895 resultados para Multiple Correspondence Analysis


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Purpose. To assess the relationship between macular pigment optical density (MPOD) and blood markers for antioxidant defense in otherwise healthy volunteers. Methods. Forty-seven healthy volunteers were subjected to blood analysis to detect the level of circulating glutathione in its reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms. The level of MPOD was measured using heterochromatic flicker photometry. Systemic blood pressure (BP) parameters, heart rate (HR), body mass index (BMI), and plasma levels of total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (TGs) were also determined. Results. A simple correlation model revealed that the level of MPOD correlated significantly and positively with both GSH (P < 0.001) and t-GSH (P < 0.001) levels but not with those of GSSG (P > 0.05). Age, sex, systemic BP parameters, HR, BMI, and plasma levels of cholesterol and TGs did not have any influence on either MPOD or glutathione levels (all P > 0.05). In addition, a forward stepwise multiple regression analysis showed MPOD to have a significantly and independent correlation with GSH levels (ß = 0.63; P < 0.001). Conclusions. In otherwise healthy older individuals, there is a positive correlation between local and systemic antioxidant defense mechanisms.


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The numerical density of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) as revealed by the Glees silver method was compared with SP and NFT revealed by the Gallyas method and with amyloid (A4) deposits in immunostained sections in 6 elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease. The density of NFT was generally greater and A4 lower in tissue from hippocampus compared with the neocortex suggesting that A4 deposition was less important than the degree of paired helical filament (PHF) related damage in the hippocampus. The density of Glees SP was positively correlated Gallyas SP weakly correlated with A4 deposit number. A stepwise multiple regression analysis which included A4 deposit and Gallyas SP density and accounted for 54% of the variation in Glees SP density. Hence, different populations of SP were revealed by the different staining methods. The results suggested that the Glees method may stain a population of SP in a region of cortex where both amyloid deposition and neurofibrillary changes have occurred.


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The laminar distribution of diffuse, primitive and classic beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits and blood vessels was studied in the frontal cortex of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In most patients, the density of the diffuse and primitive Abeta deposits was greatest in the upper cortical layers and the classic deposits in the deeper cortical layers. The distribution of the larger blood vessels (>10 micron in diameter) was often bimodal with peaks in the upper and deeper cortical layers. The incidence of capillaries (<10 micron) was significantly higher in the deeper cortical layers in most patients. Multiple regression analysis selected vertical distance below the pia mater as the most significant factor correlated with the Abeta deposit density. With the exception of the classic deposits in two patients, there was no evidence that these vertical distributions were related to laminar variations in the incidence of large or small blood vessels.


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The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that differences in the pattern of seasonal growth in foliose lichens from year to year were determined by yearly differences in the distribution of rainfall, shortwave radiation and temperature. Hence, the radial growth of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. , P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Laund. and Physcia orbicularis (Neck) Poetsch. was studied on slate fragments over 34 successive months in an area of South Gwynedd, Wales. U.K. Similarities and differences were observed in the pattern of seasonal growth in the three species. Periods of maximum growth of a species occurred in different seasons in successive years. Correlation and multiple regression analysis suggested that total rainfall per month was the most important climatic variable positively correlated with monthly growth. Significant positive correlations were found in some growth periods with number of raindays per month, average wind speed and maximum and minimum temperature. Total number of sunshine hours per month and the frequency of ground frosts were negatively correlated with monthly growth in some growth periods. For each species, monthly radial growth was correlated with different climatic variables in each growth period. Hence, the results support the hypothesis in that periods of maximum growth can occur in any season in South Gwynedd and depend on (1) the distribution of periods of high total rainfall and (2) whether or not these periods coincide with periods of maximum sunlight.


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Purpose: To investigate the correlation between tests of visual function and perceived visual ability recorded with a 'quality-of-life' questionnaire for patients with central field loss. Method: 12 females and 7 males (mean age = 53.1 years; Range = 23 - 80 years) with subfoveal neovascular membranes underwent a comprehensive assessment of visual function. Tests included unaided distance vision, high and low contrast distance logMAR visual acuity (VA), Pelli-Robson contrast senstivity (at 1m), near logMAR word VA and text reading speed. All tests were done both monocularly and binocularly. The patients also completed a 28 point questionnaire separated into a 'core' section consisting of general questions about perceived visual function and a 'module' section with specific questions on reading function. Results: Step-wise multiple regression analysis was used to determine which visual function tests were correlated with the patients's perceived visual function and to rank them in order of importance. The visual function test that explains most of the variance in both 'core' score (66%0 and the 'module' score (68%) of the questionnaire is low contrast VA in the better eye (P<0.001 in both cases). Further, the module score also accounts for a significant proportion of the variance (P<0.01) of the distance logMAR VA in both the better and worse eye, and the near logMAR in both the better eye and binocularly. Conclusions: The best predictor of both perceived reading ability and of general perceived visual ability in this study is low contrast logMAR VA. The results highlight that distance VA is not the only relevant measure of visual fucntion in relation to a patients's perceived visual performance and should not be considered a determinant of surgical or management success.


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Purpose: Optometrists are becoming more integrally involved in the diagnosis of and care for glaucoma patients in the UK. The correlation of apparent change in non contact tonometry (NCT) IOP measurement and change in other ocular parameters such as refractive error, corneal curvature, corneal thickness and treatment zone size (data available to optometrists after LASIK) would facilitate care of these patients. Setting: A UK Laser Eye Clinic. Methods: This is a retrospective study study of 200 sequential eyes with myopia with or without astigmatism which underwent LASIK using a Hansatome and an Alcon LADARvision 4000 excimer laser. Refraction keratometry, pachymetry and NCT IOP mesurements were taken before treatmebnt and agian 3 months after treatment. The relationship between these variables anfd teh treatment zones were studied using stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: There was a mean difference of 5.54mmHg comnparing pre and postoperative NCT IOP. IOP change correlates with refractive error change (P < 0.001), preoperative corneal thickness (P < 0.001) and treatment zone size (P = 0.047). Preoperative corneal thickness correlates with preoperative IOP (P < 0.001) and postoperative IOP (P < 0.001). Using these correlations, the measured difference in NCT IIOP can be predicted preoperatively or postoperatively using derived equations.Conclusion: There is a significant reduction in measured NCT IOP after LASIK. The amount of reduction can be calculated using data acquired by optometrists. This is helpful for opthalmologists and optometrists who co-manage glaucoma patients who have had LASIK or with glaucoma pateints who are consideraing having LASIK.


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The research compares the usefullness of four remote sensing information sources, these being LANDSAT photographic prints, LANDSAT computer compatible tapes, Metric Camera and SIR-A photographic prints. These sources provide evaluations of the catchment characteristics of the Belize and Sibun river basins in Central America. Map evaluations at 1:250,000 scale are compared to the results of the same scale, remotely sensed information sources. The values of catchment characteristics for both maps and LANDSAT prints are used in multiple regression analysis, providing flood flow formulae, after investigations to provide a suitable dependent variable discharge series are made for short term records. The use of all remotely sensed information sources in providing evaluations of catchment characteristics is discussed. LANDSAT prints and computer compatible tapes of a post flood scene are used to estimate flood distributions and volumes. These are compared to values obtained from unit hydrograph analysis, using the dependent discharge series and evaluate the probable losses from the Belize river to the floodplain, thereby assessing the accuracy of LANDSAT estimates. Information relating to flood behaviour is discussed in terms of basic image presentation as well as image processing. A cost analysis of the purchase and use of all materials is provided. Conclusions of the research indicate that LANDSAT print material may provide information suitable for regression analysis at levels of accuracy as great as those of topographic maps, that the differing information sources are uniquely applicable and that accurate estimates of flood volumes may be determined even by post flood imagery.


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This exploratory study is concerned with the integrated appraisal of multi-storey dwelling blocks which incorporate large concrete panel systems (LPS). The first step was to look at U.K. multi-storey dwelling stock in general, and under the management of Birmingham City Council in particular. The information has been taken from the databases of three departments in the City of Birmingham, and rearranged in a new database using a suite of PC software called `PROXIMA' for clarity and analysis. One hundred of their stock were built large concrete panel system. Thirteen LPS blocks were chosen for the purpose of this study as case-studies depending mainly on the height and age factors of the block. A new integrated appraisal technique has been created for the LPS dwelling blocks, which takes into account the most physical and social factors affecting the condition and acceptability of these blocks. This appraisal technique is built up in a hierarchical form moving from the general approach to particular elements (a tree model). It comprises two main approaches; physical and social. In the physical approach, the building is viewed as a series of manageable elements and sub-elements to cover every single physical or environmental factor of the block, in which the condition of the block is analysed. A quality score system has been developed which depends mainly on the qualitative and quantitative conditions of each category in the appraisal tree model, and leads to physical ranking order of the study blocks. In the social appraisal approach, the residents' satisfaction and attitude toward their multi-storey dwelling block was analysed in relation to: a. biographical and housing related characteristics; and b. social, physical and environmental factors associated with this sort of dwelling, block and estate in general.The random sample consisted of 268 residents living in the 13 case study blocks. Data collected was analysed using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviations, Kendall's tue, r-correlation coefficients, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression analysis. The analysis showed a marginally positive satisfaction and attitude towards living in the block. The five most significant factors associated with the residents' satisfaction and attitude in descending order were: the estate, in general; the service categories in the block, including heating system and lift services; vandalism; the neighbours; and the security system of the block. An important attribute of this method, is that it is relatively inexpensive to implement, especially when compared to alternatives adopted by some local authorities and the BRE. It is designed to save time, money and effort, to aid decision making, and to provide ranked priority to the multi-storey dwelling stock, in addition to many other advantages. A series of solution options to the problems of the block was sought for selection and testing before implementation. The traditional solutions have usually resulted in either demolition or costly physical maintenance and social improvement of the blocks. However, a new solution has now emerged, which is particularly suited to structurally sound units. The solution of `re-cycling' might incorporate the reuse of an entire block or part of it, by removing panels, slabs and so forth from the upper floors in order to reconstruct them as low-rise accommodations.


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Guest editorial Ali Emrouznejad is a Senior Lecturer at the Aston Business School in Birmingham, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. He has published widely in various international journals. He is an Associate Editor of IMA Journal of Management Mathematics and Guest Editor to several special issues of journals including Journal of Operational Research Society, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Medical Systems, and International Journal of Energy Management Sector. He is in the editorial board of several international journals and co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software. William Ho is a Senior Lecturer at the Aston University Business School. Before joining Aston in 2005, he had worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include supply chain management, production and operations management, and operations research. He has published extensively in various international journals like Computers & Operations Research, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and so on. His first authored book was published in 2006. He is an Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and an Associate Editor of the OR Insight Journal. Currently, he is a Scholar of the Advanced Institute of Management Research. Uses of frontier efficiency methodologies and multi-criteria decision making for performance measurement in the energy sector This special issue aims to focus on holistic, applied research on performance measurement in energy sector management and for publication of relevant applied research to bridge the gap between industry and academia. After a rigorous refereeing process, seven papers were included in this special issue. The volume opens with five data envelopment analysis (DEA)-based papers. Wu et al. apply the DEA-based Malmquist index to evaluate the changes in relative efficiency and the total factor productivity of coal-fired electricity generation of 30 Chinese administrative regions from 1999 to 2007. Factors considered in the model include fuel consumption, labor, capital, sulphur dioxide emissions, and electricity generated. The authors reveal that the east provinces were relatively and technically more efficient, whereas the west provinces had the highest growth rate in the period studied. Ioannis E. Tsolas applies the DEA approach to assess the performance of Greek fossil fuel-fired power stations taking undesirable outputs into consideration, such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions. In addition, the bootstrapping approach is deployed to address the uncertainty surrounding DEA point estimates, and provide bias-corrected estimations and confidence intervals for the point estimates. The author revealed from the sample that the non-lignite-fired stations are on an average more efficient than the lignite-fired stations. Maethee Mekaroonreung and Andrew L. Johnson compare the relative performance of three DEA-based measures, which estimate production frontiers and evaluate the relative efficiency of 113 US petroleum refineries while considering undesirable outputs. Three inputs (capital, energy consumption, and crude oil consumption), two desirable outputs (gasoline and distillate generation), and an undesirable output (toxic release) are considered in the DEA models. The authors discover that refineries in the Rocky Mountain region performed the best, and about 60 percent of oil refineries in the sample could improve their efficiencies further. H. Omrani, A. Azadeh, S. F. Ghaderi, and S. Abdollahzadeh presented an integrated approach, combining DEA, corrected ordinary least squares (COLS), and principal component analysis (PCA) methods, to calculate the relative efficiency scores of 26 Iranian electricity distribution units from 2003 to 2006. Specifically, both DEA and COLS are used to check three internal consistency conditions, whereas PCA is used to verify and validate the final ranking results of either DEA (consistency) or DEA-COLS (non-consistency). Three inputs (network length, transformer capacity, and number of employees) and two outputs (number of customers and total electricity sales) are considered in the model. Virendra Ajodhia applied three DEA-based models to evaluate the relative performance of 20 electricity distribution firms from the UK and the Netherlands. The first model is a traditional DEA model for analyzing cost-only efficiency. The second model includes (inverse) quality by modelling total customer minutes lost as an input data. The third model is based on the idea of using total social costs, including the firm’s private costs and the interruption costs incurred by consumers, as an input. Both energy-delivered and number of consumers are treated as the outputs in the models. After five DEA papers, Stelios Grafakos, Alexandros Flamos, Vlasis Oikonomou, and D. Zevgolis presented a multiple criteria analysis weighting approach to evaluate the energy and climate policy. The proposed approach is akin to the analytic hierarchy process, which consists of pairwise comparisons, consistency verification, and criteria prioritization. In the approach, stakeholders and experts in the energy policy field are incorporated in the evaluation process by providing an interactive mean with verbal, numerical, and visual representation of their preferences. A total of 14 evaluation criteria were considered and classified into four objectives, such as climate change mitigation, energy effectiveness, socioeconomic, and competitiveness and technology. Finally, Borge Hess applied the stochastic frontier analysis approach to analyze the impact of various business strategies, including acquisition, holding structures, and joint ventures, on a firm’s efficiency within a sample of 47 natural gas transmission pipelines in the USA from 1996 to 2005. The author finds that there were no significant changes in the firm’s efficiency by an acquisition, and there is a weak evidence for efficiency improvements caused by the new shareholder. Besides, the author discovers that parent companies appear not to influence a subsidiary’s efficiency positively. In addition, the analysis shows a negative impact of a joint venture on technical efficiency of the pipeline company. To conclude, we are grateful to all the authors for their contribution, and all the reviewers for their constructive comments, which made this special issue possible. We hope that this issue would contribute significantly to performance improvement of the energy sector.


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The ageing process is strongly influenced by nutrient balance, such that modest calorie restriction (CR) extends lifespan in mammals. Irisin, a newly described hormone released from skeletal muscles after exercise, may induce CR-like effects by increasing adipose tissue energy expenditure. Using telomere length as a marker of ageing, this study investigates associations between body composition, plasma irisin levels and peripheral blood mononuclear cell telomere length in healthy, non-obese individuals. Segmental body composition (by bioimpedance), telomere length and plasma irisin levels were assessed in 81 healthy individuals (age 43∈±∈15.8 years, BMI 24.3∈±∈2.9 kg/m2). Data showed significant correlations between log-transformed relative telomere length and the following: age (p∈<∈0.001), height (p∈=∈0.045), total body fat percentage (p∈=∈0.031), abdominal fat percentage (p∈=∈0.038) , visceral fat level (p∈<∈0.001), plasma leptin (p∈=∈0.029) and plasma irisin (p∈=∈0.011), respectively. Multiple regression analysis using backward elimination revealed that relative telomere length can be predicted by age (b∈=∈-0.00735, p∈=∈0.001) and plasma irisin levels (b∈=∈0.04527, p∈=∈0.021). These data support the view that irisin may have a role in the modulation of both energy balance and the ageing process. © 2014 The Author(s).


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate laboratory evidence of abnormal angiogenesis, hemorheologic factors, endothelial damage/dysfunction, and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). DESIGN: Comparative cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: We studied 78 subjects (26 men and 52 women; mean age 74 years; standard deviation [SD] 9.0) with ARMD attending a specialist referral clinic. Subjects were compared with 25 healthy controls (mean age, 71 years; SD, 11). INTERVENTION AND OUTCOME MEASURES: Levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, an index of angiogenesis), hemorheologic factors (plasma viscosity, hematocrit, white cell count, hemoglobin, platelets), fibrinogen (an index of rheology and hemostasis), and von Willebrand factor (a marker of endothelial dysfunction) were measured. RESULTS: Median plasma VEGF (225 vs. 195 pg/ml, P = 0.019) and mean von Willebrand factor (124 vs. 99 IU/dl, P = 0.0004) were greater in ARMD subjects than the controls. Mean plasma fibrinogen and plasma viscosity levels were also higher in the subjects (both P < 0.0001). There were no significant differences in other indices between cases and controls. When "dry" (drusen, atrophy, n = 28) and "exudative" (n = 50) ARMD subjects were compared, there was no significant differences in VEGF, fibrinogen, viscosity, or von Willebrand factor levels. There were no significant correlations between the measured parameters. Stepwise multiple regression analysis did not demonstrate any significant clinical predictors (age, gender, smoking, body mass index, history of vascular disease, or hypertension) for plasma VEGF or fibrinogen levels, although smoking status was a predictor of plasma von Willebrand factor levels (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests an association between markers of angiogenesis (VEGF), hemorheologic factors, hemostasis, endothelial dysfunction, and ARMD. The interaction between abnormal angiogenesis and the components of Virchow's triad for thrombogenesis may in part contribute to the pathogenesis of ARMD.


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Aims: Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are associated with accelerated ageing. The underlying mechanisms behind this, however, are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the association between circulating irisin - a novel my okine involved in energy regulation - and telomere length (TL) (a marker of aging) in healthy individuals and individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Methods: Eighty-two healthy people and 67 subjects with Type 2 diabetes were recruited to this cross-sectional study. Anthropometric measurements including body composition measured by biompedance were recorded. Plasma irisin was measured by ELISA on a fasted blood sample. Relative TL was determined using real-time PCR. Associations between anthropometric measures and irisin and TL were explored using Pearson’s bivariate correlations. Multiple regression was used to explore all the significant predictors of TL using backward elimination. Results: In healthy individuals chronological age was a strong negative predictor of TL (=0.552, p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis using backward elimination (excluding age) revealed the greater relative TL could be predicted by greater total muscle mass(b = 0.046, p = 0.001), less visceral fat (b = =0.183, p < 0.001)and higher plasma irisin levels (b = 0.01, p = 0.027). There were no significant associations between chronological age, plasmairisin, anthropometric measures and TL in patients with Type 2diabetes (p > 0.1). Conclusion: These data support the view that body composition and plasma irisin may have a role in modulation of energy balance and the aging process in healthy individuals. This relationship is altered in individuals with Type 2 diabetes.


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This thesis addressed the problem of risk analysis in mental healthcare, with respect to the GRiST project at Aston University. That project provides a risk-screening tool based on the knowledge of 46 experts, captured as mind maps that describe relationships between risks and patterns of behavioural cues. Mind mapping, though, fails to impose control over content, and is not considered to formally represent knowledge. In contrast, this thesis treated GRiSTs mind maps as a rich knowledge base in need of refinement; that process drew on existing techniques for designing databases and knowledge bases. Identifying well-defined mind map concepts, though, was hindered by spelling mistakes, and by ambiguity and lack of coverage in the tools used for researching words. A novel use of the Edit Distance overcame those problems, by assessing similarities between mind map texts, and between spelling mistakes and suggested corrections. That algorithm further identified stems, the shortest text string found in related word-forms. As opposed to existing approaches’ reliance on built-in linguistic knowledge, this thesis devised a novel, more flexible text-based technique. An additional tool, Correspondence Analysis, found patterns in word usage that allowed machines to determine likely intended meanings for ambiguous words. Correspondence Analysis further produced clusters of related concepts, which in turn drove the automatic generation of novel mind maps. Such maps underpinned adjuncts to the mind mapping software used by GRiST; one such new facility generated novel mind maps, to reflect the collected expert knowledge on any specified concept. Mind maps from GRiST are stored as XML, which suggested storing them in an XML database. In fact, the entire approach here is ”XML-centric”, in that all stages rely on XML as far as possible. A XML-based query language allows user to retrieve information from the mind map knowledge base. The approach, it was concluded, will prove valuable to mind mapping in general, and to detecting patterns in any type of digital information.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of peer counseling on high school students who have previously failed two or more classes in a nine week quarter.^ This study was constructed by comparing students who previously failed and were subsequently given peer counseling with a matched group of students who failed and did not receive peer counseling.^ To test the proposed research question, 324 students from a large urban school system were randomly chosen from a computer generated list of students who failed courses, matched on variables of number of classes failed, grade level and gender. One student from each matched pair was randomly placed in either the experimental or control group. 162 students from Group 1 (experimental) were assigned a peer counselor with their pair assigned to Group 2 (control). Group 1 received peer counseling at least 4 times during the third nine week academic quarter (Quarter 3) while Group 2 did not.^ The Grade Point Averages (GPA) for all students were collected both at the end of Quarter 2 and Quarter 3, at which time peer counseling was terminated. GPA's were also collected nine weeks after counseling was terminated.^ Results were determined by multiple regression, analysis of covariance and t-test. A level of significance was set at.05. There was significant increase in the GPA's of those counseled students immediately after peer counseling and also nine weeks after counseling was terminated, while the group not receiving peer counseling showed no increase. It was noted that there were significantly more school drop-outs from the non-counseled group than the counseled group. The number of classes failed, high school attended, grade level and gender were not found to be significant.^ The conclusion from this study was that peer counseling does impact significantly on the GPA's of students experiencing academic failure. Recommendations from this study were to implement and expand peer counseling programs with more failing students, continue counseling for longer than one quarter, include students in drop-out programs and students from different socio-economic and racial backgrounds, and conduct subsequent evaluation. ^


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This dissertation examines the consequences of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) use on interorganizational relations (IR) in the retail industry. EDI is a type of interorganizational information system that facilitates the exchange of business documents in structured, machine processable form. The research model links EDI use and three IR dimensions--structural, behavioral, and outcome. Based on relevant literature from organizational theory and marketing channels, fourteen hypotheses were proposed for the relationships among EDI use and the three IR dimensions.^ Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires from key informants in 97 retail companies (19% response rate). The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis. The analysis supports the following hypothesis: (a) EDI use is positively related to information intensity and formalization, (b) formalization is positively related to cooperation, (c) information intensity is positively related to cooperation, (d) conflict is negatively related to performance and satisfaction, (e) cooperation is positively related to performance, and (f) performance is positively related to satisfaction. The results support the general premise of the model that the relationship between EDI use and satisfaction among channel members has to be viewed within an interorganizational context.^ Research on EDI is still in a nascent stage. By identifying and testing relevant interorganizational variables, this study offers insights for practitioners managing boundary-spanning activities in organizations using or planning to use EDI. Further, the thesis provides avenues for future research aimed at understanding the consequences of this interorganizational information technology. ^