993 resultados para Occupational Choice


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Non-specific Occupational Low Back Pain (NOLBP) is a health condition that generates a high absenteeism and disability. Due to multifactorial causes is difficult to determine accurate diagnosis and prognosis. The clinical prediction of NOLBP is identified as a series of models that integrate a multivariate analysis to determine early diagnosis, course, and occupational impact of this health condition. Objective: to identify predictor factors of NOLBP, and the type of material referred to in the scientific evidence and establish the scopes of the prediction. Materials and method: the title search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Science Direct, and Ebsco Springer, between1985 and 2012. The selected articles were classified through a bibliometric analysis allowing to define the most relevant ones. Results: 101 titles met the established criteria, but only 43 metthe purpose of the review. As for NOLBP prediction, the studies varied in relation to the factors for example: diagnosis, transition of lumbar pain from acute to chronic, absenteeism from work, disability and return to work. Conclusion: clinical prediction is considered as a strategic to determine course and prognostic of NOLBP, and to determine the characteristics that increase the risk of chronicity in workers with this health condition. Likewise, clinical prediction rules are tools that aim to facilitate decision making about the evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and intervention for low back pain, which should incorporate risk factors of physical, psychological and social.


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Descriptive study that identified chemical agents (AQ) use and training on risk management and waste disposal techniques in a public Hospital in Valencia. A questionnaire was answered by 48 workers. Information obtained was: personal data, occupational history, AQ used; knowledge of risk management and waste disposal. There were 16 occupations from 12 “High Risk” areas. “Adult emergency” was the one with more workers (11 individuals), followed by “sterilization” and “clinical laboratory” (7 each) and oncology (5). The remained areas had less than 8.3% workers. The most used anesthetic agents were: Halothane, Enfluorane and Isofluorane 4.17% each and main antineoplastics used were: Doxorubicin 16.67% and Paclitaxel, 5-Fluoracil and Etoposide, 8.33% each. The most mentioned substances were: alcohol (70.8%) and Chlorine (64.6%). None of the answers regarding knowledge of AQ’ risk management and waste disposal was satisfactory. Statistical associations between training and several variables such as age, time in their job and being or not a professional, resulted non-significant. The correlation between training and the knowledge of AQ’s management was significant (p < 0.001). Participants showed that their knowledge about chemical occupational risk factors they are exposed to is still insufficient. Therefore, this theme should be included in graduate course curricula. These results provide important data and will serve as a pilot research for the follow up Phase II study that will include clinical aspects and environmental and biological monitoring.


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It is aimed at reviewing the effect reflected in the quality and quantity of tobacco exportation with the appearance of Magdalena Fevers in the Ambalema zone (Colombia), between 1856 and 1870. The research explores the effect of labor over health and the effect of health over labor in this stage of the Colombian export development. By formulating an econometric model it is possible to establish whether the epidemic outbreaks of fevers were a relevant factor in explaining the behavior of tobacco exports from Ambalema to the outside. The analysis of the empirical data shows that it is possible that a fall on the exports in about 72,000 tobacco sacks per year caused by the fevers in the studied region, as well as a negative effect of the disease on the tobacco prices.


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En la teoría de la organización existen diferentes perspectivas teóricas que abordan y explican el diseño de las organizaciones y su complejidad, entendiendo el impacto del entorno de manera diferente. El presente artículo de carácter teórico y sustentado en una rigurosa revisión bibliográfica, tiene como propósito principal analizar tres de esas perspectivas: contingencia, voluntarismo y strategic choice. Así, se mantiene la idea que si bien el enfoque contingente influye significativamente en el diseño y características de la organización considerando principalmente los factores del entorno, existen otros factores condicionantes-intrínsecos atribuibles a sus miembros –gerentes y directivos– que también desempeñan un papel relevante en la determinación de la forma como se crean las estrategias, se toman las decisiones y se realizan los diseños estructurales más adecuados para alcanzar los objetivos organizacionales. Por consiguiente y derivado de las presiones del ámbito interno como del  entorno a que están sometidas las organizaciones, tales perspectivas serán más útiles si las observamos como complementarias y no excluyentes a la hora de comprender y plantear soluciones a lo que sucede dentro y alrededor de las mismas


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En todas las etapas de la vida, las personas se encuentran influenciadas por el ambiente, el cual es un facilitador o inhibidor para el desarrollo de sus actividades, permitiéndole elegir qué ocupaciones desea desempeñar de acuerdo a sus intereses y habilidades. Es por ello que el presente trabajo sustenta el objeto de estudio por medio de la revisión, análisis y reflexión de textos especializados en terapia ocupacional en el periodo comprendido entre 1996 – 2006, en las revistas Canadiense y Americana de Terapia Ocupacional, encontradas en la Biblioteca Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad del Rosario.


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Occupational therapists are equipped to promote wellbeing through occupation and to enable participation and meaningful engagement of people in their social and physical environments (WFOT, 2012). As such, the role of the occupational therapists is profoundly linked to the social, cultural and environmental characteristics of the contexts in which occupations take place. The central role that context plays in occupational performance creates an interesting dichotomy for the occupational therapist: on one hand, a profound understanding of cultural and social factors is required from the Occupational Therapy (OT) in order to develop a meaningful and successful collaboration with the person; on the other hand, the ability of the occupational therapists to recognize and explore the contextual factor of an occupation-person dyad transcends cultural and spatial barriers. As a result, occupational therapists are equipped to engage in international collaboration and practice, and as such face unique and enriching challenges. International fieldwork experiences have become a tool through which occupational therapists in training can develop the critical skills for understanding the impact of cultural and social factors on occupation. An OT student in an international fieldwork experience faces numerous challenges in leading a process that is both relevant and respectful to the characteristics of the local context: language, cultural perceptions of occupation and personhood, religious backgrounds, health care access, etc. These challenges stand out as ethical considerations that must be considered when navigating an international fieldwork experience (AOTA, 2009). For more than five years now, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (FRM) of the University of Alberta (UoFA) and the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Universidad del Rosario (UR), Bogota, Colombia, have sustained a productive and meaningful international collaboration. This collaboration includes a visit by Dr. Albert Cook, professor of the FRM and former dean, to the UR as the main guest speaker in the International Congress of Technologies for Disability Support (IBERDISCAP) in 2008. Furthermore, Dr. Cook was a speaker in the research seminar of the Assistive Technology Research Group of the Universidad del Rosario. Following Dr. Cook’s visit, Professors Liliana Álvarez and Adriana Ríos travelled to Edmonton and initiated collaboration with the FRM, resulting in the signing of an agreement between the FRM and the UR in 2009, agreement that has been maintained to this day. The main goal of this agreement is to increase academic and cultural cooperation between the UR and the UofA. Other activities have included the cooperation between Dr. Kim Adams (who has largely maintained interest and effort in supporting the capacity building of the UR rehabilitation programs in coordinating the provision of research placement opportunities for UR students at the UofA), an Assistive Technology course for clinicians and students led by Dr. Adams, and a research project that researched the use of basic cell phones to provide social interaction and health information access for people with disabilities in a low-income community in Colombia (led by Tim Barlott, OT, MSc, under the supervision of Dr. Adams). Since the beginning, the occupational therapy programs of the Universidad del Rosario and the University of Alberta have promoted this collaboration and have strived to engage in interactions that provide further development opportunities for students and staff. As part of this process, the international placement experience of UofA OT students was born under the leadership of: Claudia Rozo, OT program director at UR, placement and academic leadership of Elvis Castro and Angélica Monsalve, professors of the occupational therapy program at UR; and Dr. Lili Liu, OT department director at UofA, Cori Schmitz, Academic coordinator of clinical education at the UofA; and Tim Barlott and Liliana Álvarez leading the international and cross-cultural aspect of this collaboration.This publication summarizes and illustrates the process of international placement in community settings in Colombia, undertaken by occupational therapy students of the University of Alberta. It is our hope that this document can provide and document the ethical considerations of international fieldwork experience, the special characteristics of communities and the ways in which cultural and social competences are developed and help international students navigate the international setting. We also hope that this document will stimulate discussion among professional and academic communities about the importance and richness of international placement experiences and encourage staff and students to articulate their daily efforts with the global occupational therapy agenda.


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In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.


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En este trabajo de grado se elabora una breve presentación de propuestas, modelos y teorías de organizaciones saludables desde diferentes perspectivas, con el fin de lograr un análisis y aplicación de un modelo en una pequeña empresa del sector cosmetico para lograr la propuesta y formulacion estrategica de un modelo aplicable. En este ejercicio se logra un diagnóstico, evaluación y direccionamiento estrategico de la compañía para la elaboración de una propuesta que le permita a la compañía crecer saludablemente.


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In November 2008, Colombian authorities dismantled a network of Ponzi schemes, making hundreds of thousands of investors lose tens of millions of dollars throughout the country. Using original data on the geographical incidence of the Ponzi schemes, this paper estimates the impact of their break down on crime. We find that the crash of Ponzi schemes differentially exacerbated crime in affected districts. Confirming the intuition of the standard economic model of crime, this effect is only present in places with relatively weak judicial and law enforcement institutions, and with little access to consumption smoothing mechanisms such as microcredit. In addition, we show that, with the exception of economically-motivated felonies such as robbery, violent crime is not affected by the negative shock.


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Son pruebas de inteligencia objetivas para evaluar las habilidades verbales de los alumnos en un sentido más amplio que el que proporciona el contenido específico de un programa de estudios. Su objetivo es tratar de que identifiquen modelos, similitudes y diferencias entre palabras, y demostrar, además, su comprensión de las reglas y del significado específico del lenguaje en diferentes contextos.


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Son pruebas de inteligencia cuyas preguntas no tienen una solución que puede ser aprendida de antemano.Son utilizadas, entre otras finalidades, para conocer de los escolares de ocho a catorce años, sus capacidades para comprender y asimilar información novedosa, independientemente de sus habilidades lingüísticas.


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Estos tests evalúan el nivel de inglés alcanzado por los niños durante la educación primaria, y les proporciona, además, la práctica para las pruebas de selección de la escuela secundaria.


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Este recurso puede ser utilizado tanto por los tutores como por los estudiantes que siguen las habilidades básicas, alumnos adultos de alfabetización en la evaluación final en el nivel 1 y los estudiantes de ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) en lectura. Contiene 12 cuestionarios, cada uno con 40 preguntas de opción múltiple para evaluar la capacidad del candidato para identificar los puntos e ideas principales de los escritos, entender el significado de los documentos y su estilo de escritura, interpretar la información de tablas, gráficos y mapas, y reconocer la ortografía, la gramática y la puntuación. También, incluye las respuestas y las hojas de evaluación para fotocopiar.