922 resultados para In vivo gene expression
Die primäre, produktive Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-Infektion wird im immunkompetenten Patienten effizient durch antivirale CD8+ T-Zellen kontrolliert. Das virale Genom besitzt jedoch die Fähigkeit, in einem nicht replikativen, Latenz genannten Zustand, in gewissen Zelltypen zu persistieren, ohne dass infektiöse Nachkommenviren produziert werden. Die molekularen Mechanismen, welche der Etablierung und Aufrechterhaltung der Latenz zugrundeliegen, sind noch weitestgehend unbekannt. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass zelluläre Verteidigungsmechanismen die Zirkularisierung und Chromatinisierung viraler Genome hervorrufen und dadurch die virale Genexpression größtenteils verhindert wird (Marks & Spector, 1984; Reeves et al., 2006).rnAllerdings liegen die Genome nicht in einem komplett inaktiven Zustand vor. Vielmehr konnte für das murine CMV (mCMV) bereits die sporadische Transkription der Gene ie1 und ie2 während der Latenz nachgewiesen werden (Kurz et al., 1999; Grzimek et al., 2001).rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal eine umfassende in vivo Latenz-Analyse zur Charakterisierung der viralen Transkription in einer Kinetik anhand der alle drei kinetischen Klassen repräsentierenden Transkripte IE1, IE3, E1, m164, M105 und M86 vorgenommen.rnNach Latenz-Etablierung, verifiziert durch Abwesenheit von infektiösem Virus, konnten alle getesteten Transkripte in der Lunge quantifiziert werden. Interessanterweise war die transkriptionelle Aktivität zu keinem Analyse-Zeitpunkt mit der klassischen IE-E-L-Kinetik der produktiven Infektion kompatibel. Stattdessen lag eine stochastische Transkript-Expression vor, deren Aktivität mit voranschreitender Zeit immer weiter abnahm.rnWährend der Latenz exprimierte Transkripte, die für antigene Peptide kodieren, können infizierte Zellen für das Immunsystem sichtbar machen, was zu einer fortwährenden Restimulation des memory T-Zell-pools führen würde. Durch zeitgleiche Analyse der Transkript-Expression, sowie der Frequenzen Epitop-spezifischer CD8+ T-Zellen während der Latenz (IE1, m164, M105), wurde eine möglicher Zusammenhang zwischen der transkriptionellen Aktivität und der Expansion des memory T-Zell-pools untersucht. Die weitere Charakterisierung von Subpopulationen der Epitop-spezifischen CD8+ T-Zellen identifizierte die SLECs (short-lived-effector cells; CD127low CD62Llow KLRG1high) als die dominante Population in Lunge und Milz während der mCMV-Latenz.rnIn einem weiteren Teil der Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob IE-Genexpression zur Etablierung von Latenz notwendig ist. Mit Hilfe der Rekombinanten mCMV-Δie2-DTR, die die Gensequenz des Diphtherietoxin-Rezeptors (DTR) anstelle des Gens ie2 trägt, konnten infizierte, DTR exprimierende Zellen durch eine DT-Applikation konditional depletiert werden.rnIm latent infizierbaren Zelltyp der Leber, den LSECs (liver sinusoidal endothelial cells) wurde die virale Load durch 90-stündige DT–Applikation nach mCMV-Δie2-DTR Infektion auf das Level latent infizierter LSECs reduziert. Diese Daten sprechen für die Hypothese eines von Beginn an inaktiven Genoms, das keine IE-Genexpression zur Latenz-Etablierung benötigt. Zusätzlich stellt dieser Ansatz ein neues Tier-Modell zur Latenz-Etablierung dar. Verringerte Wartezeiten bis zur vollständigen Latenz-Etablierung, im Vergleich zum bisherigen Knochenmarktransplantations-Modell, könnten anfallende Tierhaltungskosten erheblich reduzieren und das Voranschreiten der Forschung beschleunigen.
Bei den Pflanzen sind viele Fragen bezüglich der Organisation und Regulation des bei der Zellteilung und differenzierung wichtigen Auf-, Ab- und Umbaus des Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes noch immer offen, insbesondere was die Rolle des γ-Tubulins betrifft. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Etablierung von BY-2 Modell-Zelllinien (Nicotiana), die verschiedene mit fluoreszierenden Proteinen (FP) markierte Elemente des Cytoskeletts exprimieren, um eine fluoreszenzmikroskopische Detektion in vivo zu ermöglichen.rnAls Grundlage für alle weiteren Versuche wurde eine zuverlässige Methode zur A. tumefaciens vermittelten stabilen Transfektion von BY-2 Zellen erarbeitet. Für die Expression von FP-markierten Cytoskelettproteinen, wurden entsprechende Fusionskonstrukte kloniert und via A. tumefaciens in BY-2 Zellen transferiert. So gelang zunächst die Herstellung transgener Zelllinien, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimierten. Diese sollten später als Basis für die Untersuchung des dynamischen Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes bzw. dessen Regulation dienen. In beiden Zelllinien standen die Konstrukte zunächst unter Kontrolle eines doppelten 35S-Promotors, was zu einer starken, konstitutiven Expression der Transgene führte. Fluoreszenzmikroskopisch konnten Strukturen, an deren Aufbau Mikrotubuli beteiligt sind, detektiert werden. Aufgrund einer starken Hintergrundfluoreszenz, vermutlich bedingt durch die konstitutive Überexpression, war die Darstellung feinerer Bereiche, wie sie im Cytoskelett häufig auftreten, jedoch äußerst schwierig. Deshalb wurde eine schwächere bzw. adäquate Expressionsrate angestrebt. rnPhysiologische Expressionsraten sollten vor allem durch den endogenen γ-Tubulin-Promotor ermöglicht werden. Da die entsprechende Sequenz noch unbekannt war, wurde sie zunächst bestimmt und in ein passendes Konstrukt integriert. Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen der resultierenden Zelllinie ließen auf eine stark reduzierte Expressionsrate schließen. Tatsächlich war die Detektion von Cytoskelettstrukturen, wenn überhaupt, erst bei deutlich längeren Belichtungszeiten möglich. Bedingt durch die langen Belichtungszeiten wurde die Dokumentation durch eine latente pflanzentypische Autofluoreszenz der Zellen erschwert. Auch wenn hier keine detailreicheren Aufnahmen der Cytoskelettstrukturen möglich waren, ist die Zellkultur für weiterführende Untersuchungen, z.B. in Studien bezüglich des zeitlichen Expressionsmusters des γ-Tubulins, potentiell geeignet. Der Einsatz eines sensibleren Mikroskopsystems ist allerdings erforderlich. rnUm klären zu können, inwieweit γ-Tubulin mit den Mikrotubuli co-lokalisiert, wurden Zelllinien benötigt, bei denen die entsprechenden Elemente unterschiedlich markiert waren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Einsatz von RFP-markiertem Tubulin getestet. Eine deutliche Überexpression von RFP alleine war möglich. Trotz mehrfacher Wiederholung der Versuche war aber keine Expression von RFP-markiertem α-Tubulin in BY-2 Zellen zur Visualisierung der Mikrotubuli detektierbar. Die DNA-Sequenzen waren im Genom nachweisbar, eine Transkription jedoch nicht. Möglicherweise spielten hier gene silencing Effekte eine Rolle. Das verwendete RFP (TagRFP) und GFP stammten aus unterschiedlichen Organismen, aus einer Seeanemone bzw. einer Qualle. Eine Lösung könnte der Austausch des TagRFP durch ein Quallen-Derivat, das in einer von grün unterscheidbaren Farbe fluoresziert, bringen. Da bereits BY-2 Zelllinien vorliegen, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimieren, sollte es, nach Klonieren eines entsprechenden Konstruktes, zeitnah möglich sein, eine doppelt transfizierte Zelllinie herzustellen.
Global climate change is impacting coral reefs worldwide, with approximately 19% of reefs being permanently degraded, 15% showing symptoms of imminent collapse, and 20% at risk of becoming critically affected in the next few decades. This alarming level of reef degradation is mainly due to an increase in frequency and intensity of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Recent evidence has called into question whether corals have the capacity to acclimatize or adapt to climate changes and some groups of corals showed inherent physiological tolerance to environmental stressors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate mRNA expression patterns underlying differences in thermal tolerance in specimen of the common reef-building coral Pocillopora verrucosa collected at different locations in Bangka Island waters (North Sulawesi, Indonesia). Part of the experimental work was carried out at the CoralEye Reef Research Outpost (Bangka Island). This includes sampling of corals at selected sites and at different depths (3 and 12 m) as well as their experimental exposure to an increased water temperature under controlled conditions for 3 and 7 days. Levels of mRNAs encoding ATP synthase (ATPs) NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) and a 70kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) were evaluated by quantitative real time PCR. Transcriptional profiles evaluated under field conditions suggested an adaptation to peculiar local environmental conditions in corals collected at different sites and at the low depth. Nevertheless, high–depth collected corals showed a less pronounced site-to-site separation suggesting more homogenous environmental conditions. Exposure to an elevated temperature under controlled conditions pointed out that corals adapted to the high depth are more sensitive to the effects of thermal stress, so that reacted to thermal challenge by significantly over-expressing the selected gene products. Being continuously exposed to fluctuating environmental conditions, low-depth adapted corals are more resilient to the stress stimulus, and indeed showed unaffected or down-regulated mRNA expression profiles. Overall these results highlight that transcriptional profiles of selected genes involved in cellular stress response are modulated by natural seasonal temperature changes in P. verrucosa. Moreover, specimens living in more variable habitats (low-depth) exhibit higher basal HSP70 mRNA levels, possibly enhancing physiological tolerance to environmental stressors.
Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a severe chronic hepatic parasitic disease currently emerging in central and eastern Europe. Untreated AE presents a high mortality (>90%) due to a severe hepatic destruction as a result of parasitic metacestode proliferation which behaves like a malignant tumor. Despite this severe course and outcome of disease, the genetic program that regulates the host response leading to organ damage as a consequence of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis is largely unknown.
Pheochromocytomas are rare neoplasias of neural crest origin arising from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and sympathetic ganglia (extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma). Pheochromocytoma that develop in rats homozygous for a loss-of-function mutation in p27Kip1 (MENX syndrome) show a clear progression from hyperplasia to tumor, offering the possibility to gain insight into tumor pathobiology. We compared the gene-expression signatures of both adrenomedullary hyperplasia and pheochromocytoma with normal rat adrenal medulla. Hyperplasia and tumor show very similar transcriptome profiles, indicating early determination of the tumorigenic signature. Overrepresentation of developmentally regulated neural genes was a feature of the rat lesions. Quantitative RT-PCR validated the up-regulation of 11 genes, including some involved in neural development: Cdkn2a, Cdkn2c, Neurod1, Gal, Bmp7, and Phox2a. Overexpression of these genes precedes histological changes in affected adrenal glands. Their presence at early stages of tumorigenesis indicates they are not acquired during progression and may be a result of the lack of functional p27Kip1. Adrenal and extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma development clearly follows diverged molecular pathways in MENX rats. To correlate these findings to human pheochromocytoma, we studied nine genes overexpressed in the rat lesions in 46 sporadic and familial human pheochromocytomas. The expression of GAL, DGKH, BMP7, PHOX2A, L1CAM, TCTE1, EBF3, SOX4, and HASH1 was up-regulated, although with different frequencies. Immunohistochemical staining detected high L1CAM expression selectively in 27 human pheochromocytomas but not in 140 nonchromaffin neuroendocrine tumors. These studies reveal clues to the molecular pathways involved in rat and human pheochromocytoma and identify previously unexplored biomarkers for clinical use.
Triple-negative breast cancer does not express estrogen and progesterone receptors, and no overexpression/amplification of the HER2-neu gene occurs. Therefore, this subtype of breast cancer lacks the benefits of specific therapies that target these receptors. Today chemotherapy is the only systematic therapy for patients with triple-negative breast cancer. About 50% to 64% of human breast cancers express receptors for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which might be used as a target. New targeted therapies are warranted. Recently, we showed that antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone type II (GnRH-II) induce apoptosis in human endometrial and ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. This was mediated through activation of stress-induced mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), followed by activation of proapoptotic protein Bax, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and activation of caspase-3. In the present study, we analyzed whether GnRH-II antagonists induce apoptosis in MCF-7 and triple-negative MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells that express GnRH receptors. In addition, we ascertained whether knockdown of GnRH-I receptor expression affects GnRH-II antagonist-induced apoptosis and apoptotic signaling.
Boron is one of the trace elements in the human body which plays an important role in bone growth. Porous mesopore bioactive glass (MBG) scaffolds are proposed as potential bone regeneration materials due to their excellent bioactivity and drug-delivery ability. The aims of the present study were to develop boron-containing MBG (B-MBG) scaffolds by sol-gel method and to evaluate the effect of boron on the physiochemistry of B-MBG scaffolds and the response of osteoblasts to these scaffolds. Furthermore, the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) delivery in B-MBG scaffold system was investigated on the proliferation, differentiation and bone-related gene expression of osteoblasts. The composition, microstructure and mesopore properties (specific surface area, nano-pore volume and nano-pore distribution) of B-MBG scaffolds have been characterized. The effect of boron contents and large-pore porosity on the loading and release of DEX in B-MBG scaffolds were also investigated. The results have shown that the incorporation of boron into MBG scaffolds slightly decreases the specific surface area and pore volume, but maintains well-ordered mesopore structure and high surface area and nano-pore volume compared to non-mesopore bioactive glass. Boron contents in MBG scaffolds did not influence the nano-pore size distribution or the loading and release of DEX. B-MBG scaffolds have the ability to maintain a sustained release of DEX in a long-term span. Incorporating boron into MBG glass scaffolds led to a controllable release of boron ions and significantly improved the proliferation and bone-related gene expression (Col I and Runx2) of osteoblasts. Furthermore, the sustained release of DEX from B-MBG scaffolds significantly enhanced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and gene expressions (Col I, Runx2, ALP and BSP) of osteoblasts. These results suggest that boron plays an important role in enhancing osteoblast proliferation in B-MBG scaffold system and DEX-loaded B-MBG scaffolds show great potential as a release system to enhance osteogenic property for bone tissue engineering application.
Gene therapy of the heart has been attempted in a number of clinical trials with the injection of naked DNA, although quantitative information on myocellular transfection rates is not available. The present study aimed to quantify the efficacy of electropulsing protocols that differ in pulse duration and number to stimulate transfection of cardiomyocytes and to determine the impact on myocardial integrity.
To analyze the vascularization of the endometrium via hysteroscopy and to assess its correlation with angiogenic factor gene expression and embryo implantation rate.
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy of women in the developed world. To better understand its pathogenesis, knowledge of normal breast development is crucial, as BC is the result of disregulation of physiologic processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of reproductive life stages on the transcriptional profile of the mammary gland in a primate model. Comparative transcriptomic analyses were carried out using breast tissues from 28 female cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at the following life stages: prepubertal (n = 5), adolescent (n = 4), adult luteal (n = 5), pregnant (n = 6), lactating (n = 3), and postmenopausal (n = 5). Mammary gland RNA was hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip(®) Rhesus Macaque Genome Arrays. Differential gene expression was analyzed using ANOVA and cluster analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed distinct separation of life stage groups. More than 2,225 differentially expressed mRNAs were identified. Gene families or pathways that changed across life stages included those related to estrogen and androgen (ESR1, PGR, TFF1, GREB1, AR, 17HSDB2, 17HSDB7, STS, HSD11B1, AKR1C4), prolactin (PRLR, ELF5, STAT5, CSN1S1), insulin-like growth factor signaling (IGF1, IGFBP1, IGFBP5), extracellular matrix (POSTN, TGFB1, COL5A2, COL12A1, FOXC1, LAMC1, PDGFRA, TGFB2), and differentiation (CD24, CD29, CD44, CD61, ALDH1, BRCA1, FOXA1, POSTN, DICER1, LIG4, KLF4, NOTCH2, RIF1, BMPR1A, TGFB2). Pregnancy and lactation displayed distinct patterns of gene expression. ESR1 and IGF1 were significantly higher in the adolescent compared to the adult animals, whereas differentiation pathways were overrepresented in adult animals and pregnancy-associated life stages. Few individual genes were distinctly different in postmenopausal animals. Our data demonstrate characteristic patterns of gene expression during breast development. Several of the pathways activated during pubertal development have been implicated in cancer development and metastasis, supporting the idea that other developmental markers may have application as biomarkers for BC.
Proteases of Staphylococcus aureus have long been considered to function as important virulence factors, although direct evidence of the role of particular enzymes remains incomplete and elusive. Here, we sought to provide a collective view of the prevalence of extracellular protease genes in genomes of commensal and pathogenic strains of S. aureus and their expression in the course of human and mouse infection. Data on V8 protease, staphopains A and B, aureolysin, and the recently described and poorly characterized group of six Spl proteases are provided. A phylogenetically diverse collection of 167 clinical isolates was analyzed, resulting in the comprehensive genetic survey of the prevalence of protease-encoding genes. No correlation between identified gene patterns with specific infections was established. Humoral response against the proteases of interest was examined in the sera derived from human patients and from a model mouse infection. The analysis suggests that at least some, if not all, tested proteases are expressed and secreted during the course of infection. Overall, the results presented in this study support the hypothesis that the secretory proteases as a group may contribute to the virulence of S. aureus.
Dairy cows with high and low plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations in early lactation were compared for plasma parameters and mRNA expression of genes in liver and subcutaneous adipose tissue. The study involved 16 multiparous dairy cows with a plasma NEFA concentration of >500 mumol/l [n = 8, high NEFA (HNEFA)] and <140 mumol/l [n = 8, low NEFA (LNEFA)] in the first week post-partum (pp). Blood samples, adipose and liver tissues were collected on day 1 (+1d) and at week 3 pp (+3wk). Blood plasma was assayed for concentrations of metabolites and hormones. Subcutaneous adipose and liver tissues were analysed for mRNA abundance by real-time qRT-PCR encoding parameters related to lipid metabolism. Results showed that mean daily milk yield and milk fat quantity were higher in HNEFA than in LNEFA cows (p < 0.01), and the NEB was more negative in HNEFA than in LNEFA in +3wk too (p < 0.05). HNEFA cows had slightly lower (p < 0.1) insulin concentrations than LNEFA cows across the study period, and the body condition score decreased more from +1d to +3wk in HNEFA than in LNEFA (p = 0.09). The mRNA abundance of genes in the liver related to fatty acid oxidation (carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 and very long chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase) and ketogenesis (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase 2) were lower in HNEFA than in LNEFA cows. No differences between the two groups were observed for mRNA expression of genes in adipose tissue. The number of calculated significant correlation coefficients (moderately strong) between parameters in the liver and in adipose tissue was nearly similar on +1d, and higher for HNEFA compared with LNEFA cows in +3wk. In conclusion, dairy cows with high compared with low plasma NEFA concentrations in early lactation show differentially synchronized mRNA expression of genes in adipose tissue and liver in +3wk that suggests a different orchestrated homeorhetic regulation of lipid metabolism.
We previously reported that excess of deoxycorticosterone-acetate (DOCA)/salt-induced cardiac hypertrophy in the absence of hypertension in one-renin gene mice. This model allows us to study molecular mechanisms of high-salt intake in the development of cardiovascular remodeling, independently of blood pressure in a high mineralocorticoid state. In this study, we compared the effect of 5-wk low- and high-salt intake on cardiovascular remodeling and cardiac differential gene expression in mice receiving the same amount of DOCA. Differential gene and protein expression was measured by high-density cDNA microarray assays, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis in DOCA-high salt (HS) vs. DOCA-low salt (LS) mice. DOCA-HS mice developed cardiac hypertrophy, coronary perivascular fibrosis, and left ventricular dysfunction. Differential gene and protein expression demonstrated that high-salt intake upregulated a subset of genes encoding for proteins involved in inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling (e.g., Col3a1, Col1a2, Hmox1, and Lcn2). A major subset of downregulated genes encoded for transcription factors, including myeloid differentiation primary response (MyD) genes. Our data provide some evidence that vascular remodeling, fibrosis, and inflammation are important consequences of a high-salt intake in DOCA mice. Our study suggests that among the different pathogenic factors of cardiac and vascular remodeling, such as hypertension and mineralocorticoid excess and sodium intake, the latter is critical for the development of the profibrotic and proinflammatory phenotype observed in the heart of normotensive DOCA-treated mice.
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is life-saving but potentially harmful for lungs of premature infants. So far, animal models dealt with the acute impact of MV on immature lungs, but less with its delayed effects. We used a newborn rodent model including non-surgical and therefore reversible intubation with moderate ventilation and hypothesized that there might be distinct gene expression patterns after a ventilation-free recovery period compared to acute effects directly after MV. Newborn rat pups were subjected to 8 hr of MV with 60% oxygen (O(2)), 24 hr after injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), intended to create a low inflammatory background as often recognized in preterm infants. Animals were separated in controls (CTRL), LPS injection (LPS), or full intervention with LPS and MV with 60% O(2) (LPS + MV + O(2)). Lungs were recovered either directly following (T:0 hr) or 48 hr after MV (T:48 hr). Histologically, signs of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) were observed in LPS + MV + O(2) lungs at T:0 hr, while changes appeared similar to those known from patients with chronic lung disease (CLD) with fewer albeit larger gas exchange units, at T:48 hr. At T:0 hr, LPS + MV + O(2) increased gene expression of pro-inflammatory MIP-2. In parallel anti-inflammatory IL-1Ra gene expression was increased in LPS and LPS + MV + O(2) groups. At T:48 hr, pro- and anti-inflammatory genes had returned to their basal expression. MMP-2 gene expression was decreased in LPS and LPS + MV + O(2) groups at T:0 hr, but no longer at T:48 hr. MMP-9 gene expression levels were unchanged directly after MV. However, at T:48 hr, gene and protein expression increased in LPS + MV + O(2) group. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the feasibility of delayed outcome measurements after a ventilation-free period in newborn rats and may help to further understand the time-course of molecular changes following MV. The differences obtained from the two time points could be interpreted as an initial transitory increase of inflammation and a delayed impact of the intervention on structure-related genes.