando hormônios gonadais com aspectos comportamentais. Trinta e oito animais adultos tiveram seus órgãos reprodutivos caracterizados para as enzimas esteroidogênicas P450 aromatase, P450c17 e PNADPH redutase através de imunomarcação e blotting, além de índice gonadossomático, morfometria e concentração de testosterona, corticosterona e estradiol pela técnica de radioimunoensaio. As mudanças biométricas, morfometria celular e a esteroidogênese testicular entre os períodos chuvoso e seco sugerem que o estrógeno produzido pelas células de leydig podem afetar a produção e a apoptose de células germinais durante o processo de espermatogênese, e a presença das enzimas P450aromatase e P450c17 em células de leydig acompanhados com a recrudescência testicular também reforça a ideia, de que elas podem desempenhar um papel na quiescência testicular. Esse trabalho evidenciou que as enzimas citocromo P450, citocromo P450c17 e NADPH-citocromo P450-redutase estão presentes no testículo e epidídimo nos diferentes períodos climáticos e podem estar relacionados à síntese de testosterona em tartarugas concordando com os diferentes achados para biometria e espermiogênese nos períodos chuvoso e seco, o que, nos leva a sugerir um estado de quiescência durante o período seco e atividade espermatogênica no período chuvoso, semelhante ao que ocorre com as espécies que apresentam comportamento reprodutivo sazonal
The mitochondrial matrix flavoproteins electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO) are responsible for linking fatty acid β-oxidation with the main mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons derived from flavoprotein dehydrogenases are transferred sequentially through ETF and ETF-QO to ubiquinone and then into the respiratory chain via complex III. In this study, the effects of changes in ETF-QO redox potentials on its activity and the conformational flexibility of ETF were investigated. ETF-QO contains one [4Fe-4S]2+,1+ and one flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). In the porcine protein, threonine 367 is hydrogen bonded to N1 and O2 of the flavin ring of the FAD. The analogous site in Rhodobacter sphaeroides ETF-QO is asparagine 338. Mutations N338T and N338A were introduced into the R. sphaeroides protein by site-directed mutagenesis to determine the impact of hydrogen bonding at this site on redox potentials and activity. FAD redox potentials were measured by potentiometric titration probed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The N338T and N338A mutations lowered the midpoint potentials, which resulted in a decrease in the quinone reductase activity and negligible impact on disproportionation of ETF1e- catalyzed by ETF-QO. These observations indicate that the FAD is involved in electron transfer to ubiquinone, but not in electron transfer from ETF to ETF-QO. Therefore it is proposed that the iron-sulfur cluster is the immediate acceptor from ETF. It has been proposed that the αII domain of ETF is mobile, allowing promiscuous interactions with structurally different partners. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) was used to measure the distance between spin labels at various sites and an enzymatically reduced FAD cofactor in Paracoccus denitrificans ETF. Two or three interspin distance distributions were observed for spin-labels in the αI (A43C) and βIII (A111C) domains, but only one is observed for a label in the βII (A210C) domain. This suggests that the αII domain adopts several stable conformations which may correspond to a closed/inactive conformation and an open/active conformation. An additional mutation, E162A, was introduced to increase the mobility of the αII domain. The E162A mutation doubled the activity compared to wild-type and caused the distance distributions to become wider. The DEER method has the potential to characterize conformational changes in ETF that occur when it interacts with various redox partners.
Apesar de diversos estudos in vitro e em populações indicarem um efeito protetor do β-caroteno em sistemas biológicos, estudos epidemiológicos como o \"The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study\" (ATBC) e o \"The Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial\" (CARET) mostraram um aumento na incidência de câncer pulmonar em indivíduos fumantes suplementados com β-caroteno. Essa ação contraditória tem sido chamada na literatura de \"Paradoxo do β-Caroteno\". Sabe-se que este carotenóide sob altas pressões de oxigênio ou na presença de peróxidos pode sofrer oxidação e levar a formação de compostos como aldeídos, epóxidos, etc, que são capazes de se adicionarem covalentemente ao DNA. Estudos, in vitro e in vivo têm demonstrado a possibilidade de os metabólitos do β-caroteno agirem como agentes pró-carcinogênicos. Estes agentes quando ativados quimicamente podem levar à formação de adutos de DNA. Já se sabe que alguns desses adutos encontramse em níveis aumentados em diversas situações de risco de câncer. Diversos grupos, incluindo o nosso, têm demonstrado a formação de lesões em DNA a partir de aldeídos e epóxidos exógenos ou gerados endogenamente. O presente trabalho mostra que a reação do β-caroteno e dois de seus produtos de oxidação, retinal e β-apo-8\'-carotenal, com 2\'-desoxiguanosina e DNA leva à formação de adutos. Dentre os adutos formados, foi caracterizado o aduto 1,N2eteno-2\'-desoxiguanosina (1 ,N2-εdGuo). Os níveis de outro aduto de DNA, a 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2\'-deoxiguanosina (8-oxodGuo), também foram monitoradas para estudo comparativo. A formação dos adutos também foi verificada em fibroblastos normais de pulmão humano (linhagem IMR-90) expostos ao β-caroteno e aos seus produtos de oxidação. Experimentos com ratos suplementados com β-caroteno e expostos à fumaça de cigarro em períodos de 7, 30 e 180 dias, mostraram níveis aumentados de 1,N2-εdGuo nos animais suplementados com o carotenóide comparado ao grupo veículo. Aumento no nível de 8-oxodGuo também foi verificado nos tratamentos de 7 e 180 dias. Um aumento significativo no nível do eteno aduto também foi verificado nos animais suplementados com β-caroteno e expostos à fumaça de cigarro, comparado ao grupo apenas exposto à fumaça após 7 e 180 dias de exposição. Nestes mesmos grupos, o aumento do 8-oxodGuo só foi observado no tratamento por 180 dias. Sabendo que estas lesões são comprovadamente mutagênicas, nossos estudos podem contribuir para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na formação de câncer em fumantes suplementados ou não com β-caroteno.
Chitosan is a natural polymer with antimicrobial activity. Chitosan causes plasma membrane permeabilization and induction of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Neurospora crassa. We have determined the transcriptional profile of N. crassa to chitosan and identified the main gene targets involved in the cellular response to this compound. Global network analyses showed membrane, transport and oxidoreductase activity as key nodes affected by chitosan. Activation of oxidative metabolism indicates the importance of ROS and cell energy together with plasma membrane homeostasis in N. crassa response to chitosan. Deletion strain analysis of chitosan susceptibility pointed NCU03639 encoding a class 3 lipase, involved in plasma membrane repair by lipid replacement, and NCU04537 a MFS monosaccharide transporter related to assimilation of simple sugars, as main gene targets of chitosan. NCU10521, a glutathione S-transferase-4 involved in the generation of reducing power for scavenging intracellular ROS is also a determinant chitosan gene target. Ca2+ increased tolerance to chitosan in N. crassa. Growth of NCU10610 (fig 1 domain) and SYT1 (a synaptotagmin) deletion strains was significantly increased by Ca2+ in the presence of chitosan. Both genes play a determinant role in N. crassa membrane homeostasis. Our results are of paramount importance for developing chitosan as an antifungal.
Entre las especies transmisoras de la enfermedad de Chagas de mayor importancia a nivel sanitario se destaca Triatoma infestans, considerada el principal vector en América del Sur (entre las latitudes 10° y 46° S). Los programas de control de la transmisión de la enfermedad promueven la eliminación de las poblaciones del vector T. infestans mediante la fumigación con insecticidas en las regiones endémicas. Sin embargo, esta estrategia, presenta dificultades debido en parte a la extensión y variabilidad de las áreas endémicas y por otro lado, al tiempo requerido para prevenir la recuperación de las poblaciones tratadas con insecticidas. La efectividad a largo plazo de las campañas de control es en gran medida dependiente del conocimiento de la estructura de las poblaciones del vector. El análisis de la estructura genética con un enfoque filogeográfico de poblaciones del vector en regiones endémicas de Argentina, mediante secuencias de genes mitocondriales y nucleares descriptas por primera vez para ese fin, permitirá aportar nuevas bases para la comprensión de la dinámica y evolución de las poblaciones del insecto vector y resolver interrogantes sobre procesos como por ejemplo los de dispersión y recolonización de la especie transmisora que afectan en forma directa a la eficiencia de los intentos de control. Los patrones de dispersión de esta especie estarían estrechamente vinculados con la transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas. Por lo tanto, esta información podría ser de utilidad para la optimización del diseño de las intervenciones de control a implementar en el área endémica que conducirían a una disminución del impacto que esta enfermedad provoca en la población. Por otra parte, se han observado fallas en el control del vector debido a la existencia de resistencia a los insecticidas piretroides. Entre los mecanismos que confieren resistencia a insecticidas se han descripto los que implican cambios en canales de sodio, conocido como resistencia “knockdown” (Kdr), y aquellos que provocan un aumento de la actividad de enzimas responsables de su metabolismo. Con respecto al último mecanismo, las evidencias sugieren que las enzimas mono-oxigenasas citocromo P450 tienen comunmente un rol primario en la resistencia a insecticidas piretroides. Incrementos en la expresión a nivel de la transcripción de genes de citocromos P450 (CYP450) son frecuentemente considerados responsables de aumentar el metabolismo de insecticidas y parece ser un fenómeno común en la evolución del desarrollo de resistencia en insectos. El estudio de la posible relación de genes CYP450, que proponemos caracterizar en T. infestans, con la resistencia a insecticidas podría aportar nuevas bases para el desarrollo del manejo de esa resistencia. Sin embargo, mientras que existen múltiples genes CYP450 en el genoma de insectos, sólo un gen NADPH citocromo P450 reductasa (CPR) existe en el genoma de cada insecto. Por este motivo, se propone también caracterizar en el vector este gen que codifica para una enzima que actúa en la transferencia de electrones desde la forma reducida de NADPH a los citocromos P450, así como investigar el efecto de su silenciamiento en poblaciones de T. infestans resistentes a insecticidas piretroides. Además, con el propósito de analizar si la existencia de resistencia a insecticidas piretroides puede ser el resultado de la acción de los citocromo P450 y/o de otros factores, se investigará en las poblaciones resistentes la posible existencia de una mutación de un gen de canal de sodio relacionada con resistencia a insecticidas (Kdr) que ha sido descripta para T. infestans. Este estudio proveería información de utilidad para el desarrollo de estrategias alternativas de control que serían de suma importancia en regiones en las que las poblaciones de este vector presentan resistencia a los insecticidas y, por lo tanto, tendría claramente implicancias importantes para el manejo de la resistencia en este vector.
Tout médicament administré par la voie orale doit être absorbé sans être métabolisé par l’intestin et le foie pour atteindre la circulation systémique. Malgré son impact majeur sur l’effet de premier passage de plusieurs médicaments, le métabolisme intestinal est souvent négligé comparativement au métabolisme hépatique. L’objectif de ces travaux de maîtrise est donc d’utiliser, caractériser et développer différents outils in vitro et in vivo pour mieux comprendre et prédire l’impact du métabolisme intestinal sur l’effet de premier passage des médicaments comparé au métabolisme hépatique. Pour se faire, différents substrats d’enzymes du métabolisme ont été incubés dans des microsomes intestinaux et hépatiques et des différences entre la vitesse de métabolisme et les métabolites produits ont été démontrés. Afin de mieux comprendre l’impact de ces différences in vivo, des études mécanistiques chez des animaux canulés et traités avec des inhibiteurs enzymatiques ont été conduites avec le substrat métoprolol. Ces études ont démontré l’impact du métabolisme intestinal sur le premier passage du métoprolol. De plus, elles ont révélé l’effet sur la vidange gastrique du 1-aminobenzotriazole, un inhibiteur des cytochromes p450, évitant ainsi une mauvaise utilisation de cet outil dans le futur. Ces travaux de maîtrise ont permis d’améliorer les connaissances des différents outils in vitro et in vivo pour étudier le métabolisme intestinal tout en permettant de mieux comprendre les différences entre le rôle de l’intestin et du foie sur l’effet de premier passage.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
[GRAPHICS] Oxidation of tetradecanoic and hexadecanoic acids by cytochrome P450(Biol) (CYP107H1) produces mainly the 11-, 12-, and 13-hydroxy C-14 fatty acids and the 11- to 15-hydroxy C-16 fatty acids, respectively. In contrast to previous reports, terminal hydroxylation is not observed. The enantiospecificity of fatty acid hydroxylation by P450(Biol) was also determined, and the enzyme was shown to be moderately selective for production of the (R)-alcohols.
Molecular modelling of human CYP1B1 based on homology with the mammalian P450, CYP2C5, of known three-dimensional structure is reported. The enzyme model has been used to investigate the likely mode of binding for selected CYP1B1 substrates, particularly with regard to the possible effects of allelic variants of CYP1B1 on metabolism. In general, it appears that the CYP1B1 model is consistent with known substrate selectivity for the enzyme, and the sites of metabolism can be rationalized in terms of specific contacts with key amino acid residues within the CYP1B1 heme locus. Further-more, a mode of binding interaction for the inhibitor, a-naphthoflavone, is presented which accords with currently available information. The current paper shows that a combination of molecular modelling and experimental determinations on the substrate metabolism for CYP1B1 allelic variants can aid in the understanding of structure-function relationships within P450 enzymes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.