887 resultados para Internal business processes
When a firm decides to implement ERP softwares, the resulting consequences can pervade all levels, includ- ing organization, process, control and available information. Therefore, the first decision to be made is which ERP solution must be adopted from a wide range of offers and vendors. To this end, this paper describes a methodology based on multi-criteria factors that directly affects the process to help managers make this de- cision. This methodology has been applied to a medium-size company in the Spanish metal transformation sector which is interested in updating its IT capabilities in order to obtain greater control of and better infor- mation about business, thus achieving a competitive advantage. The paper proposes a decision matrix which takes into account all critical factors in ERP selection.
The airline industry is often unstable and unpredictable forcing airlines to restructure and create flexible strategies that can respond to external operating environmental changes. In turbulent and competitive environments, firms with higher flexibility perform better and the value of these flexibilities depends on factors of uncertainty in the competitive environment. A model is sought for and arrived at, that shows how an airline business model will function in an uncertain environment with the least reduction in business performance over time. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments.
Supply chain management works to bring the supplier, the distributor, and the customer into one cohesive process. The Supply Chain Council defined supply chain as ‘Supply Chain: The flow and transformation of raw materials into products from suppliers through production and distribution facilities to the ultimate consumer., and then Sunil Chopra and Meindl, (2001) have define Supply chain management as ‘Supply Chain Management involves the flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total profitability.’ After 1950, supply chain management got a boost with the production and manufacturing sector getting highest attention. The inventory became the responsibility of the marketing, accounting and production areas. Order processing was part of accounting and sales. Supply chain management became one of the most powerful engines of business transformation. It is the one area where operational efficiency can be gained. It reduces organizations costs and enhances customer service. With the liberalization of world trade, globalization, and emergence of the new markets, many organizations have customers and competitions throughout the world, either directly or indirectly. Business communities are aware that global competitiveness is the key to the success of a business. Competitiveness is ability to produce, distribute and provide products and services for the open market in competition with others. The supply chain, a critical link between supplier, producer and customer is emerged now as an essential business process and a strategic lever, potential value contributor a differentiator for the success of any business. Supply chain management is the management of all internal and external processes or functions to satisfy a customer’s order (from raw materials through conversion and manufacture through logistics delivery.). Goods-either in raw form or processed, whole sale or retailed distribution, business or technology services, in everyday life- in the business or household- directly or indirectly supply chain is ubiquitously associated in expanding socio-economic development. Supply chain growth competitive performance and supporting strong growth impulse at micro as well as micro economic levels. Keeping the India vision at the core of the objective, the role of supply chain is to take up social economic challenges, improve competitive advantages, develop strategies, built capabilities, enhance value propositions, adapt right technology, collaborate with stakeholders and deliver environmentally sustainable outcomes with minimum resources.
Core competencies form the basis of an organization’s skills and the basic element of a successful strategic execution. Identifying and strengthening the core competencies enhances flexibility thereby strategically positioning a firm for responding to competition in the dynamic marketplace and can be the difference in quality among firms that follow the same business model. A correct understanding of the concept of business models, employing the right core competencies, organizing them effectively and building the business model around the competencies that are constantly gained and assimilated can result in enhanced business performance and thus having implications for firms that want to innovate their business models. Flexibility can be the firm’s agility to shift focus in response to external factors such as changing markets, new technologies or competition and a firm’s success can be gauged by the ability it displays in this transition. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggests they may also be due to the introduction of new business models and nowhere is it more relevant than in the airline industry. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments. This is more relevant in the case of airline industry, as the product (the air transportation of passengers) minus the service competence is all the same.
First, this paper describes a future layered Air Traffic Management (ATM) system centred in the execution phase of flights. The layered ATM model is based on the work currently performed by SESAR [1] and takes into account the availability of accurate and updated flight information ?seen by all? across the European airspace. This shared information of each flight will be referred as Reference Business Trajectory (RBT). In the layered ATM system, exchanges of information will involve several actors (human or automatic), which will have varying time horizons, areas of responsibility and tasks. Second, the paper will identify the need to define the negotiation processes required to agree revisions to the RBT in the layered ATM system. Third, the final objective of the paper is to bring to the attention of researchers and engineers the communalities between multi-player games and Collaborative Decision Making processes (CDM) in a layered ATM system
The integration of correlation processes in design systems has as a target measurements in 3D directly and according to the users criteria in order to generate the required database for the development of the project. In the phase of photogrammetric works, internal and external orientation parameters are calculated and stereo models are created from standard images. The aforementioned are integrated in the system where the measurement of the selected items is done by applying developed correlation algorithms. The processing period has the tools to carry out the calculations in an easy and automatic way, as well as image measurement techniques to acquire the most correct information. The proposed software development is done on Visual Studio platforms for PC, applying the most apt codes and symbols according to the terms of reference required for the design. The results of generating the data base in an interactive way with the geometric study of the structures, facilitates and improves the quality of the works in the projects.
There is an increasing awareness among all kinds of organisations (in business,government and civil society) about the benefits of jointly working with stakeholders to satisfy both their goals and the social demands placed upon them. This is particularly the case within corporate social responsibility (CSR) frameworks. In this regard, multi-criteria tools for decision-making like the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) described in the paper can be useful for the building relationships with stakeholders. Since these tools can reveal decision-maker’s preferences, the integration of opinions from various stakeholders in the decision-making process may result in better and more innovative solutions with significant shared value. This paper is based on ongoing research to assess the feasibility of an AHP-based model to support CSR decisions in large infrastructure projects carried out by Red Electrica de España, the sole transmission agent and operator of the Spanishelectricity system.
Knowledge of how customers co-create value, the way that suppliers and providers co-produce services, and how research and development centers and universities transfer technologies is becoming increasingly important to scholars' understanding of service innovation. This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between inward and outward innovation activities in service organizations and their modes of innovation, using network innovation premises and an extended innovation model. Empirical data from retail, health and education sector service organizations show the existence of a relationship between the degree of development of the inward innovation process and the degree of development of outward innovation activities. The majority of service organizations have innovation processes with an orientation toward customers and suppliers rather than other service network members, and leading service organizations follow a path that the literature defines as oriented toward the service value network. Findings lead to implications of how innovation managers could develop their internal innovation capacity to balance inward and outward activities properly.
While designing systems and products requires a deep understanding of influences that achieve desirable performance, the need for an efficient and systematic decision-making approach drives the need for optimization strategies. This paper provides the motivation for this topic as well as a description of applications in Computing Center of Madrid city Council. Optimization applications can be found in almost all areas of engineering. Typical problems in process, working with a database, arise in query design, entity model design and concurrent processes. This paper proposes a solution to optimize a night process dealing with millions of records with an overall performance of about eight times in computation time.
This paper analyses empirical evidence of efforts to enable Spanish micro and small manufacturing companies to boost their labour productivity rates through the development of the main pillars of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. This study aims to develop new approaches and sensibilities towards work from an ethical, values (virtues) and CSR perspective, showing how internal dimensions of CSR, such those related to relationships with employees and responsibility in processes and product quality, can improve labour performance and labour efficiency, thereby contributing to a better society. The results of a sample of 929 small businesses indicate that the social responsibility policies that most contributed to a short-term increase in labour productivity are those related to internal aspects of the company, in particular its involvement in the quality of processes and products, promotion of innovation and employee care. However, the impact on labour productivity of CSR policies related to external factors, such as relationship with stakeholders and environmental concern, could not be empirically proven in this paper.
This exploratory study presents a comparison between two samples of microenterprises. One sample is formed by companies involved in product innovation during the current economic crisis and the other is formed by companies not involved in product innovation during the same period. The comparison analyzes which internal factors, supported by the literature as the influential factors of small business innovation, are significant when explaining the main differences between innovative microenterprise and non-innovative ones. The results suggest that the factors related to the organization and activity of the company are the factors which explain the differences between these two types of firms, rather than those factors related to micro-entrepreneurs own profile.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo diseñar un modelo de gestión de responsabilidad social sustentado en estándares internacionales para las empresas del sector petrolero venezolano. Esta investigación no se suscribe a un modelo epistémico en particular, como forma parcializada de ver la realidad. Por el contrario, se realizó un abordaje holístico de la investigación, entendiendo el evento de estudio, la gestión de la responsabilidad social, como un evento integrado por distintas visiones de la relación empresa – sociedad. La holística se refiere a una tendencia que permite entender la realidad desde el punto de vista de las múltiples interacciones que la caracterizan. Corresponde a una actitud integradora como también a una teoría explicativa que se orienta hacia una comprensión contextual de los procesos, de los protagonistas y de los eventos. Desde la concepción holística se determinó que la investigación es de tipo proyectiva. Este tipo de investigación propone soluciones a una situación determinada a partir de un proceso de indagación. Implica describir, comparar, explicar y proponer alternativas de cambios, lo que da lugar a los estadios de investigación. En cuanto al diseño de la investigación, aplicando el ciclo holístico, se tiene un diseño que es univariable, transeccional contemporáneo y de fuente mixta. Univariable, porque se enfoca en la gestión de responsabilidad social. Transeccional contemporáneo, porque el evento se estudia en la actualidad y se realiza una sola medición de los datos. De fuente mixta, porque en los estadios descriptivo y explicativo se aplica un diseño de campo, al recolectar los datos directamente en las empresas objeto de estudio, mientras que para los estadios analítico y comparativo se aplica un diseño documental. Las técnicas de recolección de la información estuvieron constituidas por fuentes primarias provenientes de la observación directa, la revisión documental y la aplicación de un cuestionario estructurado tipo escala Likert. El análisis de los datos comprendió el análisis estadístico descriptivo, la estimación de la fiabilidad y el análisis de coeficientes de correlación y análisis de ruta, a través del software estadístico SPSS v.19.0 y AMOS v.20. En los estadios descriptivo y explicativo se estudió la gestión de la responsabilidad social en las empresas del sector petrolero. Los resultados indicaron que las empresas del sector petrolero actúan bajo los lineamientos trazados en el Plan de Desarrollo Nacional y de acuerdo con las políticas, directrices, planes y estrategias para el sector de los hidrocarburos, dictadas por el Ministerio de Energía y Petróleo. También incluyen el compromiso social y la política ambiental en su filosofía de gestión. Tienen en su estructura organizacional una gerencia de desarrollo social que gestiona la responsabilidad social. Las actividades de inversión social se presentan poco estructuradas y en ocasiones se improvisan ya que atienden a los lineamientos políticos del Estado y no a una política interna de sostenibilidad del negocio petrolero. En cuanto a la integralidad de la gestión las empresas no consideran la responsabilidad social en todas las áreas, por lo que deben ampliar su concepción de una gestión responsable, redefiniendo estructuras, estrategias y procesos, con una orientación hacia una gestión sustentable. En cuanto a los estadios analítico y comparativo aplicados al estudio de las guías y estándares internacionales de responsabilidad social, se determinó que en términos de la integralidad de la gestión las iniciativas que destacan son: en cuanto a los principios, las directrices para empresas multinacionales según la OCDE y el Libro Verde de la Unión Europea. En relación con las guías de implementación y control, el Global Reporting Initiative y la norma ISO 26000. Y en cuanto a los sistemas de gestión el Sistema de Gestión Ética y Responsable (SGE 21) y el Sistema de Gestión de Responsabilidad Social IQNET SR10. Finalmente se diseñó una estructura para la gestión integral de responsabilidad social basada en los estándares internacionales y en el concepto de desarrollo sostenible. Por tanto abarca el desarrollo social, el equilibrio ecológico y el crecimiento económico, lo que permite un desarrollo sinérgico. La originalidad del enfoque consistió en la comprensión de la investigación desde una concepción holística, que permitió la integración de las teorías que tratan el tema de la responsabilidad social a través de un abordaje estructurado. ABSTRACT The present research aims to design a model of social responsibility management underpinned by international standards for companies in the Venezuelan oil sector. This research is not framed in a particular epistemic model as a biased way of looking at reality. Instead, a holistic approach to the research was conducted, understanding the event under study, the management of social responsibility as an event composed of different views of the relationship between corporation and society. The term holistic refers to a trend in understanding the reality from the point of view of the multiple interactions that characterize it. It corresponds to an integrative as well as an explanatory theory that is oriented towards a contextual understanding of the processes, of the participants and of the events. From the holistic conception it was determined that this research is of a projective type. The research proposes solutions to a given situation from a process of inquiry. It implies describing, comparing, explaining and proposing alternative changes, which results in the different research stages. Regarding the research design, applying the holistic cycle, an univariate, contemporary cross-sectional and mixed source design is obtained. It is univariate, because it focuses on the management of social responsibility. It is contemporary cross-sectional, because the event is studied in the present time and a single measurement of data is performed. It relies on mixed source, because in the descriptive and explanatory stages a field design is applied when collecting data directly from the companies under study, while for the analytical and comparative stages applies a documentary design is applied. The data collection techniques were constituted by primary sources from direct observation, document review and the implementation of a structured Likert scale questionnaire. The data analysis comprised descriptive statistical analysis, reliability estimates and analysis of correlation and the path analysis through the SPSS v.19.0 and AMOS V.20 statistical software. In the descriptive and explanatory stages social responsibility management in the oil sector companies was studied. The results indicated that the oil companies operate under the guidelines outlined in the National Development Plan and in accordance with the policies, guidelines, plans and strategies for the hydrocarbons sector, issued by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. They also include the social commitment and the environmental policy in their management philosophy. They have in their organizational structure a social development management which deals with social responsibility. Corporate social investment is presented poorly structured and is sometimes improvised since they follow the policy guidelines of the state and not the internal sustainability policy of the oil business. As for the integrity of management companies they do not consider social responsibility in all areas, so they need to expand their conception of responsible management, redefining structures, strategies and processes, with a focus on sustainable management. As for the analytical and comparative stages applied to the study of international guidelines and standards of social responsibility, it was determined that, in terms of the comprehensiveness of management, the initiatives that stand out are the following: With respect to principles, the guidelines for multinational enterprises as indicated by OECD and the Green Paper of the European Union. Regarding the implementation and control guides, the Global Reporting Initiative and the ISO 26000 standard are relevant. And as for management systems the Ethics and Responsible Management System (SGE 21) and the IQNet SR10 Social responsibility management system have to be considered. Finally a framework for the comprehensive management of social responsibility based on international standards and the concept of sustainable development was designed. Hence, social development, ecological balance and economic growth are included allowing therefore a synergistic development. The originality of this approach is the understanding of research in a holistic way, which allows the integration of theories that address the issue of social responsibility through a structured approximation.
Un Equity Carve Out, también conocido como escisión IPO o escisión parcial de empresas, constituye un tipo de reorganización corporativa, en la que una empresa crea una nueva filial a partir de la separación de una de sus actividades, negocios o servicios. Estas operaciones empresariales actualmente constituyen unas de las prácticas más comunes usadas por las compañías para conseguir financiación. El capital entrante por la venta de parte o la totalidad de la filial, justificará por un lado el esfuerzo invertido en el proceso y por otro abrirá nuevos caminos para la empresa recién constituida. Pero la mayor parte de estos procesos son de una complejidad elevada, tanto si se ven desde la óptica externa a la empresa, como interna. Por un lado las valoraciones bursátiles, dadas las actuales circunstancias económicas, no son las mejores. Y por otro, los proyectos de escisión tienen demasiados puntos críticos para considerarlos sencillos o mecánicos de ejecución. Este documento se centrará en dar solución a la problemática interna que afrontan las empresas una vez tomada la decisión de escindir una actividad: ¿cómo gestionar el proceso? Desde la experiencia y el conocimiento empresarial, se propone como solución: un proyecto completo, coherente y estructurado de escisión; y un PMO o responsable de proyecto, para dirigirlo. Durante todo el documento se repasarán todos y cada uno de los pasos que debe tener en consideración y llevar bajo control el PMO, para acabar el equity carve out en 5 meses. Se definirá un proyecto completo describiendo los pasos necesarios para: • Construir nueva empresa y las relaciones con su ecosistema. • Definir todas las operaciones de negocio necesarias para garantizar su operatividad. • Crear las estructuras necesarias que soporten todas las operaciones y procesos. Para ello y dentro de una planificación global, se propone el trabajo diario con todos los departamentos que tengan algún tipo de involucración en el proceso: operaciones, legal, recursos humanos, financiero, fiscal, TI, marketing y comunicación y compras. Todos estos departamentos o líneas de trabajo tendrán tareas y objetivos particulares. El documento servirá de manual, para que el PMO tenga una visión cuasi-completa de lo que hay que hacer en cada momento, con qué profesionales trabajar y con qué propósito. ---ABSTRACT---An Equity Carve Out, also named as excision or partial IPO excision of companies, is a type of corporate reorganization in which a company creates a new one from the separation of one of its activities, business or services. Currently these business operations constitute one of the most common practices used by companies to get funding. The capital that comes from the sale of part or the totality of the subsidiary, justifies the effort invested in the process on one hand, and on the other opens new perspectives for the newly formed company. But most of these processes are highly complex, whether viewed from outside the company, or from inside. On one side, stock valuations, taking into account the current economic circumstances, are not the best. And on the other side, excision projects have too many critical points to consider the projects simple or mechanical. This document is focused on resolving the internal problems faced by enterprises, once the decision of spinning off the activity is taken: how to manage the process? From the experience and business knowledge, we propose as solution: a complete, coherent and structured excision project; and a PMO or Project Officer leading it. Throughout the document, each and every step that the PMO must take into consideration will be reviewed, in order to finish the equity carve-out in 5 months. A complete project will be defined by describing the steps necessary to: • Build new business and relationships with its ecosystem. • Define all business operations necessary to ensure their operability. • Create the necessary structures that support all operations and processes. Within the Global Planning, we will propose daily work with all the departments that have some sort of involvement in the process: operations, legal, human resources, financial, taxes, IT, marketing communication and purchases. All these departments or working lines have their own tasks and goals. The document could be used as a manual for the PMO in order to have a near-complete picture of what to do anytime, with what professionals he/she would work and for what purpose.
La presente investigación, tiene como objetivo analizar las influencias que ejercen los recursos intangibles (Gestión del Conocimiento, Marca, Reputación Organizacional y Responsabilidad Social) en la gestión estratégica de las instituciones de educación superior (IES) y el impacto de los mismos en los procesos de innovación a través del valor añadido que se transfiere al entorno. Se considera importante realizar un estudio sobre este tema dado que son las IES las encargadas de proporcionar los conocimientos y los nuevos hallazgos en innovaciones tecnológicas, que son transferidas al tejido productivo de las regiones, lo que proporciona crecimiento económico y mejoras en la calidad de vida. El estudio se enmarca dentro de los postulados de la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades (TRC) y de los intangibles, los cuales sirven de base a la investigación. Se planteó un sistema de hipótesis subdividido en dos vías de influencias. La primera, donde se analizan las influencias directas que ejercen los recursos intangibles sobre los resultados de las IES. La otra vía es la indirecta, que estudia las influencias que ejercen los recursos intangibles gestionados estratégicamente sobre los resultados de las IES. Esta investigación se ha concebido como no experimental, de tipo exploratorio, basada en el paradigma que busca explicar un fenómeno (variable dependiente) a través del comportamiento de las variables independientes. Es un estudio transversal, cuantitativo, que intenta describir las causas del fenómeno. Con el objeto de determinar las influencias o relaciones de causalidad que subyacen entre las variables, se utilizó la técnica del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). La población objeto de estudio estuvo constituida por los 857 individuos pertenecientes a los consejos directivos de las IES, que forman parte de las base de datos que gestiona el Consorcio de Escuelas de Ingeniería de Latinoamérica y del Caribe y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, con un tamaño de muestra significativa de 250 directivos, lo que representa el 29,42% de la población. Como fuentes de recolección de información se utilizaron fuentes primarias y secundarias. Para recabar la información primaria se diseñó un cuestionario (ad hoc), el cual fue validado por expertos. La información de fuentes secundarias se extrajo de la bases de datos de la Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología (RICYT). Los resultados obtenidos indican que las influencias directas que pueden ejercer los recursos intangibles (Gestión del Conocimiento, Marca, Reputación Organizacional y Responsabilidad Social) no son significativas, por ello se rechazaron todas las hipótesis de la vía de influencia directa. Asimismo, de acuerdo con el contraste realizado al submodelo que representa la vía de influencia indirecta, resultaron significativas las influencias que ejercen los intangibles Gestión del Conocimiento y Reputación Organizacional, gestionadas estratégicamente sobre los resultados con valor añadido generado por las IES y transferidos al entorno. Sin embargo, no se apoyan todas las hipótesis del modelo, debido a que los constructos Marca y Responsabilidad Social resultaron no significativos. Las teorías sobre intangibles enmarcadas en la TRC no son del todo robustas y requieren de mayores esfuerzos por parte de los investigadores para lograr definir los constructos a utilizar. De igual forma, se sigue corroborando el desfase que existe entre las teorías que sustentan la investigación y las comprobaciones empíricas de las mismas. Además, se evidencia que las IES enfocan su actuación hacia la academia, por encima de las otras funciones, otorgando a la enseñanza e investigación y a la reputación organizacional una mayor importancia. Sin embargo, debido a su naturaleza no empresarial, las IES siguen manteniendo una filosofía de gestión enfocada a la generación y transmisión de conocimientos que crean reputación. Se excluyen los intangibles Marca y Responsabilidad Social, por considerar que no aportan valor a sus procesos internos o que están inmersos dentro de otros recursos intangibles. En conclusión, se corrobora el atraso de la gestión estratégica que presentan las IES en Latinoamérica. Se comprueba la no aplicación de postulados básicos de la gerencia moderna que contribuyan al manejo eficiente de todos sus recursos y al logro de sus objetivos. Esto deriva en la necesidad de modernizar la visión estratégica de las IES y en crear mejores mecanismos para lograr reconocer, mantener, proteger y desarrollar los Recursos Intangibles que poseen, realizando combinaciones de recursos óptimas, que maximicen la creación de valor para sí mismas y para la sociedad a la que pertenecen. ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the influences exerted by intangible resources (Knowledge Management, Brand, Organizational Reputation and Social Responsibility) in the strategic management of higher education institutions (HEIs) and their impact in the innovation processes through the added value that is transferred to the environment. It is considered important to conduct a study on this issue since HEIs are responsible for providing knowledge and new findings on technological innovations, which are then, transferred to the productive fabric of these regions, providing economic growth and improvements in quality of life. The study is framed within the tenets of the Theory of Resources and Capabilities (TRC) and of intangibles which underlie this research. A system of hypotheses was raised which was subdivided into two pathways of influences. In the first system the direct influences exerted by intangible resources on the results of the IES are analyzed. The other system focuses on the indirect influences exerted by the strategically managed intangible resources on the HEIs results. This research is designed as experimental, exploratory and based on the paradigm that seeks to explain a phenomenon (the dependent variable) through the behavior of the independent variables. It is a crosssectional, quantitative study, which attempts to describe the causes of the phenomenon. In order to determine the influences or causal relationships among variables the structural equation modeling technique (SEM) was used. The population under study consisted of 857 individuals from the boards of HEIs, which are part of the database managed by the Consortium of Engineering Schools in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Technical University of Madrid, with a significant sample size of 250 managers which represents 29.42% of the population. As sources of information gathering primary and secondary sources were used. To collect primary information an ad-hoc questionnaire which was validated by experts was designed. The secondary information was extracted from the database of the Latin American Network of Science and Technology (RICYT). The results obtained indicate that the direct influences that intangible resources (Knowledge Management, Brand, Organizational Reputation and Social Responsibility) can exert are not significant. Therefore, all hypotheses related to direct influence were rejected. Also, according to the test made with the system which represents the indirect channel of influence, significant influences were exerted on the results with added value generated by the HEIs by the intangibles Knowledge Management and Organizational Reputation when they were managed strategically. However, all model hypotheses are not supported, because the constructs Brand and Social Responsibility were not significant. Theories of intangibles within the framework of the Theory of Resources and Capabilities are not entirely robust and require greater efforts by researchers to define the constructs to be used. Similarly the existing gap between the theories underpinning research and the empirical tests continues to be corroborated. In addition, there is evidence that HEIs focus their action on the academy neglecting the other functions, giving more importance to teaching, research and organizational reputation. However, due to their non-business nature, HEIs still maintain a management philosophy focused on the generation and transmission of knowledge which leads to reputation. The intangibles Brand and Social Responsibility are excluded, considering that they do not add value to their internal processes or are embedded within other intangible resources. In conclusion, the backwardness of HEIs’ strategic management in Latin America is confirmed. The lack of application of the basic principles of modern management that contribute to the efficient administration of all the resources and the achievement of objectives is proven. This leads to the need to modernize the strategic vision of HEIs and the need for better mechanisms to recognize, maintain, protect and develop the intangible resources they possess, achieving optimal combinations of resources in order to maximize the creation of value for them and for the society to which they belong.
En un mundo donde el cambio es constante y cada vez más vertiginoso, la innovación es el combustible que utilizan las empresas que permite su renovación constante y, como consecuencia, su supervivencia en el largo plazo. La innovación es sin dudas un elemento fundamental para determinar la capacidad de las empresas en crear valor a lo largo del tiempo, y por ello, las empresas suelen dedicar esfuerzos considerables y recursos de todo tipo para identificar nuevas alternativas de innovación que se adapten a su estrategia, cultura, objetivos y ambiciones corporativas. Una forma específica para llevar a cabo la innovación es la innovación abierta. Esta se entiende como la innovación que se realiza de manera conjunta con otras empresas o participantes del ecosistema. Cabe la aclaración que en este documento se toma la definición de ecosistema referida al conjunto de clientes, proveedores, competidores y otros participantes que interactúan en un mismo entorno donde existen posiciones de liderazgo que pueden cambiar a lo largo del tiempo (Moore 1996). El termino de innovación abierta fue acuñado por Henry Chesbrough hace algo mas de una década para referirse a esta forma particular de organizar la innovación corporativa. Como se observa en el presente trabajo la innovación abierta es un nuevo paradigma que ha capturado el interés académico y empresarial desde algo más de una década. Se verán varios casos de innovación abierta que se están llevando a cabo en diversos países y sectores de la economía. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es el de desarrollar y explicar un modelo de relación entre la innovación abierta y la creación de valor en las empresas. Para ello, y como objetivos secundarios, se ha investigado los elementos de un Programa de Innovación Abierta, los impulsores 1 de creación de valor, el proceso de creación de valor y, finalmente, la interacción entre estos tres elementos. Como producto final de la investigación se ha desarrollado un marco teórico general para establecer la conexión entre la innovación abierta y la creación de valor que facilita la explicación de la interacción entre ambos elementos. Se observa a partir de los casos de estudio que la innovación abierta puede abarcar todos los sectores de la economía, múltiples geografías y empresas de distintos tamaños (grandes empresas, pequeñas y medianas empresas, incluso empresas de reciente creación) cada una de ellas con distinta relevancia dentro del ecosistema en el que participan. Elementos de un Programa de Innovación Abierta La presente investigación comienza con la enumeración de los distintos elementos que se encuentran presentes en los Programas de Innovación Abierta. De esta manera, se describen los diversos elementos que se han identificado a través de la revisión de la literatura académica que se ha llevado a cabo. En función de una serie de características comunes, los distintos elementos se agrupan en cuatro niveles diferentes para lograr un mejor entendimiento de los Programas de Innovación Abierta. A continuación se detallan estos elementos § Organización del Programa. En primer lugar se menciona la existencia de una estructura organizativa capaz de cumplir una serie de objetivos establecidos previamente. Por su naturaleza de innovación abierta deberá existir cierto grado de interacción entre los distintos miembros que participen en el proceso de innovación. § Talento Interno. El talento interno asociado a los programas de innovación abierta juega un rol fundamental en la ejecución y éxito del programa. Bajo este nivel se asocian elementos como la cultura de innovación abierta y el liderazgo como mecanismo para entender uno de los elementos que explica el grado de adopción de innovación en una empresa. Estrechamente ligados al liderazgo se encuentran los comportamientos organizacionales como elementos diferenciadores para aumentar las posibilidades de creación de innovación abierta. § Infraestructura. En este nivel se agrupan los elementos relacionados con la infraestructura tecnológica necesaria para llevar a cabo el programa incluyendo los procesos productivos y las herramientas necesarias para la gestión cotidiana. § Instrumentos. Por último, se mencionan los instrumentos o vehículos que se utilizan en el entorno corporativo para implementar innovación abierta. Hay varios instrumentos disponibles como las incubadoras corporativas, los acuerdos de licenciamiento o las áreas de capital de riesgo corporativo. Para este último caso se hará una mención especial por el creciente y renovado interés que ha despertado tanto en el entorno académico como empresarial. Se ha identificado al capital de riesgo corporativo como un de los elementos diferenciales en el desarrollo de la estrategia de innovación abierta de las empresas ya que suele aportar credibilidad, capacidad y soporte tecnológico. Estos cuatro elementos, interactuando de manera conjunta y coordinada, tienen la capacidad de crear, potenciar e incluso desarrollar impulsores de creación de valor que impactan en la estrategia y organización de la empresa y partir de aquí en su desempeño financiero a lo largo del tiempo. Los Impulsores de Creación de Valor Luego de identificar, ordenar y describir los distintos elementos presentes en un Programa de Innovación Abierta se ha avanzado en la investigación con los impulsores de creación de valor. Estos pueden definirse como elementos que potencian o determinan la capacidad de crear valor dentro del entorno empresarial. Como se puede observar, se detallan estos impulsores como punto de interacción entre los elementos del programa y el proceso de creación de valor corporativo. A lo largo de la presente investigación se han identificado 6 impulsores de creación de valor presentes en un Programa de Innovación Abierta. § Nuevos Productos y Servicios. El impulsor de creación de valor más directo y evidente en un Programa de Innovación Abierta es la capacidad de crear nuevos productos y servicios dado que se relacionan directamente con el proceso de innovación de la empresa § Acceso a Mercados Adyacentes. El proceso de innovación también puede ser una fuente de valor al permitir que la empresa acceda a mercados cercanos a su negocio tradicional, es decir satisfaciendo nuevas necesidades de sus clientes existentes o de nuevos clientes en otro mercado. § Disponibilidad de Tecnologías. La disponibilidad de tecnologías es un impulsor en si mismo de la creación de valor. Estas pueden ser tanto complementarias como de apalancamiento de tecnologías ya existentes dentro de la empresa y que tengan la función de transformar parte de los componentes de la estrategia de la empresa. § Atracción del Talento Externo. La introducción de un Programa de Innovación Abierta en una empresa ofrece la oportunidad de interactuar con otras organizaciones del ecosistema y, por tanto, de atraer el talento externo. La movilidad del talento es una característica singular de la innovación abierta. § Participación en un Ecosistema Virtuoso. Se ha observado que las acciones realizadas en el entorno por cualquiera de los participantes también tendrán un claro impacto en la creación de valor para el resto de participantes por lo tanto la participación en un ecosistema virtuoso es un impulsor de creación de valor presente en la innovación abierta. § Tecnología “Dentro--‐Fuera”. Como último impulsor de valor es necesario comentar que la dirección que puede seguir la tecnología puede ser desde la empresa hacia el resto del ecosistema generando valor a partir de disponibilizar tecnologías que no son de utilidad interna para la empresa. Estos seis impulsores de creación de valor, presentes en los procesos de innovación corporativos, tienen la capacidad de influir en la estrategia y organización de la empresa aumentando su habilidad de crear valor. El Proceso de Creación de Valor en las Empresas Luego se ha investigado la práctica de la gestión basada en valor que sostiene la necesidad de alinear la estrategia corporativa y el diseño de la organización con el fin de obtener retornos financieros superiores al resto de los competidores de manera sostenida, y finalmente crear valor a lo largo del tiempo. Se describe como los impulsores de creación de valor influyen en la creación y fortalecimiento de las ventajas competitivas de la empresa impactando y alineando su estrategia y organización. Durante la investigación se ha identificado que las opciones reales pueden utilizarse como una herramienta para gestionar entornos de innovación abierta que, por definición, tienen altos niveles de incertidumbre. Las opciones reales aportan una capacidad para la toma de decisiones de forma modular y flexible que pueden aplicarse al entorno corporativo. Las opciones reales han sido particularmente diseñadas para entender, estructurar y gestionar entornos de múltiples incertidumbres y por ello tienen una amplia aplicación en los entornos de innovación. Se analizan los usos potenciales de las opciones reales como complemento a los distintos instrumentos identificados en los Programas de Innovación Abierta. La Interacción Entre los Programas de Innovación Abierta, los Impulsores de Creación de Valor y el Proceso de Creación de Valor A modo de conclusión del presente trabajo se puede mencionar que se ha desarrollado un marco general de creación de valor en el entorno de los Programas de Innovación Abierta. Este marco general incluye tres elementos fundamentales. En primer lugar describe los elementos que se encuentran presentes en los Programas de Innovación Abierta, en segundo lugar como estos programas colaboran en la creación de los seis impulsores de creación de valor que se han identificado y finalmente en tercer lugar como estos impulsores impactan sobre la estrategia y la organización de la empresa para dar lugar a la creación de valor de forma sostenida. A través de un Programa de Innovación Abierta, se pueden desarrollar los impulsores de valor para fortalecer la posición estratégica de la empresa y su capacidad de crear de valor. Es lo que denominamos el marco de referencia para la creación de valor en un Programa de Innovación Abierta. Se presentará la idea que los impulsores de creación de valor pueden colaborar en generar una estrategia óptima que permita alcanzar un desempeño financiero superior y lograr creación de valor de la empresa. En resumen, se ha desarrollado un modelo de relación que describe el proceso de creación de valor en la empresa a partir de los Programas de Innovación Abierta. Para ello, se han identificado los impulsores de creación de valor y se ha descripto la interacción entre los distintos elementos del modelo. ABSTRACT In a world of constant, accelerating change innovation is fuel for business. Year after year, innovation allows firms to renew and, therefore, advance their long--‐term survival. Undoubtedly, innovation is a key element for the firms’ ability to create value over time. Companies often devote considerable effort and diverse resources to identify innovation alternatives that could fit into their strategy, culture, corporate goals and ambitions. Open innovation refers to a specific approach to innovate by collaborating with other firms operating within the same business ecosystem.2 The term open innovation was pioneered by Henry Chesbrough more than a decade ago to refer to this particular mode of driving corporate innovation. Open innovation is a new paradigm that has attracted academic and business interest for over a decade. Several cases of open innovation from different countries and from different economic sectors are included and reviewed in this document. The main objective of this study is to explain and develop a relationship model between open innovation and value creation. To this end, and as secondary objectives, we have explored the elements of an Open Innovation Program, the drivers of value creation, the process of value creation and, finally, the interaction between these three elements. As a final product of the research we have developed a general theoretical framework for establishing the connection between open innovation and value creation that facilitates the explanation of the interaction between the two. From the case studies we see that open innovation can encompass all sectors of the economy, multiple geographies and varying businesses – large companies, SMEs, including (even) start--‐ups – each with a different relevance within the ecosystem in which they participate. Elements of an Open Innovation Program We begin by listing and describing below the items that can be found in an Open Innovation Program. Many of such items have been identified through the review of relevant academic literature. Furthermore, in order to achieve a better understanding of Open Innovation, we have classified those aspects into four different categories according to the features they share. § Program Organization. An organizational structure must exist with a degree of interaction between the different members involved in the innovation process. This structure must be able to meet a number of previously established objectives. § Internal Talent. Internal talent plays a key role in the implementation and success of any Open Innovation program. An open innovation culture and leadership skills are essential for adopting either radical or incremental innovation. In fact, leadership is closely linked to organizational behavior and it is essential to promote open innovation. § Infrastructure. This category groups the elements related to the technological infrastructure required to carry out the program, including production processes and daily management tools. § Instruments. Finally, we list the instruments or vehicles used in the corporate environment to implement open innovation. Several instruments are available, such as corporate incubators, licensing agreements or venture capital. There has been a growing and renewed interest in the latter, both in academia and business circles. The use of corporate venture capital to sustain the development of the open innovation strategy brings ability, credibility, and technological support to the process. The combination of elements from these four categories, interacting in a coordinated way, makes it possible to create, enhance and develop value creation drivers that may impact the company’s strategy and organization and affect its financial performance over time. The Drivers of Value Creation After identifying describing and categorizing the different elements present in an Open Innovation Program our research examines the drivers of value creation. These can be defined as elements that enhance or determine the ability to create value in the business environment. As can be seen, these drivers can act as interacting points between the elements of the program and the process of value creation. The study identifies six drivers of value creation that might be found in an Open Innovation Program. § New Products and Services. The more direct and obvious driver of value creation in any Open Innovation Program is the ability to create new products and services. This is directly related to the company’s innovation process. § Access to Adjacent Markets. The innovation process can also serve as a source of value by granting access to adjacent markets through satisfying new needs for existing customers or attracting new customers from other markets. § Availability of Technologies. The availability of technology is in itself a driver for value creation. New technologies can either be complementary and/or can leverage existing technologies within the firm. They can partly transform certain elements of the company’s strategy. § External Talent Strategy. Incorporating an Open Innovation Program offers the opportunity to interact with other organizations operating in the same ecosystem and can therefore attract external skilled resources. Talent mobility is a unique feature of open innovation. § Becoming Part of a Virtuous Circle. The actions carried out in the environment by any of its members will also have a clear impact on value creation for the other participants. Participation in a virtuous ecosystem is thus a driver for value creation in an open innovation strategy. § Inside--‐out Technology. Value creation may also evolve by allowing other firms in the ecosystem to incorporate internally developed under--‐utilized technologies into their own innovation processes. These six drivers that are present in the innovation process can influence the strategy and the organization of the company, increasing its ability to create value. The Value Creation Process Value--‐based management is the management approach that requires aligning the corporate strategy and the organizational design to create value and obtain sustained financial returns (at least, higher returns than its competitors). We describe how the drivers of value creation can enhance corporate advantages by aligning its strategy and organization. During this study, we were able to determine that real options can be used as managing tools in open innovation environments which, by definition, have high uncertainty levels. Real options provide capability for flexible and modular decision--‐making in the business environment. In particular, real options have been designed for uncertainty management and, therefore, they may be widely applied in innovation environments. We analyze potential uses of real options to supplement the various instruments identified in the Open Innovation programs. The Interaction Between Open Innovation Programs, Value Creation drivers and Value Creation Process As a result of this study, we have developed a general framework for value creation in Open Innovation Programs. This framework includes three key elements. We first described the elements that are present in Open Innovation Programs. Next, we showed how these programs can boost six drivers of value creation that have been identified. Finally, we analyzed how the drivers impact on the strategy and organization of the company in order to lead to the creation of sustainable value. Through an Open Innovation Program, value drivers can be developed to strengthen a company’s strategic position and its ability to create value. That is what we call the framework for value creation in the Open Innovation Program. Value drivers can collaborate in generating an optimal strategy that helps foster a superior financial performance and a sustained value creation process. In sum, we have developed a relationship model that describes the process of creating value in a firm with an Open Innovation Program. We have identified the drivers of value creation and described how the different elements of the model interact with each other.