This thesis studies the marketing plan for the new brand Book-a-Cook. Book-a-Cook is an online platform connecting well-to-do urban Germans with professional chefs that prepare meals at consumer's homes. By analyzing the external and internal audit, it was possible to develop an appropriate strategy to launch the service in Germany. The main goals are stimulating demand and creating a strong brand in order to establish a successful business model. A quantitative research was made to identify potential customers, their needs and how Book-a-Cook can satisfy them.
The purpose of the project was to create a marketing plan for the Portuguese brand O’Templus Gin, owned and managed by Oficina de Espíritos in Évora, Portugal. Here O’Templus gin is marketed as an artisanal, organic gin for organic consumers. Information collected to understand the market was consistent with previous research, however there continues to be a lack of information on the organic alcoholic drinks market in Portugal. Identifying the needs of the organic consumer in Portugal, and gauging interest in the product itself, a marketing plan was developed to bring O’Templus to a wider audience.
This work project is about developing a marketing plan for a new gin brand in Germany. It is based on consumer and market research, including Portugal as a trend market for the qualitative research. For the undertaking it is seen as fundamental to understand the industry as well as the consumer needs, attitudes and preferences. Furthermore, it is important to consider the estimation of opinion leaders and trendsetters in the industry. In this context it turned out that barkeepers have a key-influencing role for the stimulation of demand. Based on the insights from this research as well as on the gained market knowledge, the marketing plan was developed. The goal is to convince other brand users to switch brands.
The Portuguese consumer foodservice industry is experiencing a boost in technology adoption, driven by significant changes in consumer behavior and business dynamics, due to mobile increasing penetration. Accordingly, the present work project consists on developing a business plan for meeting an identified opportunity in the technological foodservice landscape. Therefore, this report is divided into three sections, each of which addressing different objectives: (A) External Environment, providing key external insights that support the opportunity; (B) Strategy Formulation, establishing a strategic direction; and (C) Action Plan, determining an implementation plan for starting the business
Nos países desenvolvidos, as doenças reumáticas são o grupo de doenças mais fre-quentes da espécie humana, sendo por isso o primeiro motivo de consulta nos cuidados de saúde primários e a principal causa de incapacidade temporária para o trabalho e de reformas antecipadas por doença/invalidez (Canhão & Branco, 2013). O estudo destas doenças torna-se cada vez mais urgente visto que estas têm tendência crescente, tendo em conta os atuais esti-los de vida e o aumento da longevidade da população. Nesta dissertação foi estudada e otimi-zada a técnica de Micro Fluorescência de Raios-X (μ-XRF) de forma a permitir um estudo de elementos maioritários e elementos traço em ossos com doenças reumáticas, tendo em espe-cial atenção a razão Ca/P, já que, por estudos até agora efetuados, esta razão é considerada um biomarcador adequado para a avaliação da saúde dos ossos. Foram então verificados os erros aleatórios e sistemáticos existentes nesta técnica e concluiu-se quais os tipos de parâme-tros que devem ser tidos em conta para este estudo, tais como corrente, tensão do tubo, filtros, entre outros. As amostras foram ainda analisadas com a técnica de PIGE (Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission) e comparados os resultados com os de μ-XRF de forma a avaliar a in-fluência da topologia da amostra. Pretende-se que este estudo seja o início do desenvolvimen-to de um método alternativo de diagnóstico precoce de doenças reumáticas, conduzindo a um tratamento mais eficaz e melhorando assim a qualidade de vida da população.