975 resultados para Mitchel, O. M. (Ormsby MacKnight), 1809-1862.
Legislation conferring copyright protection on paintings, drawings, and photographs for the life of the author plus a seven year post mortem term. The Act was also innovative in de-coupling the copyright term from the event of publication, in providing artists with a new form of ‘moral rights' protection, and in introducing the concept of "originality" as the standard threshold for copyright protection.
The commentary explores the background to the legislation, and in particular, the international copyright regime, the nature of the art market in eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the role of the Society of Artists in lobbying for legislative protection, and the impetus which the International Exhibition provided for securing the same. The commentary also considers how the 1862 Bill, in its earliest incarnation, incorporated elements that would have signalled a radical departure from established copyright norms. In particular, the Bill proposed: that copyright protection should not be contingent upon registration; and that protection should be offered on a universal basis, regardless of an artists' nationality, and regardless of where the work in question was created.
Facing the exigencies of Emancipation, a South in ruins, and ongoing violence, between 1862 and 1872 the United States Congress debated the role education would play in the postbellum polity. Positing schooling as a panacea for the nation’s problems, a determiner of individual worth, and a way of ameliorating state and federal tensions, congressional leaders envisioned education as a way of reshaping American political life. In pursuit of this vision, many policymakers advocated national school agencies and assertive interventions into state educational systems. Interrogating the meaning of “education” for congressional leaders, this study examines the role of this ambiguous concept in negotiating the contradictions of federal and state identity, projecting visions of social change, evaluating civic preparedness, and enabling broader debates over the nation’s future. Examining legislative debates over the Reconstruction Acts, Freedmen’s Bureau, Bureau of Education, and two bills for national education reform in the early 1870s, this project examines how disparate educational visions of Republicans and Democrats collided and mutated amid the vicissitudes of public policy argument. Engaging rhetorical concepts of temporality, disposition, and political judgment, it examines the allure and limitations of education policy rhetoric, and how this rhetoric shifted amid the difficult process of coming to policy agreements in a tumultuous era. In a broader historical sense, this project considers the role of Reconstruction Era congressional rhetoric in shaping the long-term development of contemporary Americans’ “educational imaginary,” the tacit, often unarticulated assumptions about schooling that inflect how contemporary Americans engage in political life, civic judgment, and social reform. Treating the analysis of public policy debate as a way to gain insights into transitions in American political life, the study considers how Reconstruction Era debate converged upon certain common agreements, and obfuscated significant fault lines, that persist in contemporary arguments.
Titulo original : travels in Brazil : in the years from 1809, to 1815
Shows movement of Union and Confederate forces, location of their respective victories, extent of their respective territories controlled in Dec. 1862, and the Union naval blockade.
The present study analyzed the effects of prey density, the time of day, and ontogenetic development on the predation of Artemia nauplii by the larvae of the Amazon river prawn, Macrobrachium amazonicum, as well as possible synergy among these factors. Larvae were raised in 120-L tanks with biological filter systems, and fed on recently hatched Artemia nauplii, using two feeding management protocols: (a) fed once per day at 2000 h (high density HD) and (b) half of the ration provided at 2000 h, complemented at 0800 h the following day by a replacement of the nauplii consumed up to a maximum of the full ration (low density with replacement LDWR). Each treatment consisted of six replicates. The consumption of nauplii was estimated prior to the feeding times. Consumption varied according to time of day, ontogenetic development, and feeding protocol. The larvae ingested more nauplii during the daytime at most developmental stages. Ingestion rates were similar during the day under both treatments, but at night the higher density of prey in the HD treatment caused a higher encounter rate and increased ingestion of nauplii by the larvae. Among the performance indicators only survival was greater in HD in comparison with LDWR; productivity and dry weight were similar. The results indicate a circadian trophic rhythm in M. amazonicum, with the encounter rate being an important mechanism for the capture of prey during the night. A second mechanism probably the visual system aids the perception of prey during the daytime. Based on these results, we suggest that feeding captive Amazon river prawn larvae only once a day would be appropriate and economically beneficial. Further work is necessary to determine the most effective time that this single feed should be applied.
Cuando asumió la jefatura de la revolución, Venustiano Carranza afirm que él era el único funcionario quien, en medio de la traición de Victoriano Huerta, sostuvo el orden constitucional subvertido por el cuartelazo de febrero de 1913. El programa político del incipiente ejército constitucionalista, ms allá de toda ideología –consideran autores como Carlota Botey y Antonio García de León–, se vio reducido al argumento de: vencer al enemigo a como fuera lugar y hacerse del poder.
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the hypothesis that the M. amazonicum prawns accept feeding in trays. Six ponds were stocked with 10 juveniles II (1.2 +/- 0.7 g) per m(2) in 02/14/2003. An entirely randomized experimental design with 2 treatments (feeding in trays or feeding to the throw) and 3 replicates was used. Prawn average weight, survival, productivity, and physical and chemical variables of the water were compared between treatments using "t" test of Student. Average weight, survival and productivity were, respectively, 7.2 +/- 0.3 g, 46.8 +/- 7.8% and 335 +/- 45 kg/ha in feeding tray treatment and 6.8 +/- 0.1 g, 85.8 +/- 5.2% and 586 +/- 42 kg/ha in feed to the throw treatment. Survival and productivity differed significantly (p<0.5), while that average weight didn't differ significantly. M. amazonicum needs to use further number of trays per area, possibly due to territorial and aggressive behavior.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.
The age and growth of the Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) in the Azorean waters were studied using whole and sliced otolith readings. Individuals were collected during demersal surveys carried out around the Azores islands and its most important fishing banks and also from commercial landings. A total of 1024 individuals were measured, weighed and their sex was determined. Individuals ranged from 3 to 49 cm total length (TL) and their estimated ages between 0 and 32 years old. The otoliths showed the typical teleost fish pattern with alternated opaque and hyaline rings. Significant differences between sliced and whole otolith readings were found, especially after 7 years old (>25 cm TL). Sliced otoliths were found easier to read, regardless of TL or age. Comparisons with other studies for the Azores region and other areas are discussed.
De 1800 a 1808, diferentes comerciantes y funcionarios reales en Cartagena de Indias solicitaron la ejecución de una política económica que les permitiera sobrevenir los bloqueos portuarios generados por las guerras que España libró en aquellos años: el comercio neutral. Al tomar la historia de las discusiones alrededor de esta política comercial como una puerta de entrada a la reflexión sobre economía política en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, este artículo busca explorar los fundamentos teóricos del comercio neutral. Tres momentos de la discusión sobre la medida se ponen de relieve en el artículo: 1800, 1805 y 1808. En cada uno de ellos, defensores y opositores del comercio neutral argumentaron a favor y en contra sustentados en dos premisas fundamentales. Primera, la observación de la aplicación de políticas económicas en territorios vecinos era un mtodo válido para analizar su pertinencia y, segunda, un comercio activo era inexcusable para alcanzar la “felicidad pública” del reino. Estas dos premisas y su finalidad pragmtica señalan el sincretismo ideológico que inform los fundamentos teóricos del reformismo borbónico, del cual emergió el comercio neutral. Este artículo propone una respuesta a la pregunta sobre la naturaleza de la reflexión económica novogranadina al situarla dentro de su intención práctica, esto es, la formulación y evalución de políticas económicas, y al sugerir que dentro de estos límites pragmticos se encuentran nuevas voces, nuevos documentos y una nueva propuesta historiográfica sobre la economía política en el Nuevo Reino de Granada.
O município de Macapá está localizado na região Norte do país e, devido sua riqueza em ambientais naturais, águas dulcícolas e facilidade de acesso à captura do camarão-da-Amazônia (Macrobrachium amazonicum - Heller, 1862) sua comercialização se torna relevante tanto no aspecto socioeconômico como cultural, uma vez que o pescado é a principal fonte de proteína da população. Geralmente a comercialização em feiras livres não é realizada de forma adequada, não obedecendo aos protocolos vigentes com relação aos seus aspectos higiênicosanitários. Deste modo, gera um ambiente ainda mais propicio para a proliferação de bactérias, visto que o camarão por apresentar altos índices de proteína, favorece ainda mais aumento do potencial de risco. A veiculação de bactérias patogênicas por alimentos é um problema de saúde pública no Amapá, posto que, ainda não há fiscalizações que atuem em toda a cadeia produtiva, inclusive na forma de manuseio e exposição do pescado nas feiras. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar fenotipicamente os isolados bacterianos de Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas spp vislumbrando avaliar a qualidade de camarões frescos com cascas, comercializados em feiras-livres de Macapá-AP e sua relevância em Saúde Pública. Foram analisadas 20 amostras de camarões provenientes de 5 feiras livres. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública do Amapá (LACEN-AP) e no Laboratório Especial de Microbiologia Aplicada (LEMA) da UNIFAP. Para tal, uma vez adquiridos os camarões foram imediatamente transferidos para sacos de poliestireno estéreis, onde foi acrescentado meio de cultura seletivo e por meio da técnica de enxaguadura de toda a superfície dos camarões com casca. As amostras obtidas foram acondicionadas em caixas isotérmicas com gelo e transportadas até os laboratórios para análise. Após o período de incubação, alíquotas das culturas primrias, foram semeadas conforme os protocolos descritos pela American Public Health Association em seu Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods. 4th ed. 2001 e suas adaptações descritas nos procedimentos operacionais padrão dos laboratórios participantes: LACEN-AP e LEMA - UNIFAP. A identificação bioquímica das espécies foram realizadas no LACEN-AP através dos protocolos do equipamento Vitek Plus System (bioMérieux, Inc.Durham, NC-USA) com posterior confirmação pelo Centro de Referência Nacional de Cólera e outras Enteroinfecções Bacterianas do Instituto Osvaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ). Os resultados revelaram que das 20 amostras analisadas, em nenhuma delas foram identificadas bactérias do Gênero Aeromonas spp. e Staphylococcus aureus, porém 9 delas revelaram crescimento de E. coli e 6 de Salmonella spp. e E. coli resultados em desacordo com os limites satisfatórios quanto à adequada segurança alimentar. Desta maneira os resultados demonstraram que há riscos de adquirir doenças transmitidas por alimentos ao consumir esses produtos. Esses dados indicam valiosos conhecimentos para a promoão do intercâmbio entre a vigilância epidemiológica e sanitária, permitindo monitorar aspectos clínicos, ambientais e alimentares apresentando-se como uma poderosa arma na defesa contra doenças endêmicas e epidêmicas veiculadas por alimentos.
Volume measurements are useful in many branches of science and medicine. They are usually accomplished by acquiring a sequence of cross sectional images through the object using an appropriate scanning modality, for example x-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) or ultrasound (US). In the cases of CT and MR, a dividing cubes algorithm can be used to describe the surface as a triangle mesh. However, such algorithms are not suitable for US data, especially when the image sequence is multiplanar (as it usually is). This problem may be overcome by manually tracing regions of interest (ROIs) on the registered multiplanar images and connecting the points into a triangular mesh. In this paper we describe and evaluate a new discreet form of Gauss’ theorem which enables the calculation of the volume of any enclosed surface described by a triangular mesh. The volume is calculated by summing the vector product of the centroid, area and normal of each surface triangle. The algorithm was tested on computer-generated objects, US-scanned balloons, livers and kidneys and CT-scanned clay rocks. The results, expressed as the mean percentage difference ± one standard deviation were 1.2 ± 2.3, 5.5 ± 4.7, 3.0 ± 3.2 and −1.2 ± 3.2% for balloons, livers, kidneys and rocks respectively. The results compare favourably with other volume estimation methods such as planimetry and tetrahedral decomposition.