966 resultados para Mario Kanno


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Dentro del contexto de las TIC aplicadas a la enseñanza de las matemáticas, se propone la introducción del sistema libre de cálculo simbólico Maxima, inicialmente desarrollado en el MIT. Maxima ofrece a estudiantes, profesores y profesionales un amplio conjunto de herramientas de cálculo, tanto simbólico como numérico, así como capacidades avanzadas de representación gráfica y un lenguaje de programación sencillo de aprender. También se incluyen ejemplos de actividades de aula reales.


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El próximo mes de junio cerraré, al menos por el momento, esta sección y me gustaría despedirme con el relato de una historia muy especial. A lo largo de casi treinta años de profesión he ido guardado en un arcón, como los piratas de antaño, un montón de joyas encontradas en mis travesías matemáticas, logrando acumular un botín bastante suculento. Una de mis piezas favoritas es esta historia, una historia que ojalá me hubiesen contado cuando me enseñaron por primera vez los rudimentos del álgebra lineal. De hecho, si hoy tuviese que impartir clase de álgebra lineal en bachillerato o en un primer curso de cualquier carrera científica o técnica y se me permitiese hacerlo a mi manera, articularía mis clases en torno a esta historia. Sus distintos episodios, todos ellos verídicos, me han ido llegando a través de los años de la mano del matemático Mario Fernández Barberá, del escultor José Luis Alexanco y del poeta Ramón Mayrata.


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La nota necrológica Charles Hermite debida al matemático español Juan Jacobo DuránLorlga (1854-1911), y cuya versión española ofrecemos hoy a los lectores de SUMA.


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En este ensayo se propone el uso de una razón que permite determinar la secuencia de las series cuyas sumas son cuadrados perfectos; estas soluciones las usamos posteriormente para determinar algunos primos de la forma 4n+1, descubrimos una nueva razón que relaciona la constante Pi y un número primo de diez cifras de la forma 4n+1. Más adelante describimos la relación de esta clase de números primos con los llamados primos gemelos, lo que nos permite replantear la Conjetura Binaria de Goldbach en términos de una igualdad que involucra exclusivamente las clases de números primos que nos ocupan.


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El circuncentro (O), baricentro (G) y ortocentro (H) de todo triangulo estan alineados en la recta de Euler y verifican la relación mGH = 2 · mOG. En el presente artıculo se define baricentro (G) y ortocentro (H) de un cuadrilátero inscriptible de circuncentro (O) y se demuestra que dichos puntos están alineados y verifican la relación mGH = 3 · mOG.


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Presentamos seis demostraciones del teorema de Napoleón y de varias propiedades que se derivan de la misma configuración. En las demostraciones recurrimos a la geometría métrica, la geometría analítica, los números complejos, la trigonometría y las isometrías, alternativamente. Algunas de dichas demostraciones –no las propiedades– son originales, otras son el desarrollo de sugerencias esbozadas en distintos textos y otras son adaptaciones de las halladas en los textos.


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The role of the crystalline orientation of the STM tip in the generation of metal clusters is studied by atom dynamics simulations. When a (111) facet is facing the surface, the process is accompanied by a perturbation of the surface stronger than that observed for more open tip structures. This implies a technological application: the possibility of orienting a nanocrystallite deposited on a tip according to the changes observed in the force on the tip.


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Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for the first time on the room-temperature organic ionic liquid dimethyl imidazolium chloride [DMIM][Cl] using density functional theory. The aim is to compare the local liquid structure with both that obtained from two different classical force fields and from neutron scattering experiments. The local structure around the cation shows significant differences compared to both the classical calculations and the neutron results. In particular, and unlike in the gas-phase ion pair, chloride ions tend to be located near a ring C-H proton in a position suggesting hydrogen bonding. The results are used to suggest ways in which the classical potentials may be improved.


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An electronically polarizable model has been developed for the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate (EMIM+/NO3-), Molecular dynamics simulation studies were then performed on both the polarizable and nonpolarizable versions of the model. Comparisons of shear viscosity and diffusion constants at 400 K show that the effects of polarizability are quite substantial and the polarizable model results are in better agreement with the experimental values.


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this paper is about EU “soft policies” on immigrant integration. It analyzes the “Common Basic Principles” (CBPs) and the “European Integration Fund” (EIF), two devices that have been recently established within this framework. It adopts the theoretical perspective of the “anthropology of policy” and “governmentality studies”. It shows the context of birth of the aforementioned devices, as well as their functioning and the assessment done by the actors implied in the elaboration/implementation/evaluation of the related policies. It is based both on documentary research as well as direct observation and interviews done to the actors implied. It concludes that the PBC and the EIF should be considered as a “technology of government”, that strives to align the conduct of the actors with the governmental aims, as well as it produces specific practices and knowledge. It also underlines an intrinsic feature of many policies: their “congenital failure”, since they are (often) disputed and resignified by situated actors, who are embedded in asymmetrical power relations.


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Structural and thermodynamic properties of spherical particles carrying classical spins are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The potential energy is the sum of short range, purely repulsive pair contributions, and spin-spin interactions. These last are of the dipole-dipole form, with however, a crucial change of sign. At low density and high temperature the system is a homogeneous fluid of weakly interacting particles and short range spin correlations. With decreasing temperature particles condense into an equilibrium population of free floating vesicles. The comparison with the electrostatic case, giving rise to predominantly one-dimensional aggregates under similar conditions, is discussed. In both cases condensation is a continuous transformation, provided the isotropic part of the interatomic potential is purely repulsive. At low temperature the model allows us to investigate thermal and mechanical properties of membranes. At intermediate temperatures it provides a simple model to investigate equilibrium polymerization in a system giving rise to predominantly two-dimensional aggregates.


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First steps are taken to model the electrochemical deposition of metals in nanometer-sized cavities. In the present work, the electrochemical deposition of Cu atoms in nanometer-sized holes dug on Au(111) is investigated through Monte Carlo simulations using the embedded atom method to represent particle interactions. By sweeping the chemical potential of Cu, a cluster is allowed to grow within the hole rising four atomic layers above the surface. Its lateral extension remains confined to the area defined by the borders of the original defect. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure and dynamics of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate is studied by molecular dynamics simulations. We find long-range spatial correlations between the ions and a three-dimensional local structure that reflects the asymmetry of the cations. The main contribution to the configurational energy comes from the electrostatic interactions which leads to charge-ordering effects. Radial screening and threedimensional distribution of charge are also analyzed. The motion of a single ion is studied via velocity and reorientational correlation functions. It is found that ions "rattle" in a long-lived cage, while the orientational structure relaxes on a time scale longer than 200 ps. As in a supercooled liquid, the mean square displacements reveal a subdiffusive dynamics. In addition, the presence of dynamic heterogeneities can be detected by analyzing the non-Gaussian behavior of the van Hove correlation function and the spatial arrangement of the most mobile ions. The short-time collective dynamics is also studied through the electric current time correlation function.


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Ab initio simulations of a single molecule of HCl in liquid dimethyl imidazolium chloride [dmim][Cl] show that the acidic proton exists as a symmetric, linear ClHCl- species. Details of the solvation structure around this molecule are given. The proton-transfer process was investigated by applying a force along the antisymmetric stretch coordinate until the molecule broke. Changes in the free energy and local solvation structure during this process were investigated. In the reaction mechanism identified, a free chloride approaches the proton from the side. As the original ClHCl- distorts and the incoming chloride forms a new bond to the proton, one of the original chlorine atoms is expelled and a new linear molecule is formed.