943 resultados para Inbound foreign direct investment
An investor can either conduct independent analysis or rely on the analyses of others. Stock analysts provide markets with expectations regarding particular securities. However, analysts have different capabilities and resources, of which investors are seldom cognizant. The local advantage refers to the advantage stemming from cultural or geographical proximity to securities analyzed. The research has confirmed that local agents are generally more accurate or produce excess returns. This thesis tests the investment value of the local advantage regarding Finnish stocks via target price data. The empirical section investigates the local advantage from several aspects. It is discovered that local analysts were more focused on certain sectors generally located close to consumer markets. Market reactions to target price revisions were generally insignificant with the exception to local positive target prices. Both local and foreign target prices were overly optimistic and exhibited signs of herding. Neither group could be identified as a leader or follower of new information. Additionally, foreign price change expectations were more in line with the quantitative models and ideas such as beta or return mean reversion. The locals were more accurate than foreign analysts in 5 out of 9 sectors and vice versa in one. These sectors were somewhat in line with coverage decisions and buttressed the idea of local advantage stemming from proximity to markets, not to headquarters. The accuracy advantage was dependent on sample years and on the measure used. Local analysts ranked magnitudes of price changes more accurately in optimistic and foreign analysts in pessimistic target prices. Directional accuracy of both groups was under 50% and target prices held no linear predictive power. Investment value of target prices were tested by forming mean-variance efficient portfolios. Parallel to differing accuracies in the levels of expectations foreign portfolio performed better when short sales were allowed and local better when disallowed. Both local and non-local portfolios performed worse than a passive index fund, albeit not statistically significantly. This was in line with previously reported low overall accuracy and different accuracy profiles. Refraining from estimating individual stock returns altogether produced statistically significantly higher Sharpe ratios compared to local or foreign portfolios. The proposed method of testing the investment value of target prices of different groups suffered from some inconsistencies. Nevertheless, these results are of interest to investors seeking the advice of security analysts.
In the 21st century, the realignment of multinational companies’ business scope has become a major issue globally. A very prominent part of the global realignment process, alongside with mergers, acquisitions and alliances, are foreign divestments. Foreign divestments have become an integral aspect of international business since they are now widely practiced by MNCs from a growing and diverse range of home countries and host economies. The objective of this thesis is to identify the factors that contribute to foreign divestment decisions in the banking sector. This thesis is a qualitative research with a single case study approach. The chosen case of this thesis is the divestment made by the internationally operating Nordic financial service group, Nordea, in Poland in 2013. The empirical findings were obtained by interviewing experts from the case company and the interviews were conducted as theme interviews using the four themes that according to the theoretical framework of this thesis are the contributing factors in foreign divestment decisions: (1) environmental stability, (2) attractiveness of current operations, (3) strategic fit, and (4) governance issues. The empirical findings of this thesis suggest that there were four dominant contributors to the foreign divestment decision of the case company: (1) host government regulations, (2) strategic considerations, (3) economic outlook, and (4) interested buyer. The empirical findings mostly support the accuracy of the selected framework as the first three theme groups were found to be major contributors also in the case company’s foreign divestment. However, the importance of the fourth theme group, ‘governance issues’, is not supported by the findings of this thesis. Furthermore the findings suggest that in addition to the groups presented in the framework, also timing can be an import factor in divestment decisions. Three managerial recommendations can be drawn from the findings of this thesis: (1) If a foreign divestment decision is the best course of action due to strategic reasons, it should not be avoided; (2) The pre-investment due diligence processes should not be ignored since it can help to avoid unwanted divestments; and (3) Companies should concentrate on building good relationships with the host government since it can facilitate business activities in the host country.
An investor can either conduct independent analysis or rely on the analyses of others. Stock analysts provide markets with expectations regarding particular securities. However, analysts have different capabilities and resources, of which investors are seldom cognizant. The local advantage refers to the advantage stemming from cultural or geographical proximity to securities analyzed. The research has confirmed that local agents are generally more accurate or produce excess returns. This thesis tests the investment value of the local advantage regarding Finnish stocks via target price data. The empirical section investigates the local advantage from several aspects. It is discovered that local analysts were more focused on certain sectors generally located close to consumer markets. Market reactions to target price revisions were generally insignificant with the exception to local positive target prices. Both local and foreign target prices were overly optimistic and exhibited signs of herding. Neither group could be identified as a leader or follower of new information. Additionally, foreign price change expectations were more in line with the quantitative models and ideas such as beta or return mean reversion. The locals were more accurate than foreign analysts in 5 out of 9 sectors and vice versa in one. These sectors were somewhat in line with coverage decisions and buttressed the idea of local advantage stemming from proximity to markets, not to headquarters. The accuracy advantage was dependent on sample years and on the measure used. Local analysts ranked magnitudes of price changes more accurately in optimistic and foreign analysts in pessimistic target prices. Directional accuracy of both groups was under 50% and target prices held no linear predictive power. Investment value of target prices were tested by forming mean-variance efficient portfolios. Parallel to differing accuracies in the levels of expectations foreign portfolio performed better when short sales were allowed and local better when disallowed. Both local and non-local portfolios performed worse than a passive index fund, albeit not statistically significantly. This was in line with previously reported low overall accuracy and different accuracy profiles. Refraining from estimating individual stock returns altogether produced statistically significantly higher Sharpe ratios compared to local or foreign portfolios. The proposed method of testing the investment value of target prices of different groups suffered from some inconsistencies. Nevertheless, these results are of interest to investors seeking the advice of security analysts.
The Meese-Rogoff forecasting puzzle states that foreign exchange (FX) rates are unpredictable. Since one country’s macroeconomic conditions could affect the price of its national currency, we study the dynamic relations between the FX rates and some macroeconomic accounts. Our research tests whether the predictability of the FX rates could be improved through the advanced econometrics. Improving the predictability of the FX rates has important implications for various groups including investors, business entities and the government. The present thesis examines the dynamic relations between the FX rates, savings and investments for a sample of 25 countries from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. We apply quarterly data of FX rates, macroeconomic indices and accounts including the savings and the investments over three decades. Through preliminary Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root tests and Johansen cointegration tests, we found that the savings rate and the investment rate are cointegrated with the vector (1,-1). This result is consistent with many previous studies on the savings-investment relations and therefore confirms the validity of the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle. Because of the special cointegrating relation between the savings rate and investment rate, we introduce the savings-investment rate differential (SID). Investigating each country through a vector autoregression (VAR) model, we observe extremely insignificant coefficient estimates of the historical SIDs upon the present FX rates. We also report similar findings through the panel VAR approach. We thus conclude that the historical SIDs are useless in forecasting the FX rate. Nonetheless, the coefficients of the past FX rates upon the current SIDs for both the country-specific and the panel VAR models are statistically significant. Therefore, we conclude that the historical FX rates can conversely predict the SID to some degree. Specifically, depreciation in the domestic currency would cause the increase in the SID.
Cette thèse comporte trois essais en macroéconomie en économie ouverte et commerce international. Je considère tour à tour les questions suivantes: sous quelles conditions est-il optimal pour un pays de former une union économique? (essai 1); l'augmentation de la dispersion transversale des avoirs extérieurs nets des pays est-elle compatible avec une dispersion relativement stable des taux d'investissement? (essai 2); le risque de perte de marché à l'exportation du fait de l'existence des zones de commerce préférentiel joue t-il un rôle dans la décision des pays exclus de négocier des accords commerciaux à leur tour? (essai 3). Le premier essai examine les conditions d'optimalité d'une union économique. Il s'intéresse à une motivation particulière: le partage du risque lié aux fluctuations du revenu. Dans la situation initiale, les pays ont très peu d'opportunités pour partager le risque à cause des frictions: les marchés financiers internationaux sont incomplets et il n'y pas de mécanisme pour faire respecter les contrats de crédit entre pays. Dans ce contexte, une union économique apparait comme un arrangement qui pallie à ces frictions entre les pays membres seulement. Cependant, l'union dans son ensemble continue de faire face à ces frictions lorsqu'elle échange avec le reste du monde. L'arbitrage clé dans le modèle est le suivant. D'un coté, l'intégration économique permet un meilleur partage du risque entre pays membres et la possibilité pour le partenaire pauvre d'utiliser la ligne de crédit du partenaire riche en cas de besoin. De l'autre coté, l'union peut faire face à une limite de crédit plus restrictive parce que résilier la dette extérieure est moins coûteux pour les membres l'union. De plus, le fait que le partenaire pauvre peut utiliser la limite de crédit du partenaire riche génère une externalité négative pour ce dernier qui se retrouve plus fréquemment contraint au niveau des marchés internationaux des capitaux. En conformité avec les faits observés sur l'intégration économique, le modèle prédit que les unions économiques sont relativement peu fréquentes, sont plus susceptibles d'être créées parmi des pays homogènes, et généralement riches. Le deuxième essai porte sur la dispersion des avoirs extérieurs nets et la relation avec la dispersion des taux d'investissement. Au cours des récentes décennies, la dispersion croissante des déséquilibres extérieurs et les niveaux record atteints par certaines grandes économies ont reçu une attention considérable. On pourrait attribuer ce phénomène à une réduction des barrières aux mouvements internationaux des capitaux. Mais dans ce cas, il est légitime de s'attendre à une augmentation de la dispersion au niveau des taux d'investissement; ceci, parce que le financement des besoins en investissements constitue une raison fondamentale pour laquelle les pays échangent les capitaux. Les données indiquent cependant que la dispersion des taux d'investissement est restée relativement stable au cours des récentes décennies. Pour réconcilier ces faits, je construis un modèle d'équilibre général dynamique et stochastique où les pays sont hétérogènes en raison des chocs idiosyncratiques à leurs niveaux de productivité totale des facteurs. Au niveau des marchés internationaux des capitaux, le menu des actifs disponibles est restreint à une obligation sans risque et il n'y a pas de mécanisme pour faire respecter les contrats de crédit entre pays. A tout moment, un pays peut choisir de résilier sa dette extérieure sous peine d'exclusion financière et d'un coût direct. Ce coût direct reflète les canaux autres que l'exclusion financière à travers lesquels les pays en défaut sont pénalisés. Lorsque le modèle est calibré pour reproduire l'évolution de la dispersion transversale des avoirs extérieurs nets, il produit une dispersion relativement stable des taux d'investissement. La raison principale est que les incitations que les pays ont à investir sont liées à la productivité. Avec l'intégration financière, même si les opportunités d'emprunt se sont multipliées, les incitations à investir n'ont pas beaucoup changé. Ce qui permet de générer une dispersion accrue de la position des avoirs extérieurs nets des pays avec une dispersion relativement stable des taux d'investissement. Le troisième essai analyse un aspect de l'interdépendance dans la formation des accords commerciaux préférentiels: j'examine empiriquement si le risque de diversion des exportations en faveur des pays membres des zones de commerce préférentiel est un facteur déterminant dans la décision des pays exclus de ces accords de négocier un accord à leur tour. Je construis un indicateur qui mesure le potentiel de diversion des exportations auquel font face les pays et estime un modèle probit de formation des zones de commerce préférentiel créées entre 1961 et 2005. Les résultats confirment que les pays confrontés à un plus grand potentiel de détournement des échanges sont plus susceptibles de former une zone de commerce préférentiel à leur tour.
The influence of partisan politics on public policy is a much debated issue of political science. With respect to foreign policy, often considered as above parties, the question appears even more problematic. This comparison of foreign aid policies in 16 OECD countries develops a structural equation model and uses LISREL analysis to demonstrate that parties do matter, even in international affairs. Social-democratic parties have an effect on a country's level of development assistance. This effect, however, is neither immediate nor direct. First, it appears only in the long run. Second, the relationship between leftist partisan strength and foreign aid works through welfare state institutions and social spending. Our findings indicate how domestic politics shapes foreign conduct. We confirm the empirical relevance of cumulative partisan scores and show how the influence of parties is mediated by other political determinants.
The United States of America and the European Union are currently negotiating a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It is one of the most ambitious free trade and investment initiatives, going much further than eliminating tariffs. TTIP mainly aims at reducing “non-tariff barriers”. While tariffs on goods have been imposed with an eye to foreign competition, most of the non-tariff barriers are the laws and regulations that are the result of social struggles for the protection of consumers and workers. It is therefore certain that TTIP will impact workers. This volume provides a preliminary assessment of the likely consequences for labor by: - providing an overall introduction to the TTIP negotiations; -assessing the reliability of the studies claiming employment gains; - highlighting specific problematic proposals such as the investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism; - presenting the position of organized labor from both sides of the Atlantic. / Among the contributors are Stefan Beck (Kassel), Lance Compa (Ithaca, New York), Pia Eberhardt (Brussels) and Werner Raza (Vienna).
Este paper estudia la relación entre algunos de los eventos más importantes del conflicto colombiano con la percepción extranjera de riesgo soberano, medido por los Credit Default Swaps (CDS) de los bonos del Gobierno Colombiano. Usando dos metodologías relativamente recientes, yo estimo el efecto causal de los eventos de conflicto ampliamente cubierto por los medios internacionales. En primer lugar construyo un grupo de control sintético que funciona como contra factual de la serie real de los CDS colombianos pero en ausencia de eventos de conflicto. Segundo, estimo el efecto acumulado del evento bajo la metodología de retornos anormales acumulados. Los resultados sugieren que los efectos de los eventos de conflicto sobre la percepción extranjera de riesgo soberano dependen de las especificaciones de cada evento.
El presente trabajo tiene la intención de investigar la relación comercial entre China y Colombia teniendo en cuenta su evolución histórica, su comportamiento actual y su desarrollo potencial y determinar los potenciales sectores de inversión bilateral. Conforme a lo anterior se reunió información relevante de como se ha comportado históricamente la inversión comercial y la inversión extranjera directa de cada país, como es el estatus actual de mercado de los países en consideración, los incentivos o proyectos que fomentan el comercio exterior y el IED están desarrollando los países, que sectores tienen mayor potencial para invertir en cada país, las barreras que existen actualmente en aumentar la IED bilateral y finalmente determinar las estrategias y oportunidades que existen para nuevos inversionistas Colombianos interesados en invertir en China y viceversa.
China es el cuarto país más extenso del mundo así como el más densamente poblado. En la actualidad, se ha caracterizado por ser una economía con un papel importante en el comercio mundial. Es por este motivo, que en el año 2010 se convirtió en el país con más exportaciones en el mundo, ubicándose en las primeras economías después de los Estados Unidos. Por otro lado, China considera a Colombia como un país influyente en América Latina, lo que posibilita que en un futuro se puedan convertir en socios comerciales. Sin embargo, se debe resaltar que por su extensión, China es un país de diversas culturas por lo que el trabajo “Estrategias de internacionalización de la industria de panadería en Colombia hacia la provincia de Shanxi, China”, se centrara únicamente en la provincia de Shanxi. Dicha provincia es reconocida por su gran abundancia de recursos minerales, adicionalmente, juega un papel decisivo en la red eléctrica del Norte de China y planea convertirse en la base industrial del país por lo que promete un futuro próspero para su población convirtiéndose en un lugar potencial para centrar el trabajo. También, se debe resaltar el auge y crecimiento de la industria de panadería en Colombia ya que no solamente es perteneciente a la canasta familiar sino que es necesario y rentable para los empresarios. Además es una industria que genera productos de alta calidad y con valor agregado. Como toda industria colombiana esta también tienen ciertas falencias entre ellas se debe resaltar la falta de asociación; problemática en la cual se basara este trabajo ya que, como dice Anónimo 2011, “La importancia de su creación radica en que asociados, los panaderos podrían llegar fácilmente a encontrar soluciones a ese bajo consumo o incluso lograr alianzas para una mayor capacitación” y así facilitar la entrada a mercados internacionales. Para mostrar lo anterior, se analizaran 3 casos de empresas Colombianas, que muestran las diferentes etapas para entrar a un mercado internacional. La primera de ella Noel, con su trayectoria en el mercado Colombia, en este momento cuenta con presencia en varios países de Latinoamérica y Norteamérica. La segunda Pan Pa Ya que a través de su técnica de ultracongelación ha logrado conquistar países en Latinoamérica, Europa, Japón, Canadá entre otros. Finalmente se encuentra Ramo, empresa que aún no ha logrado entrar en mercados internacionales, pero se encuentra mejorando sus procesos para internacionalizarse y para llegar a aquellos colombianos que viven en el exterior. Como complemento se busca resaltar la importancia de la asociación y la creación de clústeres de las empresas colombianas para la generación de productos de alta calidad que satisfagan las condiciones requeridas para entrar en nuevos mercados, teniendo en cuenta las pautas necesarias para generar ventajas competitivas y estrategias de internacionalización
Las estrategias tendientes a la diversificación de los mercados de exportación e internacionalización de la economía por parte del gobierno colombiano y sus políticas gubernamentales han incluido la firma de una serie de Tratados de Libre Comercio, entre ellos el TLC de última generación firmado con El Estado de Israel. Estos tratados además de abordar temas tradicionales de comercio, tratan nuevos capítulos en inversiones y servicios. Así mismo se analizan las principales políticas por parte del gobierno de Israel para la competitividad en términos empresariales y sociales. Más adelante se consideran aspectos generales de la economía colombiana y se analiza la relación comercial bilateral entre el Estado de Israel y la República de Colombia para entender su comportamiento histórico y el ambiente actual. Finalmente se hace un énfasis en el sector agrícola de Israel y sus aspectos que lo han dirigido al éxito, una observación corta del sector en Colombia y luego aspectos adicionales para a facilitación del comercio con Israel. El estudio va dirigido a empresarios, compañías o entes públicos a nivel local e internacional que vean en el sector agrícola colombiano una oportunidad de desarrollo, aprovechando los beneficios de comercio y conocimiento, con el objetivo de mejorar la competitividad y productividad del sector en Colombia. Se utilizan metodologías tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas para la investigación y análisis de caso tomando la información correspondiente de fuentes verídicas e independientes para así poder reseñar y describir las oportunidades y retos del sector agrícola.
La globalización y la dinámica del mundo moderno imponen a las empresas cruzar sus límites geográficos y penetrar nuevos mercados. En este trabajo se abarcan dos empresas para describir a la internacionalización como decisión fundamental para el crecimiento de la organización, la industria y el sector. Por un lado el Grupo Danone es tomado como modelo de éxito, el cual a través de la contraposición de su trayectoria en mercados extranjeros con las teorías de la internacionalización de las empresas, ha demostrado una asertividad que la posiciona como uno de los líderes mundiales en lácteos. Por otro lado, la colombiana Alpina, quien en los últimos años ha posicionado su propia planta de producción en Estados Unidos, es tomada como referente para explicar la dinámica de las empresas colombianas en su búsqueda por exportar y finalmente producir en el extranjero. El análisis comparativo de estas dos rutas logra evidenciar aquellas cosas que las empresas nacionales pueden tomar, o no, de las grandes multinacionales como referencia a la hora de iniciar una ruta de internacionalización.
Investing in real estate markets overseas means venturing into the unknown, where you meet unfamiliar political and economic environments, unstable currencies, strange cultures and languages, and so although the advantages of international diversification might appear attractive, the risks of international investment must not be overlooked. However, capital markets are becoming global markets, and commercial real estate markets are no exception, accordingly despite the difficulties posed by venturing overseas no investor can overlook the potential international investment holds out. Thus, what strategies are appropriate for capitalising on this potential? Three issues must be considered: (1) the potential of the countries real estate market in general; (2) the potential of the individual market sectors; and (3) the investment process itself. Although each step in foreign real estate investment is critical, the initial assessment of opportunities is especially important. Various methods can be used to achieve this but a formal and systematic analysis of aggregate market potential should prove particularly fruitful. The work reported here, therefore, develops and illustrates such a methodology for the over 50 international real estate markets.
Does infrastructure investment stimulate building supply? The case of the English regions, Regional Studies. Policies to improve infrastructure to stimulate regional growth remain common. This paper investigates whether increases in infrastructure investment in the English regions lead to subsequent rises in new commercial and residential property, using time-series modelling. Both physical (roads and harbours) and social infrastructure (education and health) impacts are investigated. Hardly any infrastructure effects with respect to commercial property investment were found, which raises doubts about whether extra infrastructure creates employment, though some impact was related to residential building. Overall, these results raise doubts about the supposed direct effects of infrastructure policies on regional jobs and growth.