679 resultados para NANOSCIENCE


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Knowledge of cell electronics has led to their integration to medicine either by physically interfacing electronic devices with biological systems or by using electronics for both detection and characterization of biological materials. In this dissertation, an electrical impedance sensor (EIS) was used to measure the electrode surface impedance changes from cell samples of human and environmental toxicity of nanoscale materials in 2D and 3D cell culture models. The impedimetric response of human lung fibroblasts and rainbow trout gill epithelial cells when exposed to various nanomaterials was tested to determine their kinetic effects towards the cells and to demonstrate the biosensorâs ability to monitor nanotoxicity in real-time. Further, the EIS allowed rapid, real-time and multi-sample analysis creating a versatile, noninvasive tool that is able to provide quantitative information with respect to alteration in cellular function. We then extended the application of the unique capabilities of the EIS to do real-time analysis of cancer cell response to externally applied alternating electric fields at different intermediate frequencies and low-intensity. Decreases in the growth profiles of the ovarian and breast cancer cells were observed with the application of 200 and 100 kHz, respectively, indicating specific inhibitory effects on dividing cells in culture in contrast to the non-cancerous HUVECs and mammary epithelial cells. We then sought to enhance the effects of the electric field by altering the cancer cellâs electronegative membrane properties with HER2 antibody functionalized nanoparticles. An Annexin V/EthD-III assay and zeta potential were performed to determine the cell death mechanism indicating apoptosis and a decrease in zeta potential with the incorporation of the nanoparticles. With more negatively charged HER2-AuNPs attached to the cancer cell membrane, the decrease in membrane potential would thus leave the cells more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of the applied electric field due to the decrease in surface charge. Therefore, by altering the cell membrane potential, one could possibly control the fate of the cell. This whole cell-based biosensor will enhance our understanding of the responsiveness of cancer cells to electric field therapy and demonstrate potential therapeutic opportunities for electric field therapy in the treatment of cancer.


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In this research the integration of nanostructures and micro-scale devices was investigated using silica nanowires to develop a simple yet robust nanomanufacturing technique for improving the detection parameters of chemical and biological sensors. This has been achieved with the use of a dielectric barrier layer, to restrict nanowire growth to site-specific locations which has removed the need for post growth processing, by making it possible to place nanostructures on pre-pattern substrates. Nanowires were synthesized using the Vapor-Liquid-Solid growth method. Process parameters (temperature and time) and manufacturing aspects (structural integrity and biocompatibility) were investigated. Silica nanowires were observed experimentally to determine how their physical and chemical properties could be tuned for integration into existing sensing structures. Growth kinetic experiments performed using gold and palladium catalysts at 1050 ˚C for 60 minutes in an open-tube furnace yielded dense and consistent silica nanowire growth. This consistent growth led to the development of growth model fitting, through use of the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Transmission electron microscopy studies revealed the nanowires to be amorphous and X-ray diffraction confirmed the composition to be SiO2 . Silica nanowires were monitored in epithelial breast cancer media using Impedance spectroscopy, to test biocompatibility, due to potential in vivo use as a diagnostic aid. It was found that palladium catalyzed silica nanowires were toxic to breast cancer cells, however, nanowires were inert at 1µg/mL concentrations. Additionally a method for direct nanowire integration was developed that allowed for silica nanowires to be grown directly into interdigitated sensing structures. This technique eliminates the need for physical nanowire transfer thus preserving nanowire structure and performance integrity and further reduces fabrication cost. Successful nanowire integration was physically verified using Scanning electron microscopy and confirmed electrically using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of immobilized Prostate Specific Antigens (PSA). The experiments performed above serve as a guideline to addressing the metallurgic challenges in nanoscale integration of materials with varying composition and to understanding the effects of nanomaterials on biological structures that come in contact with the human body.


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The machining process is the most common method for metal cutting, especially in the fabrication of biomaterials and artificial implants. In modern industry, the goal of production is to manufacture products at a low cost, with the highest quality in the shortest time. The main focus of the research presented here is to provide a review of the machinability of metallic and ceramic biomaterials in traditional machining processes, such as turning, milling and grinding. Thereafter, machining strategies, machinability and surface characteristics post machining are discussed. To provide a better understanding of the machining process, various cutting tools and fluids are analysed. Finally, the current research gap and directions of prospect investigations are highlighted.


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Recibido 11 de noviembre de 2010 ⢠Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 ⢠Corregido 03 de junio de 2011 En tiempos en los que se habla ya de nanociencia, de nanotecnología, de biología sistémica, de reingeniería genética, de ecoalfabetización, de ecoeconomía, de revolución biotecnológica, etc., pareciera que aún permanecen viejas escuelas con supuestos científicos y referentes teóricos que en su momento dieron respuestas a necesidades científicas, pero que ya hoy son insuficientes. Se menciona esto porque resulta un atraso para la ciencias de la educación y para las ciencias del deporte el hecho de que aún se sigan enseñando en congresos nacionales e internacionales, seminarios, jornadas de investigación, en nuestras universidades y en cualquier tipo de reuniones científicas, algunos supuestos que han perdido vigencia y que, por lo tanto, han caducado en cuanto a su legitimidad y validez. Reconocemos los avances que para la ciencia del ejercicio físico y la fisiología del ejercicio representaron, en su momento, algunas fórmulas predictivas para el cálculo de la frecuencia cardíaca máxima estimada (FCME), hay aspectos dignos de considerar que atienden a la necesidad. No que las despreciemos, lo que se pretende a través del presente trabajo es mostrar y desmitificar el hecho de la fórmula tradicional como casi el único patrón de medición y cálculo de la FCME, y más allá ofrecer, desde la perspectiva de otros investigadores, posibilidades para una mejora en cuanto a la dosificación del ejercicio físico para ciertos tipos de poblaciones con especificidades singulares.