989 resultados para Mann, Matt


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The important pelagic fishery resources of northern Lake Tanganyika were identified after a preliminary scientific evaluation, and in Burundi, with governmental assistance they were rapidly developed and exploited more intensively until overfishing was thought to have occurred. At this point, legal measures were introduced in order to protect the resource by restricting fishing effort and maintaining the total yield near the apparent maximum sustained limit. Complementary biological research on the fish stocks did not accompany the rapid fishery development and now an intensive stock assessment programme has been launched by the Government and UNDP in order to define more precisely the available fish stocks and to consider, with the co-operation of the neighbouring lacustrine states, suitable ways of ensuring optimum levels of fish harvest from year to year.


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Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy measurements were made for vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube (VACNT) films. We obtained the frequency dependent complex permittivity and conductivity (on the assumption that permeability μ = 1) of several samples exhibiting Drude behaviour for lossy metals. The obtained material properties of VACNT films provide information for potential microwave and terahertz applications. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube (VACNT) film has been characterized by rectangular waveguide measurements. The complex scattering parameters (S-parameters) are measured by a vector network analyzer at X-band frequencies. The effective complex permittivity and permeability of the VACNT film have been extracted using the Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NWR) approach. The extracted parameters are verified by full wave simulations (CST Microwave Studio) and very good agreement has been obtained. A systematic error analysis is presented and the errors are within the acceptable range. The performance of VACNT films as an absorber is examined, and comparison with the conventional carbon loaded materials shows that a 90% size reduction is possible whilst maintaining the same absorption level. © 2011 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE ASSOC.


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Angular field emission (FE) properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays have been measured on samples grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and characterized by scanning electron microscope and I-V measurements. These properties determine the angular divergence of electron beams, a crucial parameter in order to obtain high brilliance FE based cathodes. From angular distributions of the electron beam transmitted through extraction grids of different mesh size and by using ray-tracing simulations, the maximum emission angle from carbon nanotube tips has been determined to be about ± 30 around the tube main axis. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We demonstrate the growth of multi wall and single wall carbon nanotubes (CNT) onto substrates containing commercial 1-m CMOS integrated circuits. The low substrate temperature growth (450°C) was achieved by using hot filament (1000 °C) to preheat the source gases (C 2H 2 and NH 3) and in situ mass spe-ctroscopy was used to identify the gas species present. Field effect transistors based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) grown under such conditions were fabricated and examined. CNT growth was performed directly on the passivation layer of the CMOS integrated circuits. Individual n- and p-type CMOS transistors were compared before and after CNT growth. The transistors survive and operate after the CNT growth process, although small degradations are observed in the output current (for p-transistors) and leakage current (for both p- and n-type transistors). © 2010 IEEE.


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报道了采自大兴安岭达尔滨湖及其周围沼泽水体的硅藻门桥弯藻科中国新记录植物9种1变种,分别为新箱形桥弯藻新月变种Cymbella neocistulavar.lunataKrammer、近箱形桥弯藻Cymbella subcistulaKrammer、疏纹内丝藻Encyonema paucistriatum(Cleve-Euler)Mann、普通内丝藻Encyonema vulgareKrammer、尖锐弯肋藻Cymbopleuraacuta(Schmidt)Krammer、英吉利弯肋藻Cymbopleur


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<正> 众所周知,我国鳖类动物中分布最广,数量最多的是中华鳖[Pelodiscus sinensis(Wieg-mann,1834)],近几年来,进行大规模人工养殖的对象,多数也是中华鳖。中华鳖的背甲都是具肋板8对。作者曾经先后仔细地观察了中华鳖42个背甲骨胳,全部恒定具8对肋板,而且没有构造上显著的变异。然而,在湖南省境内却出产一种鳖,外形与中华鳖非常相似,成鳖体型大小亦相差不很多(当地有经验的捕鳖或养鳖能手,能够加以辨认)。我国历史上就有过记载,最早追溯到明朝的晚期,我国伟大的药物学家李时珍,编写于1


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In this chapter, we present a review of our continuing efforts toward the development of discrete, low-dimensional nanostructured carbon-based electron emitters. Carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, herein referred to simply as CNTs, are one-dimensional carbon allotropes formed from cylindrically rolled and nested graphene sheets, have diameters between 1 and 500 nm and lengths of up to several millimeters, and are perfect candidates for field emission (FE) applications. By virtue of their extremely strong sp2 C-C bonding, intrinsic to the graphene hexagonal lattice, CNTs have demonstrated impressive chemical inertness, unprecedented thermal stabilities, significant resistance to electromigration, and exceptionally high axial current carrying capacities, even at elevated temperatures. These near ideal cold cathode electron emitters have incredibly high electric field enhancing aspect ratios combined with virtual point sources of the order of a few nanometers in size. The correct integration and judicious development of suitable FE platforms based on these extraordinary molecules is critical and will ultimately enable enhanced technologies. This chapter will review some of the more recent platforms, devices and structures developed by our group, as well as our contributions towards the development of industry-scalable technologies for ultra-high-resolution electron microscopy, portable x-ray sources, and flexible environmental lighting technologies. © 2012 by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unequivocal Eocene suckers from China are for the first time reported here. This discovery demonstrates that catostomids of the Eocene Epoch (some 55-35 Ma ago) are scattered widely on mainland Asia as well as western North America. The present day disjunct distribution pattern of catostomids, with 68 extant species widespread in North America and the northern part of Middle America and only two in the restricted areas of Asia, is the result of their post-Eocene decline in Asia due to the competitive pressure from cyprinids, their Late Cenozoic radiation in North America, and the vicariant and dispersal events triggered by the changed biogeographic landscape. All of these prove to be a historical product of the geological, biological, and climatic changes throughout the Cenozoic.


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降雨侵蚀力是反映流域降雨侵蚀能力的综合指标之一。根据辽河流域10个气象站的日降雨量资料,利用日降雨侵蚀力模型估算辽河流域的降雨侵蚀力。结果表明:辽河流域降雨侵蚀力的空间变异与降雨量的空间分布趋势基本一致,由东南向西北递减,变化于1 000~3 800 MJ.mm/(hm2.h.a)之间;降雨侵蚀力年内集中度高,6—8月3个月约占全年的80%;降雨侵蚀力年际变化大,年际变率Cv在0.367~0.649之间,采用时序系列的Mann-Kendall检验表明,降雨侵蚀力并无显著变化趋势;特别是在流域水土流失严重的西辽河地区,年降雨侵蚀力较小,但年内集中程度大,年际变化更突出。