765 resultados para High-strength Steels
The discovery of very slow pulsations (Pspin =5560 s) has solved the long-standing question of the nature of the compact object in the high-mass X-ray binary 4U 2206+54 but has posed new ones. According to spin evolutionary models in close binary systems, such slow pulsations require a neutron star magnetic field strength larger than the quantum critical value of 4.4 × 1013 G, suggesting the presence of a magnetar. We present the first XMM–Newton observations of 4U 2206+54 and investigate its spin evolution. We find that the observed spin-down rate agrees with the magnetar scenario. We analyse Integral Spacecraft Gamma-Ray Imager (ISGRI)/INTErnational Gamma-RAy Laboratory (INTEGRAL) observations of 4U 2206+54 to search for the previously suggested cyclotron resonance scattering feature at ∼30 keV. We do not find a clear indication of the presence of the line, although certain spectra display shallow dips, not always at 30 keV. The association of these dips with a cyclotron line is very dubious because of its apparent transient nature. We also investigate the energy spectrum of 4U 2206+54 in the energy range 0.3–10 keV with unprecedented detail and report for the first time the detection of very weak 6.5 keV fluorescence iron lines. The photoelectric absorption is consistent with the interstellar value, indicating very small amount of local matter, which would explain the weakness of the florescence lines. The lack of matter locally to the source may be the consequence of the relatively large orbital separation of the two components of the binary. The wind would be too tenuous in the vicinity of the neutron star.
It is widely argued that the problems of Greece in the eurozone derive not only from mistakes made by successive Greek governments, but from deep-seated problems with the design of the euro area. The euro area is judged to be incomplete because it does not have any fiscal shock absorbers, nor a federal transfer system, and, according to many, it has imposed senseless austerity on the country. The US, by contrast, is often held up as an example of a complete monetary union in this type of problem could not arise. However, the working of the US is much less perfect than it appears from afar. The ‘genuine’ economic and monetary union, which undoubtedly exists in the US, also has problems in dealing with low-performing states in terms of productivity and governance. Puerto Rico exemplifies these difficulties and shows that in such an integrated area similar problems, including a fiscal crisis can arise. Both Puerto Rico and Greece are very special and extreme cases within their respective unions, but the strength of a system can be measured by how it deals with these cases.
The prevalence of keel bone damage as well as external egg parameters of 2 pure lines divergently selected for high (H) and low (L) bone strength were investigated in 2 aviary systems under commercial conditions. A standard LSL hybrid was used as a reference group. Birds were kept mixed per genetic line (77 hens of the H and L line and 201 or 206 hens of the LSL line, respectively, per pen) in 8 pens of 2 aviary systems differing in design. Keel bone status and body mass of 20 focal hens per line and pen were assessed at 17, 18, 23, 30, 36, 43, 52, and 63 wk of age. External egg parameters (i.e., egg mass, eggshell breaking strength, thickness, and mass) were measured using 10 eggs per line at both 38 and 57 wk of age. Body parameters (i.e. tarsus and third primary wing feather length to calculate index of wing loading) were recorded at 38 wk of age and mortality per genetic line throughout the laying cycle. Bone mineral density (BMD) of 15 keel bones per genetic line was measured after slaughter to confirm assignment of the experimental lines. We found a greater BMD in the H compared with the L and LSL lines. Fewer keel bone fractures and deviations, a poorer external egg quality, as well as a lower index of wing loading were found in the H compared with the L line. Mortality was lower and production parameters (e.g., laying performance) were higher in the LSL line compared with the 2 experimental lines. Aviary design affected prevalence of keel bone damage, body mass, and mortality. We conclude that selection of specific bone traits associated with bone strength as well as the related differences in body morphology (i.e., lower index of wing loading) have potential to reduce keel bone damage in commercial settings. Also, the housing environment (i.e., aviary design) may have additive effects.
A comparative study of the mechanical properties of 20 experimental alloys has been carried out. The effect of different contents of Si, Cu, Mg, Fe and Mn, as well as solidification rate, has been assessed using a strength-ductility chart and a quality index-strength chart developed for the alloys. The charts show that the strength generally increases and the ductility decreases with an increasing content of Cu and Mg. Increased Fe (at Fe/Mn ratio 0.5) dramatically lowers the ductility and strength of low Si alloys. Increased Si content generally increases the strength and the ductility. The increase in ductility with increased Si is particularly significant when the Fe content is high. The charts are used to show that the cracking of second phase particles imposes a limit to the maximum achievable strength by limiting the ductility of strong alloys. The (Cu + Mg) content (at.%), which determines the precipitation strengthening and the volume fraction of Cu-rich and Mg-rich intermetallics, can be used to select the alloys for given strength and ductility, provided the Fe content stays below the Si-dependent critical level for the formation of pre-eutectic alpha-phase particles or beta-phase plates.
Three high chromium white cast irons were examined in the as-cast state to determine the effect of the carbon content on the fracture toughness. The plane strain fracture toughness K-Ic and the fracture strength were measured for each alloy. X-ray mapping was used to identify the phases on the fracture surfaces. Scanning electron fractography and optical microscopy were used to determine the volume fraction of each phase on the fracture surfaces. It was found that most fracture occurred in the eutectic carbides, but that for the alloys with a reduced volume fraction of eutectic carbides, a small amount of crack propagation occurred in the austenitic dendrites. This change in crack path correlated with an increase in fracture toughness. The Ritchie-Knott-Rice model of brittle fracture was applied. It was found to sensibly predict the critical length for fracture for each alloy. Deep etching was employed to examine the distribution of eutectic carbides. It was found that the eutectic carbides formed a continuous network in each case. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Aim. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the levels of muscle soreness, serum total cholesterol (TC) and creatine kinase (CK) in the first 48 hours following fatiguing eccentric exercise performed with the triceps brachii. Methods. Eleven untrained male college students performed a total of 50 eccentric elbow extensions in 8 sets (6x7 and 2x4) with a load equal to 85% of their maximal concentric elbow extension strength. Isometric elbow extension strength, muscle soreness and circumference, and serum CK and TC concentrations were measured before, immediately after, and 2, 24 and 48 hours after the exercise. Results. Statistically reliable changes in isometric strength, serum CK and TC, muscle soreness and upper arm circumference occurred within the first 48 hours following eccentric exercise. Serum TC concentrations exhibited a very rapid (within 2 hours) reduction from pre-exercise values after eccentric exercise to a relatively stable concentration of approximately 85% of baseline. Conclusion. These results suggest that serum TC concentration may follow the time-course of reductions in force generating capacity more closely than other biochemical markers of muscle damage.
The addition of 1 wt-%Sr to AE42 results in an improvement in the tensile strength of the alloy at elevated temperatures of 150 and 175degreesC and an improvement in the constant load creep properties at 175degreesC. The improved elevated temperature tensile and creep strength of the alloy can be attributed to the presence of a strontium-containing phase in the microstructure of the alloy along with an increase in the stability of the microstructure of the alloy at high temperatures. (C) 2004 W. S. Maney Son Ltd.
This study determined the relationship between two measures of field fertility of I I high-use Australian artificial insemination (AI) dairy bulls and thirty standard laboratory assessments of spermatozoal post-thaw viability. The two measures of field fertility used, conception rates (cCR) and non-return rates (cNRR), were both corrected for all major non-bull variables. Sperm viability assessments were conducted on semen collected within the same season as that used to derive the field fertility estimates. These assessments measured sperm concentration, motility, morphology and membrane integrity at thawing, after 2 h incubation and after the swim-up sperm selection procedure. Derivations of these measures and in vitro embryo fertilizing and developmental capacity were also determined. The Genstat Statistical Package [Genstat 5 Release 4.2 Reference Manual, VSN International, Oxford, 20001 was used to conduct an analysis of variance on the viability parameters across semen straws and bulls, and to calculate the strength of correlation between each semen parameter, cNRR and cCR in a correlation matrix. Step forward multiple regression identified the combination of semen parameters that were most highly correlated with cCR and with cNRR. The sperm parameters identified as being most predictive of cCR were the percentage of morphologically normal sperm immediately post-thaw (zeroNorm), the number of morphologically normal sperm after the swim-up procedure (nSuNorm), and the rate of zygote cleavage in vitro (Clv); the predictive equation formed by these parameters accounted for 70% of variance. The predictive equation produced for cNRR contained the variables zeroNorm, the proportion of membrane intact sperm after 2 h incubation at 37 degreesC (twoMem) and Clv and accounted for 76.5% of the variation. ZeroNorm was found to be consistent across straws and semen batches within-bull and the sperm parameter with the strongest individual predictive capacity for both cCR (P = 0.1) and cNRR (P = 0.001). Post-thaw sperm parameters can be used to predict field fertility of Australian dairy sires; the calculated predictive equations are particularly useful for identifying and monitoring bulls of very high and very low potential fertility within a group. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To compare the effects of a 4-month strength training (ST) versus aerobic endurance training (ET) program on metabolic control, muscle strength, and cardiovascular endurance in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Large public tertiary hospital. Participants: Twenty-two T21) participants (I I men, I I women; mean age +/- standard error, 56.2 +/- 1.1 y; diabetes duration, 8.8 +/- 3.5y) were randomized into a 4-month ST program and 17 T2D participants (9 men, 8 women; mean age, 57.9 +/- 1.4y; diabetes duration, 9.2 +/- 1.7y) into a 4-month ET program. Interventions: ST (up to 6 sets per muscle group per week) and ET (with an intensity of maximal oxygen consumption of 60% and a volume beginning at 15min and advancing to a maximum of 30min 3X/wk) for 4 months. Main Outcome Measures: Laboratory tests included determinations of blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A(1c)), insulin, and lipid assays. Results: A significant decline in Hb A, was only observed in the ST group (8.3% +/- 1.7% to 7.1% +/- 0.2%, P=.001). Blood glucose (204 +/- 16mg/dL to 147 +/- 8mg/dL, P <.001) and insulin resistance (9.11 +/- 1.51 to 7.15 +/- 1.15, P=.04) improved significantly in the ST group, whereas no significant changes were observed in the ET group. Baseline levels of total cholesterol (207 +/- 8mg/dL to 184 +/- 7mg/dL, P <.001), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (120 +/- 8mg/dL to 106 +/- 8mg/dL, P=.001), and triglyceride levels (229 +/- 25mg/dL to 150 +/- 15mg/dL, P=.001) were significantly reduced and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (43 +/- 3mg/dL to 48 +/- 2mg/dL, P=.004) was significantly increased in the ST group; in contrast, no such changes were seen in the ET group. Conclusions: ST was more effective than ET in improving glycemic control. With the added advantage of an improved lipid profile, we conclude that ST may play an important role in the treatment of T2D.
Background: The age-related loss of muscle power in older adults is greater than that of muscle strength and is associated with a decline in physical performance. Objective: To investigate the effects of a short-term high-velocity varied resistance training programme on physical performance in healthy community-dwelling adults aged 60-80 years. Methods: Subjects undertook exercise (EX; n = 15) or maintained customary activity (controls, CON; n = 10) for 8 weeks. The EX group trained 2 days/week using machine weights for three sets of eight repetitions at 35, 55, and 75% of their one-repetition maximum (the maximal weight that an individual can lift once with acceptable form) for seven upper- and lower-body exercises using explosive concentric movements. Results: Fourteen EX and 10 CON subjects completed the study. Dynamic muscle strength significantly increased (p = 0.001) in the EX group for all exercises (from 21.4 +/- 9.6 to 82.0 +/- 59.2%, mean +/- SD) following training, as did knee extension power (p < 0.01). Significant improvement occurred for the EX group in the floor rise to standing (10.4 &PLUSMN; 11.5%, p = 0.004), usual 6-metre walk (6.6 &PLUSMN; 8.2%, p = 0.010), repeated chair rise (10.4 &PLUSMN; 15.6%, p = 0.013), and lift and reach (25.6 &PLUSMN; 12.1%, p = 0.002) performance tasks but not in the CON group. Conclusions: Progressive resistance training that incorporates rapid rate-of-force development movements may be safely undertaken in healthy older adults and results in significant gains in muscle strength, muscle power, and physical performance. Such improvements could prolong functional independence and improve the quality of life. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
An inverse methodology for the design of biologically loaded radio-frequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging applications is described. Free space time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions and de-emphasized B-1 target fields are used to calculate the current density on the coil cylinder. In theory, with the B-1 field de-emphasized in the middle of the RF transverse plane, the calculated current distribution can generate an internal magnetic field that can reduce the central overemphasis effect caused by field/tissue interactions at high frequencies. The current distribution of a head coil operating at 4 T (170 MHz) is calculated using an inverse methodology with de-emphasized B-1. target fields. An in-house finite-difference time-domain routine is employed to evaluate B-1 field and signal intensity inside a homogenous cylindrical phantom and then a complete human head model. A comparison with a conventional RF birdcage coil is carried out and demonstrates that this method can help in decreasing the normal bright region caused by field/tissue interactions in head images at 170 MHz and higher field strengths.
In this paper, numerical simulations are used in an attempt to find optimal Source profiles for high frequency radiofrequency (RF) volume coils. Biologically loaded, shielded/unshielded circular and elliptical birdcage coils operating at 170 MHz, 300 MHz and 470 MHz are modelled using the FDTD method for both 2D and 3D cases. Taking advantage of the fact that some aspects of the electromagnetic system are linear, two approaches have been proposed for the determination of the drives for individual elements in the RF resonator. The first method is an iterative optimization technique with a kernel for the evaluation of RF fields inside an imaging plane of a human head model using pre-characterized sensitivity profiles of the individual rungs of a resonator; the second method is a regularization-based technique. In the second approach, a sensitivity matrix is explicitly constructed and a regularization procedure is employed to solve the ill-posed problem. Test simulations show that both methods can improve the B-1-field homogeneity in both focused and non-focused scenarios. While the regularization-based method is more efficient, the first optimization method is more flexible as it can take into account other issues such as controlling SAR or reshaping the resonator structures. It is hoped that these schemes and their extensions will be useful for the determination of multi-element RF drives in a variety of applications.
Resistance training has been shown to reliably and substantially enhance muscle function in older adults and these improvements can be accompanied by improved functional performance. Training variables should be manipulated to enhance muscle strength and minimize injury risks in this population.
To examine the genetic controls of endosperm (ES) specificity, several cereal seed storage protein (SSP) promoters were isolated and studied using a transient expression analysis system. An oat globulin promoter (AsGlo1) capable of driving strong ES-specific expression in barley and wheat was identified. Progressive 5' deletions and cis element mutations demonstrated that the mechanism of specificity in the AsGlo1 promoter was distinct from that observed in glutelin and prolamin promoters. A novel interrupted palindromic sequence, ACATGTCAT-CATGT, was required for ES specificity and substantially contributed to expression strength of the AsGlo1 promoter. This sequence was termed the endosperm specificity palindrome (ESP) element. The GCN4 element, which has previously been shown to be required for ES specificity in cereal SSP promoters, had a quantitative role but was not required for tissue specificity. The 960-bp AsGlo1 promoter and a 251-bp deletion containing the ESP element also drove ES-specific expression in stably transformed barley. Reporter gene protein accumulated at very high levels (10% of total soluble protein) in ES tissues of plants transformed with an AsGlo1:GFP construct. Expression strength and tissue specificity were maintained over five transgenic generations. These attributes make the AsGlo1 promoter an ideal promoter for biotechnology applications. In conjunction with previous findings, our data demonstrate that there is more than one genetically distinct mechanism by which ES specificity can be achieved in cereal SSP promoters, and also suggest that there is redundancy between transcriptional and post-transcriptional tissue specificity mechanisms in cereal globulin genes.
Many potential applications for sintered aluminium are limited by the poor fatigue properties of the material. In order to increase understanding of the fatigue mechanisms in sintered aluminium, fatigue tests were carried out on a sintered 2xxx series aluminium alloy, AMB-2712. The alloy has a fatigue endurance strength of approximately 145 MPa (R = 0.1). Three regions were identified on the fatigue fracture surfaces. Region I contains the initiation site and transgranular crack propagation. When the size of the cyclic plastic zone ahead of the crack becomes comparable to the grain size, microstructural damage at the crack tip results in a transition to intergranular propagation. Region 2 mainly contains intergranularly fractured material, whilst the final fracture area makes up Region 3, in the form of dimple coalescence and intergranular failure. Transgranular fractographic features observed on fatigued specimens include fissure-type striations, cross-hatched grains, furrowed grains and grains containing step-like features. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.