849 resultados para OREOCHROMIS-NILOTICUS


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O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão de amido em dietas para larvas de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram utilizadas 375 larvas com 8,02 ± 2,11 mg de peso inicial, distribuídas em 25 aquários com capacidade unitária de 30 L, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. As rações foram formuladas para conter 0; 2,5; 5; 7,5 e 10% de amido, com 3.500 kcal ED/kg e 38,6% proteína digestível. Os peixes foram alimentados, à vontade, cinco vezes ao dia. O peso final, o ganho de peso, o fator de condição e a sobrevivência dos peixes alimentados com rações acrescidas de amido não diferiram em relação ao daqueles alimentados com a ração controle. O amido pode ser incluído como fonte energética em níveis de até 10% em rações para larvas de tilápia-do-nilo, pois não prejudica o desempenho dos peixes.


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Este estudo foi realizado para descrever o efeito da reversão sexual de linhagens de tilápia sobre as taxas de sobrevivência, o crescimento e o percentual de machos fenotípicos em condições ambientais variáveis. Foram utilizadas duas linhagens de Oreochromis niloticus (tilápia-do-nilo comum e tailandesa) e uma híbrida Oreochromis sp (vermelha), que receberam o hormônio masculinizante 17-α-metiltestosterona incorporado à ração (60 mg/kg) durante os primeiros 30 dias de vida. Aos 90 dias de idade, a taxa de sobrevivência da tilápia-do-nilo comum superou a da tilápia tailandesa em 39,00% e da tilápia vermelha em 22,70%, enquanto a taxa instantânea de crescimento foi similar nas linhagens comum e tailandesa e significativamente inferior na linhagem vermelha. O percentual de machos, de acordo com o exame de gônadas, decresceu na seguinte ordem: tilápia-do-nilo comum, tailandesa e vermelha. em situações de oscilação de temperatura, a linhagem comum tem maior desempenho produtivo, mas são necessários estudos para comprovação da pureza genética e análise do manejo reprodutivo de linhagens de tilápia.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de um complexo enzimático em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) sobre o desempenho, a composição química da carcaça e a qualidade da água. Foram utilizados 200 alevinos revertidos (4,57 ± 1,24 g), distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em 20 tanques de 500 litros, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, considerando a unidade experimental uma caixa com dez peixes. Os peixes foram alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 0,033; 0,066 ou 0,099% de complexo enzimático. As dietas foram processadas na forma peletizada e fornecidas quatro vezes ao dia, às 8, 11, 14 e 17 h. Os valores médios de pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, fósforo total, amônia e nitrato da água de cultivo não foram influenciados pela dieta. A inclusão do complexo enzimático na dieta não afetou o ganho de peso, as taxas de sobrevivência e de crescimento específico, mas influenciou o consumo de ração e a conversão alimentar, cujos valores foram maiores nos peixes alimentados com a dieta com 0,066% de complexo enzimático. Não foram observadas diferenças nos teores de matéria seca, umidade, proteína bruta, matéria mineral, cálcio e fósforo na carcaça dos peixes, no entanto, o teor de extrato etéreo reduziu de forma linear com o aumento do nível de complexo enzimático. A utilização de complexo enzimático (amilase, protease, celulase, lipase, pectinase, xilanase, β-glucanase e fitase) no nível de 0,066% em dietas para juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo piora a conversão alimentar, mas não influencia o desempenho e a composição corporal dos peixes.


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The capacity of hybrid tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus x O. niloticus [23.2 +/- 0.2 g (mean +/- SE)] to show compensatory growth was assessed in an 8-week experiment. Fish were deprived of feed for 1, 2 and 4 weeks, and then fed to satiation for 4 weeks; fish fed to satiation during the experiment served as control. Water temperature gradually declined from 28.1 to 25.5 degrees C throughout the experiment. Specific growth rate (SGR) decreased with progressive food deprivation. At the end of deprivation, body weight was lower in the deprived fish than in the control. Fish deprived for 4 weeks exhibited lower contents of lipids and energy in whole body, and higher moisture content and ratio of protein to energy (P/E) than those of the control; they also consumed feed faster than the control when normal feeding was resumed. All deprived fish showed higher food intake (FI) than that of the control during re-alimentation; however, enhanced SGR was only observed in the fish deprived for 4 weeks. There were no significant differences in digestibility of protein and energy, food efficiency (FE) or energy retention efficiency between the control and deprived fish. At the end of re-alimentation, deprived fish failed to catch up in body weight with the control, while content of moisture, lipids and energy, and P/E in whole body of the deprived fish did not significantly differ from that of the control. The results of the experiment revealed that the hybrid tilapia reared in freshwater showed partial capacity for compensatory growth following food deprivation of 4 weeks, and that growth compensation was due mainly to increased FI, rather than to improved FE.


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Hybrid tilapia weighing 4.34 +/- 0.03 g (mean +/- SE) were reared in seawater at 23.8 to 27.0 degrees C for 8 weeks. The control group was fed to satiation twice a day throughout the experiment. The other three groups were deprived of feed for 1, 2, and 4 weeks, respectively, and then fed to satiation during the refeeding period. At the end of the experiment, fish deprived for 1 week had similar body weights to the controls, whereas fish deprived for 2 and 4 weeks had significantly lower body weights than the controls. During the refeeding period, size-adjusted feed intakes and specific growth rates were significantly higher in deprived fish than in the controls, indicating some compensatory responses in these fish. Feed intake and growth rate upon refeeding were higher the longer the duration of deprivation. No significant differences were found in digestibility, feed efficiency or protein and energy retention efficiency between the deprived and control fish during refeeding, suggesting that hyperphagia was the mechanism responsible for increased growth rates during compensatory growth. During refeeding, relative gains in protein, lipid and ash, as proportions of total body weight gain, did not differ significantly among treatment groups. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fish culture experiments were conducted to compare and evaluate the feeding pattern and strategies, daily ration, gastric evacuation rates, dietary breadth, similarity and overlap of silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus, and tilapia, Oreochromis sp. (natural hybrid of O. mossambicus x O. niloticus) in a rice-fish system. B. gonionotus was found to be a macrophtophagous column feeder while Oreochromis sp. was a detrivorous benthophagic browser. Ontogenic shifts in diet were clearly observed in B. gonionotus while absent in Oreochromis sp. For both species, daily food ration for the small fish was twice as large as that for the large fish. Mean rates of gastric evacuation were 0.18 h super(1) for small and 0.05 h super(1) for large B. gonionotus and 0.09 h super(1) and 0.14h super(1) for small and large Oreochromis sp., respectively. In terms of intraspecific dietary width, the smaller sized individuals of both species had a wider dietary niche than the larger conspecifics. Larger fish increased their specialization and reliance on few food items with increasing size and competitive ability. When both species were reared together, B. gonionotus showed a wider niche width than tilapia. Wider interspecific niche width of B. gonionotus compared to that of tilapia and significant interspecific dietary overlap is likely to result in suppression of the growth of tilapia in mixed culture due to: 1) a high degree of specialization and reliance of tilapia on food of low-nutrient value, and 2) slower gastric evacuation rates as compared to B. gonionotus, which would allow B. gonionotus to outgrow similar sized tilapia.


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Adenine nucleotides and their related compounds were determined in muscle extracts from two species of fish that were stored in ice after thawing. The fish were the closely related species, Australian barramundi (Lates calcarifer ) and Kenyan Nile perch (Lates niloticus ) which had different process histories. For all samples, adenine nucleotides did not exceed 6% of the total nucleotide pool. Inosine monophosphate (IMP) decreased steadily with storage. Hypoxanthine (Hx) was the major product of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) degradation in both barramundi and Nile perch, showing a steady increase with days of iced storage. The Hx level did not reach a maximum during the 9d storage period. The K-value also increased regularly with time of storage and for the later stages (i.e., 7 and 9d) and was significantly different (P < 0.01) for the two species. The iced storage life of these typical samples of barramundi and Nile perch was estimated to be 3d after thawing using a K-value of < 30% to indicate excellent quality. Despite the differences in process history the nucleotide profiles were remarkably similar during storage. This precludes the use of nucleotide levels as a means of differentiating between these species.


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Combating the spread of invasive fish is problematic, with eradication rarely possible and control options varying enormously in their effectiveness. In two small impoundments in north-eastern Australia, an electrofishing removal program was conducted to control an invasive tilapia population. We hypothesised that electrofishing would reduce the population density of Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia), to limit the risk of downstream spread into areas of high conservation value. We sampled by electrofishing monthly for 33 months. Over this period, there was an 87% decline in catch per unit effort (CPUE) of mature fish, coupled with a corresponding increase of 366% in the number of juveniles, suggesting a density-dependent response in the stock-recruitment relationship for the population. Temperature was inversely related to CPUE (r=0.43, lag=10 days), implying greater electrofishing efficiency in cooler months. The reduction in breeding stock is likely to reduce the risk of spread and render the population vulnerable to other control measures such as netting and/or biological control. Importantly, the current study suggests routine electrofishing may be a useful control tool for invasive fish in small impoundments when the use of more destructive techniques, such as piscicides, is untenable.


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The reproductive biology of two invasive tilapia species, Oreochromis mossambicus and Tilapia mariae, resident in freshwater habitats in north-eastern Australia was investigated. Oreochromis mossambicus exhibited plasticity in some of its life-history characteristics that enhanced its ability to occupy a range of habitats. These included a shallow, weed-choked, freshwater coastal drain that was subject to temperature and dissolved oxygen extremes and water-level fluctuations to cooler, relatively high-altitude impoundments. Adaptations to harsher conditions included a decreased total length (LT) and age ( A) at 50% maturity (m50), short somatic growth intervals, early maturation and higher relative fecundities. Potential fecundity in both species was relatively low, but parental care ensured high survival rates of both eggs and larvae. No significant difference in the relative fecundity of T. mariae populations in a large impoundment and a coastal river was found, but there were significant differences in relative fecundities between several of the O. mossambicus populations sampled. Total length ( LT) and age at 50% maturity of O. mossambicus populations varied considerably depending on habitat. The LTm50 and Am50 values for male and female O. mossambicus in a large impoundment were considerably greater than for those resident in a small coastal drain. Monthly gonad developmental stages and gonado-somatic indices suggested that in coastal areas, spawning of O. mossambicus and T. mariae occurred throughout most of the year while in cooler, high-altitude impoundments, spawning peaked in the warmer, summer months. The contribution these reproductive characteristics make to the success of both species as colonizers is discussed in the context of future control and management options for tilapia incursions in Australia.


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Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters 1852) are native to the eastward flowing rivers of central and southern Africa but from the early 1930s they have been widely distributed around the world for aquaculture and for biological control of weeds and insects. While O. mossambicus are now not commonly used as an aquaculture species, the biological traits that made them a popular culture species including tolerance to wide ranging ecological conditions, generalist dietary requirements and rapid reproduction with maternal care have also made them a 'model' invader. Self-sustaining populations now exist in almost every region to which they have been imported. In Australia, since their introduction in the 1970s, O. mossambicus have become established in catchments along the east and west coasts and have the potential to colonise other adjacent drainages. It is thought that intentional translocations are likely to be the most significant factor in their spread in Australia. The ecological and physical tolerances and preferences, reproductive behaviour, hybridization and the high degree of plasticity in the life history traits of O. mossambicus are reviewed. Impacts of O. mossambicus on natural ecosystems including competitive displacement of native species, habitat alteration, predation and as a vector in the spread of diseases are discussed. Potential methods for eradicating or controlling invasive populations of O. mossambicus including physical removal, piscicides, screens, environmental management and genetic technologies are outlined.


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The growth of Sarotherodon (Tilapia) niloticus in Opa reservoir, University of Ife was determined from the fish scales. Compared with the growth in other similar water bodies the growth was comparatively faster in this newly-impounded reservoir