957 resultados para Mythology, Greek, in literature.


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The conceptual model for deep geological disposal of high level nuclear waste (HLW) is based on multiple barrier system consisting of natural and engineered barriers. Buffer/backfill material is regarded as the most important engineered barrier in HLW repositories. Due to large swelling ability, cation adsorption capacity, and low permeability bentonite is considered as suitable buffer material in HLW repositories. Japan has identified Kunigel VI bentonite, South Korea - Kyungju bentonite, China - GMZ bentonite, Belgium - FoCa clay, Sweden - MX-80 bentonite, Spain - FEBEX bentonite and Canada - Avonseal bentonite as candidate bentonite buffer for deep geological repository program. An earlier study on Indian bentonites by one of the authors suggested that bentonite from Barmer district of Rajasthan (termed Barmer 1 bentonite), India is suited for use as buffer material in deep geological repositories. However, the hydro-mechanical properties of the Barmer 1 bentonite are unavailable. This paper characterizes Barmer 1 bentonite for hydro-mechanical properties, such as, swell pressure, saturated permeability, soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and unconfined compression strength at different dry densities. The properties of Barmer 1 bentonite were compared with bentonite buffers reported in literature and equations for designing swell pressure and saturated permeability coefficient of bentonite buffers were arrived at. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we address a scheduling problem for minimizing total weighted tardiness. The background for the paper is derived from the automobile gear manufacturing process. We consider the bottleneck operation of heat treatment stage of gear manufacturing. Real-life scenarios like unequal release times, incompatible job families, nonidentical job sizes, heterogeneous batch processors, and allowance for job splitting have been considered. We have developed a mathematical model which takes into account dynamic starting conditions. The problem considered in this study is NP-hard in nature, and hence heuristic algorithms have been proposed to address it. For real-life large-size problems, the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms is evaluated using the method of estimated optimal solution available in literature. Extensive computational analyses reveal that the proposed heuristic algorithms are capable of consistently obtaining near-optimal statistically estimated solutions in very reasonable computational time.


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Maximum entropy approach to classification is very well studied in applied statistics and machine learning and almost all the methods that exists in literature are discriminative in nature. In this paper, we introduce a maximum entropy classification method with feature selection for large dimensional data such as text datasets that is generative in nature. To tackle the curse of dimensionality of large data sets, we employ conditional independence assumption (Naive Bayes) and we perform feature selection simultaneously, by enforcing a `maximum discrimination' between estimated class conditional densities. For two class problems, in the proposed method, we use Jeffreys (J) divergence to discriminate the class conditional densities. To extend our method to the multi-class case, we propose a completely new approach by considering a multi-distribution divergence: we replace Jeffreys divergence by Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence to discriminate conditional densities of multiple classes. In order to reduce computational complexity, we employ a modified Jensen-Shannon divergence (JS(GM)), based on AM-GM inequality. We show that the resulting divergence is a natural generalization of Jeffreys divergence to a multiple distributions case. As far as the theoretical justifications are concerned we show that when one intends to select the best features in a generative maximum entropy approach, maximum discrimination using J-divergence emerges naturally in binary classification. Performance and comparative study of the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated on large dimensional text and gene expression datasets that show our methods scale up very well with large dimensional datasets.


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The flowfields associated with truncated annular plug nozzles of varying lengths are studied both experimentally and using computational tools. The nozzles are designed to observe wake structure transition for the range of pressure ratios considered. A classification of the open wake regime is proposed for comparing and analyzing the plug flowfields. The three-dimensional relief experienced by the annular plug flow leads to greater wave interactions on the plug surface as compared with linear plug flow, resulting in a delayed transition of the base wake. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes based solvers employed in the studies could predict the plug surface flow accurately, whereas they exhibited limitations with regard to plug base flow predictions. Based on the experimental data generated, an empirical model for predicting closed wake base pressure is proposed and compared with other models available in literature.


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H. 264/advanced video coding surveillance video encoders use the Skip mode specified by the standard to reduce bandwidth. They also use multiple frames as reference for motion-compensated prediction. In this paper, we propose two techniques to reduce the bandwidth and computational cost of static camera surveillance video encoders without affecting detection and recognition performance. A spatial sampler is proposed to sample pixels that are segmented using a Gaussian mixture model. Modified weight updates are derived for the parameters of the mixture model to reduce floating point computations. A storage pattern of the parameters in memory is also modified to improve cache performance. Skip selection is performed using the segmentation results of the sampled pixels. The second contribution is a low computational cost algorithm to choose the reference frames. The proposed reference frame selection algorithm reduces the cost of coding uncovered background regions. We also study the number of reference frames required to achieve good coding efficiency. Distortion over foreground pixels is measured to quantify the performance of the proposed techniques. Experimental results show bit rate savings of up to 94.5% over methods proposed in literature on video surveillance data sets. The proposed techniques also provide up to 74.5% reduction in compression complexity without increasing the distortion over the foreground regions in the video sequence.


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The growth rate of high-speed mixing layer between two dissimilar gases is explored through the model free simulation results. To analyse the cause for the higher mixing layer growth rate in comparison to the existing values reported in literature, the results were compared with the model free simulations of mixing of two high-speed streams of nitrogen (similar gas) at matched temperature and density. The analysis indicates that pressure and density fluctuations no longer remain correlated completely for the mixing layer formed between two dissimilar gases at different temperatures in contrast to the complete pressure density correlation for similar gases. It has been observed that the correlation between temperature and density fluctuations is near -1.0 for dissimilar gases in the mixing layer region and is much higher than for similar gases. It is concluded that mixing layer of similar gases shows a decrease in growth rate due to compressibility effect, while that of dissimilar gases shows a decrease due to dominant temperature effect on density.


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In this study, we combine available high resolution structural information on eukaryotic ribosomes with low resolution cryo-EM data on the Hepatitis C Viral RNA (IRES) human ribosome complex. Aided further by the prediction of RNA-protein interactions and restrained docking studies, we gain insights on their interaction at the residue level. We identified the components involved at the major and minor contact regions, and propose that there are energetically favorable local interactions between 40S ribosomal proteins and IRES domains. Domain II of the IRES interacts with ribosomal proteins S5 and S25 while the pseudoknot and the downstream domain IV region bind to ribosomal proteins S26, S28 and S5. We also provide support using UV cross-linking studies to validate our proposition of interaction between the S5 and IRES domains II and IV. We found that domain IIIe makes contact with the ribosomal protein S3a (S1e). Our model also suggests that the ribosomal protein S27 interacts with domain IIIc while S7 has a weak contact with a single base RNA bulge between junction IIIabc and IIId. The interacting residues are highly conserved among mammalian homologs while IRES RNA bases involved in contact do not show strict conservation. IRES RNA binding sites for S25 and S3a show the best conservation among related viral IRESs. The new contacts identified between ribosomal proteins and RNA are consistent with previous independent studies on RNA-binding properties of ribosomal proteins reported in literature, though information at the residue level is not available in previous studies.


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Thin film transistors (TFTs) on elastomers promise flexible electronics with stretching and bending. Recently, there have been several experimental studies reporting the behavior of TFTs under bending and buckling. In the presence of stress, the insulator capacitance is influenced due to two reasons. The first is the variation in insulator thickness depending on the Poisson ratio and strain. The second is the geometric influence of the curvature of the insulator-semiconductor interface during bending or buckling. This paper models the role of curvature on TFT performance and brings to light an elegant result wherein the TFT characteristics is dependent on the area under the capacitance-distance curve. The paper compares models with simulations and explains several experimental findings reported in literature. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing, placed over a soil mass which is reinforced with horizontal layers of circular reinforcement sheets, has been determined by using the upper bound theorem of the limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and linear optimization. For performing the analysis, three different soil media have been separately considered, namely, (i) fully granular, (ii) cohesive frictional, and (iii) fully cohesive with an additional provision to account for an increase of cohesion with depth. The reinforcement sheets are assumed to be structurally strong to resist axial tension but without having any resistance to bending; such an approximation usually holds good for geogrid sheets. The shear failure between the reinforcement sheet and adjoining soil mass has been considered. The increase in the magnitudes of the bearing capacity factors (N-c and N-gamma) with an inclusion of the reinforcement has been computed in terms of the efficiency factors eta(c) and eta(gamma). The results have been obtained (i) for different values of phi in case of fully granular (c=0) and c-phi soils, and (ii) for different rates (m) at which the cohesion increases with depth for a purely cohesive soil (phi=0 degrees). The critical positions and corresponding optimum diameter of the reinforcement sheets, for achieving the maximum bearing capacity, have also been established. The increase in the bearing capacity with an employment of the reinforcement increases continuously with an increase in phi. The improvement in the bearing capacity becomes quite extensive for two layers of the reinforcements as compared to the single layer of the reinforcement. The results obtained from the study are found to compare well with the available theoretical and experimental data reported in literature. (C) 2014 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By using the lower-bound theorem of the limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and nonlinear optimization, bearing-capacity factors, N-c and N-gamma q, with an inclusion of pseudostatic horizontal seismic body forces, have been determined for a shallow embedded horizontal strip footing placed on sloping ground surface. The variation of N-c and N-gamma q with changes in slope angle (beta) for different values of seismic acceleration coefficient (k(h)) has been obtained. The analysis reveals that irrespective of ground inclination and the embedment depth of the footing, the factors N-c and N-gamma q decrease quite considerably with an increase in k(h). As compared with N-c, the factor N-gamma q is affected more extensively with changes in k(h) and beta. Unlike most of the results reported in literature for the seismic case, the present computational results take into account the shear resistance of soil mass above the footing level. An increase in the depth of the embedment leads to an increase in the magnitudes of both N-c and N-gamma q. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The atomization characteristics of aviation biofuel discharging from a simplex swirl atomizer into quiescent atmospheric air are studied. The aviation biofuel is a mixture of 90% commercially available camelina-derived biofuel and 10% VonSol-53 (aromatics). The experiments are conducted in a spray test facility at varying fuel flow rate conditions. The measured characteristics include atomizer flow number, spray cone angle, breakup length of liquid sheet, wavelength of undulations on liquid sheet, and spray droplet size. The characteristics of biofuel sheet breakup are deduced from the captured images of biofuel spray. The measurements of spray droplet size distribution are obtained using Spraytec. The experimentally measured characteristics of the biofuel sheet breakup are compared with the predictions obtained from the liquid film breakup model proposed by Senecal et al. (1999). The measurements of wavelength and breakup length of the biofuel sheet discharging from the simplex swirl atomizer agree well with the model predictions. The model-predicted droplet size for the biofuel spray is significantly higher than the experimentally measured Sauter mean diameter (SMD). The spray droplets formed from the liquid sheet breakup undergo secondary atomization until 35-45 mm from the atomizer exit and thereafter the SMD increases downstream due to the combined effect of fuel evaporation and droplet coalescence. A good comparison is observed between the experimentally measured SMD of the biofuel spray and the predictions obtained using the empirical correlation reported in literature for sprays discharging from simplex swirl atomizers. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The clever designs of natural transducers are a great source of inspiration for man-made systems. At small length scales, there are many transducers in nature that we are now beginning to understand and learn from. Here, we present an example of such a transducer that is used by field crickets to produce their characteristic song. This transducer uses two distinct components-a file of discrete teeth and a plectrum that engages intermittently to produce a series of impulses forming the loading, and an approximately triangular membrane, called the harp, that acts as a resonator and vibrates in response to the impulse-train loading. The file-and-plectrum act as a frequency multiplier taking the low wing beat frequency as the input and converting it into an impulse-train of sufficiently high frequency close to the resonant frequency of the harp. The forced vibration response results in beats producing the characteristic sound of the cricket song. With careful measurements of the harp geometry and experimental measurements of its mechanical properties (Young's modulus determined from nanoindentation tests), we construct a finite element (FE) model of the harp and carry out modal analysis to determine its natural frequency. We fine tune the model with appropriate elastic boundary conditions to match the natural frequency of the harp of a particular species-Gryllus bimaculatus. We model impulsive loading based on a loading scheme reported in literature and predict the transient response of the harp. We show that the harp indeed produces beats and its frequency content matches closely that of the recorded song. Subsequently, we use our FE model to show that the natural design is quite robust to perturbations in the file. The characteristic song frequency produced is unaffected by variations in the spacing of file-teeth and even by larger gaps. Based on the understanding of how this natural transducer works, one can design and fabricate efficient microscale acoustic devices such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) loudspeakers.


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It is known in literature that a wheeled mobile robot (WMR) with fixed length axle will slip on an uneven terrain. One way to avoid wheel slip is to use a torus-shaped wheel with lateral tilt capability which allows the distance between the wheel-ground contact points to change even with a fixed length axle. Such an arrangement needs a two degree-of-freedom (DOF) suspension for the vertical and lateral tilting motion of the wheel. In this paper modeling, simulation, design and experimentation with a three-wheeled mobile robot, with torus-shaped wheels and a novel two DOF suspension allowing independent lateral tilt and vertical motion, is presented. The suspension is based on a four-bar mechanism and is called the double four-bar (D4Bar) suspension. Numerical simulations show that the three-wheeled mobile robot can traverse uneven terrain with low wheel slip. Experiments with a prototype three-wheeled mobile robot moving on a constructed uneven terrain along a straight line, a circular arc and a path representing a lane change, also illustrate the low slip capability of the three-wheeled mobile robot with the D4Bar suspension. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing, placed over rock mass, is evaluated by using the lower bound theorem of the limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and nonlinear optimization. The generalized Hoek-Brown (HB) failure criterion, but by keeping a constant value of the exponent, alpha = 0.5, was used. The failure criterion was smoothened both in the meridian and pi planes. The nonlinear optimization was carried out by employing an interior point method based on the logarithmic barrier function. The results for the obtained bearing capacity were presented in a non-dimensional form for different values of GSI, m(i), sigma(ci)/(gamma b) and q/sigma(ci). Failure patterns were also examined for a few cases. For validating the results, computations were also performed for a strip footing as well. The results obtained from the analysis compare well with the data reported in literature. Since the equilibrium conditions are precisely satisfied only at the centroids of the elements, not everywhere in the domain, the obtained lower bound solution will be approximate not true. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The reversible transition of wurtzite to rock salt phase under pressure is well reported in literature. The cubic phase is unstable under ambient conditions both in the bulk and in nanoparticles. This paper reports defect-induced stabilization of cubic ZnO phase in sub 20 nm ZnO particles and explores their optical properties. The size reduction was achieved by ball milling in a specially designed mill which allows a control of the milling temperature. The process of synthesis involved both variation of milling temperature (including low temperature similar to 150 K) and impact pressure. We show that these have profound influence in the introduction of defects and stabilization of the cubic phase. A molecular dynamics simulation is presented to explain the observed results. The measured optical properties have further supported the observations of defect-induced stabilization of cubic ZnO and reduction in particle size.