883 resultados para LOCAL DEVELOPMENT


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The language of EU rural development policy appears more interested in social inclusion and that of US policy more interested in market competitiveness. We seek to determine why policies directed at rural development in the EU and the USA differ. In both contexts new rural development policies emphasize partnership and participation but we find local participation is used to promote social inclusion in the EU and market competitiveness in the USA. An examination of these dimensions illustrates important transcontinental differences and similarities in rural development policies. We explore the socio-historical reasons for differences in the commitment to social inclusion, while also noting similarities in the priority of market competitiveness.


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Rural areas are recognised for their complex, multi-functional capacities with a range of different interest groups claiming their rights to, and use of, different rural spaces. The current rural development paradigm that is evident across the globe is epitomised by the European LEADER approach. Using evidence from the proposed National Park in Northern Ireland, we ask the question: what is the potential of sustainable rural tourism to contribute to rural development? Within our analysis we consider the scope for adaptive tourism to overcome some of the ongoing challenges that have been identified within the LEADER approach. Four themes are revealed from this analysis: institutional (in)capacity; legitimacy of local groups; navigating between stakeholder interests; and sustainable tourism in practice. These issues, discussed in turn, have clear implications for the new rural development programme.


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For elastoplastic particle reinforced metal matrix composites, failure may originate from interface debonding between the particles and the matrix, both elastoplastic and matrix fracture near the interface. To calculate the stress and strain distribution in these regions, a single reinforcing particle axisymmetric unit cell model is used in this article. The nodes at the interface of the particle and the matrix are tied. The development of interfacial decohesion is not modelled. Finite element modelling is used, to reveal the effects of particle strain hardening rate, yield stress and elastic modulus on the interfacial traction vector (or stress vector), interface deformation and the stress distribution within the unit cell, when the composite is under uniaxial tension. The results show that the stress distribution and the interface deformation are sensitive to the strain hardening rate and the yield stress of the particle. With increasing particle strain hardening rate and yield stress, the interfacial traction vector and internal stress distribution vary in larger ranges, the maximum interfacial traction vector and the maximum internal stress both increase, while the interface deformation decreases. In contrast, the particle elastic modulus has little effect on the interfacial traction vector, internal stress and interface deformation.


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The design of medical devices could be very much improved if robust tools were available for computational simulation of tissue response to the presence of the implant. Such tools require algorithms to simulate the response of tissues to mechanical and chemical stimuli. Available methodologies include those based on the principle of mechanical homeostasis, those which use continuum models to simulate biological constituents, and the cell-centred approach, which models cells as autonomous agents. In the latter approach, cell behaviour is governed by rules based on the state of the local environment around the cell; and informed by experiment. Tissue growth and differentiation requires simulating many of these cells together. In this paper, the methodology and applications of cell-centred techniques-with particular application to mechanobiology-are reviewed, and a cell-centred model of tissue formation in the lumen of an artery in response to the deployment of a stent is presented. The method is capable of capturing some of the most important aspects of restenosis, including nonlinear lesion growth with time. The approach taken in this paper provides a framework for simulating restenosis; the next step will be to couple it with more patient-specific geometries and quantitative parameter data.


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This article examines efforts to create binding international rules regulating public procurement and considers, in particular, the failure to reach a WTO agreement oil transparency in government procurement. The particular focus of the discussion is the approach taken by Malaysia to these international procurement rules and to the negotiation of an agreement on transparency. Rules governing public procurement directly implicate fundamental arrangements of authority amongst and between different parts of government, its citizens and non-citizens. At the same time, the rules touch upon areas that are particularly sensitive for some developing countries. Many governments use preferences in public procurement to accomplish important redistributive and developmental goals. Malaysia has long used significant preferences in public procurement to further sensitive developmental policies targeted at improving the economic strength of native Malays. Malaysia also has political and legal arrangements substantially at odds with fundamental elements of proposed global public procurement rules. Malaysia has, therefore, been forceful in resisting being bound by international public procurement rules, and has played all important role in defeating the proposed agreement oil transparency. We suggest that our case study has implications beyond procurement. The development of international public procurement rules appears to be guided by many of the same values that guide the broader effort to create a global administrative law. This case study, therefore, has implications for the broader exploration of these efforts to develop a global administrative law, in particular the relationship between such efforts and the interests of developing countries.


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Over recent years, a number of marine autopilots designed using linear techniques have underperformed owing to their inability to cope with nonlinear vessel dynamics. To this end, a new design framework for the development of nonlinear autopilots is proposed herein. Local control networks (LCNs) can be used in the design of nonlinear control systems. In this paper, a LCN approach is taken in the design of a nonlinear autopilot for controlling the nonlinear yaw dynamics of an unmanned surface vehicle known as Springer. It is considered the approach is the first of its kind to be used in marine control systems design. Simulation results are presented and the performance of the nonlinear autopilot is compared with that of an existing Springer linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) autopilot using standard system performance criteria. From the results it can be concluded the LCN autopilot out performed that based on LQG techniques in terms of the selected criteria. Also it provided more energy saving control strategies and would thereby increase operational duration times for the vehicle during real-time missions.


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The increasing importance placed upon regional development and the knowledge-based economy as economic growth stimuli has led to a changing role for Universities and their interaction with the business community through (though not limited to) the transfer of technology from academia to industry. With the emergence of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) replacing the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), there is a need for policy and practice going forward to be clearly informed by a critique of TTO (Technology Transfer Office)–RDA stakeholder relationship in a lessons learned approach so that LEPs can benefit from a faster learning curve. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine the stakeholder relationship between three regional universities in the context of its TTO and the RDA with a view to determining lessons learned for the emerging LEP approach. Although the issues raised are contextual, the abstracted stakeholder conceptualisation of the TTO–RDA relationship should enable wider generalisation of the issues raised beyond the UK. Stakeholder theory relationship and stage development models are used to guide a repeat interview study of the TTO and RDA stakeholder groupings. The findings, interpreted using combined category and stage based stakeholder models, show how the longitudinal development of the TTO–RDA stakeholder relationship for each case has progressed through different stakeholder pathways, and stages where specific targeting of funding was dependant on the stakeholder stage. Greater targeted policy and funding, based on the stakeholder relationship approach, led to the development of joint mechanisms and a closer alignment of performance measures between the TTO and the RDA. However, over-reliance on the unitary nature of the TTO–RDA relationship may lead to a lack of cultivation and dependency for funding from other stakeholders.


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Social environments, like neighbourhoods, are increasingly recognised as determinants of health. While several studies have reported an association of low neighbourhood socio-economic status with morbidity, mortality and health risk behaviour, little is known of the health effects of neighbourhood crime rates. Using the ongoing 10-Town study in Finland, we examined the relations of average household income and crime rate measured at the local area level, with smoking status and intensity by linking census data of local area characteristics from 181 postal zip codes to survey responses to smoking behaviour in a cohort of 23,008 municipal employees. Gender-stratified multilevel analyses adjusted for age and individual occupational status revealed an association between low local area income rate and current smoking. High local area crime rate was also associated with current smoking. Both local area characteristics were strongly associated with smoking intensity. Among ever-smokers, being an ex-smoker was less likely among residents in areas with low average household income and a high crime rate. In the fully adjusted model, the association between local area income and smoking behaviour among women was substantially explained by the area-level crime rate. This study extends our knowledge of potential pathways through which social environmental factors may affect health. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A rapid imununoassay using an optical biosensor (BIAcore(TM)) for determining the presence of sulphadiazine (SDZ) residues in pig bile was developed. SDZ,cas immobilised onto the surface of a dextran-coated silicon chip and a solution containing SDZ antibody, sample and buffer was injected over the chip surface. The level of antibody binding to the chip was determined after 20 s and the surface of the chip was then regenerated over a 1-min period prior to another sample injection taking place. Standard curves were constructed to allow quantification of SDZ presence in sample. Concentrations ranging from 0 to 10.64 mu g ml(-1) SDZ were detected in bile samples taken from experimentally fed pigs and randomly selected pigs taken from a local slaughterhouse. These results were compared to the concentrations of SDZ detected by high-performance liquid chromatography: in associated tissues. When concentrations in bile exceeded 0.6 mu g ml(-1) SDZ, the corresponding edible tissue was above the maximum residue level (MRL), i.e. 0.1 mu g g(-1) in 13 out of 14 cases. Wizen the bile concentration was less than 0.6 mu ml(-1) the associated tissue concentrations never exceeded rite MRL. This experiment has indicated that biosensor analysis of bile is a highly effective method for detecting violative SDZ residues in meat.


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This is a paper about resistance and affordance as they relate to music-making in the most extended sense, and perhaps about empathy if this is understood as a capacity to ‘read’ the resistances and affordances of objects, bodies, people and environments. It proceeds from a set of broad working assumptions which inform one individual’s musical practice, via a description a musical-instrument making project which is a hybrid of physical and virtual elements and is designed to test those assumptions, to a speculative finale in which it is suggested that musicking might, in some circumstances, be regarded in itself as a form of resistance. It moves from the intimate and personal, through what might be regarded as local concerns to more global observation, prefiguring the structure of the performance system it describes: the Virtual-Physical Feedback flute