928 resultados para Oil well cementing. Saline oil well cement slurries. Microestructural characterization
A numerical analysis of flow to a dug well in an unconfined aquifer is made, taking into account well storage, elastic storage release, gravity drainage, anisotropy, partial penetration, vertical flow and seepage surface at the well face, and treating the water table in the aquifer and water level in the well as unknown boundaries. The pumped discharge is maintained constant. The solution is obtained by a two-level iterative scheme. The effects of governing parameters on the drawdown, development of seepage surface and contribution from aquifer flow to the total discharge are discussed. The degree of anisotropy and partial penetration are found to be the parameters which affect the flow characteristics most significantly. The effect of anisotropy on the development of seepage surface is very pronounced.
After microscopic characterization of the size distributions of gold clusters, deposited on carbon substrates by vacuum evaporation or by soft landing, Au(4f') binding energy of the clusters has been measured as a function of the mean cluster size. Similar measurements have been carried out on Au clusters prepared from sols by chemical means and high-nuclearity cluster compounds. In general, small clusters with a mean diameter of $2 nm show significantly larger binding energies than the bulk metal value, due to the onset of nonmetallicity. Nonmetallicity manifests itself in terms of a tunneling conductance gap only in clusters of diameter ;5 1 nm containing 40 atoms or fewer.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää desorptio/fotoionisaatio ilmanpaineessa tekniikan (engl. desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization, DAPPI) soveltuvuutta rikosteknisen laboratorion näytteiden analysointiin. DAPPI on nopea massaspektrometrinen ionisaatiotekniikka, jolla voidaan tutkia yhdisteitä suoraan erilaisilta pinnoilta. DAPPI:ssa käytetään lämmitettyä mikrosirua, joka suihkuttaa höyrystynyttä liuotin- ja kaasuvirtausta kohti näytettä. Näytteen pinnan komponentit desorboituvat lämmön vaikutuksesta, jonka jälkeen ionisoituminen tapahtuu VUV-lampun emittoimien fotonien avulla.DAPPI:lla tutkittiin takavarikoituja huumausaineita, anabolisia steroideja ja räjähdysaineita sekä niiden jäämiä erilaisilta pinnoilta. Lisäksi kartoitettiin DAPPI:n mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia erilaisille näytematriiseille ilman näytteiden esikäsittelyä. Takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden tutkimuksessa analysoitiin erilaisia tabletteja, jauheita, kasvirouheita, huumekasveja (khat, oopium, kannabis) ja sieniä. Anabolisia steroideja tunnistettiin tableteista sekä ampulleista, jotka sisälsivät öljymäistä nestettä. Jauheet ripoteltiin kaksipuoliselle teipille ja analysoitiin siltä. Muut näytteet analysoitiin sellaisenaan ilman minkäänlaista esikäsittelyä, paitsi nestemäisten näytteiden kohdalla näyte pipetoitiin talouspaperille, joka analysoitiin DAPPI:lla. DAPPI osoittautui nopeaksi ja yksinkertaiseksi menetelmäksi takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden ja steroidien analysoimisessa. Se soveltui hyvin rikoslaboratorion erityyppisten näytteiden rutiiniseulontaan ja helpotti erityisesti huumekasvien ja öljymäisten steroidiliuosten tutkimusta. Massaspektrometrin likaantuminen pystyttiin ehkäisemään säätämällä näytteen etäisyyttä sen suuaukosta. Likaantumista ei havaittu huolimatta näytteiden korkeista konsentraatioista ja useita kuukausia jatkuneista mittauksista. Räjähdysaineiden tutkimuksessa keskityttiin seitsemän eri räjähdysaineen DAPPI-MS-menetelmän kehitykseen; trinitrotolueeni (TNT), nitroglykoli (NK), nitroglyseriini (NG), pentriitti (PETN), heksogeeni (RDX), oktogeeni (HMX) ja pikriinihappoä Nämä orgaaniset räjähteet ovat nitraattiyhdisteitä, jotka voidaan jakaa rakenteen puolesta nitroamiineihin (RDX ja HMX), nitroaromaatteihin (TNT ja pikriinihappo) sekä nitraattiestereihin (PETN, NG ja NK). Menetelmäkehityksessä räjähdysainelaimennokset pipetoitiin polymetyylimetakrylaatin (PMMA) päälle ja analysoitiin siitä. DAPPI:lla tutkittiin myäs autenttisia räjähdysainejäämiä erilaisista matriiseista. DAPPI:lla optimoitiin jokaiselle räjähdysaineelle sopiva menetelmä ja yhdisteet saatiin näkymään puhdasaineina. Räjähdysainejäämien analysoiminen erilaisista rikospaikkamateriaaleista osoittautui haastavammaksi tehtäväksi, koska matriisit aiheuttivat itsessään korkean taustan spektriin, josta räjähdysaineiden piikit eivät useimmiten erottuneet tarpeeksi. Muut desorptioionisaatiotekniikat saattavat soveltua paremmin haastavien räjähdysainejäämien havaitsemiseksi.
The oil phase, in an oil-in-water emulsion on a steel substrate, is strongly repelled by the substrate. The oil in this situation does not wet the steel and steel/steel friction is high. In this work we disperse anionic surfactants in an oil film and study the effect of this dispersion on the force of interaction between a silica colloid probe (AFM) carrying the oil film and a steel substrate in water. It is observed that when the surfactant is oil insoluble and the interaction time is short the strong entropic repulsion (without the surfactant) is replaced by a strong attraction. The steel on steel sliding friction in this case is low compared to that what is achieved when the surfactant is soluble in oil. The rationale underlying these interactions is explored here. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An attempt has been made to study the effect of time and test procedure on the behaviour of partial discharge (PD) pulses causing failure of oil-pressboard system under power frequency voltages using circular disc shaped samples and uniform field electrodes. Weibull statistics have been used to handle the large amount of PD data. The PD phenomena has been found to be stress and time dependent. On the basis of stress level, three different regions are identified and in one of the regions, the rate of deterioration of the sample is at a maximum. The work presents some interesting features of Weibull parameters as related to the condition of insulation studied in addition to its usual PD characteristics
We have calculated the binding energy of a hydrogenic donor in a quantum well with potential shape proportional to \z\(2/3) as a function of the width of the quantum well and the barrier height under an applied uniform magnetic field along the a axis. As the well width decreases, the binding energy increases initially up to a critical well width (which is nearly the same for all magnetic fields) at which there is a turnover. The results are qualitatively similar to those of a hydrogenic donor in a rectangular well. We have also calculated [rho(2)](1/2) and [z(2)](1/2) for the donor electron. [rho(2)](1/2) is found to be strongly dependent on the magnetic field for a given well width and weakly dependent on the well width and the barrier height, for a given value of magnetic field [z(2)](1/2) is weakly dependent on the applied magnetic field. The probability of finding the donor electron inside the well shows a rapid decrease as the well width is reduced at nearly the well width at which the binding energy shows a maximum.
The nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technique has been used to obtain images of different transverse and vertical sections in groundnut and sunflower seeds. Separate images have been obtained for oil and water components in the seeds. The spatial distribution of oil and water inside the seed has been obtained from the detailed analysis of the images. In the immature groundnut seeds obtained commercially, complementary oil and water distributions have been observed. Attempts have been made to explain these results.
Acyl carrier proteins (ACP) were purified to homogeneity in the active form from developing seeds of pisa (Actinodaphne hookeri) which synthesizes exclusively trilaurin and from ground nut (Arachis hypogaea) which synthesizes triacylglycerols containing long chain fatty acids. Two major isoforms of ACPs were purified from developing pisa seeds using DEAE-cellulose, Superose-6 FPLC and C-4 reversed phase HPLC chromatographic methods. In contrast, only a single form of ACP was present in ground nut seeds which was purified by anion-exchange and activated thiol-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. The two isoforms of ACPs from pisa showed nearly the same specific activity of 6,706 and 7,175 pmol per min per mg protein while ground nut ACP showed a specific activity of 3,893 pmol per min per mg protein when assayed using E. coli acyl-ACP synthetase and [1-C-14]palmitic acid. When compared with E. coli ACP, the purified ACPs from both the seeds showed considerable difference in their mobility in native PAGE, but showed similar mobility in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. In the absence of reducing agents formation of dimers was quite prominent. The ACPs from both the seed sources were acid- and heat-stable. The major isoform of pisa seed ACP and the ground nut ACP contain 91 amino acids with M(r) 11,616 and 1,228 respectively. However, there is significant variation in their amino acid composition. A comparision of the amino acid sequence in the N-terminal region of pisa and ground nut seed ACPs showed considerable homology between themselves and with other plant ACPs but not with E. coli ACP.
GC-MS study of two fatty oil fractions from Artabotrys odoratissimus (leaves) indicated the presence of fifteen compounds namely, nonanoic acid; methyl phenyl propanoate; decanoic acid; diethyl phthalate; dibutyl phthalate; 2 - amino-3-ethyl biphenyl; 5-methyl-9-phenylnonan-3-ol; hexadeca-2,7,11-triene; 2,6-dimethyl-1-phenylhepta-1-one; 2,5-dimethyltetradecahydrophenenthrene; 1-phenylundecane; 1-isopropyl-4,6-dimethyl naphthalene; 5-(2-butyl phenyl)pent-3-en-2-ol; 1-phenyideca-1-one and 1-phenylundecan-1-one. Some of the compounds are rare occurring and biologically active.
A steel disc is cut using a single point tool. The coefficient of friction of the nascent cut surface is measured by a spherical steel pin situated in close proximity of the point of cutting. The tool, disc and the friction pin are immersed in an oil in water emulsion bath during the experiment. The purpose of the experiments conducted here is to record the effect of hydrophilic/lypophilic balance (HLB) of the emulsifier on the lubricity experienced in the cutting operation. The more lypophilic emulsifiers were found to give greater lubricity than what is recorded when the emulsifier is more hydrophilic. XPS and FTIR spectroscopy are used to explore the tribofilm generated on the nascent cut surface to indicate a possible rationale for the effect. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In lubricated sliding contacts, components wear out and the lubricating oil ages with time. The present work explores the interactive influence between lubricant aging and component wear. The flat face of a steel pin is slid against a rotating steel disk under near isothermal conditions while the contact is immersed in a reservoir of lubricant (hexadecane). The chemical changes in the oil with time are measured by vibrational spectroscopy and gas chromatography. The corresponding chemistry of the pin surface is recorded using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy while the morphology of the worn pins; surface and subsurface, are observed using a combination of focused ion beam milling and scanning electron 5 microscopy. When compared to thermal auto-oxidation of the lubricant alone, steel on steel friction and wear are found to accentuate the decomposition of oil and to reduce the beneficial impact of antioxidants. The catalytic action of nascent iron, an outcome of pin wear and disk wear, is shown to contribute to this detrimental effect. Over long periods of sliding, the decomposition products of lubricant aging on their own, as well as in conjunction with their products of reaction with iron, generate a thick tribofilm that is highly protective in terms of friction and wear.