960 resultados para Nd:YAG Laser
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
In this study we compared the microleakage of conventional glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations following the use of different methods of root caries removal. In vitro root caries were induced in 75 human root dentin samples that were divided in five groups of 15 each according to the method used for caries removal: in group 1 spherical carbide burs at low speed were used, in group 2 a hand-held excavator was used, and in groups 3 to 5 an Er,Cr:YSGG laser was used at 2.25 W, 40.18 J/cm(2) (group 3), 2.50 W, 44.64 J/cm(2) (group 4) and 2.75 W, 49.11 J/cm(2) (group 5). The air/water cooling during irradiation was set to 55%/65% respectively. All cavities were filled with GIC. Five samples from each group were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the other ten samples were thermocycled and submitted to a microleakage test. The data obtained were compared by ANOVA followed by Fisher's test (pa parts per thousand currency sign0.05). Group 4 showed the lowest microleakage index (56.65 6.30; p < 0.05). There were no significant differences among the other groups. On SEM images samples of groups 1 and 2 showed a more regular interface than the irradiated samples. Demineralized dentin below the restoration was observed, that was probably affected dentin. Group 4 showed the lowest microleakage values compared to the other experimental groups, so under the conditions of the present study the method that provided the lowest microleakage was the Er,Cr:YSGG laser with a power output of 2.5 W yielding an energy density of 44.64 J/cm(2).
Three different fissure preparation procedures were tested and compared to the non-invasive approach using a conventional unfilled sealant and a flowable composite. Eighty permanent molars were selected and divided into 4 groups of 20 teeth each. All the teeth were split into 2 halves, and the exposed fissures were photographed under a microscope (35x) before and after being prepared using the following methods: (I) Er:YAG laser (KEY Laser, KaVo) 600 mJ pulse energy, 6 Hz; (II) diamond bur; (III) Er: YAG laser (KEY Laser, KaVo) 200 mJ pulse energy, 4 Hz; (IV) Control group: Powder jet cleaner (Prophyflex, KaVo, Germany). The pre-and postimages were superimposed in order to evaluate the amount of hard tissue removed. Ten teeth in each group were then acid etched and sealed with an unfilled sealant (Delton opaque, Dentsply), while the remaining 10 teeth were acid etched, primed and bonded (Prime ; Bond NT, Dentsply) and sealed with a flowable composite (X-flow, DeTrey, Dentsply). Material penetration and microleakage were evaluated after thermocycling (5000 cycles) and staining with methylene blue 5%. ANOVA and Mann-Whitney tests were applied for statistical analysis. The laser 600 mJ and bur eliminated the greatest amount of hard tissue. The control teeth presented the least microleakage when sealed with Delton or X-flow. A correlation between material penetration and microleakage could not be statistically confirmed. Mechanical preparation prior to fissure sealing did not enhance the final performance of the sealant.
This in vitro study aimed to assess the speed and caries removal effectiveness of four different new and conventional dentine excavation methods. Eighty deciduous molars were assigned to four groups. Teeth were sectioned longitudinally through the lesion centre. Images of one half per tooth were captured by light microscope and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to assess the caries extension. The halves were then reassembled and caries removed using round carbide bur (group 1), Er:YAG laser (group 2), hand excavator (group 3) and a polymer bur (group 4). The time needed for the whole excavation in each tooth was registered. After excavation, the halves were photographed by light microscope. Caries extension obtained from CLSM images were superimposed on the post-excavation images, allowing comparison between caries extension and removal. The regions where caries and preparation limits coincided, as well as the areas of over- and underpreparation, were measured. Steel bur was the fastest method, followed by the polymer bur, hand excavator and laser. Steel bur exhibited also the largest overpreparation area, followed by laser, hand excavator and polymer bur. The largest underpreparation area was found using polymer bur, followed by laser, hand excavator and steel bur. Hand excavator presented the longest coincidence line, followed by polymer and steel burs and laser. Overall, hand excavator seemed to be the most suitable method for carious dentine excavation in deciduous teeth, combining good excavation time with effective caries removal.
Purpose We compared the long-term results of minimally invasive endourological intervention and open surgical revision in patients with a nonmalignant ureteroileal stricture. Materials and Methods We retrospectively evaluated the records of 74 patients (85 renal units) treated for unilateral or bilateral nonmalignant ureteroileal strictures. Overall, 96 endourological and 35 open surgical procedures were performed. Balloon dilatation and Acucise® or Ho:YAG laser endoureterotomy were used as minimally invasive endourological interventions. Open surgical revision with stricture resection and open ureteroileal end-to-side-reanastomosis was the alternate therapy. Treatment success was defined as radiological normalization or improvement of upper urinary tract morphology combined with absent flank pain, infection, ureteral stents or percutaneous nephrostomies. Results Median followup was 29 months (range 2 to 177). The overall success rate was 26% (25 of 96 cases) for endourological intervention vs 91% (32 of 35) for open surgical revision (p <0.001). Subgroup analysis showed a significant difference in the success rate of minimally invasive endourological interventions vs open surgical revision for strictures greater than 1 cm (3 of 52 cases or 6% vs 19 of 22 or 86%, p <0.001). The success rate of endourological and open surgical procedures for strictures 1 cm or less was 50% (22 of 44 cases) and 100% (13 of 13), respectively. After adjusting for multiple preoperative stricture characteristics, only stricture length was strongly and inversely associated with a successful outcome (p <0.001). Conclusions Open surgical revision produces better results than minimally invasive endourological intervention for ureteroileal strictures, particularly those greater than 1 cm. The success rate of endourological intervention is acceptable only for ureteroileal strictures 1 cm or less. Therefore, ureteroileal strictures greater than 1 cm should be primarily managed by open surgical revision.
The aim of the study was to compare fissure sealant quality after mechanical conditioning of erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG) laser or air abrasion prior to chemical conditioning of phosphoric acid etching or of a self-etch adhesive. Twenty-five permanent molars were initially divided into three groups: control group (n = 5), phosphoric acid etching; test group 1 (n = 10), air abrasion; and test group 2, (n = 10) Er:YAG laser. After mechanical conditioning, the test group teeth were sectioned buccolingually and the occlusal surface of one half tooth (equal to one sample) was acid etched, while a self-etch adhesive was applied on the other half. The fissure system of each sample was sealed, thermo-cycled and immersed in 5% methylene dye for 24 h. Each sample was sectioned buccolingually, and one slice was analysed microscopically. Using specialized software microleakage, unfilled margin, sealant failure and unfilled area proportions were calculated. A nonparametric ANOVA model was applied to compare the Er:YAG treatment with that of air abrasion and the self-etch adhesive with phosphoric acid (α = 0.05). Test groups were compared to the control group using Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α = 0.05). The control group displayed significantly lower microleakage but higher unfilled area proportions than the Er:YAG laser + self-etch adhesive group and displayed significantly higher unfilled margin and unfilled area proportions than the air-abrasion + self-etch adhesive group. There was no statistically significant difference in the quality of sealants applied in fissures treated with either Er:YAG laser or air abrasion prior to phosphoric acid etching, nor in the quality of sealants applied in fissures treated with either self-etch adhesive or phosphoric acid following Er:YAG or air-abrasion treatment.
Similarly to the case of LIF (Laser-Induced Fluorescence), an equally revolutionary impact to science is expected from resonant X-ray photo-pumping. It will particularly contribute to a progress in high energy density science: pumped core hole states create X-ray transitions that can escape dense matter on a 10 fs-time scale without essential photoabsorption, thus providing a unique possibility to study matter under extreme conditions. In the first proof of principle experiment at the X-ray Free Electron Laser LCLS at SCLAC [Seely, J., Rosmej, F.B., Shepherd, R., Riley, D., Lee, R.W. Proposal to Perform the 1st High Energy Density Plasma Spectroscopic Pump/Probe Experiment", approved LCLS proposal L332 (2010)] we have successfully pumped inner-shell X-ray transitions in dense plasmas. The plasma was generated with a YAG laser irradiating solid Al and Mg targets attached to a rotating cylinder. In parallel to the optical laser beam, the XFEL was focused into the plasma plume at different delay times and pump energies. Pumped X-ray transitions have been observed with a spherically bent crystal spectrometer coupled to a Princeton CCD. By using this experimental configuration, we have simultaneously achieved extremely high spectral (λ/δλ ≈ 5000) and spatial resolution (δx≈70 μm) while maintaining high luminosity and a large spectral range covered (6.90 - 8.35 Å). By precisely measuring the variations in spectra emitted from plasma under action of XFEL radiation, we have successfully demonstrated transient X- ray pumping in a dense plasma.
Desde la organogénesis y hasta estadios adultos, las células madre mesenquimales participan activamente dando origen y manteniéndola homeostasis del organismo. En la cavidad oral han sido aisladas desde variadas estructuras del órgano dental tales como el ligamento periodontal, pulpa dental, tejido gingival, folículo dental y papila apical significando una prometedora fuente de células madre mesenquimales las que pueden ser caracterizadas de acuerdo a los criterios mínimos establecidos por "The International Society for Cellular Therapy" que son: a) La adherencia al plástico; b) La expresión de marcadores CD73, CD90, CD105 y la carencia de CD34, CD45, CD14, CD11, CD79, CD19 y HLA-DR (clase II); c) Capacidad multipotencial de diferenciación hacia linaje osteogénico, condrogénico y adipogénico. El objetivo de esta revisión consiste en realizar un levantamiento de la situación actual de este tema efectuando una revisión comprensiva de la literatura en los campos de; identificación a través demarcadores de superficie, aislamiento por medio de mecanismos de digestión enzimática o explante, almacenamiento atendiendo a la necesidad de suprimir el uso de suero fetal bovino como medio de cultivo en un esfuerzo por avanzar hacia aplicaciones terapéuticas, banca o criopreservación destacando nuevas experiencia en este campo como lo es la criopreservación de piezas dentales completas gracias a la tecnología láser Nd:YAG. Y, finalmente, las aplicaciones clínicas que promete este grupo de células a través de la medicina regenerativa y la ingeniería tisular tanto en el campo de la odontología como la medicina general.
Los cálculos vesicales son los más frecuentes del tracto urinario bajo (1). El factor predisponente más frecuente para la formación de cálculos vesicales es la obstrucción del tracto de salida. Presentaremos el caso de una paciente con antecedente de trauma uretral por fractura de pelvis; derivada con un Mitrofanoff; con diagnostico de cistolitiasis múltiple con cálculos de hasta 1 cm. El objetivo es mostrar la posibilidad de manejo de la cistolitiasis vía percutánea en una paciente con una derivación urinaria compleja funcionante, procedimiento menos mórbido, con menor tiempo de recuperación y con resultados comparables a otras técnicas. Inicia el procedimiento previa cateterización del Mitrofanoff con sonda Foley 12Fr, realizando punción suprapúbica para mediana izquierda a 2 cm de la rama púbica con aguja Chiba, posteriormente se avanzó guía hidrofílica seguida de varilla y dilatadores secuenciales de Alken 9Fr-27Fr y colocación de camisa Amplatz 28 Fr. Se retiraron dilatadores conservando guía de seguridad, se extrajeron la totalidad de los cálculos. Se ocluyó herida y se dejó sonda Foley conectada a Cystoflo. Egreso al día 1 post operatorio y retiro sonda Foley a los 5 días post operatorio. No se presentaron complicaciones, el tiempo operatorio fue de 1 hora, con 1 día de estancia hospitalaria. Recuperación satisfactoria con un resultado exitoso en cuanto a la extracción completa de los cálculos en 1 sólo tiempo quirúrgico. La cistolitotomía percutánea es una opción de manejo la cual ofrece grandes ventajas. Debe ser considerada no sólo en pacientes con acceso uretral restringido.
Low loss depressed cladding waveguide inscribed in YAG:Nd single crystal by femtosecond laser pulses
A depressed cladding waveguide with record low loss of 0.12 dB/cm is inscribed in YAG:Nd(0.3at.%) crystal by femtosecond laser pulses with an elliptical beam waist. The waveguide is formed by a set of parallel tracks which constitute the depressed cladding. It is a key element for compact and efficient CW waveguide laser operating at 1064 nm and pumped by a multimode laser diode. Special attention is paid to mechanical stress resulting from the inscription process. Numerical calculation of mode distribution and propagation loss with the elasto-optical effect taken into account leads to the conclusion that the depressed cladding is a dominating factor in waveguide mode formation, while the mechanical stress only slightly distorts waveguide modes.
A diode stack end-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser at 1342 nm with near-diffraction-limited beam quality by using a hybrid resonator was presented. At a pump power of 139.5 W, laser power of 35.4 W was obtained with a conversion efficiency of 25.4% of the laser diode to laser output. The beam quality M-2 factors were measured to be 1.2 in the unstable direction and 1.3 in the stable direction at the output power of 29 W. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America