991 resultados para Freimane, Aija: Bibliography of Ludvigs AdamovicŒs


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Background and Objectives: A woman's lifetime risk of major depression is almost twice as high as that of a man. Major depression is associated with a high risk of recurrence, but the question of a differential risk of recurrence between genders is unclear. Based on a systematic review of the literature, this paper attempts to answer the following question: "Following a major depressive episode, do women and men have the same risk of recurrence?". Methods: We prospectively collected all studies from the period 2005-2014 where the variable gender was considered a potential predictor of recurrence. The database has also been expanded with articles cited in the bibliography of the prospectively collected articles and with a PubMed Database search covering the period January 2005-August 2014. Results: Of the prospective studies (n = 98), most found no influence of gender on recurrence risk, but a minority, mostly large sample studies, found that female gender is a statistically significant risk factor for recurrence. Results suggest a probable female-to-male relative risk of recurrence between 1.0 and 1.2. Given the heterogeneity of the studies (length of follow-up, populations, nature of the studies, choice of dependant variables, statistical methods, and available data) no meta-analyses were performed. There are many interfering variables (age of onset, subchronic evolution, treatments, etc.) that can influence the results of prospective studies. Conclusions: Women probably have a slightly higher risk of recurrence after a major depressive episode than men. This increased risk is much smaller than women's much higher lifetime risk of depression.


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Describes the position claiming that the contemporary technologi- cal, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic environment gives us pause to consider the core theory and practices of bibliography, combin- ing bibliography of the work (in library and information science), bibliography of the text (in textual studies and scholarly editing), and bibliography of the artifact (in book history and now digital forensics), and calls for collaborative multidisciplinary research at the intersection of these fields to ask, is there a new bibliography?


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Contexto: a bronquiolite aguda é a principal patologia a afectar a criança nos primeiros 2 anos de vida, a fisioterapia respiratória é uma intervenção terapêutica utilizada com a intenção de melhorar o curso desta doença mantendo-se a incerteza sobre a sua eficácia. Objectivo: determinar a eficácia e segurança da fisioterapia respiratória em crianças com menos de 2 anos com bronquiolite aguda. Fontes de Informação: Medline (1966 a Agosto 2010), EMBASE(1990 a Agosto 2010), Pedro e Lilacs (1982 a Agosto 2010). Outra fonte de informação incluiu a bibliografia dos estudos obtidos. Selecção de estudos: estudos experimentais comparando a fisioterapia respiratória com cuidados habituais, em crianças com menos de 2 anos e bronquiolite aguda, em ventilação espontânea, em qualquer contexto. Estudos pré-experimentais ou observacionais com os mesmos participantes e intervenções foram admitidos complementarmente aos experimentais. Extracção de dados e análise: um investigador extraiu os dados dos artigos obtidos e avaliou o risco de viés. A eficácia e segurança da fisioterapia respiratória foram determinadas pelos seguintes outcomes: duração do internamento hospitalar ou do evento, variação de scores de severidade clínica, saturação periférica e suplementação de oxigénio, recidivas, recurso a antibióticos e efeitos deletérios ou deterioração clínica reportada. Síntese de dados: 6 estudos experimentais foram admitidos. As suas amostras provinham de criança internadas em hospital. As técnicas de fisioterapia respiratória foram comparadas com cuidados habituais. Nenhum estudo evidenciou melhoria dos outcomes de interesse na comparação entre grupos, excepto avaliações de curta duração da saturação periférica de oxigénio e scores de severidade clínica. 1 estudo reportou uma percentagem significativamente maior no grupo submetido a fisioterapia respiratória de crianças que vomitaram, tiveram uma desestabilização respiratória transitória, e na percepção de stress da criança pelos cuidadores. São relatadas ainda fracturas costais a causa de fisioterapia respiratória. Limitações: o risco de viés era alto em 2 estudos, baixo num estudo e indeterminado nos restantes. Conclusões: aparentemente a fisioterapia respiratória não é eficaz e pode produzir efeitos deletérios importantes, mas a evidência é pobre, carecendo de novos estudos.


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The need to increase agricultural yield led, among others, to an increase in the consumption of nitrogen based fertilizers. As a consequence, there are excessive concentrations of nitrates, the most abundant of the reactive nitrogen (Nr) species, in several areas of the world. The demographic changes and projected population growth for the next decades, and the economic shifts which are already shaping the near future are powerful drivers for a further intensification in the use of fertilizers, with a predicted increase of the nitrogen loads in soils. Nitrate easily diffuses in the subsurface environments, portraying high mobility in soils. Moreover, the presence of high nitrate loads in water has the potential to cause an array of health dysfunctions, such as methemoglobinemia and several cancers. Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) placed strategically relatively to the nitrate source constitute an effective technology to tackle nitrate pollution. Ergo, PRB avoid various adverse impacts resulting from the displacement of reactive nitrogen downstream along water bodies. A four stages literature review was carried out in 34 databases. Initially, a set of pertinent key words were identified to perform the initial databases searches. Then, the synonyms of those initial key words were used to carry out a second set of databases searches. The third stage comprised the identification of other additional relevant terms from the research papers identified in the previous two stages. Again, databases searches were performed with this third set of key words. The final step consisted of the identification of relevant papers from the bibliography of the relevant papers identified in the previous three stages of the literature review process. The set of papers identified as relevant for in-depth analysis were assessed considering a set of relevant characterization variables.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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Total and closed dislocation of the talus is a extremely rare injury characterized by a full disruption of the ankle, subtalar and talonavicular joints and it requires an emergency treatment consisting in early reduction of the dislocation. A young male patient a ected of a closed full dislocation of the talus after a tra c accident is presented. e bibliography of the condition is reviewed.


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O presente trabalho, pretende como objectivo geral, contribuir para o conhecimento e aplicação prática do conceito de imparidade de activos, visando aproximar os valores das demonstrações financeiras de uma empresa ao respectivo valor económico. A abordagem é direccionada para o meio empresarial cabo-verdiano onde se pretende chamar a atenção para as mudanças que irão ocorrer a nível contabilístico e fiscal, e em particular no que diz respeito à imparidade de activos. O trabalho foi preparado com base em consulta de bibliografia especializada, de normativos estabelecidos no país e ainda recolha de opinião de profissionais da área. The present work has as general purpose, contribute for the knowledge and practical application of the concept of Impairment of assets, seeking to approximate the values of the financial demonstrations of the companies to the respective economic value. The approach comes to the capeverdian business way, where we intend to alert for what will pass to be accounting practical, the legal and framing in the one that concerns the theme in analysis. The work was prepared with base in consultation of specialized bibliography, of normative established in Cape Verde and still collects of professionals of this area opinion.


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On the occasion of the recent death of the madrilenian culture historian Vicente Cacho Viu, the authors expose the main lines of his historical work. They point out the importance of Cacho's research on the periord of the Restauración, mainly his studies on the liberal education institution Institución Libre de Enseñanza. They also consider Cacho's interest in Catalonia, remembering the time he spent teaching at Barcelona University, paying attention to his works on catalan modernisme. The article includes a systematic bibliography of Cacho's works.


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On the occasion of the recent death of the madrilenian culture historian Vicente Cacho Viu, the authors expose the main lines of his historical work. They point out the importance of Cacho's research on the periord of the Restauración, mainly his studies on the liberal education institution Institución Libre de Enseñanza. They also consider Cacho's interest in Catalonia, remembering the time he spent teaching at Barcelona University, paying attention to his works on catalan modernisme. The article includes a systematic bibliography of Cacho's works.


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This is a classed bibliography of materials by Iowans or about Iowa. It is drawn from the publications: Iowa and Some Iowans, 1988 and New Iowa Materials, 1990 to assist the needs of teachers of Iowa history and literature.


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La publicación en 1977 de "A critical bibliography of Hispanic Arthurial material", de Harvey L. Sharrer (Londres, Grant & Cutler) contribuyó a un mejor conocimiento de los textos conservados, ediciones y estudios de la literatura artúrica y tristaniana medieval en España y Portugal. Treinta años después, este artículo amplía los contenidos de aquel volumen, al recoger los resultados del descubrimiento de nuevos testimonios y de las últimas investigaciones sobre este ámbito, en lengua catalana, gallego-portuguesa y castellana de la Edad Media.


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Adjustement is an ongoing process by which factors of reallocated to equalize their returns in different uses. Adjustment occurs though market mechanisms or intrafirm reallocation of resources as a result of changes in terms of trade, government policies, resource availability, technological change, etc. These changes alter production opportunities and production, transaction and information costs, and consequently modify production functions, organizational design, etc. In this paper we define adjustment (section 2); review empirical estimates of the extent of adjustment in Canada and abroad (section 3); review selected features of the trade policy and adjustment context of relevance for policy formulation among which: slow growth, a shift to services, a shift to the Pacific Rim, the internationalization of production, investment distribution communications the growing use of NTB's, changes in foreign direct investment patterns, intrafirm and intraindustry trade, interregional trade flows, differences in micro economic adjustment processes of adjustment as between subsidiaries and Canadian companies (section 4); examine methodologies and results of studies of the impact of trade liberalization on jobs (section 5); and review the R. Harris general equilibrium model (section 6). Our conclusion emphasizes the importance of harmonizing commercial and domestic policies dealing with adjustment (section 7). We close with a bibliography of relevant publications.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise en sciences infirmières option administration des services infirmiers