999 resultados para Fonctions de Production


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This paper discusses the investment prospects in Tilapia fry and fingerling production in raceways created from the concrete drainage channel of a reservoir or pond of an existing fish farm in Nigeria. With an initial capital of 1,300 and an annual operating cost of 310 spent on procurement of fish feed and brood stock for a 10 m super(2) raceway per se, a net profit of 4,100 and 5,090 would be realized from Sarotherodon galilaeus in the first year and subsequent years of production respectively, assuming that the fingerling production rate has been maintained through the production period. It is concluded that the application of this approach of optimizing the use of available resources in the fish farm for the productive breeding of Tilapia fry and fingerlings will apart from alleviating the problem of scarcity of stocking materials in the country, increase the profit margin accruing to the fish farmer


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Induced breeding technique by hypophysation is being applied at the Kainji Lake Research Institute Fisheries Division Hatchery complex in New Bussa, Nigeria, for the production of Clarias fry and fingerlings in indoor and outdoor concrete tank systems. The hatchlings are fed on livefood (zooplankton) and artificial feed. Source of zooplankton is from cultured stock which is maintained throughout the breeding season by fertilization. Production values show that an average of over 4,000 hatchlings (larvae) can be produced by a female breeder (over-700g wt) and percentage survival after two months ranges between 70 to 75%. With the proposed modification and expansion project, an estimated production of over 0.5 million fingerlings per breeding season is projected


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Since the introduction of Common carp Cyprinus carpio in Oyo State (Nigeria) from Israel in 1964, various local breeding methods have been employed in carp rearing to improve the survival rate at all stages of development during breeding. The physico-chemical parameters of the ponds which were simultaneously investigated for carp rearing in this study includes temperature (t), dissolved oxygen (DO) and hydrogen-ion concentration (pH). However, high rates of water displacement in the breeding ponds were unfavourable to the development of zooplankton which play important role in the food web of C. carpio. The survival rates of 15.88-69.50% and 19.60-33.83% obtained for the egg-hatchling and hatchling-fingerling stages respectively were encouraging. A breeding performance of this magnitude was found to be viable, breaking even in the fourth year. However, an increase in size of this trial project would be more profitable and increase fingerling supply as well as provide employment opportunities. This study thereby provides some baseline information on some local techniques and progress in the propagation of C. carpio and scope for further improvement


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Studies in fish feed technology revealed that there is a potential for big time investment into fish feed production and marketing in view of the growing awareness of fish farming in Nigeria. Intensification of aquaculture is one of the primary methods of food (finfish) production which requires technical knowledge and expertise in the formulation and manufacture of adequate feeds for the cultured species. Studies also revealed that all sort of food items were used by fish farmers ranging from animal dung, groundnut cake etc, to culture fish to table size because of non-availability of rightly prepared feeds. Inadequate knowledge of detailed requirements of tropical cultured species was found to pose a hindrance to formulation despite the fact that a lot has been accumulated in terms of biochemical and nutritive values of food sources in Nigeria. The investigation further revealed the challenges posed to researchers in aquaculture, fish nutritionists and fisheries biologists among others to elucidate the complete requirements of local fish species in terms of their protein, lipid and carbohydrate requirements such that their patents could be made available to companies like PFIZER, IBRU etc, and individuals alike to make commercialization of fish feeds a reality


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A review is made of some of the methods that can be used for mass cultivation of natural fish food and the types of organisms that are cultured, which include various algae and zooplankton. Some examples are given of successful case histories in the mass cultivation of natural fish food in order to stimulate the interest of Nigerian scientists on research activities of live fish food for use by fish farmers in the country


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The importance of fish meal production as a means of reducing fish waste currently being experienced in the fisheries subsector is discussed. Cost estimate for Nigeria establishing a fish meal manufacturing plant and suggestions on rational execution of the project are presented. If properly located and well managed, the project will serve to convert fish waste to cash in the industrial fishery


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Diseases and parasitic problems could constitute significant economic losses in fish production if not controlled, thus the need to continue monitoring its prevalence. Based on field studies on feral and intensively raised fish at the Kainji Lake Research Institute Nigeria, some diseases and parasitic problems have been identified. These include; helminthiasis; fungal disease; protozoa which include Myxosoma sp., Myxobolus spp., Henneguya sp., Trichodina sp., Ichthopthrius sp. bacterial mainly Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., mechanical injuries; death due to unknown causes and economic assessment of myxosporidian infection. Suggestion for disease control in fish production are recommended


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The findings are given of a preliminary study on the appropriate economical feeding rate which would enhance the growth of catfish (Clarias lazera) in cages in Lyi-ojoo Lake, Nike, Nigeria, providing also the details of the design of a practical floating platform that can be used for the culture of fish in multiple cages


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Numerous investigations have utilized various semi-purified and purified diets to estimate the protein and amino acid requirements of several temperate fishes. The vast literature on the protein and amino acid requirements of fishes has continued to omit that of the tropical warm water species. The net effect is that fish feed formulation in Nigeria have relied on the requirement for temperate species. This paper attempts to review the state of knowledge on the protein amino acid requirements of fishes with emphasis on the warm water species, the methods of protein and amino acid requirement determinations and the influence of various factors on nutritional requirement studies. Finally evidence are presented with specific examples on how requirements of warm water fishes are different from the temperate species and used this to justify why fish feed formulation in Nigeria are far from being efficient


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The findings are presented of an experiment conducted to determine the adequate level of calorie in diets that is necessary to bring Clarias gariepinus female broodstock to grand stage. The effect of different calorie level on the quality and quantity of egg produced by C. gariepinus broodstock and the survival rate of the fry fed the same diets and those fed harvested zooplankton were also investigated


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A brief account is given of a pilot demonstration of the chemical control of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) at Ere (a channel) in Nigeria using the herbicide glyphosphate. Results suggest that there was an increase in the nutrient content of the channel after herbicide application. This implied an upsurge of available food for fish and other aquatic organisms within the channel after the herbicide application. The decaying water hyacinth mass which sinks into the medium is likely to boost nutrient content, promoting the growth of fish and other aquatic animals. It is concluded that herbicidal control of water hyacinth is possible, especially under specialists' management with the conservation of fish and other non-target aquatic organisms alongside improved fish production


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Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has been subject of three control methods since its arrival into the Nigerian freshwater lagoon system in 1984 - mechanical, chemical and biological. An assessment of these three methods seems to suggest that mechanical and chemical control methods, both of which being costly, must be applied either solely or integrated to combat the present level of considerable infestation in Nigeria. The biological control methods are advisable for slow, sustained control and can only cope with low levels of infestation. It is thus concluded that the preliminary control method should be mechanical or chemical to effectively abate the nuisance plant, followed by biological control once infestation levels have been sufficiently reduced


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Over the years, Nigeria have witnessed different government with different policy measures. Against the negative consequences of the past policies, the structural adjustment was initiated in 1986. Its aims is to effectively altar and restructure the consumption patterns of the economy as well as to eliminate price distortions and heavy dependence on the oil and the imports of consumer goods and services. Within the period of implementation, there has been a decreasing trend in yearly fish catch landings and sizes but the reverse in shrimping. There is also a gradual shift from fishing to shrimping, from the vessels purchased with 83.3% increase of shrimpers from 1985 to 1989. Decreasing fish catch sizes and quantity aggravated by the present high cost of fishing coupled with the favourable export market for Nigeria shrimp tend to influence the sift. This economic situation is the result of the supply measures of SAP through the devaluation of the Naira. There is also overconcentration of vessels on the inshore waters as majority of the vessels are old and low powers hence incapable of fishing on the deep sea. Rotterdam price being paid for automotive gas oil (AGO) by fishing industries is observed to be discriminating and unhealthy to the growth of the industry as it is exceedingly high and unstable thus affecting planning for fishing operation. Fuel alone takes 43% of the total cost of operation. The overall consequences is that fishing days are loss and therefore higher overhead cost. It was concluded that for a healthy growth and sustainable resources of our marine fishery under the structural adjustment programme licensing of new fishing vessels should be stopped immediately and the demand side of SAP should be employed by subsidizing high powered fishing vessels which can operate effectively on the deep sea


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The paper examines the fisheries resources and activities in Ondo State, Nigeria. As a result of the geographical advantage via location along the Atlantic coast the potentials and constraints of coastal artisanal fisheries in Ondo State are assessed. Practical suggestions and approaches for a successful commercialisation of fishery production are given. These include: (a) Identification of useful and reliable fisheries institutions, (b) Inauguration establishment and coordination of a fishery development agency, (c) establishment of aquaculture technology centres (ATC), (d) provision of fishery development fund, (e) Standardisation of fishery consultancy units, etc