936 resultados para Mandamientos de Dios


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura


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Se ponen de relieve las elaboraciones y los tratamientos de la imagen de Dios presentes en la poesía de Machado. Mediante un análisis de textos significativos, subraya las discrepancias del poeta ante las concepciones tradicionales de un Dios abstracto y de un Jesús sufriente, a las que el hablante propone el apego a un Jesús histórico, dador de una palabra imperecedera. El análisis se desarrolla mediante un examen del discurso poemático, de sus recursos estilísticos, fónicos y semánticos.This articIe emphasizes the interpretations and treatments of the image of God in Machado's poetry. By analyzing significant texts, this study points out the poet's discrepancies with the traditional conceptions of an abstract God and a suffering Christ, for which the speaker proposes a preference for a historical Jesus whose word will never perish. The analysis examines the poetic discourse, addressing stylistic, phonetic and semantic features.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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El origen del presente trabajo titulado “PROPUESTA DE APLICACIÓN DEL MODELO DE CONTROL INTERNO COSO EN LOS MACROPROCESOS DE INGRESOS Y EGRESOS DE LAS IGLESIAS MIEMBRO DE LA CONFERENCIA EVANGELICA DE LAS ASAMBLEAS DE DIOS” se fundamenta en el crecimiento de la actividad social en El Salvador; es así como, ha generado que las iglesias formen alianzas estratégicas para ser más eficientes en el país, esto conlleva a que sus operaciones se incrementen generándose la necesidad de sistematizarlas para alcanzar sus objetivos de una manera más ágil y eficientes. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizó el estudio analítico con el fin de comprender la problemática identificada, para lo cual se consideró como unidad de observación las iglesias miembros de la Conferencia Evangélicas de las Asambleas de Dios que prestan servicios sociales, de las cuales se seleccionó una muestra para obtener información acerca del conocimiento y aplicación del informe de COSO, en tal sentido se diseñó un cuestionario para recabar información al respecto y este fue dirigido a los Pastores Generales. Los resultados obtenidos se analizaron e interpretaron por medio de una tabulación, esta consistió en el análisis de sus resultados La información recopilada reveló que la evaluación del control interno de acuerdo al informe de COSO no está siendo aplicada como tal. Por lo cual los pastores y administradores en las iglesias expresaron sus inquietudes acerca de la elaboración de una guía diseñada de acuerdo a los criterios del COSO para realizar la mencionada evaluación. En función a lo anterior se propuso una guía bajo este enfoque.


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Tesis (Optometra). -- Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias de La Salud. Programa de Optometria, 2014


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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In this dissertation I will study the phenomenon of the hipérbole sacroprofana in different Castillian writers of the 15th to the 17th centuries, in order to show in what does this fact consists, and how it has to be sorted out. Thus, I will also show how this tendency unfolds and how the use of either one or another resource leads the hipérbole towards different expressive horizons. Although the hipérbole sacroprofana is usually detected by most of scholars, it has never met proper attention, so that it has turned into a jumble in which the most disparate instances of a lady’s praise. Yet, an accurate analysis of this phenomenon reveals that this is not the case, and that this resource has manifold aspects and varying intentions and expressive ways as well. In this dissertation, where some five thousand hipérboles are analysed, I point out the various kinds of instances, and I classify them according to their expression and their literary-intellectual interweaving. Besides I monitor this fact to explain how hipérbole varies with the passage of times. By so doing a deficiency in the history of literary criticism, which mistook and likened all sorts of hipérboles in poetical texts, is eased. So we can see that, in its origins, hipérbole was confined to using sacred terms in profane poems out of their context (which I call hipérbole léxica o de inserción terminológica). This resource was effectual insofar as the use of words religiously connoted carried along devout attitudes towards poems of earthly love so that the lady and the feeling that the author professed became “adulterated” by Christian attitudes...


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El artículo tiene como objeto mejorar y completar algunas propuestas ya existentes que relacionan el mito del nacimiento del dios romano Mitra de una roca con otras tradiciones como la hitita o algunos mitos de proveniencia minorasiática. Incluyendo datos de la Teogonía hitita, del RigVeda e integrándolos con la información iconográfica del mitraísmo romano y la irania de época sasánida, se propone un origen indoeuropeo para el mito de un dios que nace de una roca.


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New DNA-based predictive tests for physical characteristics and inference of ancestry are highly informative tools that are being increasingly used in forensic genetic analysis. Two eye colour prediction models: a Bayesian classifier - Snipper and a multinomial logistic regression (MLR) system for the Irisplex assay, have been described for the analysis of unadmixed European populations. Since multiple SNPs in combination contribute in varying degrees to eye colour predictability in Europeans, it is likely that these predictive tests will perform in different ways amongst admixed populations that have European co-ancestry, compared to unadmixed Europeans. In this study we examined 99 individuals from two admixed South American populations comparing eye colour versus ancestry in order to reveal a direct correlation of light eye colour phenotypes with European co-ancestry in admixed individuals. Additionally, eye colour prediction following six prediction models, using varying numbers of SNPs and based on Snipper and MLR, were applied to the study populations. Furthermore, patterns of eye colour prediction have been inferred for a set of publicly available admixed and globally distributed populations from the HGDP-CEPH panel and 1000 Genomes databases with a special emphasis on admixed American populations similar to those of the study samples.


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Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a rare genetic disease characterized by widespread soft tissue ossification and congenital stigmata of the extremities. We report on a male child followed for ten years since the age of 3 years and 9 months, when the diagnosis was made. He was born with bilateral hypoplasic hallux valgus and ventricular septal defect, corrected by transsternal approach when 32 months old. Restriction of neck mobility followed and foci of ectopic ossification appeared. Four crises of disease exacerbation were treated with oral prednisone and/or other antiinflammatory drugs. Sodium etidronate 5 to 10 mg/kg/day was prescribed intermittently during about six years but was discontinued due to osteopenia. The disease course has been relentless, with severe movement restriction including the chest wall. A review showed few similar case reports in the Brazilian literature. We revisit the criteria for diagnosis and the essentials of management and treatment.


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A taxonomic revision of two nominal species of freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon previously considered valid, Potamotrygon falkneri Castex & Maciel, 1963 and Potamotrygon castexi Castello & Yagolkowski, 1969, was conducted based on a detailed analysis of external and internal morphology, including a morphometric and meristic study of specimens from the recorded range of both species. The taxonomic status of the nominal species P. menchacai Achenbach, 1967, treated by previous authors as a junior synonym of P. falkneri, was also evaluated. These nominal species, which constitute what has been called the falkneri-castexi complex, were found to represent examples of chromatic variation present in a single species, given that intermediate patterns of coloration are common and the remaining characters analyzed are not consistent enough for separation at the specific level. Consequently, Potamotrygon falkneri is considered valid, whereas the nominal species Potamotrygon castexi and Potamotrygon menchacai are concluded to be junior synonyms of P. falkneri. Additionally, a putative new species is identified from the río Madre de Díos in Peru, which has some characters that do not correspond to P. falkneri. This species, known from few individuals, is here provisionally treated as Potamotrygon sp.